Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

Posts posted by taebins_luver































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    okay, so watching the reruns again,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think Chuck is Jesus, not God.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    when he picked up the phone, he answered 'mistress Magda' (or whatever her name is)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and he places his cup over a magazine which has a prostitue on it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    what lead me to this conclusion is that the claim that Jesus and Magda were married.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SO, i take it that Magda was a prostitute he was waiting for a call from and instead got Dean, lol.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    a lot of people are saying that Chuck is God, and i agreed at one point,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i take back my answer lol.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    thanks for the laughs.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i like it when a guy is himself and not some pompus jerk who thinks he knows everything.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    also a guy who likes to debate without getting super angry pissed.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    someone, after a fight and i poke him, he laughs and tells me to leave him alone like a 6 year old.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    a guy who knows when to stop the joke and be serious without having to be told.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    when we're walking in public, simply holds his out for me to hold without saying anything.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    walk side by side with me and if he gets too far ahead, stops for me to catch up































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and when some random dog comes to me, grabs the dog before he touches me with his wet nose






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    so what is the official return date?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i can't wait, even if it's a sucky season.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    friday, thurday, doesn't make a difference for me.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol @ the cas picture































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lovely really.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. smoked.































































































































    2. consumed alcohol.































































































































    3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex.































































































































    4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex.
































































    5. kissed someone of the same sex.
































































    6. had sex.































































































































    7. had someone in your room other than family.































































































































    8. watched porn.
































































    9. bought porn.
































































    10. tried drugs.
































































    TOTAL: 8
































































    1. taken painkillers.
































































    2. taken someone else’s prescription medicine.
































































    3. lied to your parents.































































































































    4. lied to a friend.































































































































    5. snuck out of the house.































































































































    6. done something illegal.































































































































    7. felt hurt.































































































































    8. hurt someone.































































































































    9. wished someone to die.
































































    10. seen someone die.
































































    TOTAL so far: 15
































































    1. missed curfew.































































































































    2. stayed out all night.
































































    3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself.
































































    4. been to a therapist.
































































    5. been to rehab
































































    6. dyed your hair.
































































    7. received a ticket.
































































    8. been in an accident.































































































































    9. been to a club.































































































































    10. been to a bar
































































    TOTAL so far: 22
































































    1. been to a wild party.
































































    2. been to a Mardi Gras parade.
































































    3. drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night.
































































    4. had a spring break in Florida.
































































    5. sniffed anything
































































    6. wore black nail polish
































































    7. wore arm bands.
































































    8. wore t-shirts with band names.
































































    9. listened to rap.
































































    10. owned a 50 Cent CD.
































































    TOTAL so far: 26
































































    1. dressed gothic.































































































































    2. dressed girly.































































































































    3. dressed punk.
































































    4. dressed grunge.
































































    5. stole something.































































































































    6. been too drunk to remember anything.































































































































    7. blacked out.































































































































    8. fainted.































































































































    9. had a crush on a neighbor.
































































    TOTAL so far: 30
































































    1. had a crush on a friend.































































































































    2. been to a concert.































































































































    3. dry-humped someone.































































































































    4. been called a richard simmons.































































































































    5. called someone a richard simmons.































































































































    6. installed speakers in your car.































































































































    7. broken a mirror.































































































































    8. showered at someone of the opposites sex’s house































































































































    9. brushed your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush.
































































    TOTAL so far: 39
































































    1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper.































































































































    2. seen an R-rated movie in theater.































































































































    3. cruised the mall.































































































































    4. skipped school.
































































    5. had surgery.
































































    6. had an injury.
































































    7. gone to court.
































































    8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping.































































































































    9. caught something on fire.































































































































    10. lied about your age.
































































    TOTAL so far : 47
































































    1. owned/rented an apartment/house.































































































































    2. broke the law in the police’s presence.































































































































    3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf































































































































    4. got in trouble with the police.































































































































    5. talked to a stranger.































































































































    6. hugged a stranger.































































































































    7. kissed a stranger.































































































































    8. rode in the car with a stranger.































































































































    9. been harassed.































































































































    10.been verbally harassed.
































































    TOTAL so far: 57
































































    1. met face-to-face with someone you met online.































































































































    2. stayed online for 5+ hours straight.































































































































    3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight.































































































































    4. watched TV for 5 hours straight.































































































































    5. been to a fair.































































































































    6. been called a bad influence.































































































































    7. drank and driven.































































































































    8. prank-called someone.































































































































    9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex.































































































































    10. cheated on a test.
































































    GRAND TOTAL : 67
































































    If you have less than 10, write “I’m a goody-goody”
































































    If you have more than 10, write “I’m still a goody goody”
































































    If you have more than 20, write “I’m average”
































































    If you have more than 30, write “I’m a bad kid”
































































    If you have more than 40, write “I’m a very bad influence”
































































    If you have more than 50, write “I’m a horrible person”
































































    If you have more than 60, write “I should be in jail”
































































    If you have more than 70, write “I should be dead
































































    man...that's...sad...i don't think i'm a horrible person who belongs in jail
































































































































































































































































    another 2 thursdays to go.
































































    i can't believe they just came back and went on another break so soon,
































































    it was killing me so bad.
































































    i was watching reruns and lying to my bf that it was 'all new' just so i can watch some Jensen^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think Hmong people are getting better at making VDO's,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    not quite as advance as the Americans, but probably like, just 30 years behind them^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    love the tear jerkers though,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the whole 'orphan' thing SOOOO gets me every time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i hate the 'niam yauv' thing where they dump niam loj
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    that whole 80/20 thing (Why Did I Get Married Rule if you've seen the movie)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    nice to know,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    netziens just need to get on with their lives and let stars live their own. sorry if they can't please every net freak out there, but they also have needs and wants. hey, everyone has to start somewhere
































































































































    i asked two sisters talk out what happened to the younger sister,
































    and now the older sister's marriage is breaking apart.
































    it doesn't feel good in protecting my cousin when her sisters marriage is at stake
































































































































    i'd have to say, john smith as caught my eyes lolz
































































































































    number 9 is scary.
































    just the thought of HEARING a baby outside my window is enough to horrify me for life.
































    i duno, maybe it's all the horror movies i watch, but even at that, i'd probably NEVER open the door.
































    babies crying outside my window+the dark night=evil babies with sharp fangs and are out for blood.
































    yes, very educational.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    it's been forever these girls have been a secret.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I thought of a blue hammer. (Yay I'm apart of the 2%) That is sooo weird! O:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i got that too...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    am i apart of the 2%?
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    *dances around*
























    i knew that bastard wouldn't stay dead for long...
















    i cried at the end when he was calling out sams name
































    i duno about some of you ladies out there








    but seeing some of these guys with cancer sticks stuck between their lips








    is HOT...
















    damn, whoever it was, RUINED MY PERFECT IMAGE OF TAEBIN!!!








    i didn't need to know he smoked,








    i'm supposed to bring a non-smoker home to my mom!!








    thanks, thanks a lot, you just had to ruin it huh...
















    may i say, Teddy and Top are SO FINE smokin?








    some guys just make the bad habit, look good









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