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    Lol thanks for saying you would join ms just for that :] But if you do and want to do something to him, his ign is boxangel :D lol











    I was playing maplestory tonight, and some guy said he was going to hack me if I didn't give him something. I exited the trade window right away, and he was like, "i told you so". Now I'm afraid to log off. What the hell. Is this possible, to get my account hacked without really doing anything? I only answered him two lines; does that give him the necessary info to take my account..?








    He doesn't have any nx stuff, so I'm guessing that's what he's after. He never ended up saying what he wanted, he just quieted down when I publicized the convo and his name. Should I be worried...?











    A Walk To Remember








    Sex and The City (Carrie and Mr. Big limo/flower attack scene and yelling, oh no)








    The Notebook
























    Lion King (Mufasa :()








    The Little Mermaid (i have no clue why, but i bawled the first time i saw it, and for some reason i get teary eyed LOL)








    P.S I love You
















    Love Actually








    10 Things I hate About You








    Pretty Woman
















    Pearl Harbor








    Flags of Our Father








    Remember the Titans








    We Are Marshal








    Brokeback Mountain








    Moulin Rouge








    How To lose a Guy in 10 Days








    The Game Plan








    Phantom of the Opera








    Romeo and Juliet








    and MORE!








    oh my god, so many i just can't remember!











    Hey I was wondering about something, is it possible to die while on board a ship from Orbis to Ellinia? And why? I was on it yesterday and wasn't paying attention because the trip's long and I don't wanna just stand there waiting, so I chatted and played spider solitaire [lol] and when I went back to MS there was a note saying that I had to click ok or whatever to be brought back to the nearest city. Some person also invited me to their party and said they could revive me but I clicked ok before reading what they said.








    What happened? Should I be more careful while waiting on the ship? Do monsters get on board too??? -.- I lost all but 50 HP but didn't lose any experience. Did I somehow fall off the ship.. eheh.


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