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Jazmín ArianaF

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Posts posted by Jazmín ArianaF

  1. 04.02.2021<ykgoodfeel> IG Updated




    입춘이 지났지만, 여전히 뚝 떨어진 기온
    이럴 때일수록 면역력을 유지하는 것이 중요한데요,
    좋은느낌과 함께 몸도 마음도 따뜻하게 #티타임 어떠세요?
    특히나 생리통이 심하신 분들은 증상에 따라
    차를 골라 마시면 생리통 완화에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다
    몸이 차고 쉽게 더부륵해지는 분들은
    따뜻한 성질의 꿀에 절인 #생강차
    생리 시 허리 근육통으로 힘드신 분들은
    근육과 신경계의 긴장을 풀어주는 #대추차
    좋은느낌과 함께 따뜻한 차 한잔으로
    몸도 마음도 편안한 하루 보내세요!
    생리 중 챙겨 먹으면 좋은 음식!
    더 자세한 정보가 궁금하다면?
    #우생중 블로그 클릭❤️
    #좋은느낌 #유기농순면커버 #내추럴에어핏쿠션
    #goodfeel #마음까지_편안해서 #피부가_편안해요
    #믿고쓰는 #생리대 #생리대추천 #유기농생리대
    #착한생리대 #여자스타그램 #티타임 #건강챙기기



    Even though the new year has passed, the temperature is still falling 
    It is important to maintain your immunity at times like this.
    Feeling good and warm your body and mind #How about tea time?
    Especially for those with severe menstrual pain,
    Choosing a tea and drinking it can help relieve menstrual cramps
    Those who are cold and stiff easily
    #Ginger tea marinated in warm honey
    For those suffering from back muscle pain during menstruation
    #Jujube tea  to relieve tension in the muscles and nervous system
    A cup of hot tea with a good feeling
    Have a relaxing day both body and mind!
    Good food to eat during menstruation!
    Want more information?
    #Click on the blog during the friendship❤️
    #Good feeling #Organic cotton cover #Natural air fit cushion
    #goodfeel #to the heart_comfortable #skin is_comfortable
    #Resorption innovation for skin_comfort_
    #Believing #sanitary napkin #sanitary napkin recommended #organic sanitary napkin
    #Good sanitary napkin #Women's stargram #Tea time #Taking care of health





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