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Posts posted by babykitten

  1. 4 hours ago, abhishikta said:


    Thirdly, since I've joined the forum I have interacted with many of you. Have I ever been impolite or rude to anyone of you before this? I can't remember because I do treat this place as something amazing. But if my mistake has violated and upset you guys and it can't be overlooked, then please, let me know, I'll cease to post anything in future. 


    So, if it turns out to be my last individual post (I'll have to answer a couple of posts) then I must thank you everyone for giving such a wonderful time.

    Thank you.



    Even though I had only started posting recently, I have been following this thread for quite a while. I dont think you have actually violated or upset anyone, relax! I am sure most people will agree that your inputs have been invaluable, and you should continue to post.

    • Like 10
  2. 20 hours ago, abhishikta said:

    So, um, anyone knows how, in the second part of the novel,  Gu Hai came to know that Yin Zi kept his school uniform hidden inside his pillow?? How that scene went? I'd love to know about it. 

    And are both the boys MIA currently?


    Do not open if you dont want to be spoiled!


    It has been a while since I read the novel, and I think there was one scene where Gu Hai went to visit Yin Zi at his military dorm, and was shocked at how unkempt the room was. Also he was upset that Yin Zi had been eating trash food like instant noodle and things like that. Basically he was unhappy to see Yin Zi not taking good care of himself. Gu Hai was going to change and maybe wash Yin Zi's dirty bedding for him, and reached out for the pillow case (in which Yin Zi had hidden the uniform and slept with it under his head for 8 years, so that he could smell Gu Hai and pretend to hear his heart beats). Yin Zi stopped him abruptly, afraid that he would find out the secret. Later Gu Hai went back to the room and discovered the uniform hidden within the pillowcase, and needless to say he was very touched and emotional. That is all I can remember. Hope that helps!


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  3. @charlie10 Thank you for all those adorable little gifs that you have made! I have gone through only about half of the new bts, but the ones you have chosen really capture the essence of their relationship, particularly the "blossoming" aspect of it. 

    I am sure someone will sub the bts eventually, but just want to say something regarding the leg warming bit in the car... some Chinese fans have been a bit disappointed, as in the clip, it can be clearly heard that CJD was telling/directing ZZ to help warm up and massage JY's frozen legs. However, I still treasure that moment, as ZZ's act of putting JY's legs on his belly to warm them up was enirely spontaneous and totally ZZ's own idea. Moreover, JY's surprise at that selfless act was completely real too, as you can see how surprised and shocked he was.


    18 hours ago, abhishikta said:

    @gesseki I, too, think it was Kitty who fell first. He looked so much like a kid who got his first crush in those early days of shooting. In JY's case, he was definitely attracted but his default hetero'ness was at war with his developing feelings. He often looked distracted, hesitant...like, in dilemma, in those early days. There are some definitive signs and I've my own analyzed theory about this (which I won't be sharing, don't worry, hehe) but the change came so gradually. They were tip toeing around each other and they took baby steps and they fell hard. That's why I never doubted it as a fanbaiting. The way their eyes and hands tell everything that they can't voice leaves me mesmerized. This is pure happiness. 

    Dear world, just let our boys be together...


    Nooooo, why won't you be sharing your analyzed theory with us? Now I am sad...

    • Like 13
  4. 11 hours ago, abhishikta said:
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    Okay, so, I was watching this vid and JY's face left me breathless once again. His face is literally the mirror of his heart. Though this vid is ZZ focused, I got glimpses of JY when ZZ was standing near him......and boy! JY got it hard for our Kitty baby! The way he couldn't take is eyes off ZZ, they way ZZ had to distract him and kept reminding him to look at the fans by gesturing to the crowd more than once....everything was so painfully beautiful and obvious. I don't understand Thai, but I had the English meaning of the song memorized (mostly) and JY's rapidly-going-emotional face along with the lyrics was so telling!!! Oh, my poor heart....it can't take such sweet pains anymore. Anyway, what I actually intended to say is there any JY focused version of this particular video? I feel almost a physical need to watch JY's face more clearly in this video. 

    Happy New Year to you all, once again!!!



    Unfortunately I don't know if there is a JY focused video of them performing this song... I've only ever seen this one, and another video of the whole Shanghai FM, which is JY and ZZ focused, but mostly JY. I don't really remember whether it focused on JY or not during the performance of this song. Maybe you can check it out? 

    In regards to the Shanghai FM, another very interesting JY focused video is the extreme close up of his face while the four of them were singing the ending song. 


    Many fans theorized that JY was reacting this way after ZZ changed the lyrics to "it's because I love you", which was a thinly veiled way for him to declare his love to JY. However, I found that a bit weird because the original line in the song is "it's because I really love you", which is practically the same thing. It is entirely possible that ZZ simply missed two words due to him being choked up. Nevertheless, I really like this video, as it shows that both JY and ZZ were very emotional during this last song, and it really does signify that Addicted the TV show has a special place in their heart.



    • Like 10
  5. I can't believe it... Christmas Eve and more sugary sweets! What is going on?

    So JY did a livestream chat either before or after his handshaking event. He looked so cute when he was playing around with those paste-on funny faces.








    But that's not all. At about 8:46 into the livestream, a male staff member can be heard very clearly speaking to JY from off camera, and what he said was: "Xu Weizhou is looking for you."

    JY was like: "who?"

    And another staff, this time a female, can be heard whispering: "Xu Weizhou".

    JY: "Oh, ok".

    So.... is ZZ calling to wish him merry Christmas? Or even better, maybe to discuss some late night plans? And I love how casual JY reacted, like this happens all the time.

    A bonus sugar: this one is from a fan who attended the handshaking event. She reported that when she was shaking hands with JY, she said to him: "JY, I wish you two hapiness". And JY replied: "Ok, happiness!".




    • Like 17
  6. 6 hours ago, abhishikta said:

    @babykitten Oh. My. Gawwwwwd!! That wallet post just killed me and sent me to YuZhou paradise where I'm rolling on cloud nine!:wub: When I first saw that award show I felt heartbroken. The way they were trying to get a glimpse of each other, the way ZZ was smiling through out JY's interview...the whole thing was too painful to watch. But this....this has altered everything! Now, whenever I'll see that award vid all I'd think about is that they spent the previous night together! *extreme fangirling* You're becoming my candy stash, did ya know? :wub:

     Glad I could be of service! Just curious, a while ago I remember you were asking for an Eng translated version of a particular video? Were you able to find it?


    • Like 4
  7. 11 hours ago, abhishikta said:


    @babykitten Assigning love to specific gender roles are as stupid and derogatory as stating that the life's only goal is to breed and be breeded. Thank you for being so nice and kind. ♡

    You know, last night I thought of something. I think, after acting in Shangyin, meeting JY and getting his support and warmth and love, ZZ is now quite comfortable with himself and his sexuality. In his post Shangyin photos he looks more relaxed and happy and at his element. 

    I need more YuZhou evidence, preferably some current ones. I've craving YuZhou so much!:phew:

    EDIT- just saw your post regarding the charger! Don't be 90% certain, make it a hundred. This many well timed 'coincidence' don't happen even in Disney movies, let alone in real life. And if the Antis scream, then also such uncanny similar tastes they have in little things is itself a YuZhou statement. The ship is sailing like a torpedo, guys! Hallelujah! I've got my craving satisfied! :wub:


    @abhishikta I am glad I satisfied your craving with this extra sweet candy! Check out my post above; it is amazing that they keep giving us new evidence to support both old and new candies!

    • Like 5
  8. This is a reconfirmation of an old candy! ZZ and JY had BBQ together late night/early morning on the 8/9th of April.



    On the night of April 9th, both attended the Billboard Music award, and were sitting away from each other, confirming the rumor that they were being 'separated'. Yet, they still stole glances at each other, and ZZ laughed whole-heartedly at JY's joke while he was being interviewed.(whereas other celebrities in the audience were like "meh, not funny", lol)


    Since filming RFT2, this is the first chance for them to appear together in public. However, many people believe that they have had many, many chances to be together in private. 

    The Billboard Music event was on the 9th of April, and JY arrived in Shenzhen late at night on the 8th. Early morning on the 9th, JY's ex manager posted a picture of the team having a late night BBQ meal.


    Notice the wallet and the cig pack at the top left corner. Many fans had speculated that these belonged to ZZ, and that he was also there having dinner with JY and his team. At the time, people were basing their theory on the cig pack, as this particular brand can only be bought in Korea, and ZZ had just came back from there.

    Yesterday at the Beijing airport, guess who was using a wallet that looked just like the one in the picture?!





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  9. I see nobody has posted this yet... regarding the Pikachu power bank/charger thingy that ZZ was carrying with today. This is kind of amazing!




    So ZZ had this Pikachu charger with him when he was at the Beijing airport, which got confiscated by airport security because there was no capacity information printed in it. Later it turned out that a Thai fan had actually given JY a Pikachu charger that looks just like this one, when she was in Taipei attending the Taipei FM.

    Now, it is possible that ZZ had bought the Pikachu charger himself... but the timing is just very interesting. The boys have been so busy, that the past few days were the only possible days that they were in the same city since JY has gotten back from his impromptu visit in Thailand. And suddenly ZZ has a new charger? A charger that looks exactly like the one that JY received from a fan when he was abroad? And we all know who loves Pikachu...

    I am about 90% sure that JY gave that Pikachu charger to ZZ!

    • Like 24
  10. 9 hours ago, abhishikta said:

    As for the interview incident, it's downright disgusting. We all know that the glamour world is not really so glamourous inside but to treat an artist , who was being livestreamed, like that...that's messed up. I'm feeling like beating the crap out of those morons. Even if ZZ is a gay bottom, a very camp gay bottom, that doesn't give anyone, anyone the right to mock or harass him. Anyone's sexuality, orientation should be noone's business. I know, on a personal level, how horrible it feels to be the target of mocking because of sexual orientation. And I applaud ZZ for sticking to his own way of styling even after that.

    I'm hoarding YuZhou pics at the moment and most of ZZ's pics are just like what I've mentioned in my previous post. But if the type casting is consensual and ZZ is not only doing them for exposure but for personal pleasure also (the 'if' is of utmost importance) then I think he should stick to it. Because a very few people can carry such clothes, such make up and such sensual innocence the way ZZ does. And if he's gay then the gayer the better! I feel like he's my kiddie bro! Awww, he's so cute! They both are! 


    I love your posts♡


    @abhishikta I love your posts more! Lol

    I am sorry that you had been mocked due to sexual orientation; that is just messed up! Love is a celebration of two souls finding each other; who cares if it is two male souls, two female souls or male/female... it does not matter! To limit love to reproductive organs is just silly in my opionion.

    I do like ZZ's style now, as he looks SO good. Compared to his old pictures, he seems to have changed into a different person. Whether it is the power of love or the skill of the stylists... it is up for people to interpret as they like. I just love the fact that he still has very well-defined muscle tones! 


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     @1blankstare here is the video, skip to 1:26:26, after ZZ bent down you can hear some people behind the camera laughing, then JY glancing at them and the laughing is quickly cut off.

    At around 2:02, you can see JY's expression starts to get serious and he keeps glancing at the direction of ZZ and that staff.

    I have not watched the whole video in its full length, but according to some people who have, there were more inappropriate stuff said about ZZ by the photoshoot staff within the video.

    Do you understand Chinese? If you do, this is a post at Chinese tieba forum talking about the incident: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/4515529655?pn=0&

    There are some pictures, as well as a screen capture of that staff's Weibo post. He also noticed that JY was not happy with his behavior during the shoot. Hmmm...

    • Like 11
  12. 2 hours ago, abhishikta said:

    @migdy05 Type casting is a dangerous trap for the rookie actors or models. I'll be happier ZZ concentrates on his music career more. 

    Thanks for liking my post and the cookie, dearie. I'm muncing on it and sending you hugs.:wub:


    Sigh... the thing is, the music industry is not exactly at a high point right now, and even established singers, even if they dont act on the side, still have to participate in other projects, like variety shows or reality shows, in order to promote themselves. Unfortunate for ZZ, he is still not allowed to appear on TV, so that means a lot less exposure for him. That is why I am still hoping that he can secure a film role soon. 


    Regarding typecasting and ZZ's image, some fans have speculated that the scandal might be a calculated move on ZZ's part to shake off his uke image. I dont know how I feel about that theory... but I do hope he can break away from the seductive uke image. There was one incident back in March or April involving a staff member at a magazine photoshoot who was being very handsy with ZZ, and JY was shooting daggers from his eyes from the side line. Moreover, the whole magazine shoot was live streamed, and some fans reported that when ZZ bent down to pick up something, some staff actually stared at his backside, then sniggered and said some inappropriate things. I think as the uke in Addicted, unfortunately ZZ has a harder to shake off BL image. I hope incidents like the aforementioned will not happen again.



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  13. 10 hours ago, abhishikta said:


    I must say the feeling is entirely mutual, @babykitten. You've always been so nice and supportive since I joined. It's always a pleasure to hear from you. *hugs*

    Your information regarding YuZhou ban and the Chinese banning system in general are so precise and detailed that I have a clearer picture now about the matter. So basically, an official 'serious' ban in China means social exile, huh? That actually made the YuZhou ban sound like a mild tap on the wrist. But it also intensified my suspicion that the reason behind the ban was directly related to the country's LGBTQ rights agenda.

    I don't think it's your delusion to think that the boys personal intimacy with each other stemmed their ban, as I also believe it to be the case. It also sounds plausible. If the banning is unofficial, less severe yet concentrates only onto their public appearance as a duo or individual then quite obviously the reason lies behind their reaction to each other. How they react when in close proximity? They can't tear their eyes apart from each other. And how that looks like? It seems very intense and even a most casual fan can feel the sexual tension between JY and ZZ. How the common mass would be influenced by it? They would be more open to understand the homosexual spectrum. Then, who would be triggered negatively by it? People averse to the idea of a same sex couple or anything related to LGBTQ. What should be done to prevent it? Seperate them, ban them, threaten to ruin their career so that they would never have the courage to follow their heart.


    ~~~"If the banning is unofficial, less severe yet concentrates only onto their public appearance as a duo or individual then quite obviously the reason lies behind their reaction to each other. How they react when in close proximity? They can't tear their eyes apart from each other. And how that looks like? It seems very intense and even a most casual fan can feel the sexual tension between JY and ZZ. How the common mass would be influenced by it? They would be more open to understand the homosexual spectrum. Then, who would be triggered negatively by it? People averse to the idea of a same sex couple or anything related to LGBTQ. What should be done to prevent it? Seperate them, ban them, threaten to ruin their career so that they would never have the courage to follow their heart."~~~

    Abbie, this is exactly what I was trying to say, but you said it so much better! :-)

    Yes, an official ban would result in more serious consequences than what ZZ and JY have received. With that being said, it still does not justify their treatment, as they have done nothing wrong! I sincerely hope next year will be better for them. JY seems to have a couple of film projects in the works, which is so exciting! ZZ, on the other hand, I am hoping for some acting jobs to materialize soon. 


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  14. 7 hours ago, abhishikta said:


    It took me more than half an hour to be able to write this as I feel so shaken by the information. Before I launch a tirade let me thank you from the bottom of my heart to take the time and trouble to tell me in such details about the YuZhou ban. You clarified everything and now I have a better understanding of their relationship. 

    What pisses me off the most is that those sparft people didn't even bother to issue an official directive. For what? To save faces? They don't have any, as this ban is wrong on so many levels that I can't even begin to list them! This is the utmost breach of basic human rights!! And they just thrust everything on these two boys, two beginner actors to take the fall! I've read some blog posts where 'fans' actually flamed JY or ZZ for the fall out! But in reality they were just two victims of political propaganda. 

    Before this, I always wondered why banning YuZhou and not FengWen. YuZhou never came out as gays or weren't as touchy feely as FengWen, then why ban only them? If the government was looking for scapegoats in order to ban BL things, then they would have included more people than just JY and ZZ. Whereas, I personally think that ZZ is, at least, Bi and JY is, at least, Bi curious (they obviously arouse each other, and no, having a gf doesn't matter as there are hundreds of gay people out there who are married to the opposite sex), they would have contested the personal banning decision if it were only such a thing. But that not so quite subtle threat of facing 'consequences' if YuZhou even share a stage is the final confirmation that how more dangerous the situation is. I think there is a more sinister thing going on than what meets the eyes. 

    I believe in YuZhou more than ever now. To think that they are still trying to make confirmation about their interest in each other in anyway possible is the most precious thing I've witnessed in a long while. I've been reading old YuZhou stuffs and I can see that the enthusiasm of CP fans are tappring out. There are less and less believers/supporters. Why people can't observe? Even after facing so much obstacles, even after being rumoured to have lost interest in each other, JY and ZZ still accepting couple pics from the fans, still colour codding their clothes, still updating their Weibo in tandem, still arranging their schedules in somewhat similar manner, still giving hopes to the couple fans in so many ways. That's not fanbaiting as both of them have way more individual fans to worry about. I think it's their way to keep their own hopes up. I know those of us, who are still here, do not doubt in YuZhou, and I request you do not ever. The boys may not ever run into the sunset together holding hands, but if they are still wanting our support, skeeing the acknowledgment for their relationship, then we must give them that. I dearly hope that the ban doesn't extend to their private lives and they  still can meet in private or at least through calls and texts.

    Thank you @sohocomo once again for you've strengthened my faith in YuZhou. :heart:





    Abbie, your post always brings a smile to my face. Please keep on being so positive and sweet. ZZ and JY sure need more supporters like you amidst these most trying times. Regarding the ban, @sohocomo has very eloquently summarized the whole situation. It is indeed very, very puzzling, as ZZ and JY seem to have received the first "ban" of this kind.

    There have been serious bans on other famous Chinese celebrities before, and those bans can be very severe, to the point where you simply dont read or hear any news on them at all. During the time that they are banned, it would be like they have disappeared off the face of the earth. Getting jobs in China would be impossible for those banned individuals.

    However, for ZZ and JY, they are still able to work, albeit on a rather limited scale. Mostly they are prevented from appearing on TV shows, hence the whole debacle involving shows like HC, RFT, and Amazing Race. And the ban is not limited to shows involving the both of them, as we later found out that JY had been dropped from a high-profiled TV series, and ZZ had seemed to have lost his role in a movie (he talked about being in a movie in a few interviews around March, but it never came to fruition and was never spoken of again). The ban on the two boys is strict, yet not so strict that ZZ can still record an album and held concerts, and JY was able to appear in a bunch of internet-based shows, and even completed a movie in which he is the main character. They are also still getting media coverage, which, if they are really 'banned', would not be possible at all.

    Thus, their ban is indeed a strange one. I am not an expert on the Chinese entertainment industry, or sparft or whatever it is called, as I am not from mainland China, but I also suspect there is much more going on behind the scenes than we will ever know. Most likely it is the result of a combination of a ban and profit-driven mentality. I read on Weibo that both boys are still regularly getting ‘reported’ whenever they have new jobs, meaning that individuals, most likely competitors, would file complaints on them to sparft, perhaps to stir the pot and intimidate those who dared to extend an invitation to ZZ and JY. One formal complaint I did see involved a red carpet event hosted by Harpers Bazzar that JY attended. I dont remember much about the complaint letter, but I do remember that it had specified that JY had appeared in a show glorifying same sex relationship, and thus it would be bad influece for him to appear at such an event. Basically, a bunch of crap if you ask me. Luckily, not every complaint is taken seriously, and the boys are still able to appear at events and receive awards as such. 

    That is my two cent on the matter. In my delulu (am I using this term correctly?) mind, ZZ and JY are banned because sparft found out that they have indeed become a real couple after the show, and is afraid that their combined charisma and influence will bring about a wave of changes on the social norms. Thus, they are banned to make an example out of them. 


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  15. Spoiler


    In the video ZZ is speaking to his driver. Apparently the driver is at B1, while he and his team had been misled by the driver to go to B2. Thats why he was like, aiya! Lol. ZZ was speaking in normal Mandarin.

    ZZ already finished his photoshoot in Sanya on the island of Hainan, not sure what it is for, but heard from some Chinese fans who followed him around Sanya that he did some shoots around the beach and swimming pool. We will get to see his abs!

    And Jinyu is in Thailand for some rest after finishing the Taiwan fanmeetimg. He also did a photoshoot for the cover of Taiwan Men's Uno, January edition.


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  16. Spoiler
    19 hours ago, Guest ilovemyloveYZ said:
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    heard/read that the ticket just sold 40% for today's fm because of zz's scandal. is that true? why? and read that zz can't/ forced not to comment about his scandal, that's why he posted about locked in dark room. so is that mean he actually want to say something about this scandal? i also saw at yt that zz and his mother followed by paparazzi when they went to bank. his car in that video looks similar in style (but i thought it's not same) with the car behind JY at his selfie few days ago.

    JY looks moody (tired/ sad) yesterday. Hope he's okay and everything's going well with JY FM today.

    I'm sad when this thread kinda quiet. I check this thread everyday and i love you guys so much. Please be strong dear CPF family! 




    Just want to say that is simply not true. The tickets were about 85% sold, which is quite reasonable considering that "Addicted" has been off the air for almost a year. I don't think ZZ's scandal had any major impact on the FM. In fact, a majority of the audience were CPFs. The FM was still quite a success despite some very dry game segments. 


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