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Kareezsa Zanoria

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Posts posted by Kareezsa Zanoria

  1. 1 hour ago, fujoheart said:

    Oh dang. That would surely put kongpob in a tight spot. Is it just me or did arthit have a smirky look on his face? Something that screams "Whatchu gon do now boiiiii?!"

    What should our hero do now? State his mind and risk a possible developing relationship with the senior of his dreams? Stay tuned for next saturdays episode of sotus the series. :phew:

    I feel like each ep Kong understands more and more about what the system is truly doing and that is bringing all the freshman together and being a team.. I bet he'll say a half an half answer haha something like although he doesn't agree with the strictness of everything, he understands the deeper meaning by having the system in place :) I hope so anyways haha

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  2. 6 hours ago, risa_shimazaki said:

    Just watched ep 3 and I still don't get why Arthit wasn't in the meeting with the freshman. The senior said it was because of rumors? Can someone explain it to me better?

    Can't wait for ep 4. Finally we will have some PremxWad! I miss them.

    He got kicked off from being a leader because some bad rumours spread about him (from the freshmen?) and the teacher's found out, so the seniors (?) booted him off. That's what i got from the subs anyway >.<; But then someone explained before in this forum that he got kicked out by the seniors coz Arthit didn't agree with their methods after that freshman girl fainted? I think we'll have to wait for ep 4 :)

    Also is it just me or the subs this week weren't as good as the 1st and 2nd ep? It's weird coz i watched from the same subteam  .. but the quality really dropped this episode :O...I think it's coz they were rushing? lol everyone keeps demanding for eng sub all the time lol

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  3. 13 hours ago, laval said:

    So~ I've been chatting with a thai fan who've shared some scoop on the b-o-o-k with me.

    Apparently the author has a team (and some fans) who look around for people posting spoilers (but I guess it’s mostly from thai sources), but the fan told me it would be ok to post these anyway. So don't go spreading these around too, too much. maybe save this if I have to delete this later lol

    Again, these are major s-p-o-i-l-e-r-s from the b-o-o-k, so it may not be exactly the same in the show:

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    *The fourth graders are not happy about the situation with the girl who fainted under Arthit's watch. So Arthit punishes himself and his senior friends to 500 squats, plus extra laps around the football field for himself-- 54 laps for the ones Kongpob didn't finish in the first episode (the rain scene in the trailer). After this Arthit falls sick. Kongpob feels guilty about this and when he meets Prem outside their apartment complex, who's been assigned Arthit's caretaker and is bringing him food, Kongpob offers to bring up the food to Arthit himself (apparently Prem had another errand to run too so he agreed lol).

    *Arthit meets and has a quick chat with his ex-girlfriend while shopping with Kongpob. The same day Arthit had forgot to shut of his toilet and it had flooded (lol?). So he has to stay over at Kongpob's place. This is where he finds out their rooms are opposite each other's.

    Somehow, Arthit had noticed Kongpob acting weird in the store with the ex-girlfriend, and he questions Kongpob if he has feelings for him-- but Kongpob doesn't answer. Later that night Kongpob, thinking Arthit is asleep, confesses that he does have feelings for Arthit (as we've all seen in the trailer huuu~). After this they can't sleep and stay awake thinking about their relationship x). In the morning Kongpob rises early to get breakfast. But Arthit leaves without eating, saying he's in a hurry.

    *Arthit is afraid of his feelings for Kongpob and Kongpob is afraid of losing the person he likes. They don't speak for a couple of days and Arthit is doing his best to avoid Kongpob.

    *Later, they both attend a wedding where they still don't speak to each other (lol). After the wedding, they join up and walk to a bridge together where they finally talk about their relationship and then kiss. Some pics: 

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    **Toptap's charater is called J and he's a friend of Arthit from his old school. He is not a character in the book. (possible love rival? idk haha)


    Ohhh so this is how it happened huh? Thank you so much for sharing!!! :D

    I hope this wedding thing isn't like way into the future because i'll get mad thinking they didnt talk/avoided eachother for so many years lol.

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  4. 12 hours ago, franeb said:

    here the summary of the pink milk scene

    I did not rewatch the scene to translate so maybe it's not exactly this.

    so KP order minced pork omelette with rice while AT having Gapao ( chicken and basil stir fry) which is a spicy dish.

    AT : you order something kids would eat

    KP : that because I can't eat spicy

    then the waitress serve them their drinks (un)fortunately it's pink milk for AT -_-||

    KP : i didn't know you like pink milk

    AT: *try to deny and tell the waitress that it's not his drink but the waitress says AT order pink milk every time*

    AT was very embarrassing so he tease KP by give his Gapao rice with extra chillies to him before he leaves (´・_・`)

    But when KP asked for bills the waitress said AT already pay for them both ...(///▽///) what a cute tsundere senior lol 



    GAHH!! How cute :D hahaha Arthit trying to lie once again but got exposed lmao I love how he paid for the meal at the end too, such a tsundere senior he is lol i love it :D

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  5. 18 hours ago, cadburygirl said:

    Singto has an obsession when it comes to Krist. He has a preference for certain body parts of Krist. LOL. :D

    Ahaha i love how krist is the one whining at first, then when singto ignores him he slaps his butt and gets all clingy afterwards lol so cute :). It's also interesting to know that singto is the senior in real life and krist is his junior.. i always thought krist was way older for some reason haha

    • Like 5
  6. Hii!! New here on soompi :D

    I decided to join just so I could talk about this wonderful series! Because I am literally so obsessed :wub: haha. I think the premise sounds sooo interesting, I mean I didn't grow up in an asian country so we dont have all this seniority stuff and faculty training/bonding in universities (which makes me so jealous tbh haha) I was hooked straight away from the trailers :) and all the actors are so cute (especially singto *O* like wow this guy is handsome).

    Coming into this show after my MIR withdrawals the approach to this series I find is much better executed. They have very talented and great actors, a story that seems much more natural in it's progression and writing, and a subbing team who are also doing an excellent job I must say!

    Im also bracing myself for the eventual angst that'll happen later on in the show >.<; but for the most part I am just extremely excited to see how this couple will progress and get together in the end :D Kinda almost wish I started watching it later on in the show because now I have to wait every week for episodes again ;~; haha but either way, I really love it!!

    Also, I see some of you guys are really rooting for perm/wad as well :) are they gonna be an official couple in the show too?

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