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Kareezsa Zanoria

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Posts posted by Kareezsa Zanoria

  1. 3 hours ago, hcpoirot said:

    Hi all,

    I had added chapter 13 on the fanfiction story Prem and Wad. Happy reading.

    chapter 13 (Wad met his high school friend? )

    Have not read the story yet? Start to read it from the beginning:

    Gahh i love this fic!! I didnt know any prem/wad fanfiction existed until today :D totally had the pleasure of reading your story, I really love it and cant wait for more development!! <3

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, germanknight said:

    For whoever likes BL series and/or movies i have found (not verified) a wide list of movies and series from ASIA under this link https://yamadayugifan.wordpress.com/2016/05/19/yaoi-live-action-films-and-series-from-east-asia-with-happy-endings-and-english-subtitles-2/ it looks very comprehensive and updated (it has even Ep 8 of Sotus already) you may wish to check if there are misleading details you can contact the author that seems smart enough actually I like the name he has given to the post 'Gay/Yaoi/BL live action films and series from East Asia with Happy Endings (do not thing about massage) and English Subtitles 

    Thank you so much for linking us to this!! Im one of those people that when it comes to gay movies I ALWAYS read the comments first because if i even see an inkling of a sad ending, I dont end up watching it D: im just reaaally bad with angst (and yes i know, i miss some of the best movies in that way) but i prefer movies of this nature to be uplifting and happy :)

    Kinda OT but has anyone watched the BL movie Formula 17?? :D it's honestly one of my most favourite BL movies, not only was it more on the light-hearted side, but the actors were good looking, the romance/story was cute AND it was super funny too :) i definitely recomend this to anyone who wants a happy gay themed movie for once!

    • Like 3
  3. Thank you for your wonderful subs as always @delightful :heart:

    Gahhhh, finally watched the latest episode subbed. oh my gosh, if you found last week's episode touching (with all the senior acts, capturing the flag moments) it's like x10 more in this episode!!  There were so many heartfelt moments, it really made me jealous that countries like these have such initiations! I wanna have these kinds of bonds with my uni mates and seniors too! ^_^

    Also i just felt suuuper sad for Kong in this ep.. everything he did just wasn't going right for him and was being misunderstood. Singto really acted well and emotionally here, I genuinely felt for his character's sadness and frustrations

    Even though i watched the live stream and saw what was gonna happen, i legit teared up at all the sad moments anyways :tears: i.e. Arhit scolding him after catching them drinking and Kong looking like he's on the verge of tears, the moment at the end when Arthit leaves him and Kong looks so heartbroken and defeated :(

    Gosh, if im like this for such tiny conflicts idk how my heart will take it when KongArthit angst is gonna be full on later :bawling:  Ughh I def need  to prepare my heart!! >.<;

    • Like 16
  4. 6 hours ago, pluviophilegirl said:


    One question, Where was Wad?? Why he didn't join the beach activity??

    I was wondering this too!! I was really disappointed that he didn't join :tears: because Wad's character is no longer moody and bratty kid haha so i quite enjoy seeing his cute character now! plus i was also hoping that we'd see more interactions between him and prem in the beach setting!!

    • Like 8
  5. omggg more kong/arthit scenes! :wub:

    I think Arthit came to check up on Kong but instead sees him and the other guys having a drinking session with the girls.

    Arthit looks pissed, probably coz he was worried about him but here he is being all fine and even being able to go drinking after that whole stunt lol (maybe a bit of jealous too? :P) and he kinda storms off again lol. And Kong bloody BOLTS up and runs after him :lol:  lmao the way Kong ran after him... I swear it was like one of those super dramatic yaoi-manga moments!! haha

    • Like 18
  6. Omg the scene is happening now!!

    for some reason the seniors told all the guys to go in the water? while they performed a song in front of all the other girl juniors? (i think lol) Kongphob got super mad about this it seems and confronted Arthit in which Arhit did the whole 'go cool your head' thing. Kongphob goes completely underwater and then you see Arthit freaking out, sprinting to save him like some total baywatch moment haha. Arthit is absolutely worried, asking if he's okay etc then storms off very angry after hearing Kongphob's reason >.<; omgg

    • Like 7
  7. 12 hours ago, premwadftw said:


    I know that there's only bromance in the novel but I would love to see more. I have a soft spot for these two, especially Wad, who seems like a misunderstood introvert (like me!). I could be reading too much into it.  I'm a hopeless romantic so I'll probably go down with this ship. 

    Arthit is too funny! He's sooooo into Kong and he doesn't even realize it. And I too hope that the angst doesn't last more than one episode. Speaking as someone who had to endure two episodes of angsty misunderstandings between Frame and Book in MIR, I will seriously cry. 





    I too, will go down with the PermWad ship however it turns out ;~;

    And whaaat, that whole thing with bookframe only 2 episodes long?? I swear it felt sooo long :( haha. I absolutely hated that though, because it was such a small misunderstanding that could've easily been cleared up and seeing them both angst like that was breaking my heart! Buuut to be fair.. the show did a really good job of reconcilliating the two with that whole confession/officially dating thing!! that was honestly the cutest thing i had ever watched in my life omg :wub::lol:

    • Like 3
  8. 29 minutes ago, originalnickname said:

    About ep. 8 preview

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    So what Prem says is really "I'm sorry" ?! And it seems like he got teary eyes :tears: Maybe he just feels genuinely bad for him, that's why he's starring at him like that ? If he feels love, that'll be weird..... I thought if one would fall for the other it would be Wad, not Prem... (because Prem saved Wad) 

    But what's certain is that Prem realized something at that moment... Maybe he realized that's his responsibility as his senior to help him in this kind of situation so he realizes that yeah, he's been an a$$hole up to that point.....


    Yeah, Prem definitely realised what an absolute a*ss he was being to his junior and felt super sad/guilty about it.. which is not entirely his fault either because Wad was equally being an a*ss too lol. I mean i understand it was a misunderstanding from the start (idt they ever cleared that up tbh? lol) but Wad retaliated badly which worsened the situation. I hope for more romance bromance between these two ;)  :P So yeah, after reading everyone's thoughts i have a feeling it might be like a earn/pete situation.. all ambiguous and stuff at most :tears:

    20 minutes ago, delightful said:

    This is the convo between Arthit and Nott... I knew he would blame the pork!!!!!!! Good save there, Arthit. :phew:

    A: You, call everyone in for a meeting tomorrow. I'm changing the method to capturing the flag. I'm going to make it very hard for them.
    N: What did that Freshman do to you, again?
    A: Did you know that 0062 wanted to study economics? He came here because his mom forced him.
    N: So what?
    A: He said he was transferring!
    N: If he doesn't like it, it's only right for him to transfer. Do you remember Ai'Winn? He also transferred to study arts. So what's wrong with you? Why are you so pissed off? Don't tell me it's just because of that reason?
    A: Nothing, the pork wasn't good. I'll get going. See ya, thank you.

    hahaha omg. Our poor little Arthit doesn't even realise his own feelings and why he's so affected by the idea of Kong leaving >.<; gahh

    Also with how fast this series is going, i reaaally hope they dont try to fill up the episodes by dragging out the angst between Kongpope and Arthit- that's like the worst case scenario, because honestly i dont think my heart will be able to take so much angst :tears:

    • Like 10
  9. 12 minutes ago, primeare said:

    it seems prem is looking one second too long at wad in the next episode preview


    the way they talk to each other is now so levelled and soft as though if they were to increase their voices it'll break whatever atmosphere they are in and it's just killing me here. and i can totally just spend the rest of my time staring at prem staring at wad. as though he's trying to drink in wad's features with his eyes and that small smile that just unconsciously?? appear on his face. 

    I am with you girl ;) hahah.

    Idk why im like this with every show, i ALWAYS seem to really ship the side/secondary couples for some reason (I was also like this with MIR too with bookframe lol)

    Cant believe i have to wait another 7 days for the next ep D: this week honestly felt soooo long omg.

    • Like 9
  10. Nooo its over already!! :tears:

    But omg the beach episode is next week now!! @delightful you were spot on with your predictions :o we'll finally get the scene where Arthit tells Kongpope to cool his head off (and then subsequently 'save' him lol)

    ALSO IN THE PREVIEW WAS MORE PERM/WAD!! :D yesss, there's definitely something going on with them ;) there was such a romantic vibe with all the candlelights as Prem tied the string around Wad's wrist eek! :lol:. And goshh the way Prem was looking at Wad :wub:  (omggg there might actually be another gay couple yayy)

    It would totally be cute to see Prem be the one to pursue Wad coz he was so tough and scary at the start but seeing him all soft like this and seeming to have some sort of soft spot for Wad now is like killing me ;~; ( the actor gunsmile is too cute as well!)

    • Like 12
  11. 16 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

    @meifang89 and any other PremWad shippers>>


    Thaaank you!! I wanted to rewatch this scene so many times after it passed >.<; it went by way too fast haha :)

    EDIT: Omggg i actually just watched it now and realised this is an uncut version!!! IT WAS TOO CUTE. THEY WERE BEING ALL SHY AND AWKWARD AND PREM WOULDN'T LET WAD LEAVE OMG MY HEART :heart:

    • Like 8
  12. GAHH Perm/Wad scene was so short but omg i still squealed at it hahah. There was def some weird air between them :wub: 

    idk if im imagining things but Wad was being all cute and shy ;~; he had a slight smile on his face greeting p'perm (politely now! which means he respects him lol) and Perm's cute face when he watches wad leave gahhh omg :lol:. glad to know they're on good terms now

    • Like 9
  13. Okay, so i finally watched the latest ep and omgg it was so cute ;~; ofc my heart was hurting seeing Kongpope look so worried and guilty like that but it was easily ammended by the next scene of him taking care of Arthit!!! It was so adorable!

    Arthit looked like he was straight up in the Twilight Zone or something with the way he was looking at Kongpope fuss about him hahaha he was so weirded out too by being so lovingly looked after- and from Kongpope none the less. But omg I was so happy seeing them talk so casually about the robots/gundams i was like gahh :grimace:  Arthit seemed a bit thrown off having a conversation between them that didnt revolve around scolding or Kongpope saying cheeky things haha. it was honestly soooo nice to see what they 'can' have beyond the whole tense rebellious-freshman and strict-senior complex going on! I loved it :) i really hope for more moments between them where they see that they can get along and be friendly :blush:

    The perm/wad scene was nice!! But way too short imo >.<; haha I would like to see how their relationship progresses after this, romantic or not :) Also im really liking perm/gunsmile these days.. he doesn't really have much lines or scenes but i oddly find him cute when I see him acting in the background which is weird coz i hated him at the start (he was way too extreme lol) but i feel like the one we see now is how his character normally is :) aaand it probably helps that I think Gunsmile is cute and handsome haha.

    • Like 5
  14. 10 hours ago, delightful said:

    The reason Arthit is crying isn't a bad thing, it's a good thing.. just so you guys won't have to be worried. ^_^ That's also in the novel, he cried because the Freshman's actions touched his heart. ^_^


    Ughhh my heart ;~; Arthit has so much adorable moments!! Also I was wondering what cheeky thing Kongpope said this time for Arthit to say his name like that hahaha, you know if Arthit says Kongpope in a scolding manner it means Kongpope said something flirty/cheeky ;)

    • Like 3
  15. Can I just say, that i absolutely love this community right now?? :D

    Thank you to everyone for sharing all their lil tid-bits and know-hows about the show and the novel for us international fans!! I greatly appreciate it :)

    I also think it's really amazing how so many of us can come together- many of whom were lurkers on soompi for years but decided to make a post/join for the first time becase we all love this one thing in common and it's this amazing series/novel!! It's so great :lol:

    Also would like to say thank you especially to @delightful for being amazing and subbing! And ofc sharing information or parts of the novel :D i honestly die a little inside everytime i read one of your spoilers because kong and arthit are so cute ;~; I get giddy at the idea of things to come from the show, so excited now!!!

    EDIT: also @dreadaeleonkvothe yay fellow Bookframe shippers :D i think by the end of the series alot of fans/viewers of the show favoured bookframe more. But omg i totally agree! Toey is soooo adorable! It's hard to believe that he's 20 sometimes because he's older than Ohm but he's sooo much cuter in my eyes haha :)

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