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Posts posted by majiko

  1. What to say.... what an ending.

    I'm really happy, that KC and OYJ have there happy ending, even though Daddy Oh died. But it was his choise. Like it was mentioned before, one has to die.  :tears:

    What I had wished for, was more scene after that. I would liked to know what happend to the other characters. So this was a little bit disappointing for me.

    But on the whole I'm satisfied with the ending, even if it was to short.

    Do you think that the directors cut has the original planed soryline with all cut out scenes? So maybe we will have 17 episodes there with our option 4. :lol:

    • Like 6
  2. 19 minutes ago, Zelda said:


    However, I think another part of it is that Kang Chul can now only return to the real world by initiating a chapter end, which means that Kang Chul cannot just “poof” himself out of the W world whenever he wishes.

    If I understand right, the rules are:

    1) Kang Chul and other manhwa characters are able to summon people from the real world into the W world.

    2) People belonging to the real world are returned there from the W world when (one of) the main character(s) triggers a chapter end.

    3) With the summoning powers of a manhwa character and yet being a person who belongs to the real world as well, which is Kang Chul's current state, Kang Chul is able to summon himself from the real world into the W world and conversely summon other manhwa characters into the real world.

    4) However, because number 2 now applies to Kang Chul, he can only be returned to the real world via a chapter end. In other words, he cannot summon himself out of W into the real world.

    Which is also why Kang Chul could not just "summon" Yeon-joo back into the real world when he first found out that she had been kidnapped by the killer and taken into W. She has become a manhwa character and is therefore no longer invincible, but she is also a person who belongs to the real world, so number 2 applies to her.


    Sorry for cutting your post, but I think variable 3 is also possible for KC, like he could get himself inside of the manhwa he could also go out by himself. As it was in episode 13 when he disappears from the elevator without a "TBC"-Sign. 

    Your last sentence still bothers me, since I saw the episode. The moment the killer pointed the gun at YJ the episode ends. Thats the reason KC came back to real world. But that should also counts for YJ, so at that moment she should have gone back bevor the killer shot her. So why is that not the case?

    • Like 5
  3. 36 minutes ago, Sice said:


    Hi. Welcome to the club! :)

    Would like to share a few thoughts on your points.

    1. The drugs could have worn off by the time KC was teleported back to the real world, or as KC have figured that HCH is somewhat aware of the tablet's value, teleporting would not assure that the tablet will still be on the same spot when he return inside the manhwa, especially when time can fly there.

    2. I was also asking this tbh, but as far as i remember, there were scenes which were shown with more detail as the story progresses. Maybe they'll use the same strategy to explain what happened here, probably on later's recap or the opening scene.



    Thank you very much. It's nice to be here. Now I really reget to come in touch with you so late. 

    1) Ok. I wont let my mood get spoiled because of this. So I will just take it.

    2) Yes I hope we will get a fleshback that explaines everything.

    And I hope that we will lern why in episiode 6 the sign changed from "The End" to "to be continued. Till now there is no explanation for this. So lets wait and see :)

    • Like 3
  4. Hello,

    It is my first time writing here, but I’m reading your posts since the beginning and enjoyed every post. Thank you very much. Like everyone here, I really love KC and OYJ. The chemistry between those two is so excellent.

    If my friends sad something bad about the drama and that it doesn’t make sence. I was always there to defend W. But I was not really satisfied with yesterday’s episode and that for 2 reassons:

    1) When Kang Chul was captured by Han Chul-Ho why didn’t he use variable 3 to disappear. He could come back later to get the tablet. So there was no need to go through all this. When Han Chul-Ho mentioned that his skills don’t work because of the drugs, I thought ok that makes sence. But than a short time later, after he went back to the real world, he used variable 3 to get Han Chul-Ho to the real world without a problem.

    2) There was no explanation how they saved Yeon-Joo. In the past there was always an explanation that was really satisfying, like in episode 6/7 when he jumped from the bridge and there was a policeboat to save him. Or when he jumped from the building in episode 8 and it turned out to be a dream for him. But how was it this time. She was shot for sure, there was no remove of time. So did her father just remove her wound and that’s it? I hope at the beginning of the next episode I will have a proper explanation.

    But I agree with you there were some sweet and touching scenes to. Like in the hospital when KC is sitting besides OYJ's bed and the sence between KC and his father-in-law.

    So I really hope we get some answers today and we will get our happy ending soon. So KC, OYJ and everyone else "fighting"!!!!


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