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Posts posted by lxs059022


    I have a question? the second hand man of White Suit Guy(WSG), what does he do? does he gather informations for WSG? Is he also running WSG's dirty tricks towards KBS and HCH?


    he's like a secretary or personal assistance to chairman jang, he does all the foot work for the old man but he's not the brains behind any evil plot against KBS or HCH.. he do whatever chairman jang instructs :ph34r:





    watching epi 11 with c-sub now..


    in case anyone is keen, abt the sub-plot of what kim sang & chairman jang has install for KBS as part of his 'punishment' :blink:

    kim sang came up with the idea of putting some stolen pottery at KBS grandfather's place and make KBS (or maybe the grandfather) scapegoat




    but chairman jang say

    this is not important now and proceeded to ask kim sang how come HCH's father is still alive and stealing his things when kim sang told chairman jang 7 years ago that HCH's father was dead


    don't know whether the producers will still carry out this sub-plot or perhaps now there's a change of direction since too much is happening already? :unsure:



    Omo omo omo nearly forgotten an impt thing to announce!!!!! Err dun throw eggs towards me cos I'm diverting from the drama issue. But any singaporean in here? I repeat any SINGAPOREAN IN HERE? Brace urself gals or any1 for that matter. KSA long time partner (just my wish actually) Hyun Bin, is coming to .......... (drum roll please) our island SINGAPORE to start shooting for his drama The World They Live in August for 10 days. :w00t: Imagine that 10 long days. I'm keeping my eyes wide open now. LOL I can hear all the gals fainting n hitting the floor now from this news. Hope no1 is experiencing hyperventilating now. Ciao.


    hi i m singaporean but unfortunately i m only ok with hyun bin (abit disappointed with his movies & series after MNIKSS) but nevertheless will pass this piece of news to some of my frenz who *heart* him :sweatingbullets:



    i am gonna be the optimist here :P HCH's father

    may not be dead... digging up a wallet only... no bones... at least from what i understand so far... but if he is really dead, that would be super duper sad for HCH, father>> dead, brother>> thief...


    if there's a body there, they have to do the DNA test before confirming that it's really her dad


    , right? :ph34r:


    the wallet could have accidently ended up there.. somehow... :phew:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i m addicted to BOTH the show and this thread !!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's on my PC throughout the day while i m working in the office :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i just keep refreshing it every now and then to ready everybody's posts :rolleyes:


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As for LDG, compared to a year or so ago, he has lost weight dramatically. I hope he recovers a few pounds, it sure would look better on him (also, if he really plans on doing his military stint by the end of the year, if he's still in that kind of shape (just thinkin about the filming of the "digging a hole" scene) they'll wipe the floor with him.)...


    isn't there this 'law' in korea regarding military service that if you are the only son in the family you could somehow be excused? :unsure:





    in the preview for epi 10 there was 1 scene whereby HCH walk into a conference room look-alike place and seated there at the table was KBS and 2 guys from the team


    it seems like the guys were chatting away happily then HCH walked into the room :mellow:


    so maybe KBS is building up some kind of rapport with the other guys in the team afterall? :huh:


    just a thot... :sweatingbullets:



    About the rain scene... I understand why he was so emotional to even hug her.


    hi kanshu :)


    yes i thot the exact same thing as you when i see that the next day he gave his R letter, he must have thot during the rain scene: 'i might never see her again' :tears:


    but what led to KBS taking back his R letter? :blink:


    can any kind soul translate that part? :sweatingbullets:



    You explained it better than I did. That's exactly how I understood it from the c-subs. The way you explained it was better than I did. Sorry if I confused anyone.

    I'm still confused with the excuse that the senator used to obtain the 1 part of the first book. I thought since that's a stolen item and is deemed a national treasure, no one can lay claims to it, except the government.



    the senator's argument to claim back the book - he didn't know it was a stolen artifact and he paid $ for it so rightfully it now belongs to him


    lame argument :tongue2:


    but since he's a politician i guessed he used whatever power/authority to pressure the museum people to return the book to him :crazy:





    oh i get it now i get it now!


    after watching epi 7 with c-sub last nite i finally understand something abt the scroll from Chairman Jang


    i think we are suppose to see it as an entirely separate piece of artifact # 238 that was stolen by HCH's father 7 yrs ago


    (even though it is obviously the same piece of paper (prop) that KBS removed from the elderly man Lee's antique book in epi 2)


    now i can rest in peace :rolleyes:



    Hi, merela. I'm totally confused about the Part 1 and Part 2 of that

    particular stolen book. Are they 2 books? Or are they part 1 and


    part 2 of one book? Were all these stolen by CH's father 7 years


    ago? It's one book or two books?



    this book thingy is confusing everyone! :wacko:


    pls correct me if i m wrong.. :sweatingbullets:


    - there was originally 1 ancient book


    - subsequently this book was split into 2 parts


    - 1 part ended up in the hands of the senator (this was the one that was stolen by HCH's father)


    - the other part was passed on generation by generation in the village of elderly man Lee (who brought his portion to the museum in episode 2 and KBS 'discovered' the hidden paper between the pages)


    so are we to assume that there was also a hidden paper in the book that was with the senator? was that what you were trying to explain, merela?





    hi it's my 1st time posting :sweatingbullets:


    (have so far been reading everyone's posts and enjoying every miniute of the show! :) )


    abt the scroll that was stolen from KBS apartment... isn't that the same piece of paper that KBS took out from the elderly man's book in episode 2 ?


    how did it end up with the Chairman Jang when it should have been kept by the museum people after KBS removed it from the book ?


    or did MBC just happen to run out of props so they re-used the same paper? :huh:


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