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Posts posted by ic3chubb3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Reading some of the stories you guys shared is such a cute and sweet thing to do... I'm so glad that the Wonder is definitely spreading all throughout Asia.. I've absolutely no doubt about our girls' attractiveness and charm ~ ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Okay, just because i gt so bored..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (I really MISS the girls ~ ~ T_T)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    one question

    what about their upcoming drama by BYJ and JYP?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    how come they can find time to film all those shows?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    not to mention the comeback in 2nd half of this year...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JYP has announced that WG would not be starring in the drama as main leads.. But we have no idea if they may or may not have small or maybe cameo roles..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Check out the news page: http://cutegiurl.wordpress.com/2009/01/07/...for-dream-high/

































































































































    Please do us the favor to remove this from this thread, thank you... It's

    really disrespectful and I don't see who would want to see it in this thread...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry for cutting your post dothat36, i'm totally on ur side.. I closed that page with the video after the first few pictures was shown and i couldn't stand the pictures anymore..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To wgahnsohee, If u're really a fan of Sohee hopefully you will take the video and the links down soon..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ Welcome milk*tea to the thread.. Don't be afraid of posting!!! We won't bite, promise.. =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I got this from the Big Bang's schedule.. Not sure if its confirmed because our girls' schedule is not updated as of now yet..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    TV MBC Drama MBOX - Big Bang vs Wonder Girls
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sun Jan 25 10:30am – Sun Jan 25 11:30am
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Created ByBig Bang Schedule [managed by melodygreenleaf & gyang]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Are our girls having another collaboration with BB??? ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sohee's awesome pics for Numero Magazine.. Those first 2 released don't do the rest justice.. These are totally HOT!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The first is definitely my favourite.. She looks so sensual...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Our mandoo has definitely grown ~ ~ ~\
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Edited... ulynn you're one step ahead of me!!! =)

































































































































    all members in the Gook family ,they are trouble makers for LDC

    GooK help him ? I don't think so, using him and killing him any time
































































































































































































































































































































































































    YR : selfish love , seduced him , married Mike , Mike treated her very nice ,the other hand jealous with other female beside LDC, She's not loyal-wife ,not faithful lover ,her words some time are not polite :rolleyes::sweatingbullets: I'm really tired of YR :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Mike ? took his lover , and when he got trouble he run to meet him .
































































































































































































































































































































































































    All Gook's gangsters, They 'll kill LDC anytime ( for Gook )
































































































































































































































































































































































































    That's stupid love :sweatingbullets::blush:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm sorry to ask but are you sure you are really watching the entire show from beginning??? ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































    It was DC who went to Gook for help in the beginning.. Not the other way round. He was already sure of Gook's personaility but for the sake of revenge and his family, decided that its the best way out for him. Gook wasn't helping him.. They were merely making use of each other at that time, for gaining their own benefits.. DC should be aware that he is moving in deeper into such dangerous situations by collaborating with Gook.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    And YR seducing DC???? <_< If DC does not have any hint of feelings for her, the story would probably end its episodes by 16.. They were once deeply in love with each other.. Nobody knows for sure whats happening now or the future but its obvious that both gave up alot for each other.. If YR was selfish, she would not have even married Mike but begged DC to flee with her.. If you are tired of her character, blame the writers.. Actors and actresses don't get to choose the amount of screentime they have. :rolleyes:

































































































































    I'm not sure about 긴선예 (Kin Sun Ye)

    but 서녜 Is just a cute way of typing her name differently.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Cus usually you type her name as 선예 (Sun-Ye) but instead, they type Su-Nye for fun...So it doesn't mean anything, its just a funny way of typing her name differently such as if someone's name is Julia, but everyone types it as Jooliah for fun
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i hope that makes sense! lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can someone tell me, which episode of Wonder Bakery is that big bang strawberry gif from?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Its on Episode 7 of Wonder Bakery.. Towards the ending part.. Hope that helps!! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyway so the girls' next schedule would be tomorrow right??
































































































































































































































































































































































































    [기타] 20:00 ~ 21:00 오크밸리 Winter Festival (1)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    [Others] 20:00 ~ 21:00 OAK Valley Winter Festival (1)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Its gonna be cold i guess.. Hope the girls take care of their bodies.. Lots of people seems to be down with cold recently..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    God.. I was kinda freaked out by Sohee's new photoshoot.. I like the 2nd picture so much better than the first.. The first one looks like a little boy with Micky ears puffy hair.. ^^ Second one is really cool though.. Sohee carries off that attitude well.. But I still like our cute little mandoo better..
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't resist sharing this pic i found on Wonderholic.. Our girls are literally ON FIRE !!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credits to Wonderholic
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ The Chinese characters are actually Sunye's Chinese name.. I'm not sure why it is there as well ~ ~ ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyway looking at some past pictures that you guys posted, I'm suddenly feeling so glad that the Wonder Girls are these 5 lovely girls and not any other girls.. I like how the girls are really loving towards each other and how they rarely have any solo activities that leave out some members of the group..
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Looking at the gifs that Transition posted, the ones of Yoobin and her fellow ex-group member fooling around and that to the next picture of Yoobin kissing Yeeun's cheeks. I suddenly realized that the girls are really close and bonded as a group.. You can't feel any jealousy or ill feelings within the 5 members and they complement each other really well.. I really like how all members are like supporting each other instead of trying to be the main limelight in the group..

































































































    I know they're working on it but man I like a little from alll three:

    ★ W O N D E R G I R L S ★ (원더걸스)Official Thread 2: The wonder continues...
































































































































































































    I really like that star title. B) It stands out
































































































































































































    I tried an extra space btw R and G but it's not taking..































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here I come to contribute some ideas as well..
































































































































































































    ★ W O N D E R G I R L S ★ (원더걸스)Official Thread 2: The wonder continues... by Wickerman
































































































































































































    I like this title as well.. It sounds simple but fit the 2nd thread really well.. But I thought it would be a little better if it can be edited to ★ W O N D E R G I R L S ★ (원더걸스) Official Thread 2: The Wonder Continues...
































































































































































































    ★ W O N D E R G I R L S ★ 원더걸스's 2nd Official Thread: WON to the DER to the GIRLS by me
































































































































































































    Thanks CharlotteDarcy for all the effort you put it for WG second thread.. We really appreciate it ~ ~ ^^
































































































































































































































































































    ^ A-OH It seems like your signature banner is too huge..
































































































































































































    Take a look @ the signature rule page.. I don't want you to be warned.. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyway i left this picture out when i posted a few pages back..
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credits to me if taken out of thread pls. Thanks!
































































































































































































































































































    YEA!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY A 2ND THREAD In celebration of our BIG BIG second thread for the girls, i have some graphics to share.. ^^
































































































































































































    I've posted 2 at the previous thread but just thought I could add them here in the new thread as well..
































































































































































































    Hopefully you guys will like it ~ ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pls credits to me if taking out of thread, big thanks!
































































































































































































































































    Alone in Love HANDS DOWN for me.. <3333 That drama was everything a drama should be. Fantastic plot, realistic characters, wonderful directing, real acting.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well seriously am i the only who kinda freaked out seeing them eating the raw slices of beef again n again???
































































































































































































































































































































    It seems kinda grossed-out to me.. hahaa probably just me anyway.. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































    Kim Rae Won is doing great as Sung Chan. He's so lovable, believable and just like any living human that you might meet on the streets, not those fictional story-plot kinda of characters. I love wat Kim Rae Won brings to the drama, he sort of adds his own personaility into each character he plays, making them so believable.

































































  15. m0010004opencityph0.jpg

    There is nothing special about the genre of "Open City," opening nationwide today. It is easily categorized as a crime thriller. But the subject of pickpockets operating in broad daylight is fairly unusual, perhaps the first ever Korean flick devoted entirely to the street-smart thieves.

    Doubly unusual -- or strange -- is director Lee Sang-ki's attempt to incorporate a femme fatale theme into the film in a bid to turn it into an erotic crime thriller. There's no question about the beauty of Son Ye-jin ("April Snow," "The Classic") but it is an open question whether she is really up to the task of a tantalizing seductress.

    Son plays Baek Jang-mi, which means "white rose" in Korean. If the name is too tacky, so be it. After all, her role is tackier -- a female boss of a small pickpocket ring keen to expand its territory in Seoul.

    Baek Jang-mi draws some attention from authorities in both Korea and Japan by staging a series of high-stakes pickpocket forays in Osaka. Once she returns to Seoul, local police duly begin to track her every move, though her official job is a tattooist clad in a revealing dress.

    Another dangerous woman named Kang Man-ok (Kim Hae-sook) comes into play. Kang used to be a veteran pickpocket, and the list of her crimes and convictions is quite long. As soon as Kang serves her time in prison, she encounters her former ring member, Baek Jang-mi, who hides her thorns inside.

    Baek has set up a new pickpocket team and she wants Kang to lend her legendary hands so that they can hit it big, while conquering the lucrative market areas such as Myeongdong and Dongdaemun.

    But the old "stealthy" hand expresses her will to stay clean by chewing none other than the sharp blade, a key tool used for stealing money from unsuspecting merchants and ordinary people.

    What Kang does not foresee in her right decision to avoid the crime scene is her crisscrossed past, which has compromised her future. At the end of the lethal human spectrum stands Cho Dae-young (Kim Myeong-min), a talented detective who has a traumatic experience about his mother.

    The movie breaks some fresh ground or cuts out numerous pockets by offering a close glimpse of how the experienced pickpockets approach and distract their "marks" and steal the targeted money. The tricks are rather simple. The members always work a tightly controlled procedure: first, they scour the street to select a victim; second, one member approaches the target and creates some distractions on the spot; and, finally, "the machine" with the sharp-edged blade makes a cut in the handbag or a coat, passing the money to another member.

    While the routine is realistically portrayed, some of the details involving the pickpocket thieves are also cautionary. For instance, if you realize your money is gone, do not attempt to chase the obvious pickpocket, because it can lead to a life-threatening situation. In the dirty and dark world of street thieves, there is a vicious technique called "branch-cutting," referring to the thief's relentless move to block the victim's chase, often by attacking with knives or blades.

    Except for the realism of the shady acts, "Open City" leaves too many cinematic aspects open to criticism. The most glaring problem is Son's mismatched femme fatale role. Son's heavy makeup, cleavage-showing dress and other accoutrements combined evoke the famous seductress Kim Hye-soo in "Tazza: The High Rollers," but stops short of mimicking Kim's superficial features only. Son changes her dress frequently, often to the colorful yet gaudy -- something that a secretive pickpocket boss never puts on for fear of attracting attention on the street.

    The plot that connects detective Cho's not-so-happy childhood with the veteran pickpocket "machine" Kang seems at once half-baked and overdone.

    Though there are some audacious pickpocket-eat-pickpocket moments, the movie's frequent use of extreme violence and an extremely flat lead performance do little to salvage the fatal flaw -- an erotic crime thriller that is neither too erotic nor very thrilling.

    By Yang Sung-jin (insight@heraldm.com), poster from CINE21

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG i cant believe JJH is de character of the boss of de antique cafe... i've jus finished de japanese version n i cant sae hw much i realli love it... i realli cant imagine JJH being de charismatic owneer who always seems to hav a darker side.... TOTALLY ANTICIPATING!!!! 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