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Gabi Bros

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Posts posted by Gabi Bros

  1. This is what I posted as a hidden content on another post.

    I know I may be alone in this hahaha but I don't think is her hand. For me, is his right hand grabbing her hand into his neck. He want it passionate. You know what is good of that scene? Seems natural and that both characters are willing to kiss. BUT is a KOREAN drama after all...I will maintain my expectations low in kiss scenes. :rolleyes:

    I still think the same. Good thing for me is that she has her eyes closed way before the kiss. Because O.O cliche is a big NO NO for me.

    EDIT: I hope SBS will release a BTS of that scene after we watched it on the drama. :lol: 

    • Like 7
  2. SCARLET HEART: RYEO @MoonLoversSBS fan account make a 4 day poll since July 6 in which the total votes were 1,456. Results: 4th prince-Haesoo won with 39%. For me, all the princes look good with her, but the close battle will be between 8th and 4th because are the ones that she has developed feelings for. And I think 4th will be the final winner. Also thinking 10th and 13th will be quick crushes (they have couples for them later played by Z.Hera and Seohyun). I am mixed between 8th and 4th. And later on, will come 14th hard (maybe?). I adore Jisso...maybe I will root for him (in the middle of the drama?) because 14th was the love that I like the most in Bubujinxin (no matter if it was one-sided). 14th didn't love her at the beginning in Bubujinxin. :sweatingbullets: I think will be 8th vs 4th and later on 4th vs 14th and no more. In the Movie of Bubujinxin was only a battle between 4th and 14th, that 14th won in the end. 
    OLDER POLLS from a month ago:
    June 6th. In @MoonLoversSBS poll 10th prince-Haesoo won with 37% (4th prince with 36%, 8th prince with 18%,13th prince with 9%). Were 1,141 votes in total. 


    June 8th. In @IUtemstarcandy poll 8th prince-Haesoo won with 35% (10th prince with 32%, 4th prince with 23%, 13th prince with 10%). Were 726 votes in total. 






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  3. 1 hour ago, Utin said:

    Hello...I've been lurking around this thread and can't wait until the series is released.  Has anyone seen Jade Palace Lockheart?  I think that one is another version of the story but the girl ended up with the 8th prince.  :blink:

    I have never watched it. I will give it a try. Thank you for the info. :) 

    I have made a quick search about PALACE PLOT:


    Luo Qingchuan is a simple and kind-hearted girl from the 21st century. One day she accidentally travels through time and ends up in the 1700s, in the Forbidden City, during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor. She meets her favourite historical figure, the fourth prince Yinzhen, the future Yongzheng Emperor. However, she has to learn the hard way that history books do not always tell the whole story and her broken heart might just be mended by the most unexpected person. Her wit and knowledge of the future puts her right in the middle of the heated competition for the throne. Can she alter history? Whom will she fall in love with? Whom will she choose?

    OMG is the same plot! Palace and Scarlet Heart drama were released at the same year (2011) with same amount of episodes (35). Different writers: Palace by Yu Zheng (screenwriter) aired in January and Scarlet Heart by Tong Hua (novelist) aired on September.  Scarlet Heart novel was published in 2005 online by Tong Hua. Why is this plot so similar and not related to Tong Hua? A time travel girl that meet the Qing dynasty princes of the forbidden city is a genre on its own in dramas? Ok...I am confused now. Confuse mode ON :lol:



    Hahahahaha. :P

    @Utin Me too...I can't wait for Moon Lovers! :( 

    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, peny said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    I still can not understand people being salty about the age difference between nicky and liu shi shi. Did they have no eyes to watch liong/shi interview and interaction, in happy camp liu shishi keep fooling around and tease nicky alot. She poked him when he did a push up and in other show she poked him again when they reverse role and reenact scene from BBJX. Poking someone in real life is not the same with poking them on facebook. She definitely closer to him than other casts from BBJX and their chemistry is so good that I think if not because of them BBJX would never be the same. They are so happy together too. Why the fans being so mean :dissapointed_relieved:

    As for IU and LJG, I feel the casting is so on point, IU is known for her mature personality and her famous bestie yoo in na is much older than her. In my opinion she will connect better with older actor tho.

    Sorry for my rant, I need to get it out of my chest. :P




    Oh! But they are married now... People are unhappy with that!? Many people love the couple. I was more into the friendship of Liu Shi Shi  and Yuang Hong (13th) in the drama, only to know now that they are real best friends way before the drama started. :P Friendship goals! 




    Maybe the hate won't stop but the happiness of Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi is the only think that matters... don't let that bother you...as long as they are happy (even with the hate), it's okay. I am not a fan...but I can feel is a mutual feeling and I think both are nice people. ^_^

    I think IU and Lee Joong Gi are ok with the age difference because for me he looks young. Also, let's remember that she has almost a 3 year relationship with her boyfriend who is the same age of Joong Gi. It won't be a problem. :)

    • Like 7
  5. 16 minutes ago, meahri66 said:

    I can picture it now, the princes banded together to bring down ultimate Running Man tiger, Kim Jong-Kook.That would be soooooooo epic and something I would LOVE to see. Who would win?! Our sexy and handsome royal brothers from SHR, or the extremely competitive Running Man team?? I can see our fierce 4th prince, Joon-Gi facing down a muscle-flexing Jong-Kook, and then Kwang Soo and Haha taking every opportunity to cheat to ensure a win. I REALLY HOPE SBS IS PLANNING SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!

    Hahaha Woww...i am loving the idea! :D


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  6. I will share this article about Bubujinxin...I found this fragment interesting because doesn't it sound similar to what ML-SHR have experienced? Of course we don't know what will be the final result with ML-SHR, but because of their chemistry I am having good vibes. :blush:

    "I vividly remember the drama casting backlash – Nicky too old and ugly, Kevin too old and ugly, Shi Shi not enough screen presence to play Ruo Xi, why is Yuan Hong not the lead, who the heck is Lin Geng Xin and why he is 14th Prince, and on and on. Even during the filming everything looked chintzy and small scale. Fans of the novel were writing off the drama, and fans of the actors were just praying this wouldn’t bomb that badly. Of course the result was probably the biggest drama pleasant surprise ever, with everything clicking, especially the chemistry between Shi Shi and Nicky. Their real life age difference worked because their characters had an equally as big age difference. But chemistry is chemistry and they had it in spades".


    • Like 12
  7. @peny About the hand I think....


    I know I may be alone in this hahaha but I don't think is her hand. For me, is his right hand grabbing her hand into his neck. He want it passionate. You know what is good of that scene? Seems natural and that both characters are willing to kiss. BUT is a KOREAN drama after all...I will maintain my expectations low in kiss scenes. :rolleyes:



    • Like 5
  8. 10 minutes ago, meahri66 said:

    Since we're on the topic of the leaked picture, I will admit to being greedy and hoping SHR will at least be similar to the C-version in that Hae Soo will get to share kisses with both 4 and 8 (I definitely have a bias, but I find both extremely appealing...so I'm not even going to try denying myself the opportunity to enjoy both relationships).

    Yes! I feel the same. :blush:

    • Like 6
  9. 27 minutes ago, angelangie said:


    hmmmm i wont think it is forbidden, they probably leak it to heighten up the anticipation.

    Yeah...probably. I read that someone related to the production team pursposely uploaded them on facebook for chinese promotion...but then later he deleted all. I dont know why...and I am not sure of this info either. =/ What I know is that fans or at least IU's fans (me included :lol:) were telling people on social networks to please do not spread or upload the leaked photos because the owner has already deleted them. I thought they were leaked unintentionally but maybe it was un purpose. We will never know.  

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