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Tari Tari

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Posts posted by Tari Tari

  1. Okay, I'm back again after a loonnnggg looooonnnggg time. And now I need to read more than a hundred pages just to catch up.. And with my limited time, I don't know when I will catch up with you guys. I wanna ask a lot of spoilers and questions since I'm behind. I'm still on page 1372.

    Is the ban still exist? Or is there some christmas miracle already?

    Are they coming out already? (finger cross, finger cross... it's just my delulu self)

    Now, let's get serious. Can anyone tell me about Peacebird? what is it? What's the connection?

    And if you guys wanna spoiler me about what's been going on, with their special occasion and so on, please be my guest ^^ I miss them so much. Thank you

    • Like 6
  2. Just when I thought I will only read the newest update, I found myself reading more than 100 pages to catch up. That's how much YuZhou got me. I just can't stop myself from loving them. My love for them, the 2 of them, is boundless. 

    When I first saw the series, I thought they would look good together. My fujoshi side hoped they are together. Then the ban and YuZhou happened. Maybe it's just me easily influenced or not, I believe YZ is real. They are really together and I support them with all my heart. 

    I never support any CP but I just can't not supporting them. But I still worry for them. What if they break up and become stranger? What if their life ahead will be much crueler? I just don't want that to happen. 

    But now, after a couple of months without them, I found out about the candies and it just too much. They are stronger than ever. JY instagram, ZZ concert, I just... I believe them. I believe in their love. I believe they can go through anything. And I will always support them. No matter what. 

    I don't care how their love start. I don't care that I can't see them together. It's their private life and it's fine for me to know what they let us to know. I just believe them. I just wish they are free, especially from the ban so they won't worry anymore. And if they don't want to be seen together after the ban, I will still accept their choice. That's how much I love, believe, and support them. But if they let us know they are together, just like CJD, maybe I could also say "my fujoshi life is complete" :D

    • Like 23
  3. @victorianlegend Thanks for the advice. But with a lot of stuff going on for me, and how fast this forum keep updating, I guess I'll settle with once a week. I decided that today. I'll treat myself for YZ on my day off. If not, I don't think I can function properly everyday. Since after seeing their news, I need to calm myself down for a while. Or else I'll roll on my bed for a few minutes and itchy to write about them.

    So here it is https://www.wattpad.com/290752604-yuzhou-fan-fics-special


    Now, both Jingyu and Zhouzhou are back in Beijing. They will have time together for a while. Not as much as they’d like but it will do. They’ve been missing each other so much that being in the same place is already a privilege for them.
    Jingyu is back from buying some meals. He is not in the mood to cook today. He misses his boyfriend and wants to spoil him so much but somehow he’s just not in the mood to go to the kitchen and put on an apron. 
    Zhouzhou is already lying on the bed. He looks so exhausted after his trip from Korea. The concert was a success and he loves his fans so much. He’s thankful for them. But he’s just a human being who can feel tired. He’s not invincible at all. Maybe Jingyu is also just tired.
    Seeing Zhouzhou’s sleeping face, Jingyu doesn’t want to disturb the sleeping beauty. He understands his boyfriend so well and knows it’s time to give him some time to rest. They can just talk later. No matter how much he misses that younger guy, he wants to let him rest peacefully. So he sits beside his boyfriend quietly and sleep. He doesn’t hug Zhouzhou who’s already in the land of dream by now because he doesn’t want to wake him up by mistake. He’s just happy sleeping in the same bed as his boyfriend after some alone time. He could sense the warmth spreading throughout his body and gives him a comfort like nothing else. That’s one of Zhouzhou’s effect on him.
    Zhouzhou, even when he’s deep in sleep, his body sense the presence of the one he misses so much. He tosses around until his body found the source of the warmth it felt. He unconsciously rests his head on Jingyu’s chest and snuggle closer. Jingyu just smiles at that sight. His cutie pie never cease to amaze him.
    Since Zhouzhou is the one who took initiative, Jingyu pulls the sleeping guy closer into his warm embrace. This action makes Zhouzhou moves to find the most comfortable position for him. They are really made for each other’s embrace. 
    Jingyu kisses Zhouzhou’s soft hair and close his eyes. He can’t erase the smile on his face knowing he’s now with the one he’s been dreaming of for days. Lacking for Zhouzhou’s presence, Jingyu doesn’t care wether it’s a dream or not. The only thing that matters to him is Zhouzhou by his side so he could just stare at the beautiful face that captivated his heart.
    They both sleep for more than an hour and wake up at the same time when Zhouzhou is trying to stretch his body. That guy is surprised finding himself sleeping inside Jingyu’s arm. No wonder he slept so well. 
    “When did you come?”
    “Hmm.. Not sure. How’s your sleep?” Jingyu is still half asleep.
    “Great, thanks to you. You must be tired as well.”
    Jingyu hums in agreement. “That’s why let’s stay like this for a while.”
    Zhouzhou likes the idea and hugs Jingyu tighter. This put a smile on Jingyu’s face. “I miss you so bad.”
    “I miss you like crazy.”
    Jingyu finally opens his eyes and landed a peck on Zhouzhou’s lip. “Now that you’re here, I don’t care about anything else. I could just stay like this forever.”
    “Seems like you’re getting better at sweet talks,” Zhouzhou teases his boyfriend. He misses teasing his dearest.
    “That’s the effect of missing you so much.”
    “Are you sure it’s not because you’re practicing with someone else?”
    “And who might that be?” Jingyu still maintains his calm.
    “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”
    Jingyu looks at Zhouzhou’s eyes, trying to find out if he’s boyfriend is serious or just teasing him. “Are you serious?” he can’t find the answer.
    “Don’t worry. I’m not jealous or anything. I just saw how friendly you are with the other casts. I’m happy for you.”
    From the beautiful guy’s tone, he’s certainly not jealous or angry. But it still makes Jingyu uncomfortable. Well, he’s got nothing to feel guilty about but still he feels the need to explain.
    “Listen, Zhouzhou. They are all just friend.”
    “I know.”
    “I love only you.”
    “Jingyu, I know. I told you I’m not jealous or anything. I’m just teasing you.”
    “Are you sure you’re not jealous? You’re not bothered by it?”
    Zhouzhou push his body a little further so he can see his boyfriend clearly. He thinks he went to far with his joke and make Jingyu worried for nothing. As much as he loves Jingyu, he trusts that guy with his life. He knows just how much Jingyu loves him and he won’t ever cheat on him.
    “Sorry. I went too far. But I’m really fine. Well, just because we’re in love together, it doesn’t mean we become attracted to every guy we meet. Or did you?”
    “What? Of course not. You are a special case.”
    “That’s what I think as well. You are special for me and I’m special for you. I can’t just get jealous with all of the guys you’re close with. Neither can you.”
    Jingyu finally relaxes himself. Zhouzhou is really just teasing him. At least he’s relief that he doesn’t make his boyfriend angry or upset. He doesn’t want to hurt that cute little, well perhaps, big guy.
    “And you really make sure to keep some distance with women. I thank you for that. But you don’t really need to force yourself. You can be friend with everyone, from now on I won’t get jealous easily. I trust you.”
    “I’m not forcing myself. Well, I just don’t want to give anyone false hope and complicated things. And it’s not my fault that I can’t be more affectionate because since I met you, I can’t see anyone else.”
    Zhouzhou giggles hearing Jingyu saying that out loud. “Stop saying that seriously. I’m still not used to it.”
    Jingyu laughs looking at Zhouzhou’s response. Even though that guy saying he hates it, he still blushes so cute. Jingyu lifts Zhouzhou’s chin and pulls it towards him. Closer and he kisses the full pink lips he’s been missing.
    Zhouzhou pulls himself up and puts his hand on top of Jingyu’s chest and continue kissing his boyfriend. He becomes more aggressive and startles Jingyu a little. Jingyu doesn’t expect Zhouzhou would be that aggressive and it turns him on. Zhouzhou continues tasting every crook inside Jingyu’s mouth and when they’re just about to take a breath, Zhouzhou bites Jingyu’s lower lip gently. Sending the other guy to moan unconsciously. 
    Hearing Jingyu moans because of his small action, he smirks and gets more confidence with what he’s about to do.


    • Like 13
  4. Here's another FF https://www.wattpad.com/288988511-yuzhou-fan-fics-mother

    I really hope anyone can tell me how to keep up with my life and this forum. How to balance things. Since I don't want to miss a thing, but I can't really leave my life as well T.T



    Jingyu’s plane to Shanghai has just landed. He has a few things to do but first of all, he needs to call Zhouzhou as always. It’s already become their habit to call each other before and after they have a flight. 
    They didn’t flight that much before so at the beginning, with a lot of flight schedule, they could be there for each other. If something happen they are there for each other. But after they have separate schedule, not being on the same flight got them anxious. Calling each other before and after is the only way to calm them down. To make sure nothing happen to the other guy they can’t live without.
    “You landed. How’s the flight?” Zhouzhou sounds happy on the other side of the phone. Jingyu feels blessed he could hear the voice he’s fallen in love with again. Though he could still sense tiredness in Zhouzhou’s voice. That guy is still in Korea and Jingyu could only suppress his longing as he knows the other guy feels the same.
    “It’s fine. Nothing special.”
    “Where will you go first?”
    “To your parents. I’ve gotta say hi at the least.” Jingyu keeps his promise to sometimes visit Zhouzhou’s parents whenever he is in Shanghai. He’s a really good soon to be son-in-law.
    “You don’t have to. I already told them you will be busy.”
    “It’s fine. I could always make time if it’s about you.”
    Jingyu yawns a little. He feels sleepy after the flight and besides, he’s really tired these days. This got Zhouzhou worried.
    “Really. You always get the chance to get closer to my parents. But I don’t. That’s just not fair,” Zhouzhou try to sound irritated and persuade Jingyu to cancel his trip to his parent’s home.
    But this plan seems failed when Jingyu just laughs it off. “Said the guy who always call my parents?”
    “That’s still different,” Zhouzhou sulks for real.
    “Listen. My parents love you more than me now. If your parents also side with you, I will be at disadvantage. I do this for my future.”
    This time Zhouzhou laughs. He can imagines how Jingyu would look right now saying all of that and that image is really cute in his mind.
    “When you are dealing with me, they won’t be of any help much. You know I always have my way,” Zhouzhou teases his boyfriend.
    “Well baby, your way is my advantage,” Jingyu teases back.
    Zhouzhou blushes hearing that. “You shameless.” Jingyu laughs hard. He knows Zhouzhou must feel embarrassed if he call him names.
    “Zhou, I need to get going now. And I’m visiting your parents. That’s final. I’ll call you later.” 
    “Whatever,” Zhouzhou gives in.

    — — — 

    Zhouzhou’s parents welcome Jingyu into their home. They already met Jingyu a few times and know his relationship with their son. They treat that big guy as their own son. And they are so glad to hear about Zhouzhou from him. As Zhouzhou’s parent, they know his son won’t tell them everything in case they will get worry. So, from now on they can always ask Jingyu and they entrust their son in his hand. 
    “Uncle, Auntie,” Jingyu says hi.
    “If you told me earlier, I could prepare something for you,” Zhouzhou’s mom only prepare a few dishes today.
    “It’s fine. Today I won’t be long. I have another appointment after this.”
    “Come on then. Let’s eat first,” Zhouzhou’s father asks Jingyu to eat with them.
    Jingyu gladly follows them and enjoy his meal. They didn’t talk much because Zhouzhou’s parent want Jingyu to eat peacefully. They know he’ll work again after this and they could meet again later.
    After they finished their meal and Zhouzhou’s mom put the plates away, they begin to talk. Waiting for the time Jingyu needs to go. 
    “How’s Zhouzhou? Is he okay?” Zhouzhou’s mom always worry for her son.
    “He’s fine. Don’t worry. I nag him a lot to take care of himself.”
    They all laugh due to Jingyu’s answer. Zhouzhou really deserves a lot of nagging. He won’t take care of himself without someone nagging at him. They all know that.
    “Then, how’s your relationship? Everything’s good?” this time Zhouzhou’s father asks.
    “Ah, yes, yes. Everything’s good.”
    “You two can’t see each other often right?”
    “Yes, but we always talk on the phone. And we are both prepared for this. Don’t worry.”
    “Good. As long as you keep in touch and being sincere to one another, everything will be fine.”
    Jingyu is really glad that Zhouzhou’s parent could accept them. With both of their parents’ blessing, he doesn’t need to be scared anymore. He just needs to do his best to protect the one he cares about. He won’t back down and feels like he has the world already in his hand.
    “How long will you stay in Shanghai this time?”
    “For a while.”
    “Then, please come here more often. I will cook for you.”
    “You don’t have to,” Jingyu is flustered.
    “It’s fine. She likes cooking and it feels like our son is home when you’re here. Please come more often.”
    Having both of Zhouzhou’s parent inviting him, he couldn’t say no. Although he knows Zhouzhou won’t like it too much, he can’t defy these two people who gave life to Zhouzhou. The person he loves the most ever.
    Jingyu thinks about something to give them as a thank you. Zhouzhou mentioned before that they used to have a dog. That his parents really love pet. Seeing they probably feel a little bit lonely, having a pet would be good for them. It will keep them occupied as well so they don’t worry too much about their son.
    “I will try to come often. But please don’t prepare too much. I don’t know if I could come everyday.”
    “Fine. Just come when you have free time. We’ll just have a simple warm meal together.”
    Jingyu feels a bit relief since he won’t be troubling his boyfriend’s parent.
    “Oh, that’s right. You should call your mother. She said you didn’t call her lately.”
    That caught Jingyu off guard. He never thought his parents are in touch with Zhouzhou’s parents. He never gave them their contact information. And he could swear Zhouzhou would never do that as well. They just want to take it slow. There’s still no plan to let their parents meet or do anything together.
    “T-that’s… I’ve been too busy.”
    “Both of you are just the same. Remember, even when you two are so busy, please take care of yourself and don’t forget about us. We, parents, will always worry about our children.”
    “Y-yes,” Jingyu politely answers.
    “But I see that you’re not too busy to call each other,” Zhouzhou’s mom teases Jingyu who blushes instantly.
    “Auntie,” Jingyu feels guilty for some reasons.
    “Hahaha. I’m just joking. But please call us once in a while.”
    “Sure. But… how did you?”
    “Her phone number? We already exchanged our number back then. But we never knew we will be this close.”
    “Back then?”
    “When you two were still filming. Your mother contacted me first. She got my number from the staff if I’m not mistaken.”
    Jingyu just nods slowly while putting everything together. He didn’t know any of that. And he’s sure Zhouzhou didn’t know as well. Just how close are they? He will tell Zhouzhou about this later. 



    • Like 13
  5. Ok, first of all, with all of those candies, I bought YZ millions%. I can't find anything that tell me otherwise. Anyway, let me ask you this because I really need help. It's really hard for me to keep balance between reading this forum and my daily activities. Since the forum is updated too fast, seems like I can't keep up. How could you guys keep up with it?

    Now, can someone tell me what clothes did the boys wear that's the same as the day before? Even if they both stay a night together, it's still in Beijing so they probably stay in one of their house. How come they didn't change clothes? Is there something special with the clothes?

    And what is it about walking freely on the street and beer? Sorry I don't get what make you guys excited. Guess I miss something since I've been busy lately.

    Last but not least, could 5mileslove be CJD? I mean she's resourceful and obviously a CP fans. She knows both of them well. She could made up a team perhaps?

    • Like 8
  6. Hi everyone ^^ I'm so glad to be back. I was back yesterday but still in lurking mode. I need to catch up with this forum so I just read the pages I missed and I did miss a lot. Some were candies and rainbow and some were dark. But it's just like YZ and the stupid ban. Thanks for the candies ZZ threw at us on his concert I just can't stop my delulu for waking up again. And he looks so sexy adorable in his short close up video. Thankfully I ship both of them so much that I don't plan on falling for either of them. And congrats for ZZ being voice actor. I hope JY is doing well despite being under the radar for now. 

    Oh, and congratulation for @Scandani being Legend. 

    Honestly, I had a lot of stuff I want to comment on but I'll just post this new FF as a greeting after a while gone https://www.wattpad.com/283089060-yuzhou-fan-fics-ring



    Zhouzhou stands proudly on the stage in front of thousands of his fans. He sings his songs one by one and reminisce about his journey this year. He couldn’t even imagine he would be doing this this year. Having his solo concerts and a lot of fans cheering. 
    He just remembered how Jingyu told him that everyone will love him. And right this moment, he really feels loved by many. He also sings the songs that has special meaning in his heart, surprising everyone that came. Songs that prove his bond with his current boyfriend. They guy who gives him the most beautiful and greatest love on earth. It’s no longer his own journey. It’s gonna be their journey, together.
    This beautiful singer also shows three pictures of him. Those that hold special meaning for him but he doesn’t really need to explain it to everyone. Deep down, he knows the only person who need to understand him will know the meaning once he sees those pictures. Instantly understand what he’s saying with those three pictures. 
    In this world, only the two of them could understand the meaning behind each one of them. They have their own memories about those moments but they both understand how special they are for each other. No words needed anymore. 
    The fans not only cheering and expressing their love, they also sing along. Somehow, this atmosphere is really special for Zhouzhou since he’s performing his songs in a country which language is different than his. The concert is almost end when suddenly Zhouzhou get teary eyes. He’s been holding himself back and right now all of memories between him and Jingyu resurface inside his brain. It’s like watching a playback of his life and they are all filled with their memories together. 
    How he wishes that Jingyu could be there with him. During this special night and this special atmosphere, everything will be perfect if his beloved could be there with him. Watching over him and would hold him when he goes to backstage. 
    Thinking of Jingyu only make Zhouzhou miss him more than ever. He unconsciously holds the green belt that’s hanging from behind his t-shirt. He barely able to contain himself and continue his concert. He realises that his feeling is no less hurtful than Jingyu’s feeling. That guy must feel a lot worse every time Zhouzhou has his concert and he couldn’t be there. 

    — — —

    The concert ends well. It was a really big success for Zhouzhou. He felt touched and it’s like he could still hear the cheering. He thanks everyone for their help and support. The concert won’t end this successfully without them. 
    Zhouzhou is back at his room after everything is done. It felt like everything is just a dream. After being around those many people and feel loved, now he’s all alone inside his room. He feels so lonely and he just wants to hear the voice he’s been missing this whole night. The voice he miss everyday.
    After reaching for his phone, he wants to dial immediately but got himself surprised when there’s an incoming call. He immediately answers.
    “Jingyu? H- how?”
    “Hey. I asked your manager to tell me when you arrived at your room. He just told me.”
    Zhouzhou is speechless. He wanted to tell Jingyu a lot of things but suddenly hearing his voice just freeze his brain. He’s now hearing the voice he wants so bad and he doesn’t want to ask for more. He doesn’t want to get greedy. If Jingyu catches on about his greed, he’ll feel worse than he already is. Zhouzhou doesn’t want that.
    “I heard it was a big success.”
    “Y-yes. I can’t believe everyone sang along with me. I wish you could see all of that,” Zhouzhou stops himself. He accidentally slips up his inner wish and worried that Jingyu will blame himself again.
    “I was there,” Jingyu sounds calm. “Didn’t you say it yourself, I will always be with you and you will always be with me. And beside, I got plenty of videos and pictures from your manager. I think I need to buy him a gift or something to thank him.”
    “You what? Why didn’t I know any of that?”
    “I purposely didn’t tell you so you could just focus on your concert. And I video called him right before your concert started. Asking for his help.”
    “So you saw everything?” Zhouzhou feels so happy all of a sudden.
    “You could say that. I learnt my lesson already. Though I can’t be there in person, I could use other’s help to be there. And tonight was a great experience for me.”
    Zhouzhou laughs really hard. He can’t contain his happiness. He’s not only happy because of what Jingyu did for him but also the fact that Jingyu is not feeling that bad anymore. He found his way to be with Zhouzhou and he’s always be the strongest pillar of support for Zhouzhou.
    “If you saw everything, did you get my message?” 
    “Don’t underestimate me. Of course I got everything instantly. I know everything about you just like the back of my hand. And I just knew you wouldn’t listen to me. Really, Zhouzhou. Why didn’t you listen.”
    “What?! It’s not that obvious anymore right? Besides…” Zhouzhou cuts himself and starting to blush.
    “Beside what?”
    “Besides, we are together. Even if you can hold back, I can’t.”
    Jingyu is startled by his boyfriend sudden confession. Well, it might appear like he could hold himself rather well. But that’s not the case at all. It’s only because he thought about Zhouzhou’s well being that he forces himself back. He doesn’t want to do anything that could hurt Zhouzhou. He knows by experience how hard his fans could get with his innocence boyfriend and he won’t let that happen again. 
    “I-I just don’t want you to get hurt. I know how sensitive you are even though you try to hide that. And I don’t want you to act tough in front of me again. Seeing you like that almost killed me, you know that?!”
    Zhouzhou felt stupid after everything he’s done tonight. He never thought it would hurt Jingyu this much. He thought Jingyu might get worried, but not up to this point. Hearing Jingyu’s tremble voices, he knows how deep Jingyu thinks about this stuff. 
    “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to. I promise I’ll discuss it with you next time.”
    “I don’t blame you. I just got worried,” Jingyu felt bad for making his love pleading for forgiveness for something they both should not feel guilty about. Damn with the ban Jingyu thought to himself.
    “But really. You saw it tonight, I’m not that obvious. Well, even people could make up a theory on their own, it won’t prove anything. It’s not that obvious,” Zhouzhou put tension in the not obvious part.
    “Fine. I’ll accept that. But what about the ring? Are you out of your mind? Not just me, but your manager got worried when he realised that.”
    “Ah, you got this angry because of that?” Zhouzhou asks playfully, almost teasing the big guy.
    “It’s fine if only I got worried. But if other people got worried, that means you cross a line, Zhouzhou.”
    “Then, why did you give it to me right before my departure. You bought it for me. You gave it to me. But you expect me not to wear that?”
    “I plan on giving it to you after you get back. I want it to be special. But I forgot to take it out from the other presents’ bag… And why didn’t you tell me you found it?” Jingyu tries to put the blame back on Zhouzhou.
    “I didn’t want to spoil the surprise for you. I want to show it off in a place you could easily see.”
    “Idiot. Just for that reason?”
    “It’s not just that reason. It is the big reason. Do you know how I felt when I found that ring? I thought you wanna surprise me. I wanted to call you right away and I couldn’t suppress my happiness. But I wanted to reply to your love properly. I wanted to say I love you too. I know I’m not as forward as you in expressing our love to each other, but I want you to know that my love is no less from you.”
    They both stay silent. A lot of stuff going through their minds. They reflect about what they just did and said, and how they really love each other. 
    “I love you. And I know for a fact that you love me just as much. That’s why I got confidence to spoil you. To express my love. Sorry if I’m too harsh on you. I just so worried about you.”
    “I know. I’m sorry too. With our relationship, I think I should be more open to you. I should have just told you. I love you.”
    “I guess this stupid ban sometimes will get to us. Well, to me most of the time. But I won’t let it jeopardise our relationship. Even though I got so worried about you. And I know that separation is the most logical thing to do in our circumstances… I won’t ever let go your hand. No matter what happen and what people might say, I hope you can believe in me till the end.”
    “Of course I believe in you. Just know this. If you try to let go of my hand over this stupid thing, I won’t let your hand go. I will grab tighter until you see that being together is our only option. You need to believe in me till the end too.”



    • Like 15
  7. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG... ZZ you're so beautiful, cool, amazing, shining, OMG. I should be sleeping right now since I'll need to leave home at 4 am tomorrow. But then ZZ sang those 2 songs. How do you expect me to sleep ZZ (though I don't mind a bit) I'm getting crazier now. I swear if JY doesn't do anything soon, I'll ship ZY.. Seriously. 

    So, from tomorrow onward I'll get busy and can't follow this forum as much as I'd like T.T Just please let there only be good news. And really guys, I think I'll feel like this every time ZZ has his concert. How many more are there? Can I survive? Anyway, recently ZZ is a bracelet type or guy right? So probably there's some more candies there, just saying. 

    • Like 11
  8. Happy for ZZ's concert ^^ He looks amazing and I believe he'll give himself a higher score this time. He deserve it.

    Well, I had limit information about JY and his friend, so comparing ZZ and MaKe is the closest thing to see the difference between JY’s treatment to a friend and a boyfriend. Wow,, Kfans… I could see how you guys love ZZ very much. The whale in the banner, and the cookies (tbh, I saw it as a whale first and got me confused why it’s there. then I could see it was a cat Lol) CP is everywhere. And yes, the ban really made CP fans more creative ^^ 
    At least, always calling someone before and after a flight is like 90% saying they are in a relationship. Just hoping it’s the guy we’re thinking about that he’s calling 



    Zhouzhou and Jingyu are separated again. They are ready for this so it’s not really something to cry about. It doesn’t mean they don’t miss each other. They do, a lot in fact. But as the longing grows stronger, their love for each other grows stronger as well.
    Zhouzhou is done with the VIP meeting. He goes back to his hotel room and takes a shower. He just wanna refresh himself up and relax a bit.
    Jingyu calls but Zhouzhou doesn’t hear it. He’s still in the shower. After a while, Zhouzhou is all dressed up and checks his phone. He immediately calls the guy who called him a few minutes ago.
    “Hey, you called?”
    “What were you doing not picking up my call?” Jingyu sounds worried. Of course he got worried since he hasn’t heard anything from Zhouzhou all day. He knew that guy is busy and not picking up his phone is enough to get him on his toes.
    “I didn’t hear it. I was in shower.”
    “You are okay, right? Eating properly?” 
    Zhouzhou rolls his eyes. He knows it’s his fault that Jingyu is really worried and nags a lot. He was the one who didn’t take care of himself properly. He felt loved whenever Jingyu is worried for him. But also a little bit irritated.
    “I am. I promised you I’d take care of myself.”
    Jingyu is happy to hear that. He knows Zhouzhou wouldn’t lie to him. 
    So they share what happened today. It’s almost like the most usual thing to talk about, especially whenever they are away. They just want to stay up to date about the guy they’re in love with. Jingyu told Zhouzhou about his experience with the grandma and the dogs. He is emotional when he tells the story.
    “I’m really proud of you. You did the right thing,” Zhouzhou simply responds after he heard all of the story.
    “I knew you’ll get me.”
    “Well, that’s also what I love about you. Fighting for what you believe in. I respect you for that.”
    Jingyu is blushing instantly. He did all of that not for anyone’s compliment. But hearing a sincere compliment from his boyfriend is really something that could make his day. His week even.
    “I know you’ll do the same as me.” Both of them smile happily. Zhouzhou is now laying on top of his bed. He’s kinda tired but he loves talking with Jingyu.
    “Where are you now? Home already?”
    “Yes, I’m right here, in our home sweet home. Don’t you miss me?”
    “I miss you. I miss you a lot.”
    “I’m sorry again for not seeing you and cheering for you there.”
    Zhouzhou is feeling bad for Jingyu. He always feels bad when Jingyu feels bad and guilty. Well, at least this time Jingyu is not as depressed as before. Jingyu is probably accepting their situation already.
    “Don’t worry. For me, you’re always here with me,” Zhouzhou tries to lighten up the mood but it gets different response.
    “You. Don’t you dare pull some trick like before. I don’t want anything bad happen. Just stay safe. Play it safe.”
    “I get it, I get it. I will be cautious.”
    “You saying that is only making me worried.” Jingyu’s tone is down. He sounds really worried and nervous.
    “You know, I wore few stuff you got me and no one seems to notice. Don’t think too much. I’ll be more subtle.”
    Jingyu calms down a bit. That’s true. He saw pictures of Zhouzhou wearing the stuff he gave him and no one seems notice. Maybe they are getting better at this. Maybe Zhouzhou is getting better at this. Maybe Jingyu is getting better at choosing gifts. But he just can’t shakes this bad feeling whenever it’s Zhouzhou he’s talking about. Sometimes Zhouzhou is an airhead about this kind of stuff. He doesn’t know the line to stop when his mind is preoccupied with something else.
    “Fine. Just listen to your manager. Don’t do too much.”
    Jingyu finally surrenders. There’s really nothing he can do except for praying Zhouzhou will do just fine. That everything will be just fine.
    “But I’m really nervous. Still not use to being in front of so many people.”
    “You’ll be fine. No matter what you do, they’ll love you. Didn’t you see how many people welcomed you?”
    Just like how he always able to cheer up Jingyu, his boyfriend has the same ability. Jingyu always able to make him relax and feel safe.
    “Hey, what do you think will happen if we didn’t act in Addicted?” Jingyu tries to take Zhouzhou’s mind away from his event. That question picks their interest.
    “I’m not sure. But I just know I’m so glad we took that role,” Zhouzhou answers confidently as he remembers their memories together.
    “Will we be happy together like this?” Jingyu continues wondering.
    “If it’s with you, I think I’ll come to accept my feeling sooner or later. I just can’t see any other way.”
    “That’s exactly what I feel,” Jingyu is so happy they both think the same thing. 
    Their feelings are so special. They can’t hide it for too long. And when they face it, there’s only one answer. Without Addicted, they probably have a different life. They probably could be together as much as they want. Without anyone judging them and without a lot of eyes prying their privacy. But they will also be in love with each other. If ever they meet, no matter what the circumstance is, they both know they will fall in love with each other in the end.
    “We’re fated to meet and fall in love, that’s for sure. But I still think we need to thank Addicted and the timing,” Jingyu smirks slyly though Zhouzhou can’t see that.
    “Well, I guess we do. That’s how we met after all,” Zhouzhou replies innocently. He really didn’t know what Jingyu was talking about.
    “Yes, without it, we probably won’t move this fast. We learnt a lot of stuff about this kind of relationship. And we did kiss a lot, didn’t we? Back then.”
    Zhouzhou blushes and lost for words. Jingyu is sly tonight. As he remembers their memories together, Zhouzhou’s cheeks are just getting hotter. 
    Jingyu can picture the expression on Zhouzhou’s face though he couldn’t see it directly. He knows it just from the way Zhouzhou doesn’t say anything. Jingyu barely able to stop his laughter. At least he successfully make Zhouzhou forget about his nervousness for his concert. At least he could do this one job as a boyfriend successfully. He just wished he could be there in person.


    • Like 7
  9. Thanks @mrsaturn I just hope to see YZ together soon so I could once again see how differently and more caring JY towards ZZ. Guess I just miss them together too much. That's why I sort of hate seeing them close with anyone right now. It's just not fair... T.T

    And ZZ with HSC... I respect HSC as he's open and confident about himself. And he takes care of younger artists as well. And I also believe, if YZ is real, HSC knows something about it. Since he probably can't stop himself from asking Lol. Lucky for him

    • Like 13
  10. 14 hours ago, mrsaturn said:

    I dont know why jy just had to touch Ma Ke.


    And Ma ke reaction after jy touched him was why did you do that for?

    Can you elaborate? I can't think clearly seeing some pictures showing how close they are. But I'm not sure how their relationship is. I mean, they are co-stars so probably they are good friend already... I knew someone compare JY+ZZ and JY+some ladies. Could anyone also compare JY+MK. I hate having this thought that JY+ZZ probably also good friend like him with MK. Please don't sink the ship T.T

  11. 15 minutes ago, ryokise said:


    Rough summary of Jingyu in today's episode of DWS (he is so precious T_T ) :

      Reveal hidden contents

    > Jy & Ma Ke mission was to help the committee deal with a situation that involves a old granny whom is keeping a stray dog. (I don't really understand where she lives but I think she sells the trash for a living and keeps the dog among the rubbish/garbage at the passageway). When they visit the old granny,the complaints/concerns from the community are that they were afraid the dog might bite kids/other people & hygiene issues.

    >JY suggest to have the dog vaccinated but one of the lady told him that it needs to have a dog license, other wise, it's illegal to keep it. Ma Ke then suggest to sent the dog to a rescue center, but JY feels that the dog will be much better living here.

    > The community wants to sent the dog away and at the end, they decide to first buy a cage and have the garbage removed. (JY looks quite upset when they were debating about the solutions :( )

    > JY went to find a cage while Ma Ke accompanies the granny to clear the rubbish/garbage. After finding out that the cages were sold out, JY decides to have a discussion with one of the neighbor(?) again. He told her that he feels the old granny likes the dog and wants to keep it, but everyone were surrounding and forcing her for a solution/answer, so the only thing she could say was to sent the dog away."We have elderly at home too, why are we forcing an old granny, right?"



    Staff: You don't understand this job, do you?
    JY: It's not that I don't understand, this issue, for a community, you want everybody to be comfortable,you can't stand on one side and not let the other party have a way out of it.
    Staff: How do you think this issue should be solved?
    JY: The old granny, it's not that she doesn't wants the dog,she finds the dog license expensive too,isn't it? But you have so many stray dogs on the street,can you guarantee that every single one of them have a dog license? Right? Why pick on the one who is poor to have a dog license?

    From 23.35-24.18

    Lady: How to solve this?
    JY: Settle the hygiene and health issues, give it a shower and vaccination. We will keep it in the passageway for the time being.
    Lady: Did she agree to clearing all the garbage? Or clearing a part of it?
    JY: I didn't see the old auntie

    JY:Let's not talk about the garbage,talk about the dog

    Lady: but if you don't clear the garbage, where can you keep the dog?
    JY:  Isn't she clearing it now?
    Lady: Do you think she can clear it all? It must be cleared by today.
    JY: On what basis to make her clear everything? She placed a few stuff, why must she clear everything?
    Lady: Garbage are not allowed on public areas.
    JY: Which old houses doesn't place a few garbage out of their houses?
    Lady: It's different
    JY: Every house has it (garbage). You can't specifically focus/pick on one family. It isn't wrong for her to pick up trash,right?

    Lady 2: Take a break.Sit down for a while
    JY: Ah?
    Lady 2: Sit down for a while
    JY: No,it's okay, I'm angry. I will cool down.
    > Afterwards, JY, Ma ke & old granny brings the dog to have a shower, but the dog bit the guy who was trying to give it a shower.

    > They brought the dog to have a vaccination.

    > JY tells Ma Ke that he feels the old granny should keep the dog, since the dog already was there for days and they get along well.

    > JY & Ma Ke have a chat with the old granny and JY says that mainly he feels she wants to keep it, if she doesn't wants to (keep the dog), they will have other solutions, but she likes the dog and the dog likes her too.

    > When JY visited her again with a few tins of milk powder, she've cleared all the garbage.

    OMG, OMG, OMG.. He's a really great guy. ZZ, he's a keeper as well. Yes, you both are. I guess ZZ knew that side of JY long before us and that's why he fell hard :wub:

    • Like 16
  12. I'm really free and on roll today.. please don't mind me https://www.wattpad.com/274241922-yz-other-space-and-time-favourite-cafe



    Jingyu is standing at that memorable place. He could picture how Zhouzhou was playing with a cat back then. He look so beautiful, cute, and out of this world.

    Not long, Zhouzhou ran towards Jingyu. He didn't want Jingyu to wait for long so he ran as fast as he could. That view's another gift for Jingyu who could see how the wind that day played with Zhouzhou's hair. Making him looks like an angel, flying towards Jingyu.

    "Sorry. Did you wait for long?"

    "No, I just arrived," Jingyu obviously lied. He called Zhouzhou after he arrived at that place. He didn't want to make Zhouzhou wait for him even for a second.

    "Where do you wanna go?"

    "Ah, there's this cafe around here. The place is really nice."

    "Okay then."

    Jingyu brought Zhouzhou to the cafe where he first saw that beauty. Fortunately, his seat back then is empty so they sat there. That day, Jingyu probably wished they sat there together and today it just became a reality. Who could guess they both will sit there together.

    The waiter served their tea and coffee. Jingyu ordered the same kind of tea to bring him back to that day. Zhouzhou ordered an ice cappuccino. 

    "Do you often come here?" 

    "No. This is the second time. What about you?" Jingyu was often walking around that area in order to find Zhouzhou but he never really took a rest. He only came around and went back after his failure attempt.

    Zhouzhou chuckled as he answered. "This is one of my favourite place. I was surprised you brought me here."

    Jingyu thanked all of the coincidences. He's really grateful to see that smile and hear that chuckling sound. He could swear everything about Zhouzhou, even those he hasn't found out, are beautiful.

    "Really? I never knew. I'd been here once. And I love this place. It's nice and comfy."

    "I thought the same thing. I always feel comfortable here."

    Zhouzhou drank his cappuccino. Still smiling. He just couldn't stop smiling when that handsome face is right in front of him, also smiling. 

    "So, Zhouzhou," Jingyu loved calling out that name. "Do you like cosplay?"

    "Well, I love anime and manga. Cosplay is fine. That doesn't interest you, right?"

    "I'm not into them. Basically, I don't have much free time even to watch TV."

    "Then what do you do for fun?"

    "I love sports and photography. Now I'm addicted to Jiu Jitsu. Have you heard about that?"

    Zhouzhou shook his head. He's good with sports but never really committed to them. And it's his first time hearing about Jiu Jitsu.

    "It's good for self defence. Maybe I could teach you some other time."

    They just knew each other for a while. After talking for some time, they knew they don't have any same hobby. Some of their interests are actually similar but it's not like they could agree on everything. Still, their conversation just flew so smooth. It's like they never ran out of topic. They could talk forever.

    Even their differences are a reason for admiration. For instance, Jingyu is so excited upon hearing that Zhouzhou is a musician. He wanted to see him played someday. And the way Zhouzhou is so friendly with everyone, unlike him who close himself away whenever he's not interest, is something he admires. He knew Zhouzhou must had a lot of friends and popular among them.

    Zhouzhou himself found out that Jingyu had a great taste. Both in photography and style. Maybe it's also because he's a model. Jingyu offered his help if Zhouzhou ever wanted to buy new clothes and that guy accepted the offer. Zhouzhou knew Jingyu is a bit introvert but he also has a warm heart. And a little silly at times. Zhouzhou couldn't even realise their age difference. 

    "You must be popular with girls," Zhouzhou asked in admiration when they started talking about school stuff.

    "You could say that. But I'm not a player, if that's what you're implying," Jingyu joked around.

    "If I had a face like yours, maybe I will be popular too."

    "You got your own charm. And you're also beautiful."

    "I've been meaning to ask you this. Why do you always call me beautiful? I'm a guy, you know."

    Jingyu didn't prepare an answer for this. That's what he sincerely thought and felt. He didn't have an excuse for his obsession. But he knew there's no way he told that guy he's been captivated by his beauty. It would just gross Zhouzhou out. And he's also not sure why he felt that way.

    "What's wrong will calling a beautiful person beautiful? And don't worry, I'm not into guys. I am not hitting on you."

    Zhouzhou laughs so hard after that revelation. "I'm not saying you are." 

    "Stop laughing will you. I just thought, you're really beautiful for a guy. You must also be popular."

    "Not really. I don't have a lot of girls chasing after me."

    "Really? I can't believe that. Just one look and everyone will see you're beautiful. Besides, you are also kind and friendly."

    "Jingyu, can you please stop calling me beautiful?" Zhouzhou asked in his low voice. Jingyu never knew that kind of voice existed. It just sounds so amazing coming out of Zhouzhou's mouth.

    "I seldom call another guy handsome. Since for me, I'm the most handsome guy." Jingyu grinned so big.

    "Are you serious?" Zhouzhou never thought he would meet a guy as narcissistic as him. But somehow he didn't hate that side of him.

    "So, what should I call you? Cute? Good looking?" Jingyu tried to find every word  of compliment in his dictionary.

    "Just stop complimenting me. That's enough."

    "Hahaha. But I sincerely thought you're beautiful. Please don't take offence."

    Zhouzhou knew that guy meant no harm and sincere when he called him beautiful. He just felt weird being called beautiful, especially by that guy. 

    Just by 4 hours talking to each other, those two felt like they already knew everything about each other. And the strangest thing is that both of them felt safe talking about everything. Even some things that they usually tried to hide from others. 

    Their meeting's over when Zhouzhou got a call from his parents. He needed to go home. Jingyu wanted to take him home at first, but he threw away that idea. They are both guys and Zhouzhou lived around there. He didn't need to be over protective since it's not like he's with his girl. Jingyu reminded himself that they are just friend. And Zhouzhou is a big man enough to protect himself. 



    • Like 12
  13. Sorry, I thought there's some error to my post since I can't find it. So here it is. Anyway, I was just saying that I really hope ZZ's fans will be more peaceful and understanding (towards ZZ or between ourselves) so it won't bothered ZZ much. He already had enough things to deal with. Let's just support him. Let's respect each and every fans so we all could show our love and support. He deserves as much as love from us.


    And this, regarding my new FF. It's purely from my delulu imagination so perhaps some of you thought it will be out of the topic for this forum. Not too much of JY and ZZ. If that's the case, if anyone feel that way, please feel free to tell me so I won't post it here. Anyone can just find it on my wattpad anyway




    Jingyu was staring at his phone for so long. He kept staring at Zhouzhou's name. It's the phone number which he gave to Jingyu yesterday. Well, it's basically what showed on Jingyu's screen since the time he got it. 

    Perhaps he would just pressed it and dealt with whatever it is. Honestly, he couldn't bare to contemplate about it more than he already did. He barely got enough sleep time. He wanted to call so bad but he didn't even know what to say.

    If that beauty is a woman, Jingyu got a lot of lines he could use to pick up. To seduce her. To flatter her. But this time he's dealing with a boy. Those pick up lines wouldn't work and played their magic as usual.

    He said he wanted to be friend. But he didn't really understand why he said it. Jingyu is not the friendly or easy going type so he chose to have few close friends. Suddenly asking someone to be his friend is already out of his habit. Well, it's the first time he's begging for it.

    So, of course it's not an easy ride for him. He didn't know what to do. There's no law that said he must call the person he asked for number. Yes, he could just choose to erase that number and never call. There's nothing wrong with that. But he just couldn't do it. That phone number is his only way to contact Zhouzhou. And he also wanted to hear his voice again.

    Being a cornered man as he is, he looked for a coin and flipped it over. A really simple solution. Head for calling and tail for postponing it. He just couldn't erase the number.

    He flipped and a mixed expression showed on his face. It's a head. The table is set and he just had to press the call button. Closing his eyes, gathering his courage, Jingyu then pressed it.

    He could hear the phone line. It's like an invisible line that's searching for Zhouzhou. A line that could connect them instantly. He's not sure wether this line will connect through or not.


    "Ah, you answer," Jingyu innocently said what's on his mind. He's really surprised by it.

    "Yes, I answered. Who is this?" Zhouzhou talked calmly. His voice is as mesmerising as talking face to face.

    "It's Jingyu."

    "Oh, hi there. I didn't know you would call this soon."

    Jingyu couldn't hide his big smile since that guy, that beauty remembered him. Well, Zhouzhou is the one who came to him yesterday and started a conversation. And it's only because of their mere seconds meeting months ago. How could that guy forget Jingyu already.

    "Well, I thought, perhaps you're still in Shanghai. You wanna hang out?"

    "You're lucky, I'm still in Shanghai. I will stay until the weekend is over."

    "Really? Then, do you wanna meet at the place we first met?" Jingyu slapping his forehead after he said that. He's just used to call women that his habit of flirting is hard to forget. He's just so good at sweet talks and it's good for doing his job so he never really mind having that skill. 

    Zhouzhou couldn't reply immediately. Well, the truth is he remembered where they first met perfectly. But it's just so long ago and they could just meet somewhere else. And the tone Jingyu used to ask him, it's just felt like that guy is trying to hit on him. They are both guys for goodness sake. That thoughts made him put up his guard.

    "Ah, I just thought your place is around that area so..." Jingyu's trying his best to distract Zhouzhou's attention from silly thoughts about him.

    "You are a lucky guy, aren't you? I do live around that area so that should be fine."

    "When is a good time for you?"

    "I'm free and bored right now. What about you?"

    "Sure, me too. That's why I called you. Then, I'll text you when I'm almost there."

    "Okay. See you soon."

    Jingyu hanged up and screamed like a little girl. He couldn't contain his happiness. He's a lucky guy indeed since everything went so smoothly and they will meet right after this. 

    As quick as lightning Jingyu freshened up himself and started choosing an outfit. He didn't have time to think about his action right now. He's going to hang out with a guy. A stranger he barely knew. But here he is, acting like he's going on a date with the most beautiful woman on earth. The smile on that handsome face never left since he heard Zhouzhou's voice.




    • Like 9
  14. 2 hours ago, dazzlin92 said:

    @Tari Tari Aawwwwww~~~ this is soooo sweet~~~ and i think your writing has been improving a lot~~ keep up the good workk~~~

    Thanks.. It's hard to see my own improvement, so I'm glad you said this. Hope I can show you a better story ^^

    OMG, I wanna ask if that ring is perhaps a new gift. But if that's the case, someone probably had mention it. Anyway, I love ring more than earrings so I'm happy seeing it. And so far, I really look up to Thailand fan. They are a great example *salute* Still, Kfans are really a lot. They must love ZZ so much for waiting that long. I feel bad for them so I hope they can see more of ZZ in the concert area. And so far, they did give respect to ZZ so I hope their hard day paid off.

    One more, really one more. When I see the phone case, the first time I only notice "Understand dream because of the sea" What a perfect placement ^^ Remind me of GH/BLY

    • Like 11
  15. Morning https://www.wattpad.com/274150556-yuzhou-fan-fics-morning


    “Zhouzhou,” Jingyu shakes Zhouzhou’s body as gentle as possible. Not sure if it’s the right move since he need to wake him up from a deep sleep. “Zhou, wake up. You need to get ready.”
    Zhouzhou squirms on their bed. His mind is starting to wake up and he hates it. He’s still sleepy. Hugging Jingyu’s waist who’s sitting beside him usually is the correct move to ask for another minute. Not today though.
    “Don’t act cute. You really need to get going or your manager will blame me.”
    “Just 5 more minutes. No one will blame you,” Zhouzhou still acts cute to get what he wants.
    “If you’re late today, people will blame me. They’ll think I didn’t let you sleep last night,” Jingyu is really worried that guy won’t get ready in time. This kind of scenario happened once, when he did Zhouzhou for the first time and forced that guy to rest all day. But Jingyu took the blame proudly since it’s the truth. Today is just not the case.
    “No matter what you do, I just can’t open my eyes.”
    “Well, if that’s the case,” Jingyu smirks as he got an idea to get Zhouzhou up. “Why don’t you let me do it for real then. I’ll take the blame happily.”
    That sentence successfully opens Zhouzhou’s eyes wide enough to see Jingyu’s laughing his heart out.
    “I knew you’ll wake up immediately.”
    Zhouzhou lazily sits up and stretches his body. He woke up in shock so it’s not really the best way to start his day. “Jingyu, you’re really asking for trouble, don’t you?”
    At this, Jingyu stops laughing. He realises he just woke up a lion from his sleep and he should use a better way instead.
    “I’ve been telling you. You don’t wanna be late. I can’t think of any other way.”
    “Well, I’ll just add it to your tab. I will play with you all night long when we have more free time.”
    Zhouzhou left the dumbstruck Jingyu alone on their bed. Zhouzhou could be so cranky when he just woke up, like today. Jingyu knows he didn’t mean it. Well, he knows Zhouzhou will really do him good. But it will all be the usual stuff. There’s nothing to worry. 
    Still, the way Zhouzhou said it, that sly bad boy expression just sends shiver to Jingyu’s heart. Zhouzhou is just getting sexier and sexier in Jingyu’s eyes. Not that it’s a bad thing. But it’s a torture in its own way. It takes everything in his power to stop Jingyu from attacking his boyfriend. He just said it to wake him up, but this time, he really needs to hold himself back.
    Zhouzhou is all fresh and ready. His manager called to inform him he’ll need to leave soon.
    “Why are you still sitting there?” Zhouzhou looks at Jingyu confused.
    “Ah, what do you want from breakfast? I’ll make it quick.”
    “That’s not what I mean. You’re in that position for how long?” Zhouzhou signs Jingyu to follow him to the kitchen. “I can just eat some cereals. I need to get going soon anyway.”
    Just as he said, he grabs a bowl and pour down some cereals and milk. It’s not the best breakfast choice but it will do. Zhouzhou is already back to his usual self, the kind and polite Zhouzhou.
    “Oh, I brought you something from Thailand. You could find it in the bedroom later,” Zhouzhou smiles as he talks to Jingyu.
    “That reminds me. I also bought something for you. We didn’t get to see it last night.”
    “That’s fine. It could wait.”
    “No. Let me show you now. And you could bring some with you.”
    Jingyu runs to take his gifts. Zhouzhou just stares blankly. His boyfriend is really pampering him and he’s so happy inside because of that. 
    “Here. See. I bought you this. And this.”
    Jingyu comes back with a lot of stuff to show. Some new clothes for Zhouzhou, some couple items, and a wallet. It’s like Jingyu’s new wallet but with a slight difference. Though people won’t notice unless they look for it.
    “Thanks. You don’t need to buy so much stuff.”
    “It’s nothing. Really. I just can’t stop thinking about you when I saw them. I can’t wait for you to put them on.”
    Jingyu is smiling so big. He sincerely can’t wait to dress up his boyfriend. He knows Zhouzhou is really beautiful no matter what he wears. But that guy could use some help with his style. And Jingyu is up for it.
    “Well, I’ll take some with me. But I really need to leave now.”
    Zhouzhou’s phone is ringing. It’s from his manager. He grabs some of the stuff Jingyu bought for him and stuff them in his backpack. He’s ready to go.
    Jingyu pulls Zhouzhou’s wrist and stops that guy from leaving.
    “What?” Zhouzhou asks but is cut with a sudden kiss. 
    They kiss so deep. Just like it’s a natural thing to do, Zhouzhou wraps his arms around Jingyu’s neck. Pulling that guy closer. They are both lost in the kiss until they hear some knockings on the door.
    Zhouzhou pulls himself back. Tidying his clothes and himself before he opens the door.
    “Let’s go,” his manager is ready in front of the door.
    Just by looking at those two guys expression, he could just guess what just happened. He feels bad for his bad timing but they really need to go.
    Zhouzhou, with his manager help, is ready to go. He waved goodbye to Jingyu and throws a kiss. Jingyu just smiles and waved back. 
    “Take care,” Jingyu shouts as Zhouzhou disappears from his view.


    • Like 11
  16. Hi, I'm also from Indonesia. And if we want ZZ to have concert in Indonesia, I believe we need to wait ZZ become a really famous singer, forgetting his image as BLY first. That's the safest way. 

    Oh, poor ZZ. He looks so tired. Not as happy as his last trip. Did certain someone make him stay up late last night? Can our FBI team check his outfit today please? No new gifts? And if JY can use ZZ account, could it be ZZ who use JY account when JY is busy filming? just a really delulu one, forget it

    I hope his concert will be another successful one. Fighting, ZZ 

    • Like 8
  17. The delulu reason for their stunning image with all that schedule is that their power of love is REAL :blush: Is that really a delulu anymore? ^^



    Zhouzhou is back in Beijing today. To the city where his other half is waiting for him patiently. As always, Jingyu couldn’t sleep well at all since he always check his phone in case Zhouzhou is contacting him. He couldn’t wait to see his beloved one. It feels years already since the last time they met.
    Even though both of them couldn’t wait to see each other, their schedule and job come first. They couldn’t meet right away because Jingyu will be busy filming today. Zhouzhou understood and accepted it easily. Unlike Jingyu who threw a fit first before listening to Zhouzhou. With a little of loving promise, Jingyu is back to his happy self and wait patiently again for another hours. Only this time, his energy is charged to maximum. Just the thought of spending a night with his boyfriend got him hype up easily.
    And after his long struggle, he finally finds Zhouzhou in front of him when he opens the door of their home. It’s almost like he’s afraid it was just a dream or that Zhouzhou will disappear any moment, he rushed in and hugs Zhouzhou tightly. Not letting him move a muscle.
    “Zhouzhou, I miss you so much. I can’t believe you’re here. I miss you.”
    “I miss you too,” Zhouzhou hugs Jingyu back. He misses the scent of Jingyu and the warmth that guy sends to his body whenever they are together.
    Jingyu pushes Zhouzhou a little so he could see the face he misses so much. He wants to save Zhouzhou’s face into his memory. Not like he doesn’t have one. It’s just never enough for Jingyu. He wished he could save all of Zhouzhou’s expression each second of everyday into the back of his mind so he could easily see them whenever he misses his boyfriend.
    “You don’t really need to come, you know,” Jingyu is saying as Zhouzhou pulls him toward the couch. They need to sit down so they can talk comfortably. There’re a lot they want to talk about.
    “Don’t you ever say that again. It’s not only you who can’t wait for us to meet. Do you ever believe me whenever I said I miss you?”
    Jingyu smiles so big even though Zhouzhou just scolded him. Well, it’s not really a scolding but that will do for Jingyu. He missed the way Zhouzhou scolds and nags him. He just missed everything about that guy. He’ll gladly accept any treatment from Zhouzhou as long as he could see that guy again. He will give up everything just to be with Zhouzhou.
    “Okay, I won’t.”
    Jingyu just sits beside Zhouzhou and be a good boy. He rests his arm around Zhouzhou and let his boyfriend rests on his chest. He used to feel tired after all of the filming and football, but once he saw Zhouzhou stood there waiting for him, he forgot he ever felt tired.
    “So, you said you’ll tell me what’s been bothering you,” Jingyu caresses Zhouzhou’s head that’s now resting on his chest comfortably. He also kisses that head gently. Tonight, Jingyu just wanna be close with the person he missed the most and touches him all the time.
    Zhouzhou looks up and stares at Jingyu’s eyes. He somehow feels safe and gets the courage to talk about it.
    “It’s…” Zhouzhou hesitates a little but then he sits right up. “Do you like having sex with me?”
    Jingyu blinks a few times hearing that question. He could choke up if he was eating or drinking. Of course he likes it so much. There’s no words that could describe how he feels when they are together, connected as one. Feeling good together. And he believes Zhouzhou likes it too, as much as he does.
    “Of course. What kind of question is that?”
    “If we never had sex again, ever. Will you still love me?”
    “Zhouzhou, what happened?”
    “Answer me!” Zhouzhou himself doesn’t know how to start talking about his insecurities. It’s the first time for him. So he’s just saying out loud the questions that pops up in his head. 
    “Of course. I told you I love you no matter what. I love you and only you.”
    “Won’t you get bored with me if we never have sex again?”
    “Really now. Just why can’t we?”
    “Won’t you be tempted to do it with a woman? After all, don’t you think having sex with a woman will be much better?”
    Jingyu grabs both of Zhouzhou arms and shakes him gently. “I will only feel good if I’m doing it with the one I love. With you. I don’t care about any of that. I don’t care if doing it with woman will be much better or not. I just wanna do it because I wanna be with you. Because I wanna be together with you.”
    “But you are too obsessed with doing it with me. What if I can’t satisfy you anymore?” Zhouzhou’s voice is higher because of his mixed feeling.
    Jingyu pulls Zhouzhou into his embrace. Zhouzhou is trying to struggle because he doesn’t want to be swayed by Jingyu’s action and stop talking about it.
    “Is that what you’re worried about? Aren’t you the silly one now. Listen, just by being close with you like this. Just by seeing you alone. Even just talking with you, I’m satisfied. As long as you love me, I’m satisfied. As long as you won’t leave me, I’m satisfied. The one I really want and I really need is you. I won’t do anything you don’t like. I will only do anything you want. And whatever it is I’m doing, I will do it only for you and because of you.”
    “But… whenever we’re together you will always try to make a move on me. We didn’t talk much. And…”
    “Sorry. That’s my bad. It’s just, you see, after I saw you feeling so good that day, I just wanted to make you feel good, better and better. So you won’t be able to live without me.”
    Zhouzhou blushes when he hears that explanation. How could that guy shamelessly say it out loud like that. Zhouzhou should knew already that he will get a silly answer from Jingyu. But that silly answer just calms him.
    “I just want to feel connected with you. To know more about you. To understand you better. What’s the use of us together if we can’t communicate.”
    “I thought we communicate just fine.”
    Zhouzhou pulls himself away from Jingyu and glares at him. “Whenever I wanted to talk about something you just started to kiss me and grabbing me everywhere.”
    “Hahaha. I learnt my lesson already. Please don’t be mad,” Jingyu plays with Zhouzhou’s hair and treats him as a child. It supposed to make Zhouzhou mad but seeing Jingyu’s expression, Zhouzhou can’t stay mad for long. He lets Jingyu plays with his head and mess up his hair. 
    “Good if you know.” Zhouzhou hugs Jingyu again and rests his body weight on Jingyu who gladly accepts it. 
    “Hey, by the way, you looked so happy in Thailand,” this time Jingyu is the one who talks about his thoughts that’s been bothering him.
    “This again? I told you, they are just really nice and treat me really well. I really appreciate them. And to be honest, it cheers me up a lot. You know how it’s been here. It’s just like a fresh air for me to be there.”
    “What about the guy you practiced with? They looked great. And that bodyguard of yours? He touched you all the time.”
    Zhouzhou chuckles. “Are you serious?”
    “I’m just curious. If I really did make you mad and you’re surrounded by those people. Will you be tempted by them? Will you use them to get even with me?”
    Zhouzhou sits up and looks at Jingyu seriously. He needs to make Jingyu understand this perfectly or else that guy will be bothered all the time.
    “To be honest? If you make me jealous I will probably make you jealous as well. Just to remind you to be good. But I won’t be tempted by anyone or use anyone’s sincerity to get even with you. I just won’t do it.”
    “Even if there are handsome guys and beautiful women surrounding you?”
    “Wait, let me get this straight. I’m not into guys if it’s not you so please rest easy. And now, I only love you and you alone. I know it won’t be a smooth sailing for us, so I won’t let a little problem get in our way. I won’t give up on us that easy. Believe me. And if you make me mad, I will deal with you directly for sure.”
    “Well, I can’t promise you I won’t make a mistake or make you mad. Since you know how our job is. But I promise I will let you deal with me directly, any way you want.”
    “Speaking of dealing with you, what about the fact that you used my account? I still haven’t dealt with you. That and the instagram thing.”
    Jingyu forces himself to laugh. He tries to make that problem insignificant. “Well, it doesn’t really change anything, does it? It’s all in the past.”
    “It’s true, but don’t you say I could deal with you any way I want? I think I need to teach you a lesson.”
    “You are the one who said you wanted to talk and not just about sex,” Jingyu smartly defends himself from what he believes is Zhouzhou’s intention.
    “Let’s not tonight, okay. I’m really tired today. And we need to rest properly for tomorrow,” Jingyu cuts Zhouzhou’s word.
    Zhouzhou pulls Jingyu’s clothes strongly that Jingyu is falling toward him. Zhouzhou surprisingly kisses Jingyu who’s defenceless. It’s a hot and passionate one. Their tongues play around with each other. That sensation is something they both miss. 
    After a while, Zhouzhou breaks their kiss and smirks. “I never intended to do it tonight anyway. You better prepare yourself. Next time, I won’t hold myself back.”
    Jingyu still shocked by that side of Zhouzhou. But he just found another part of Zhouzhou that he loves and today his love just grows so much bigger than yesterday.
    “Oh, someone gave me a picture of us. She said she missed you too.”
    “Really? Hey, don’t you think if we ever confess our love publicly, there are a lot who’ll support us?” 
    “I think so. But it’s just not the right time yet. Anyway, have you eaten?”
    “Yes. Don’t tell me you haven’t?” Jingyu suddenly got worried. He forgot to ask Zhouzhou about his meal.
    “I have. Don’t worry. Then, why don’t we go to bed. I’m sleepy.”
    Seeing Zhouzhou yawns, Jingyu can’t help himself and yaws as well. Then he carries Zhouzhou who’s surprised by the sudden action to bed. Tonight, they just cuddle together and sleep in each other’s embrace. Smile peacefully as they let go of the burden in their heart.


    • Like 11
  18. I hope I found the right song with eng sub since the lyric is just so so YZ. I don't know which part JY is singing, but no matter what, that song is like their story. Literally. The lyric about their seats and how he asked for scolding. Doesn't that remind you of GH and BLY? And the lyric about today they will have a date? Is he telling us the truth now? :wub::w00t: my delulu mind is on again thanks to JY..

    will be back to my writing but before that, here is another one https://www.wattpad.com/273866537-yz-other-space-and-time-under-that-cosplay



    Everyone around Zhouzhou knew that he's a fan of anime related. Well, he might look cool sometimes, but he also has a side which look nerdy cute, or even beautiful. Really, when people look at him, no one would say he's a girl. Everything about him scream manliness. But there's also a beautiful vibe coming out of him. Everyone who had seen him will understand.

    His eyes sparkled this morning since he couldn't wait to go to an anime convention. He went there with his group of friends who also loves anime. Well, he himself isn't into cosplaying. He loves seeing cosplayer and maybe took a picture with them. If his friends asked him to, he wouldn't mind wearing a cosplay. But it's just not his true interest.

    Well, the convention is packed with anime lovers. Zhouzhou otaku side is surfacing immediately when he came in. Zhouzhou and his two friends screamed full of excitement seeing the atmosphere in that place. If there's another world, they believe they are there right now. It's so much different with their reality.

    "Hey, check that out," a friend with glasses yelled as he run towards a booth he talked about.

    Zhouzhou and a cute shorter guy followed right behind. They didn't want to separate themselves in this big place. Not that they worried about getting lost. They just want to enjoy it together so the excitement will be multiplied.

    Between those three otakus, they have their own language to communicate. Well, it's a human language but at the same time ordinary human won't understand a bit what they are talking about. Though the people in the convention probably understand them easily. They have the same interest and that's what brought them together in the first place.

    "Guys, guys, that's Hinata."

    Once again the glasses guy ran off. He's the most excited one between those three. Well, two of his friend is also excited, but his level of excitement is just off the chart. No one can compare.

    They took photo together with the Hinata who welcomed them happily. She is a serious cosplayer. She looks so much like Hinata and those accessories must costed a fortune.

    The three lost musketeers visited most of the booths already. They took pictures with their favourite characters and had so much fun. It's been more than 3 hours already but for them, time just stood still since they enter the gate. 

    Zhouzhou gazed towards one of the booth with a lot of people surrounding it. It caught his interest but there's also something else. Something he couldn't quite explained. His feet brought him there first before he could think of anything.

    Right there, in the middle of the crowd, he saw someone familiar. Someone he thought he'll never meet again. Just one glance and he knew the guy under that cosplay is the one he saw that day. It's been months already but once he saw him, it just felt like yesterday.

    His stare froze at that figure. Zhouzhou couldn't care less what that guy's cosplaying. His mind is full of the guy himself. 

    There's just something about that guy. Since the first time their eyes met, he knew that guy is special. But Zhouzhou didn't know how special that guy for him, not yet. He just thought he's a very handsome and manly guy. He's like an ideal form of a man. Zhouzhou admired that stranger.

    Jingyu is wearing a cosplay he didn't even know exist before this job. He's supposed to pose a few pose with that outfit. It's just a job but he tried his best to have fun in it. He loves people taking his photos and enjoy the attention. He threw his charm and handsomeness here and there to the strangers around him.

    It's almost his break time. He's able to maintain a smile on his face this whole time. But he couldn't hide his shock expression when his beauty is there. Right in front of him. Staring at him. There's just no way he could ignore that.

    He wanted to leave his post but the guy he knew as Zhou's already out of sight. It happened again. He felt like fate is playing with him. It's the second time he lost Zhou. Both are just as easy. Perhaps they're not meant to meet.

    Jingyu finally took a break. He went to a more secluded area with less people and drank his water. His outfit made him feel hot but there's really not much he could do about it. He took out his phone and see his favourite album. There was the picture of the beauty he took months ago. 

    After that one time, Jingyu often went back to that area in order to find Zhou. He really wanted to meet again. He only knew he's called Zhou and no other information. So there's really no way for him to find out more. That place. That area is his only connection to his beauty.

    "Hey," Jingyu looked up to see who's talking to him and hurriedly hide his phone.

    He finally heard the voice of his beauty. He wondered how he will sound like and now he got his answer. His voice is as beautiful as his face. Well, for Jingyu, perhaps everything about that guy is beautiful. He just couldn't help himself for being curious about that guy. He never knew a human, a man to be exact, could be that beautiful so flawlessly.


    "What're you wearing?"

    "To be honest, I don't know. Well, someone told me but I forgot."

    "So, you're not into anime?"

    "Nope. Sorry. It's just a job. I'm a model."

    "Aah," Zhouzhou understood how he became a model. He does look handsome. So so so much handsome. He, as man, envy Jingyu's appearance. He could get a lot of girls lining up for him if he had that look.

    "I'm Jingyu."

    "I'm Weizhou. But everyone calls me Zhouzhou."

    Then there's silence. Not the awkward silent. It supposed to be one since they are stranger but somehow they are just comfortable around each other.

    "Do you live around here?" with this question Jingyu hoped he could meet Zhouzhou again.

    "My parents do. I just moved to Beijing."

    Jingyu felt a bit of disappointment. It wouldn't be easy for them to meet then.

    "Anyway, it was nice seeing you again. I've been meaning to tell you this..." Jingyu's getting excited hearing Zhouzhou's sentence he didn't even know why. "You look really handsome and cool. I've never met anyone as handsome as you."

    Did Jingyu just hear that? Yes, he didn't hear wrong. A stranger, a beautiful stranger just complimented his look. And he's so happy because of that.

    "Thank you. You look beautiful as well."

    Zhouzhou felt complicated with that compliment. It was a compliment but it's not the compliment he's hoping for. He knew he might not be as handsome as him but to be told beautiful by that handsome guy didn't feel that good.

    "Thank you I guess. Well, I need to get going. My friends probably waiting for me."

    "Wait," Jingyu grabbed Zhouzhou's wrist and shocked both of them. "Hmm, can we meet again? I mean, I thought it would be great to be your friend."

    "That sounds good for me. Here's my number."

    Zhouzhou gave away his number and waved goodbye. Jingyu waved back and smile. They're not strangers anymore.



    • Like 13
  19. Is that JY looking happy for the filming or he's happy because today he finally meet the one he's waiting for? :wub::phew:

    I start a new FF since there's no new candies for my first FF. These two boys are the sugar of my life recently https://www.wattpad.com/273809524-yz-other-space-and-time-in-a-frame



    Jingyu was taking a walk around the city. It's his hobby to just go around without any destination and take some pictures. Yes, he loves photography. Not just because he's a model, it's just his long time hobby besides his sudden interest in Jiu Jitsu.

    Today he got nothing to do. Usually, besides his modelling work which hasn't been that in demand, he also did a lot of other stuff. He is an independent man. It's been so long since the last time he let his parents help him financially. He is an adventurous man and he left home since he was young to start his own life adventure. 

    He's resting in a cafe and drink his cup of hot tea. It's a really beautiful cafe since he could take a lot of pictures there. There are really a lot of interesting objects that capture his interest. Well, it's his reason to choose that exact cafe. 

    Jingyu's sitting by the big glass window so he could observe the people walking from a distance. He went through his phone and checked the photos he took today. They are all beautiful and satisfy him. He feels proud and wonder if he got talent to be a photographer.

    He took another sip from his almost empty cup right when a figure caught his attention. It's a figure of a beauty. A real beauty which captured his interest almost instantly.

    The beauty, probably hates being called a beauty by another man though. Yes, that beauty is a really beautiful guy. Even from a distance, Jingyu is not blind enough to fail to differentiate man and woman. But beauty is just beauty. He knew it when he saw it. But that second, he really couldn't give a damn if it's a man or woman. He just had this urge to take that guy's picture. Even the candid one. Even from a distance. He doesn't care. Jingyu only needs to take his picture. That guy needs to be captured in a frame. His frame.

    So, without taking another second, he grabbed all of his belonging and run chasing after the beauty who stole his reason. Thank god customers pay while ordering in this cafe or else people will call that handsome guy a dine and run guy. He probably got stopped and failed to chase his beauty if that's the case.

    After a while of running, Jingyu's finally able to catch his breath. The beauty who is still a mystery for Jingyu just stopped walking. Fortunately he's stopping for a cat, not because he noticed Jingyu's present and mistook him for a stalker. Geez, that guy looks more adorable playing with that stray cat.

    Click. Jingyu unconsciously saved that beautiful moment, that beautiful scenery, that beautiful person in his frame. One is just not enough so after that one, Jingyu took another one, and another one, and another. He took it from far enough so that guy won't notice him. 

    Jingyu is good at playing pretend to capture anything else but that guy. Even if that beauty saw him with his phone, he probably won't realise Jingyu's taking a lot of picture of him.

    So just like that, that beauty's staring towards Jingyu without knowing anything and Jingyu captured that face clearly. A face he won't dare to forget in his lifetime. 

    That beauty is looking at Jingyu. The stalker swore it's not a passing stare. Their gazes lock and it seems like the universe stopped moving. Jingyu stopped taking another picture and let his eyes and brain captured that magical moment.

    The cat realised it's been forgotten and struggled its way out. Making the beauty snapped and returned to the present time. His cheeks blushed prettily and Jingyu caught that. Making himself blushed.

    "Zhou!" a cool guy yelled at the beauty. Jingyu really dislike that guy for ruining their moment. But because of that guy, at least he knew what to call that beauty.

    "What are you doing here? Everyone is waiting for you."

    The beauty called Zhou stood and left with that guy. Jingyu's still frozen in his place. Watching those two guys walking further and further. He got his senses back when Zhou looked back at him for a mere second before disappeared from Jingyu's vision.

    Jingyu would be chasing after him if only his legs didn't give in. He slapped his own face to make sure he's not dreaming.

    "What the hell just happened?"

    A smile formed in Jingyu's face when he saw the guy in his picture frame. He really got it. It's not a dream nor illusion. 

    "Zhou, huh?" he's talking to his phone screen. "Will we meet again?" 



    • Like 8
  20. I knew the shirt is familiar. But what about the jeans? Did ZZ or JY wear it before? Because it's also familiar, but maybe it's ZZ who wore it.

    Is there any new move from JY part? Like liking ZZ's post or something:phew:

    And I just wanna share this thought. I know a lot of people despise the authority for the ban. But somehow, lately I also like to thank them, just a tiny bit. Maybe it will be more of a picture perfect without the ban. They could be seen together, there will be season 2, and maybe a lot more candies. But then, without the ban, my support for YZ won't be as much as now. With the ban, somehow I feel like we became a part of their struggle as well. Not just being happy seeing them together, but we also cry for them, pray for them (Can I say we have common enemy?) I empathise with them and that's what set them apart from other CP, for me personally. And seeing them struggle strongly through those obstacle, I just respect them more. I don't know about the other CP but YZ is magical. That's why seeing their journey to the future and be a part of it is the only cure for me from going nuts.

    • Like 19
  21. I'm happy seeing ZZ all smiling. Thank you for Thai's fan ^^

    @tea4two reading that soulmate signs, I believe they are soulmate. I'm so happy for them but at the same time I envy them :D I haven't found my soulmate so I won't know how that feels. But seeing them, who could say there's no such thing as soulmate and true love. And if that's all true, then I'm positive there won't be any problem even if they are getting so busy and rarely meet each other. Don't worry guys, the ship is sailing strong :wub:

    • Like 11
  22. So, this is just my delulu. As I said it before, it's my selfish delulu because this way is more interesting for me https://www.wattpad.com/273046391-yuzhou-fan-fics-mistake


    Jingyu is back in Beijing today. He couldn’t wait to come back home before. But after arriving, the fact that Zhouzhou isn’t there with him is getting through his thick skull. That guy is still working in Thailand. That just makes him sad.
    Usually, coming back to Beijing means he will be able to meet Zhouzhou and spend time together. So today is really not the day for Jingyu. He couldn’t help but miss his other half so much. The longing just runs deeper because this city is supposed to be their home. It doesn’t mean anything if they are not together. They need to be together to have a place called home.
    His manager reminds Jingyu for his next schedule. Yes, no time to rest for him today. He makes sure he looks stunning and tries his best to focus on the job. It’s really not easy when his heart is in another place. 
    He is asked to sing a song, anything really. His choice 100% depends on his current mood and today is all about loneliness and longing. 
    Both Zhouzhou and him like Jay Chou’s songs. Jingyu listens to his songs more frequently after he found out that he’s his boyfriend’s idol. A part of the reason is because he’s jealous. He wants to capture all of Zhouzhou’s attention. If he could, he’ll cover all of Jay Chou’s songs just to replace the songs in Zhouzhou’s playlist. Singing Jay Chou’s songs for Jingyu is like telling Zhouzhou to only listen to him and his voice.
    So, today, of course Jingyu picks one of Jay Chou’s song about loneliness and longing. He sings a part he remembers best from East Wind Breaks.
    Well, the filming is done successfully. Jingyu has a free time so he’s trying to keep his mind from missing Zhouzhou too much. He could die of loneliness if he didn’t do that. The best way is of course browsing fan’s update about him. Seeing how awesome he is always able to make him smile and feels proud. 
    He’s looking, scrolling, browsing. He just tries to make his mind busy. He finds a lot of good pictures of him. There is not a single photo of him being ugly but he still knows which one is better and which is the best. 
    After a while, Jingyu finally found the one he feels satisfied. He wants Zhouzhou to see it too. Honestly, he just wanna show it off to his beloved boyfriend. And without a second thought, he likes that picture so it will be easier to show it to Zhouzhou. But then his blood runs cold when he realises he’s not using his own account. To make matter worse, he’s using Zhouzhou’s account.
    He forgot to change it after checking Zhouzhou’s recent activities earlier today. Now it’s too late to do anything. He couldn’t think of any solution. Jingyu could only hopes nothing bad will happen to his innocent boyfriend because of him.
    So, before Zhouzhou could find out from anyone else, he calls him. Luckily Zhouzhou is taking a break so he gets the call.
    “Hi. You’re done with the filming?”
    “Yes. What about your practice?” Jingyu is still gathering his courage to inform Zhouzhou about his silly mistake.
    “Almost done. We’re just taking a short break.”
    “Zhou,” Jingyu calls his boyfriend name as sweet as he can. It’s like a sign that Jingyu’s done something bad or he has something he wants and Zhouzhou knows it well.
    “What now? Did you do something or do you want something from me?”
    Jingyu could only force himself to laugh eerily. “You see, there’s this photo of mine. I look so handsome in it. It’s from today’s filming.”
    “And?” Zhouzhou patiently listen to Jingyu’s explanation.
    “I wanted to show you and I kinda liked it…”
    “Sure, I’ll look at it later,” Zhouzhou still doesn’t know what’s going on.
    During the time their fans are screaming and smiling. Thanking God for that beautiful gift. Checking again and again to make sure it’s not a hallucination or some pranks. During the time it became the most talk about topic. Zhouzhou’s still in the dark about it.
    “It’s… I liked it with your account.”
    “What?!” Zhouzhou hurriedly cover his mouth so hopefully no one would notice. “What did you just do?”
    “Sorry… I didn’t realise it’s still your account.”
    “And why did you use my account for?!” Zhouzhou asks sarcastically.
    “Hahaha, you know. Sometimes I just wanna know what caught your interest recently.”
    Zhouzhou can’t respond to that. To any of that. He’s too shocked to respond. It’s not something that will make him mad. But it’s just driving him nuts. 
    “Just what are you doing? You are the one who said to be caution and careful.”
    “I just, I miss you so much. Being in Beijing without you could almost kill me. And you are busy with your practice. I don’t know how to stay sane.”
    Zhouzhou can relate to that. He misses Jingyu just as much. If it’s not because of his busy practice, he could’ve also gone mad. Jingyu is already in Beijing, their supposed to be home, but he needs to stay in Thailand. 
    “It’s done already. So there’s nothing we can do to change it. Let’s just observe what will happen. And I’ll post something new later so hopefully people won’t focus on that anymore.”
    “It’s fine. I miss you as well. I really want to see you soon.”
    As always, Zhouzhou is able to cheer him up easily. Jingyu is happy again. He still can’t believe he made that mistake but he feels better now. He feels so relief that Zhouzhou is not blaming him.
    Zhouzhou hangs up the phone and checks the picture Jingyu mentioned. He can’t help but smile lovingly seeing the picture.
    Well, he did look so handsome.
    Zhouzhou is back for his final practice for the day before he later upload a selfie of him. Well, he also couldn’t wait for what will happen. He wants to observe the reaction he’ll get because of that liked picture. Maybe he could do similar thing in the future if this one is good to go.



    • Like 7
  23. 9 minutes ago, gashupingo said:

    If you're talking about the comic @skeletonworks posted. It's about this bubbly jump ZZ did:

    ZZ is famous for stiring/teasing his fans/the girls. So in the delulu world, JY will punish him because of this.

    Ah, that jump. I thought it's more about how he's so friendly with the fan in this video 



    And tbh, it's more meaningful if finally ZZ is courageously liking JY's pic. But I also got worried about what will happen to him. And for the sake of my FF, I want to keep believing it's JY.. sorry for my selfishness :phew:

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