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    The guy that plays Shinwoo I can't believe is the same age as me. They act so mature...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love Track #2 on the OST. It's such a light and happy song.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yehh though PSH is a really good actress, one of my faves!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow I didn't know the guy that plays Shinwoo was that young o_O haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I love the OST! I actually never heard PSH's singing until this drama. She has a very unique voice!

    I have all the eps for you're beautiful atm, 16 of em, subs only up to ep14 i think. If u wanna grab em off me let me know/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh wow that's so fast! cuz it just finished airing not too long ago haha. It's alright cuz I want the hardsubbed ones xD Thanks though!

    yay more YB fans. n_n

    I finished downloading the whole series...just waiting for subs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    GAH, some parts really annoy me, especially the fact that Gemma and Taek end up together is inevitable from episode 1.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SHINWOO IS LIKE x1041510952852 better. it just feels liks Hana Kimi+ BOF all over again.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    The girl dressing up as guys seem to be a trend now for Asian dramas xD

































































































































































    Are the lead female characters in Korean dramas always so helpless, indecisive and cry all the time? The first/last drama I watched was Dan Chao Fan and I thought the main female character was annoying, but seems like Korean dramas are worse.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HAHA yeh that's true until i watched Couple or Trouble where its pretty much the other way around xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm currently watching You're Beautiful watching it slowly, up to ep 5 at the moment since my net usage is so low ><
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The storyline isn't that great but it's interesting and lovee the cast xD

















































































































































    Joanna: Good to see you back after so long!

    Do you mean: Control Panel > Under Personal Profile > Change Custom Title































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    ^yehh I used to post here like everyday now i rarely but i'm trying to post here more again ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    also does anyone know how to change the status thing under your profile picture? :/
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't seem to find it with this new format as i'm still not used to it ><
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    woah i haven't been here for ages! The last time was probably last holidays! This thread is growing very fast! I see some new posters.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think i'll stick around here during these holidays since i'll be bored xD
















































































































































































































































































































































































































    My copy came today! So happy xD The packaging for the LE version is so nice~ I haven't watched the whole thing yet, watched segments of it ^^ Is it just me or it looks like Shou isn't wearing makeup? He looks different but its nice hehe.
































































































































































































    ^Thanks for the pics, havent seen them before!
















































































































































    Just to let you guys know that DIM scene final at Saitama live dvd is out for preorder on yesasia now!
















































































































































    Limited Edition
















































































































































    Normal edition
















































































































































    It's much more cheaper on Yesasia with the free shipping! =D
















































































































    ^oh what i mean is like extra bonuses for first press like for RCE there was the bonus poster and such. Yes there is a bonus dvd for the limited edition which will apparently include a multiangle shots of their concert or something like that?? not exactly sure, hope someone will give proper details on it later. Yehh Road Of Nameless Liberty was the best!! had so many cute footages, i wish i own the limited edition of the the NLSGT xD

















  21. Ruki looks so cute next to Ryuichi xD haha and Ryuichi still looking young!

    ^hahaha nice fanvids xD

    Gazette's live dvd final at Saitama is out for preorder on CD Japan, HMV and Guruguru.

    Ah its so pricey.. there doesnt seem to be any bonuses for the dvds so i might wait for yesasia..

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