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Posts posted by LunaDiviner
















    Lol, like most asians guys have some form of a mullet. A mullet is just short on top and longer at the bottom. Though sometimes when guys have really long hair at the back it looked ridiculous. I'm getting hair cut tomorrow. Probably getting a mulletish cut again. x] Excited.














    I put my iPod on sleep timer. Don't want the batteries dying on me the next day. I usually listen to my "sad" playlists, since they consist of more quiet, ballad songs that would help me sleep faster. If I'm really tired, I put anything on. I fall asleep in like 1 minute anyway.
















    A complete change in attitude. You ask them why they're acting like that. And they just basically say, 'I think we should just be friends'. I mean, c'mon.. Leaving someone hanging hurts like freakin' hell. TT"


































































































































































































































































    It's not getter better.
































































































































































































    It's not getting easier.
































































































































































































    If anything, it's getting worse.
































































































































































































    I'm sorry for being like this.
































































































































































































    Sorry if it makes you feel awkward.
































































































































































































    Just give me some more time.

































































































































































































































  5. Chicks grows into chickens. Chickens doesn't need protections, they get irritated if they're stuck in a barn all day all night. They like to wander. Knowing the barn will always be there when thunder strikes, they're happy enough.

    Haha, woah, good analogy. Did you make that up by yourself?
































































































































































































































































    I'll smile for you. I'll laugh for you.
































































































































































































    I'll look happy for your sake. :)
































































































































































































































































































    I still don't really understand...
































































































































































































































































































    I don't hate it. Most of my friends are single. Though there are times where it would be nice just to have someone to hold to. =[
































































































































































































































































































    You better go! Hmph!
































































































































































































    No, really.. Please go. TT"
































































































































































































































































































    Meat Eater. :) I love chicken. It's so yummy.
































































































































































































































































































    I know he said you're "approachable," but that's not the problem.
































































































































































































    The problem is me, and whether I have the courage to approach you.
































































































































































































    I really, really, really don't want this to ruin our friendship.
































































































































































































    It's happened before and I do not want it to happen again.
































































































































































































    But I'm scared, that I actually do sorta, kinda, probably.. like you.
































































































































































































    Just at least get out of my head long enough that I can finish my essay. ><"
































































































































































































































































    It was okay. Went for a bit over six months.
































































































































































































































































































































    With my mouth closed. Unless something is really good I can't help full on grinning.
































































































































































































































































































    ^ Go to an asian hairdresser. They know the latest hair styles and how to achieve it. I went to a non asian hairdress and kept telling her to cut the top shorter. Told her like five times.
































































































































































































































































































    Z-degrees and Foolishways.
































































































































































































































































































    Do you see a point in it when you`ll end up messing it sooner or later?
































































































































































































    NO! Haha. Unless it goes all crazy and twisted. Then I'll just make it somewhat flat. :D
































































































































































































































































































    ^ You ask your parents? Unless you're not Korean. If you're Chinese you can get it translated into Korean. I don't know about other languages.

































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