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    Yes, I have. During one of my free periods when I was really bored and near a computer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I try not to say things too fast and I use simpler words.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Twice max. Usually it's not even one day after another. Sometimes I just forget and leave them on the floor and wear it the second day after when I usually can't find another good pair.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I got upset over something and I texted him after and said thanks for being there for me and sorry for being such a loser and he texted back, "Don't worry, you're my favouritest loser in the world."
















































































































































































































































































    We all got them, now spill! And pray that your parents don't go on Soompi. Haha.

    Here's mine.












    - I had a boyfriend when I was ~14.












    - I've dated other people.












    - I've had a sleepover with a few guys. [Don't worry, nothing happened. Just played Monopoly til 6AM. LOL.]












    Your turn. :)



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