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Posts posted by tanio12

  1. thanks for this News

    will stars,celebrities or artist as they called

    their also human and human's  made mistakes

    My friend ramming your car into two cars was no mistake. The point is celebrities think they are above reproach but in Korea the penalties may not necessarily come from the police the public's anger can devastate a career.

  2. 10-07-15 Runaway actor shooting today in Kyoto _ picture

    Credit : angelordevil-Runaway thread, goo blogs

    dang this man is just sexy. anyway keep posting pics of him and lets push this thread to 100 ljj definitely ain't lacking fans.














    Rest in peace.












    My favourite actor.












    I can't believe this.












    Just can't believe this.












    I woke up this morning and saw this news and I laugh at it, another joke?












    But it turns out to be the truth












    I can't believe it even now.












    Everything seems to be so fine. Why?












    If it is becoz of his father, he at least have to stay strong to take care of him in the very last moment.












    Why could he choose to go first?












    I dont understand












    Even now, I still don't understand.












    If it is other female actresses, they are sentitivie, they are suffer from pressure to be famous, it is reasonable.












    Now you are at your peak, you are a MAN, why can't you sustain for some troubles in life.












    I hate hate hate you!!!!!























    how could you hate a person you never knew. The problem is these celebrities try too hard to live for the world and not themselves. everybody in this world will not love you or like you and that is okay. Nevertheless in the k-ent world some of these celebrities have no sense of themselves and i wish they had a stronger support system like all Koreans should have.



  4. June 25, 2010

    Kwon Sang-woo slapped with hit-and-run charge

    Actor Kwon Sang-woo has been booked without detention for fleeing the scene of an accident after hitting a police car and a parked vehicle, according to Gangnam Police Station on Thursday.

    Kwon bumped into the front of a parked Genesis around 2:55 a.m. on June 12 while driving his Cadillac in Cheongdam-dong, southern Seoul, said the police. Kwon then reversed the car, only to hit a police car which was approaching Kwon from behind. He then hit a tree in a nearby parking lot. Kwon finally fled on foot.

    Kwon appeared at the Gangnam Police Station on June 14, two days after the incident. He was booked on a hit-and-run charge as it was too late to measure his blood-alcohol level.

    Kwon is said to have told the police that he fled because he was frightened to have been in an accident and to see that a police car was following him.

    The police sent the case to the prosecutor’s office on Wednesday.

    On Friday, Kwon’s agent said the accident was due to inexperienced driving and that Kwon deeply regrets his actions.

    The agent, however, did not comment on suspicions Kwon may have fled the scene because he was intoxicated at the time of the incident.

    Kwon’s accident is expected to affect his latest movie “Into the Fire,” which was released on June 16, and the television drama “Dae Mul,” with which Kwon is planning to make a comeback on the small screen.

    “Into the Fire” producers and Kwon’s agent said that Kwon will be excluded from the nationwide promotion tours for the time being, while the “Dae Mul” team said that there will be no changes in Kwon’s schedule. The new drama is scheduled to start shooting early next month.

    Meanwhile, Kwon’s wife, actress Sohn Tae-young, appeared at an ESCADA fashion show at the brand’s flagship store in Cheongdam-dong on the day Kwon was booked.

    By Park Min-young (claire@heraldm.com)

    Credit : Korea Herald


    okay why do i have a strange inkling there is trouble in paradise and there is conflict within Kwon himself. When I saw him at Jang's wedding he definitely was not happy.

  5. I hope that is posible news filming in my counttry.

    but I feel little bit upset when I heard about this drama cast Daniel Henney,

    How's about my JJ's role? T_T


    I know right I am like Daniel Henney, why don't Koreans stop lying to themselves and hyping this man up to more than what he is. LJJ and Rain was enough but if they wanted to cast somebody they could've gotten a korean actor emphasis on ACTOR not MODEL. Also nok do you have any videos of LJJ at the world cup or can you not post them anymore because of copyright violations?

  6. Oh my..., now I'm feeling uneasy toward our beloved Jisub :(

    PLEASE all Jisub's lovers, sending a letter to 51K is only an OPTION,

    before you do that, please please please reconsider carefully!!!!

    Is this pull-up pant's leg style such a big deal??

    Does it really have such a negative impact??

    What do you want to reach or to change by sending a letter??

    Is this matter worth or serious enough to do so??

    Is this not a little bit exaggerated??

    For my part this is NOT A PROBLEM at all, on the contrary I even LOVE Jisub's hip hop style. He looks so damn HOT in it. Must say this is my favourite style for JiSub. Maybe because I'm living in EU, far away from gangsta neighbourhood, that's why I (and my environment) never associate pull-up pant or hip hop style in general with bad or negative image. Most of his fans are living in Korea or in Asia miles away from American gangsta culture, they don't see this as a harmful impact for the Asian youth either, I believe. Beside this, we should not judge people base on what they're wearing, that's pure PREJUDICE. JiSub does nothing wrong, we should not judge him by what he's wearing.

    So don't count me in for sending a protesting letter. I don't want to bother JiSub with this kind of unimportant matter.

    Honestly I will be sad if I can't see him wearing hip hop style anymore. And I'm even sadder if he can't be himself in front of his fans wearing what he likes. It's his CHOICE, it's his FREEDOM to do so, and I don't want to take that away from him.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful comments and if one writes Jisub let it be words of encouragement. The least he needs to hear is about some pant leg being rolled up and gangsta culture, this man has a lot more pressure to think about then that.

  7. Did you just say that Ji Sub WANTS to look like a gangsta who calls women richard simmons and who deals drugs? Thanks for finally letting us know what kind of person you think this man is.

    And the rest of your comment was too stupid to bother with.

    What are you talking about? .Jisub wants to do what he wants to do why is that such a problem?Also when jisub wears the clothes that he is wearing i don't think he is thinking about richard simmons or drug dealers now maybe you might be thinking about it but jisub i doubt it..

    I want to repeat AGAIN what I've said TWICE already: My original comments were NOT about the music genre. My comments were about the symbolism behind the fashion choices and how they related to gangster rap (which is the music that Ji Sub likes, at least some of what he likes) and are DIRECTLY connected to gang culture, misogyny, and prison culture.

    Jisub wearing his pant leg up has nothing to do with gangsterism, now the true gangstas are the Gang Pae that is a true gangster and Jisub is nowhere near gangsterism. i mean would people be happy if he was sporting make up and wearing skinny jeans.Also jisub likes all aspects of music and not all of it is so-called gangsta music. Nevertheless it seems like there is a problem with how this man wants to represent himself and i thought hip-hop was about expression whether good or bad.

    @Korealslove & Tanio

    If you're really unhappy and worrying about Jisub's gangsta's imitation you can send him a letter to 51K.

    If I'm not wrong there was also a similar incident 3 years ago, but with much more commotion.

    It was The Brown Bunny foto's for W magazine.

    I believe one of his biggest overseas fans had send him a protesting letter.

    Don't know whether Jisub had read it or not, but it seems JiSub doesn't make that kind of fotoshoot again since than.

    So you never know...

    Thank you for your warm and supporting thoughts. Nevertheless, Jisub has been rocking hip-hop clothes for a minute. Also he played a gangster in a movie called Rough Cut i didn't see anyone get angry about that and it was not a meek and soft movie. also he was rocking the reggae perm before people even knew what it was and there was no problem with that so anyway i look forward to his movie and his dog KIKI is too divine.

  8. I am not saying if SJS is aware or not aware of what he does. I’ve been working with “at-risk” youth since 1997. I know the impact these celebrities have on the youth. Yes, our youth are intelligence. However, if a young person does not have positive role models who represent a lifestyle of the golden rules of life. How are they able to make the right choices like staying in school, giving back to their community, and/or going to college, if all they see is using and selling drugs, domestic violence, having children out of wedlock and going to prison? My view point is everyone in a public position (youth mentor, actors, actress, politician, or the prince of England) has some kind of responsibility (whether the person likes or not) to image they create for themselves. I can honesty I am fully aware of my responsibility of my conduct in my community whether I like it or not. I am a true believe that our actions speak more than what we say. That’s all I am say.

    I understand what you are saying all i am saying is let's research sometimes before we start condemning a whole genre of music.also celebrities aren't obligated to do anything for anyone just like fans aren't obligated to watch their movies or buy their music. one must accept all aspects of a person not just the image they want that person to be.Nevertheless ji sub wearing his pant leg up is just that wearing his pant leg up nothing more nothing less and how it got to be he doesn't understand the message he is sending is crazy.Nevertheless your points are well taken and i will continue to enjoy the man Jisub and his work as at the end of the day it is his work that pays the bills.

  9. Aloha KoreaIsLove,

    Thank you for your honesty and insidefulness to the world of the “gangsta” culture. I totally understand your point of view and the importance of how symbolisms which can send a strong, silent message to our youth in any nation. I believe if a person is in a leadership role or a high, public position, the person has the responsibility to be aware of their conduct and what they are representing to our youth of what behavior is expected and accept of them. For example, if a celebrity or royal prince decides to wear a swastika on the sleeve of his shirt and parade around. The prince sends a strong, silent message to our youth that the behavior and attitudes of the white supremacist is a good thing.

    I can’t say or know if SJS is sending a strong, silent message when he wore his pant as you had stated. However, I believe he may not be aware of the symbolism and hope we can give him the benefit of a doubt that he is not promoting “gangsta” lifestyle. Thank you again, KoreaIsLove for increasing our awareness to a culture, lifestyle, and behaviors that needs to change to increase the chances of our youth to make better choices.

    Jisub is very aware of what he does and that one pant leg thing is only but one style of Jisub and to define him by that would not be fair.. Also try to do research on your own about the hip hop culture as the so called gangsta lifestyle is but one aspect of hip-hop that is not all of hip-hop. Also and our youth will always make better choices, we have to stop underestimating their intelligence, they are lot more smarter then we give them credit for.

  10. The CURRENT popular brand of rap--also called "gangster rap"--originated as I described. The fact is, there are no top-selling rappers like Curtis Blow or GM Flash as of this date. It is NOT the popular and preferred form of rap at this time and hasn't been for 15. Furthermore, the clothing styles that are today associated with rap were NOT used by the old school rappers. They are a contemporary phenomenon. And it is the symbolism behind these styles--which Ji Sub and many, many other emulate---that bothers me. The low-slung pants and the one-leg-rolled-up style all come from the prison culture that is glorified by today's rappers--the ones that Ji Sub listens to and wants to dress like.

    what ji sub wears shouldn't bother anyone as that is what he chooses to wear, why one can't accept that he probably doesn't care and i wouldn't blame him.

    My Black friends are educated, hard-working, intelligent people who are deeply embarassed by what contemporary rap culture has done to their communities and how Black people are associated with it. They take it very seriously. Unlike Whites and Asians who buy this music "because we like the beat" and emulate these fashions without knowing anything about their prison-culture origins, my Black friends know how real and how serious it actually is. It's not a trend to them. It's real-life violence and hate that has infected their communities.

    what does your friends have to do with a actor miles away in korea and what he chooses to wear why does it concern you so. Also there are many aspects affecting the black community and i can assure you rap music is not one of them. Like i said before if there was no music violence would still exist.

    And please don't make silly statements like "you wouldn't like it if he told you what to wear". Ji Sub and I are not in private communication, so neither one of us is telling the other one what to wear. Silly comment.

    No it's not a silly comment as he wears what he chooses to wear and how you feel is of no concern to him so why even dwell on it.Nevertheless, jisub is his own man and does his own thing and i respect him for that and there is nothing else to say.

  11. Rap music does no harm? Are you kidding? The music that was born from gang warfare between East coast and West coast? The music that is produced and promoted by numerous thugs, many of whom have been shot and killed, or gone to jail? The music that is responsible for promoting violence in the African American community? The music that talks about killing cops, hating White people, and which calls women "b**ches" and "ho's"? THIS is where rap music comes from. And the fashion styles--including the pants worn like they're falling off and the one pant leg rolled up--are actually symbolic and have meaning in the thug community. I have lived in an area close to the inner city for years and I have numerous friends in the Black community, so don't tell me what I'm saying is "nonsense". You want to defend Ji Sub's fashion choice, go ahead. You're free to do so. But don't tell others what they're saying is "nonsense".

    Ji Sub is not "real" when he's emulating a fashion style that comes from a culture he apparently knows nothing about. I love the guy but I'm going to say when I think something isn't right, I don't care who it is.

    no rap music was not born from gang warfare between east and west coast. Curtis Blow, Sugarhill Gang,Grandmaster Flash and the furious five were rapping in the 70's and it had nothing to do with gang warfare. Also violence would exist in society without music so rap music has nothing to do with somebody wanting to do you harm. It is like saying violent video games causes a kid to shoot up school come on now. Also what black friends do you have in the community and are you saying these friends of yours are like that? also how do you know what ji sub knows? if that is what he likes then let him like and wear what he chooses, i am quite sure you wouldn't like if he told you what to wear and how he didn't like it. Peace.

  12. He needs to pull down the other leg of his pants. The "gangsta" look is NOT good for him. And that's what that style is. It's literally gangster. Why would a Korean dress like that? Why copy a style like that which comes from shooting people in the streets and selling drugs to children. Ji Sub disappoints me at times with his love of the rap life. It seems that he has a childish view of it and doesn't really understand the harm that comes from it. Because of that I can't enjoy these pictures. :(

    who told you such nonsense, rap music does no harm. also Ji Sub is real and his clothes are a reflection of his personality which is laid back and cool.Every man doesn't want to go around looking like a woman and acting all feminine wearing tight jeans and make up which seems prevalent amongst some korean male stars today. Ji sub has always loved the hip hop lifestyle and I hope he continues to love it but hip hop is just one aspect of him.

  13. ok, I can watch it...thanks so much Amy :)

    I can't stop smiling, really love this movie!

    me too to heck with harry potter as it has nothing on this movie. This movie was kicking from beginning to ending and the characters were Korean meaning no anglo person had to be the hero or villian. i appreciate movies like this that showcase Korean talent and hopefully Koreans will continue to support these type of movies rather than be brainwashed into thinking Harry Potter is the be all and end all.

  14. Hi Lin, the ring was not fit her fingers after giving birth (mostly happened to moms)

    Hence, once the wife couldn't wear hubby did't either... :lol:

    Lol yeah right they can make adjustments to rings and my funny suspicion is all is not well. I mean he looked okay but sometimes did not look happy at all.

  15. Thanks Ruffluv to share his new photoshoots with us here. He looks dashingly handsome (for me it would be better if the beard is gone! ) ;)

    Geez... can't believe his wedding is just around the corner. Hope every goes well on his BIG day.

    On the pregnancy news, I have to admit I was quite surprised to read about it though. :o Both of them are top celebrities and I thought they would be more 'careful' and set a better example for the youngsters... It seems that everything is so 'unreal' - being a fan of JDG, I'm not sure whether I could take it any more :blink:

    Oh don't worry you will be fine as eventually JDG was going to marry and have children . I still wonder would it have been better if it was on his time rather than hers.

  16. OMG.. I still can't believe that he dumped this canadian-american girl & left her all alone in korea.... lol.. that's why she wants to sue him for some reason... because he promised her marriage?! and then decided to dump her..

    well it's more to the story than that. and only LBH and the ex knows but everything ain't always what it appears to be and that is the end of that.

  17. Hi willenette

    I think so I love to see him on small screen like you ^^

    I think he's very busy about his varities "Happy Sunday"(every sunday aired)

    not enough time to have long period to play drama.

    We may waiting him until he end of contract "Happy Sunday Men's Q" It has 101 Episode?? I'm not sure.but now it's half way.

    wow!! your BD month same JJ.

    I thinking you are very cute like him.....

    at least I can always see your name in this Thread when I back.

    willenette,Your are my best friend here.^^


    Hey Nok what happened to you on YOu tube?you had the best videos.

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