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Posts posted by tanio12

  1. Oh, i'm a bit confused of your query...well... i dont care whether he has interest in women or not and i love his matureness right, which will help him much in acting gig. Do you think he disguise to be shy as a pervert? Sorry i think i offend you :huh: Korean people always respect those who concern them much! He's just too courteous and bow to these women. Perhaps they're much older than him, and this's also ok if they're teenagers, i think :rolleyes: If he does have any beside, i will wholeheartedly wish him and his half all the best. So far, after splitting up with his ex-girlfriend he still leads himself alone and oftenly avoids himself from other female ones. I dont think this is an abnormal gesture. He's just over 26, there's been time to fortune the future. As far as i see from Korean showbiz, the more famous a celebrity is, the longer it takes her/him to get involved in love. We just wait and see :) Oh, what if i became the other half of him lol

    Okay DADA no I dont think he's a pervert for being shy no no no no. :rolleyes: I am just asking do you think he will ever come out of that state of shyness as he matures as an actor. I see he doesnt fumble with his hair that much and he doesnt cover his mouth that much either with his hands which is a good thing. He seems to be speaking more openly. Yeah I am not concerned with who he is dating either and I am glad he is single, more time to focus on his studies and work. Yeah DADA you know enough about him so you might have a chance who knows maybe you will bump into him, does he live in the Seoul area or in the suburbs like Gangnum or Kangnum where a lot of Korean celebs live. LOL Where are you getting your pictures from? Some of those pics like his grandmother i never seen if you have any more post them if you can. Thanks for your response :)

  2. i'm coming back..The more mature he is, the more hidden charm he reveals...^^ >.< These photos seems the next step after Channel photos. How charming!>.<

    Ah, i forgot to tell you that Dw took a flight from Gimhae International Airport to Seoul on the 8th, i did hope thatt he would spend more dayoffs with parents hixhix but -_-

    Dada you are the person so can I ask you some questions do you like this more mature Kang DOng Won? Also do you think he will ever get over his shyness and why is it that he doesnt like to make physical contact with women, what I mean by that is I was watching this show and this show and some women were trying to hug him and he wouldnt hug them back, he just kept bowing. I am like Kang what is wrong with you? Women cant be that intimidating, Anyway do you have any pics of his family? I betcha he got his looks from his dad LOL. I do agree with you KDW is getting more and more sexier and I think he needs to keep the medium length hair makes him look hot. B)

  3. tanio12 hehe...i have no objection about his short hair, i think he's hot with short hair more man, mature and fresh..

    but the way they do with his hair style now..i think the right side of his made it weird (haha...i don't know how to expalin this..sorry...)

    "Monster"... is kdw also 'the monster'? or... can't wait watched the ending...

    thanks all for all news, pics, gifs and comments....

    Thanks Syville but let me ask you a question why is KDW so shy, it seems he is more reserved and shy now more than ever and I cant figure out why. I am like my friend if you want to be this breakout star you need to be more vocal and not hide behind the wall, no one will ever see you shine if you do. Just stating my opinion but his suit and those shoes are off the chain.

  4. with 2 beautiful ladies in both side...hmm....really not his style (i think...) :D

    look at him, really a shy guy, he should hugs the ladies instead of just standing like that... :P

    ooh..cutie dong won.... :wub:

    and yess... he looks tired indeed.....

    dongwon fighting !!!

    Well what is his style? I hope not two men :lol: that was a good one syville. Anyway everybody keeps talking about how tired he is, how can he be so tired when he has spent darn near xx months in seclusion. He should be plenty of rested and I like his hair like that and I hope he does not go back long, keep it short and i think with this hairstyle it can be versatile. :)

  5. I saw the M preview.. and I LOVED IT!

    Altho I didn't really understand what was said thru out..I really liked the combination of mystery and suspense highlighted inside.

    KDW's eyes really speak volumes..and when he spoke, I was like :wub:.. man how can anybody resist this guy?

    I really can't wait to watch the movie already! :w00t:

    Oh just a question about his appearance in the PIFF event, why was he scheduled to attend a later event and not with the other casts and director?

    Good question he might be busy,isnt he in graduate school? Then again we will see if he shows up on the red carpet.

  6. Generally, this article brings out high compliments on Dw's performance...But...it's a pity that the writer wrote it not basing on her direct watching Dongwon's movies.

    You see, not to mention previously other films, 'Temptation of the wolves' must be the movie for which DW won first praise right from 2004 in the country and abroad as well. Also this year, Dong Won together with Moon Geun Young were named as stars of the year/ top stars. Right after that he starred in Duelist as Sad eyes which was highly praised at the 10th Piff. Perhaps this is an internatonal festival and this writer thinks that Duelist is his first sucess???

    Also, it's really ridiculous to say that Lee Na Young...she's an prisoner in 'Maundy thursday'... OMG... This writer shouldnot have watched the movie indeed.

    And i dont like the way she/he compared our Dong Won with JOHNNY DEPP. So does Dong Won oppa, i think. they have nothing in common and are quite different in terms of acting, outlook, virtues and so on...

    Well DADA I can agree with some of your assessment but to be compared to Johnny Depp is a good thing, It means KDW is finally coming out of that boyish role that some girls can not seem to let go of. He can't play the cutie pie all of the time. As an actor one has to dig deep within themselves to find a way to move the audience. The best actors like Johnny Depp can do that and that is what an actor wants. ONe wants to be versatile for that is what seperates the Russell Crowes, Denzel Washingtons, Johnny Depps, Tom Hanks, from the average ones you see just in tv dramas or on a local stage. I believe KDW can be a superstar. The spotlight cant shine on Kwon Sang Woo forever. Its KDW's time now to show the world what he is made of.

  7. The biggest surprise was Cho In-sung. Not even included on the list last year, his performance in “A Dirty Carnival” brought him recognition as an actor and the fifth spot on the list. Nos. 3 to 5 on the list Cho Seung-woo, Kang Dong-won and Cho In-sung look like the glue that will hold Chungmuro together. Hyun Bin (16th) and Lee Jun-ki (19th) also garnered plaudits for their parts this year. There were no new female stars on the list, but Song Hye-kyo (14th), Choi Kang-hee (19th) and Goh Hyun-jeong (20) were all either in their first film or part of hits that brought them new recognition as actors.

    KDW is about to really kill it with M, he definitely is not to be taken lightly as he will bring his A++ game to the show. I see Kwon Sang Woo is in trouble but we will see later on this year how Destiny does,right now though KDW is the leader of the pack go get em KDW. It's been a second since we've seen him kick up major dust but he will this year. :D

  8. "In Korea, ordinary men must perform the mandatory military service for two years (the period is decreasing for a long time) and women have no duty.

    For many decades, people who performed mandatory military service can get some additional scores when he or she applies to public officer exam. At that time, public officer is unpopular job, so there was no problem. Recently, young people perfer public officer as their job because of its stability (public officer never can be dismissed because of the bureaucracy) so some young women petition The Constitutional Court to remove this score. Hence the advactage was vanished.

    However, many men object this decision so this debates become big issue to many men and women. There are many debates on internet bulletin boards and the conflict becomes opposition between men and women including insulting each other.

    Most of Korea men hate the mandatory military service and many son of the rich try to avoid this duty via illegal method." (written by my friend Chu Yu Ho).

    Overall, Well I think Korean men can't avoid the obligatory military service. Despite a long peaceful period, there is still a danger of war against North Korea. And performing in the army does demonstrate their patriotism towards the country. I believe, our Dong Won will do it that way.

    Thanks DADA for the info but what i was saying is South Korea government reducing the length from 24 to 18. Yeah I cant really see Dang Won on the front line but I can see him maybe in the technology sector or gathering intelligence which is also crucial to knowing how,why, when where and what your enemy is doing.

  9. Long time no see my friends! Are you all doing ok?

    I'm really busy these days and i just finish this trans few mins ago. i cant sleep tonight. I feel rather sad to hear of this news but this is a mandatory service that male Koreans must to perform. Anyone of us wont never long for that day :( Yet, he will do good job, i believe. Our Dong Won will absolutely join the army in the near future and i hope to see him the more often the better before his decision's settled. :) How about you?

    Here is translation, pls enjoy:

    Well Dadaprincess I think the South Korean govt will be implementing new changes in 2009 as it relates to military service. I believe there will be options one can do community service or serve in the military correct me if I am wrong. Also I think there probably will be a variety of postions for KDW to serve in the military. He doesnt necessarily have to be on the front line. I definitely believe if youre not the person for that front line situation then you shouldnt do it. In addition if I am not mistaken the government will scale back on the years of sevice from 24 mths to 18mths. If someone can confirm what i just wrote that would be cool. I dont want to give out misleading information but I do know that there will be some changes in the military soon.

  10. thanks for the info, eude ^^

    i still don't get it, so we aren't able to listen to simultaneously i.e. live stream? oO somebody pls clarify, i'm too dumb for this lol

    and thx jhing hun, i know i can count on you <3

    oh and anyone here who's planning on sending in a request for a song? just out of curiousity ^^

    What kind of music does Won Bin like, K-pop,r&b, hip hop? Just wanted to know.

  11. What's the big hullabaloo with Gong Yoo having a girlfriend be it LSJ or any other girl? It will be strange if he does not have one - a fine specimen of manhood in his prime. What is it with Korean stars claiming they do not have girl friends or boy friends - only gullible fans will believe them. I guess they are afraid of the fall-out with fans and losing popularity. Western stars are more honest.

    Yes that is part of the reason and the other is they probably dont have significant others. When you are as career-driven in the Entertainment business sometimes relationships can be a liabilty more than an asset. Imagine if you are dating your co-star and you and your co-star fall out. It can cause a lot of problems especially if you have to attend a function together. Instead of enjoying the function you spend all night trying to avoid one another. Also I wouldnt neccessarily think it would be strange if Gong didnt have anybody, he already said earlier in his career he wasnt looking for anybody. Heck why settle down when you have your whole entire life ahead of you.

    Also isnt he going to the military in the not so distant future. Why get tied down only to break up due to time and distance. Also if you think Western stars are honest I think you better go back and check the verse one more time. HWOOD stars are known for being liars especially when it comes to their image and personal life. It's all an illusion my friend all an illusion.

  12. In the ceremony, Andre Kim said Won Bin is a person with very nice personality and has much charisma as a star. He said Won Bin is a role model for celebrities. I am so happy to hear such good comment of Won Bin from Andre Kim. And this is not his first time to praise Won Bin.

    This thread moved really fast, happy to see so many supporters of our Binnie.^^

    I am collecting all the pictures of yesterday's event. Once I finish posting everything out in wonderland, I will inform you guys.

    Yeah thats cool but why is Andre there? Its like he is everywhere that K celebs are and I am like what? Won looks good though, I see the stars are starting to come back into view, Kang Dong Won is next and the next big ones will be Kwon and Song, so look out the big ones are coming.

  13. My goodness...If they're all ugly, other celebs must be like monsters ^^ :lol:

    I know thats right come on Daniel stop being phony he knows he looks good, I dont even know why he told that lie I guess to make mere mortals feel normal. LOL Also Kang is very attractive his look is sexy yet young. I dont know its something about his eyes that can go from funny to sexy to serious in many different ways. I dont see how he made it as a model if his face or look is inhumane LOL everybody should be inhumane if thats the case which its not. :D

  14. ^

    ok.. so..he's on top ten only? oopsss...top ten always... :D

    good job kdw... you may not the sexiest but the hotest.... ;)

    How did Jo In Sung outrank Kang? Cmon now. Yeah I think KDW looks sexier with the short hair and I saw the above pic of him laying on the bed. He looks nice but i saw his ribcage in one of the shots so I hope he has put on some more weight. I know he cant get too big or his clothes wont fit. Howver congrats to him for being the most flirtatious in a drama, he was wicked in Magic.

  15. ^

    yeah...just like my thought before...i think he's still pull himshelf from the spot light...

    waiting anxiously with the premier of 'M' movie.....

    Yeah after graduating with honors from his university and then jumping into grad school I would pull myself away from the spotlight too. Did KDW win any awards? Maybe i didnt see the list right on Pop Seoul but can someone confirm I know his good friend Jo In Sung won something. Okay? :rolleyes:

  16. Kkot-mi-nam Gang Dong Won moves to the management agent of WonBin

    ‘Since the debut, Gang Dong Won has maintained a close friendship with Won Bin. It is rumoured that he asked for much help from Won Bin whenever facing to difficulties in entertainment world's activities. Gamg Dong Won together with Lee Myung Se the second time collaborate and appear in the premiere of mystery, thriller 'M', and he is taking a rest in the US.


  17. M's short teaser is now out on the official website


    youtube link

    Nice teaser and Kang looks sexier than ever. I know the short hair looks good on him now and his voice well its deep very deep. Hope to see him real soon and I hope everybody will go out and support this movie and hopefully he will move on to the next level. :)

  18. That's good news KDW's leading in almost all of the relevant categories..

    He's indeed one heck of a fine actor.. tho still young, but I consider him to be up to par with a lot of veteran actors in terms of acting in style..

    Good for Kang he is a very attractive man and he looks good with his short hair. I think I saw at the PopSeoul site an old pic of him lying on the bed very sexy but you could see his rib cage so I hope he has put on a little weight. I think his face has got fuller but still very very nice looking guy.

  19. hello everyone,

    i read somewhere that Wonbin will have a fan meeting next month in Korea, is it correct :sweatingbullets: ? hope to hear something from him soon, miss him alot.

    Well I went to the site popseoul and if you go back a couple of pages they are also talking about Won Bin. i think there is a small color pic of him working out and let me tell you that if youre looking for the lightweight Won Bin forget it he looks like the Incredible Hulk and I am not kidding. His arms were huge and his neck large. A lot of people didnt like it but he looked good to me. <_<

  20. KSW so cute

    thanks for every news here

    Yeah and he looks really nice in his moustache and goatee. The only other ones that look good is So Ji Sub, Won Bin, Song Seun Heun. Takeshi Kaneshiro but Kwon stands apart as it just looks incredibly sexy and his body is hot, got all of the men pumping more weights than ever before. :sweatingbullets:

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