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Posts posted by tanio12

  1. On 9/7/2017 at 1:07 AM, willenette said:

    September 7, 2017


    Charity Work Goes Hand in Hand with Photography for Actor Lee Jung-jin

    Actor Lee Jung-jin, who is celebrating the 20th anniversary of his debut, has a second passion these days -- taking photographs.

    The world of photography opened for Lee while he was doing volunteer work in Kenya four years ago. He showed some of the many pictures he took while in the African country to photographer friends, who recognized his talent and encouraged him to take it up in a serious way.

    In 2015, he held his first exhibition showing a selection of some 80 photos he took in Kenya and Nepal while doing charity activities. He has also published a photo book of celebrities including girl group members such as Tzuyu of TWICE and Woo-ri of Rainbow.

    "In Meguara, a small village in a rural part of Kenya with no electricity, I wondered what I could do to make children there happy. I've been involved in many charity projects, building wells and schools in developing countries. But I wanted to do something different. So I printed out pictures taken with a digital camera and gave them to the kids as presents. The children's faces lit up with joy when they saw them," Lee said.



    He recently held another exhibition along with fellow celebrities showing pictures they took on trips to Rota Island in the Northern Mariana Islands.

    "What is so attractive about photography is that you can bring out new things about your subject. I experience that when I look at a fellow actor that I've known for a long time through the camera lens. I'm always surprised to discover sides of them I've never seen before. You get to know the person better," he said.

    His shots of Tzuyu garnered much attention last year. His aim was to show new aspects of Tzuyu that people hadn't seen before. "Girl group members tend to keep their faces covered in makeup. But she is still a teenager, and I wanted to show that she is just like any other young, fresh-faced teenager," Lee said.

    Lee is known for his tireless charity work. "In the past, I used to do this secretly, helping with meals and showers at facilities for disabled children. After it was reported by chance, I decided to do it openly. I often join overseas charity projects and encourage others to do the same," he said. He has been taking part in a library-building project in Nepal since 2011 and has helped build 27 libraries so far.

    "In photography and charity work, I think it's important not to go overboard. You just do what you can. If it's difficult for you to go abroad to help those in poorer countries, then simply delivering news from home to those working there can boost their spirits. It's not hard to find something you can do, even if it seems trivial at first," he said.

    credit : Chuson Ilbo

    Thanks willnette for keeping this thread going. I love reading articles about this man and he looked fantastic at busan film festival but he always does, cant take a bad photograph of him.

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/5/2017 at 1:24 AM, 2handsintertwined said:



    I know noor already went over why his page doesn't appear in trending topics/popular now on soompi.

    But I wanted you all to know what I was thinking. I think is something that I've been worried about ever since I came to his soompi page.

    So after @Noor90 said this,

    Then got sad. I think there are a lot of talented South Korean entertainers like GY, and I don't think they get the same opportunities,

    recognition, awards, popularity, endorsements, money, fame, honor, and special treatment that GY gets.

    I think GY gets treated like a God, like he's a prince or a king.

    I think there a lot of entertainers in South Korea who don't get treated like a God, a prince, a king, a princess, or a queen. I think their fans may think that they deserved to be treated this way too.

    I think when we talk about GY's opportunities, recognition, awards, popularity endorsements, money, fame, honor, special treatment it looks like we think he's better than other South Korean entertainers.

    I think this is one of the main reasons that no one here on soompi likes his page. And I think this is one of the main reasons why new fans don't visit his soompi page.

    For example, GY won plenty of awards, but someone may think someone else deserves the award more than he does, and they could be right.

    I think some people here hate GY because he gets all these opportunities. He had two hit movies, Age of Shadows and Train to Busan last year. He had a successful drama. I think a lot of people hate this about him. I don't know why I feel this way. I just do.

    I'm sorry.

    I just couldn't get this off my mind :(

    I love GY, and I am not hating on him. I just wish other entertainers got the same opportunities he gets. And I don't want anyone to hate him because he gets opportunities others don't get.



    I don't think gong yoos net worth is that much. In fact song joong ki is worth 10 times what gong is worth and hasn't been in the game that long. I enjoyed gongs interview on CNN talk Asia. He kept it 100 and let it be known that he doesn't fake and he is a prisoner of the image he created. Nevertheless south Korea like hollywood is very competitive. Only the top rise and gong is one of them. I can assure any other actor would not have that effect of goblin like gong and Lee dong wook did no way. However we as humans must never exalt anybody over the most high. 

    I see some of these k celebs acting all high and mighty as if they are the greatest and unfortunately they are not. It is why we must stop gassing them up so much and then get mad when they act arrogant or rude. Gong isn't that type but there are many who are 

    • Like 4
  3. 12 hours ago, glee77 said:

    As soon as he signed with YG , bad things started to happen.

    The last movie he negotiated without them was Master, which he confirmed in end 2015.

    It can be someone hating him, but considering that YG started using his image to further the company (saw posts of 2016 in netizenbuzz) , maybe someone hating on YG thinks the easiest way for them to go down is by attacking the "biggest name".

    Honestly, I hope YG dumps him. That's the only way netizens will feel sorry and like him again. After all, a lot of hate is because YG is a company full of chaebols (comments on DramaFever).

    No yg needs to stand by  the truth and continue to support kang in his endeavors. Also kang is a grown man and should not ask permission from anybody to be liked. If they do or don't will not stop him from living his life.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, ovcedhooy said:

    He was ashamed enough as it is. They say that it's because KDW try to delete the article related and because he treating to sue the writer. Well, it's real defamation if what inside are lies. And no one comment or bring up about the false fact. Hah. The one who should be getting nasty words is the writer! 

    Let me ask, what 'real thing' he must do? What action to show that he is really 'sincere'? Nothing can satisfied a bitter soul.

    Yep it's time for kang to get ruthless, somebody is out to destroy him and I feel some poltical motivation behind this . His co star in master had to be hospitalized because of having darn near a nervous breakdown from all the hate she got cause she was at a movie screening and her leg got tired . Netziens went in on her and it was sad 

    I got to thinking was it political since she was in support of the protests. This probably won't pertain to kang but you never know in this ruthless cruel world known as entertainment.


    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, wildaffairs said:

    Hi, I am here to show some moral support to KDW. I am a new fan of his and really like all his works. He is so talented. Before that, it just happen that I did not watch any of his movie but discovering this talented actor through his new movie 'Master' and 'Vanishing Time', I actually started to watch all his movies. And knowing that he is going to be in Golden Slumber with HHJ :)

    Things have not been going well for him. I know many netizens often praised him as the handsome, cool and talented actor because he is an impressive actor, but because of one interview that is being dug out, all these people criticise him as ''supporting his pro-japanese great grandfather'', although his company tried to do some damage-control (well not effective at all), thos netizens are saying so many nasty words about him (probably the same netizens who highly praised him before). <_< If he had known his great grandfather is a ''pro japanese'' (and I believe there is some misunderstanding), would he have shown his support. Obviously he doesn't know. 

    I really hope he will continue with more great works and not be dismay by all those unfair criticisms. In my opinion, 1 bad news really can overshadow all the good things about him. I think they should have a bigger heart to forgive, he may not be perfect but no matter what he is still a good person. 

    Like I tell people the Asian entertainment industry is nothing like Hollywood, one mistake can wipe out years of hard work.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, glee77 said:

    What's ironic :

    Comments : YG actors never apologize. KDW wont do it.

    Next day : KDW - I am deeply ashamed.

    Comments : YG never cares about damage control.

    After KDW's apology : YG - We take all responsibilities.

    Comments : KDW is bad

    KDW - Not doing audio commentary on a movie because good person.

    Wondering what do they want him to do next. Maybe he should just donate all his money and go live under a bridge, but then even that will not satisfy K-netz and those at netizenbuzz :(:(

    Lol dang kang said he was sorry. What else can he do , go exume his grandfather and stomp his butt in the ground. I feel kang will be even more closed to people and he was just opening up.

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  7. 1 hour ago, ovcedhooy said:

    Yeah I'm agree with you.

    I know some korean have a deep hating feeling towards Japan. I know the feeling since my country was once colonized by Japan too. They slammed KDW due to his decision to cover the story and once praised his ancestor. But did they ever think that probably at that time he didn't really have enough knowledge about his grandfather? And probably the reason to cover it up is because now he was ashamed and know that it will affect his career and people surrounding him?

    Since he is a public figure there were a lot that he have to thinking about. I'm sure he has his own reason as to why he take that action. And what more sad is the fact that netizen choose to not acknowledge another fact that his family already trying to condemn of all lee jung nam wrongdoing. They sell the company and give it to society which is probably why KDW live in a poor background.

    Some netizen saying that he should just admit and apologize in the first place instead of trying to cover it up. Hah. What some bs. I know once he admit it, people will still slammed him no matter what.

    yes KDW hurting some people feeling by those action and probably he at least must speak about this issue. but what making me upset is that how the netizen going two faced about this.

    anyway someone was making up theory that this is all happen because KDW is one of YG power and YG somewhat engage in politic affair. So basically the original target is YG(?).

    Yep  I remember kdw mentioning something about the Korean education system not being conducive to creativity and the protest being relevant. I guess somebody didn't like that at all and decided now is the time to strike hard.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, ovcedhooy said:

    Wow, I mean it's his great grandfather.

    Yes it was totally sensitive topic (japan-korea) but what I mean is KDW can't possibly responsible when the great grandpa doing his dirty deeds(?) right? 

    Someone who post about those article should think first that it is not only wounded KDW personally and his career, but also his collegues, friends and family too. Can you imagine how KDW's family keep up with this news? Can you imagine how the production team of his upcoming movie feeling?

    With KDW going to Japan a lot, I'm pretty sure some netizen will making a buzz about it.

    And about KDW and YG taking those action, I mean it's what every people do right? He has a job and of course he will have the need to protect that. Not everyone will go happily telling people that 'yes, I have a grandpa that babysit our enemy'. 

    It is his privacy but guess that celebrity did not have the peivilege of hiding something because they are for public. Meh...

    God, I just can't believe this :crazy:

    Exactly some one is trying to destroy his career, that is why the ent world is a cutthroat world got spies and enemies everywhere but kang has a strong fan base they will not allow any harm to him. He should apologize for nothing as this is a part of his lineage whether good or bad. I see why his best friend won bin dropped out of the scene too much drama.

  9. 7 hours ago, cresmix said:

    I've seen a few comments about KDW looking 'chubbier' or less refined than he usually is, and I need to comment on that b/c, honestly, that's ridiculous talk.

    He is a human being. A wonderful, gorgeous, supremely talented human being, who doesn't owe it to anyone to look a certain way. He's not a mannequin, not an object to please anyone's aesthetics. I love that he is willing to change, to take on new roles and characters, to express himself through his body, which is an integral part of his acting charm. He's never afraid to challenge himself and he couldn't care less for expectations of others. He is a true artist.  

    And personally, I think KDW looks amazing whether he's graciously slim or a bit 'chubby' (seriously though? chubby??? IMO, it only makes him look more masculine ^__^ Look at the stills/trailer from Master!).

    Exactly even on kang's worse day he looks better than most.now haters can choke on that.

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, pluie625 said:

    Park Hae Jin will not accept gifts for more than 10,000 KRW value at the fan club inaugration


    Park Hae-jin will be inaugurating his first ever international fan club on September 25.Instagram/parkhaejin


    Park Hae Jin has a humble request to make to his fans. The 33-year-old recently requested through his label that his fans should avoid bringing expensive gifts at an upcoming inauguration ceremony of his fan club.

    In an official update on Hae Jin's fan page, the Mountain Movement Entertainment stated that the actor will not accept worldly things from the fans. The Cheese in the Trap actor is set to meet his fans in order to celebrate the inauguration of his first ever international fan club - Club Jin's, on September 25. As the theme of the event is House Warming Party, the fans have been asked to carry the presents accordingly. Fans have also been given a spending limit which adds to no more than 10,000 KRW (approximately 9 USD), Allkpop suggests.

    The entry into Hae Jin's first ever fan club opened in June 2016. In order to sign up for the club, fans flocked in like bees which brought down the servers hosting the site within minutes. However, after mending the technical fault, the website carried on smoothly and around 2,000 fans from over 20 countries have already signed up to join the club. It is stated that the shippers from more than 27 countries are flying down to Korea to attend the inauguration ceremony.

    Meanwhile, the club members of Hae Jin club is up for a treat as they will getting incredible perks from their favorite actor. Who so ever has signed up for the membership will receive these exciting pay back benefits which includes:

    • Exclusive telecast premiere of the webtoon about Park's life in four different languages
    • Goodies and raffle tickets to any Park Hae Jin's event
    • Discounts on merchandises promoted by the actor (working)


    Well people flying  from 27 countries is not cheap so might as well let them indulge and buy him the best. Nevertheless good luck with everything.

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  11. 1 hour ago, willenette said:


    Hi tanio, thanks for sharing this info - Well, good for LJJ, happy for him. :P

    your welcome i swear ljj gets better looking i am like do you know his secrets wilnette does he drink water eat veggies what is it as this man is incredibly handsome and has a deep sexy voice. he killed it on SNL and i wish i had the whole entire episode, cant take a bad pic of this man even in casual wear.  I know its time for him to come on the scene though, no more of that background crap he is a star and deserves all the accolades and respect of one.

  12. 18 hours ago, newyorkcitygirl said:

    According to an exclusive report, actors Lee Sang Yoon (35) and UEE (28) are allegedly in a relationship at the moment.

    The report borrowed the words of a rep from the entertainment industry on May 2, stating that they got to know each other early this year through a gathering after which they begun dating.  Although it has not been yet a year, they are allegedly not hiding the fact that they're dating with great trust and love in each other.

    Although the two had posed at the photo wall together with arms linked at the 'MAMA' in Hong Kong back in December, the report stated that the two were not acquaintances or connected at the time.  Then later, they met coincidentally at a gathering earlier this year and clicked.

    A rep who knows the two of them stated, "They enjoy dates like any ordinary couple and affectionately take care of each other.  They both look great like models so they are even the target of envy amongst the celebrities who call them the 'Long-legged couple.'  They do argue like couples, too.  However, [the arguments] don't last long, and are lovingly growing their love while taking care of each other, being faithful toward each other, and trusting each other."

    Stay tuned for confirmation or updates from the agencies!

    Here comes another celebrity couple!

    On May 2, After School's UEE and actor Lee Sang Yoon officially confirmed their dating news! Lee Sang Yoon's label J Wide Company and UEE's Pledis Entertainment both confirmed the news and stated, "It is true that the two are dating. They met at a gathering earlier this year, and are currently getting to know each other. Please give them support." 

    Earlier, reports stating that the two are currently passionately in love got everyone's hopes up for a brand new, visually incredible celebrity couple. Congratulations! 


    I don't know about this as after watching happy together and seeing that Lee is not a tidy man I hope uee helps keep his clothes dishes and house clean.

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  13. 3 hours ago, willenette said:


    Hi adikkeluangman, thanks for sharing this picture. I heard that LJJ often spent his free time golfing with Nichkhun. I wonder if he's still a free agent or already found a new agency.  I noticed that he's quite active off-screen. He is extremely dedicated to photography and pro-golfing. As far as I remember he won an award last year, right? It was a documentary he filmed in Kenya for several months and he has also attended many golfing competitions.   I hope he could look for a new management that can support him more in the aspects of directing and the documentary that he's interested into.  :P

    well ljj has his own company now.  forgot the name of it but he is the boss now.

    • Like 1
  14. genahlim said: KDW is indeed very caring. In most photos n videos, he made sure he walks behind our queen, beside our queen. He's so protective over her. Today SG, he or rather both are so comfortable with each other. Thanks @freshspring‌ @utkim‌ @song4kim‌ and many others for your wonderful updates. Love you all. Hope tomorrow SG is a fabulous one.

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