Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by blueseeker
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't wait for this drama as the two main leads are one of my favorite actors/actresses. I got a little curious though when it was noted that it's based off an original manhwa and it's waaay different than the drama summary i have been reading. Not a bad thing since the comic blurb leaves a lot to be desired for a drama:  "Mun Su is a strong girl with a weak heart. Wanting to pay off the debt of her uncle, she is going to work for the creditor. To her surprise, the guy she beaten up outside is...!!! "































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does aja-aja have direct download? Does anyone know what site they use?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yes they use direct downloads and high quality videos. Also you have the advantage of not having to worry about seeding and such, like in torrents. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also the $20 donation covers you for a full year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You know i understood when people were angry when it happened, but after they have repeatedly apologized and i believe shown remorse for their mistake; i'm wondering what more do people want? I think their company should have them rest for a bit and reflect on their actions, but to hear that there is such a stupid petition out there is unbelievable. Not the first time i see how crazy some netizens are, but i wonder how flawless those throwing stones are....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Try this site to watch:  http://ionair.tv/list.php
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is a drama that I do a once a week catch-up.  Basically, I skip all the scenes with the crazies, i.e. ex-wife, daughter-in-law, daughter, step-mother, old man, etc.  I only watch HW, James and stupid security guy because I want to see how and when he'll finally get his revenge on those people.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have been doing the same because the repetitiveness on some episodes was too boring to watch. It looks like it'll finally pick up on the next episode. To think that it took over 70 episodes for something i thought would happen early on.....wacko.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone know where i may be able to watch season 5 with subs? I have looked everywhere but only find the earlier seasons and the newest (6), but not 4 or 5.....tears.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You know i'm not very religious, but i almost feel the need to get on my knees and sing hallelujah! Seriously, it's about damn time they pay their dues for what they have been doing to those boys!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was lamenting that none of the recently started dailies were grabbing my attention, but this one now has me hooked! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gah, the man are so.....manly! That kiss scene in the elevator had me fanning myself. Don't even know who to root for, because this is an incredible cast. Their acting skills are so good, i hate them and love them with equal measures so far. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm starting to whimper though it because it's was nice to have so many episodes to watch back to back, right now i've watched up to episode 26; and i'm anticipating when she'll figure out what they're trying to do take advantage of her, and she'll start to really fight back. One thing i love about this writer is they may have the heroine suffer almost to a place where they hit bottom, but instead of wanting to die, they become stronger. wub.gif   
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yes, it's only because of the Chuseok holiday that no episodes were aired for the past 2 days. It'll air tomorrow though.

































































































    it's weird how when i was skimming the episodes ... i actually felt sad for Shin Hae's birth mom after she finally found out how cruel she has acted towards her own birth daughter and her desperation in finding her. and from the spoiler pic posted above ... :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































    Yeah, i felt really bad for her too, even though i knew how badly she acted....compared to the witch, she at least was sorry for what she had done.
































































































































































































































































































































































    KH (HS's dad) told HS she's a scary person after she confirmed that she married MJ despite knowing that she was negligent in carrying out the surgery on SY. He scolded HS for hiding the truth from all of them. KH told off his wife saying eventhough HS is their daughter she shouldn't just side with HS when she's in the wrong and laments about how they are going to carry on living in this neighborhood. 
































































































































































































































































































































































    PB (MJ's mom) came to confront SY's mom accusing SY of being cruel towards MJ. it's not enough that she spread the news that's causing them great embarassment, she's breaking their family's rice bowl ... ie. HS losing her job at the hospital, her husband losing his shop lot and couldn't run his rice cake business and now causing MJ to lose his job too. PB asked if they are trying to starve their whole family. SY's mom asked PB what's the big deal about losing one's rice bowl? She told PB that SY loses her rice bowl twice because of HS ... once at the hospital and another time at company and that's not the only thing she did to SY. She asked PB if she knows what death really means to come here fretting over starving to death and told her to leave. PB say she won't leave unless MJ gets his job back. Sook Hee told Hyun Joo to get some salt from the kitchen. PB say she felt sorry towards SY initially but after seeing what SY is doing to them she lost all that feeling towards her. Sook Hee told her that as much as MJ's family might deny it but back then wht happened to SY and her family was no different from dying.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I find it funny how HS's dad is the only (shockingly), who realizes that even as a parent they shouldn't side with their daughter after what she did. That he also tells HS to apologize to MJ and SY is even more surprising, because i was starting to blame the parents for bringing up such a horrid person. Not to mention the way the mom is also siding with her daughter, like she did nothing wrong is beyond ridiculous. The fact that MJ's mom is on the same whiny bang wagon has made me disliked her even more with each episode....not that i liked her much from the beginning, since her character is of a country snob.

    JS was trying to comfort HS by saying she hope HS won't blame her or think she's looking down at her for getting her a job at a smaller private clinic instead of big hospital. HS who looked unhappy say it's not like she has much of choice since she hasn't been able to get a job at any of the big hospital so is not in any position to be choosy. JS agree and say at least to get into practise again first.
































































































































































































































































































































































    BTW, what's the deal with HS ex-colleague? What's the point of being friends with a person who is not even grateful for your help?wacko.gif

    HS insist that SH won't be able to admit her role in SY's botched surgery on her own. HS told SH that she was the one who brought SY here. she then proceed to tell SY that on the day of her botched surgery, she was mentally distracted because of SH who has threatened her and told her mother in law about HH not being HJ's son and HS then has to hear threats from Mrs Jang once she knew. she insist SH admit to SY what she admitted to HS before that SH was also at fault. SH denied that she did anything of that sort and that she has no idea what HS is talking about and she has never threatened HS. SY dragged an enraged HS who's trying to force SH into confessing and asked HS what is she trying to do. HS say isn't it clear that to SY that she's only trying to prove that SH too had a role in what happened to SY. SY: so what if SH really did as you say? are you trying to push the whole incident and blame it on her? HS say because that's the truth and what happened to SY is all SH's fault. SY: did you tell SH that it's all her fault what happened to me? HS: yes, because that's the truth of it. SY: so it's because of you that SH's consumed by guilt and ran away to hide in this remote place? HS: that's none of my concern. *slap - SY should have make that a few slaps* SY: so now you're even using my sister as your blame card? HS: that's because it's the truth. SY: whatever the reason, you've never admitted your own mistake ... not to me, not to MJ and not to anyone else. till the very end, you're still denying your own mistake during the surgery and trying to get rid of my existence. that not being enough, you even tried to take away my job. after all that, you're still trying to say this is all SH's fault? HS: that's right ... i became this way because of both of you. SY: if you dare to do anything else to my sister, then i will really make you pay.
































































































































































































































































































































































    I honestly wanted to laugh hard when i watched HS trying to blame everything on HS and thereby to SY. Really this woman is beyond the unlikable main villain/third wheel character i'm used to watching. At least their "evilness" can be justified to poor childhood, abandonment and a bunch of other neglects or bad treatment, from their family or the person they're being evil to. But this woman just happened to met this really good soon-to-be mother, that happened to be married to her first love. So she has no reason to have hated her the way she did, which makes me hate her even more. I have to confess though that i totally admire this actress though, because i have not watched such an evil(non-laughable) character in k-drama in quite  a while.....Her acting is superb!tongue.gif

    SH tells SY that she purposely approach HJ so she can revenge on Mrs Jang. SY was shocked and SH admitted that she's a scary person for doing something like that. SY asked SH if HJ know the reason why SH got close to him? SH says no and that Mrs Jang doesn't know she's her daughter either. SH tell SY to apologized to HJ on her behalf and to tell him she's sorry for using him. SY: so you don't have the tiniest shred of feelings towards HJ? you don't even like him a little at all? SH: i don't have the slightest bit of feelings towards him at all. so just leave me here and go on home tomorrow. i don't wish to return to Seoul. did you know how deeply i was hurt by my birth mother? i shouldn't have met that woman at all. i regret it so much. it would have been much better living on without knowing about her just with you and mom. just the three of us. i regret it so much. SY: it's ok SH. we can start living that way from now onwards. SH: i can't anymore. because i felt so sorry towards you. i did you so much wrong that there's no way i can live with you again. SY: how can you say that? you didn't do any wrong. SH: don't worry about me anymore and just live for yourself. my dearest wish is for you to live happily and show it to HS. you must! *bawls with both sisters*
































































































































































































































































































































































    I was so happy that HS was this honest with SY, because when the time comes for SY and HJ to realize their feelings for each other, SY will not have to feel guilty about it. It was also heartwarming how she's not afraid to admit her "guilt" to her sister, and at the same time still trying to protect her from HS.

    HS told MJ what she went to prove and MJ was horrified to hear she drag SY along to prove something like that. HS was upset that he's concerned about SY when she was trying to absolve her guilt. he asked HS what difference does it make what SH did? no matter what ... it was HS's fault in the first place for deceiving HJ's family and marrying him while carrying MJ's child. so how did she turn her own fault into SH's fault now. you're the one who lied. HS: so ... even knowing this, you're speaking up for SY? MJ: what kind of nonsense is this? you botched up your surgery just because you're being threatened? besides, you were wrong in denying till the very end that you made any mistake while performing the surgery. you shouldn't be telling me this when till now you're never admitted you were ever in the wrong. you're such a scary person. HS: how could you even when knowing it was SY who make me this way ...
































































































































































































































































































































































    :ROLLS ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING: laugh.gif Ah MJ don't you know that you're just hitting your head against a brink wall? He totally gets why she should admit her guilt and simply ask for forgiveness, but she's so delusional that now she's blaming the kind of person she is onto SY!

    the only reason why i'm still putting up with this drama is because i really want to see HJ & SY end up together. let's hope that SH telling SY that she has no feelings for the poor guy and was only using him to revenge on Mrs Jang will make it probable for them to be together otherwise ... :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm the same way. All i want is for the drama to finally get to the point where those two realize they feel more for each other. We've been watching it develop slowly, when at first i couldn't even phantom how it would even happen, so i'm more than ready for it now!biggrin.gif

    JS told HS who insisted that she was ok and wanted to remove the drip and rest at home that she was pregnant but had a miscarriage due to the stress she was going through. HS told MJ that he's probably happy that this happened to her. MJ was upset that HS could say something like this. HS claim since MJ hated her and told her she's scary, he should be pleased and happy that she's going through what SY went through.
































































































































































































































































































































































    You guys cannot imagine just how happy i was to read this. I only understood that she was pregnant but not that she had miscarried, and while i would normally not wish it upon the worst character, she's beyond any shred of sympathy from me. It would have been an appropriate punishment if she couldn't have children at all. Why do the writers love to punish the heroine but not the evil second woman? Although there was one i watched about a year ago where the witch burned  in a car at towards the end.....and i didn't even hate her character that much.ph34r.gif Even the cheating husbands sometimes die towards the end, even though they're taken care by the wife they threw away/mistreated. So my hopes are high for big bad things for this character!blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































    As always i cannot thank you enough Exupery for doing the summaries. There are so many things i would have missed, had it not been for all your hard work, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Still here! Just didn't know who else was watching it either. It's getting more exciting now, right? I like how everything is out in the open now. Lets hope the family opposition doesn't drag for too long when it does come.sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As always thank you so much Exupery for your summaries!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh my, this drama is going to be bursting with great actors/actresses. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































    So glad that it's going to be a romantic comedy. Have not watched CJW in one that totally fits her. YSH has shown he's good at comic relief, they will make a great couple in the drama. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I watched a few behind the scenes of their filming and their chemistry out of the script is really good. They kept laughing at each other.
































































































































































    Thanks for the summary/recaps! Wow this drama is going full on dramatic now. Before it was moving in a slow pace but seems to be moving at alarming speed now, revealing all the secrets/ties between the two families. 
































































































    @Etquon: I remember her saying something along those lines as well, but i very much doubt that she'll be that understanding. Just the way that she scolded YS, over forgetting the birthday. Not to mention her bad relationship with SW's mother. 
































































































    YS and HW will probably have to move out of the house. Actually, i wouldn't be surprised if the President also throws out WJ too....maybe all 3 can live together in an apartment with Viviana.laugh.gif
















































































































































    Oh dear us, BIG THANK YOU for those recaps!!! I honestly feel like i'm floating in heaving now, being able to understand what's really going on.laugh.gif That chart alone is priceless, as i can finally figure out who is who. 
































































































    I'm worried though that things may go downhill now with the two daughters in law. Their connection to the Moon men are getting even more tangled up.sweatingbullets.gif
















































































































































    I have to agree with you all, the drama has gotten way off track with the ghost nonsense. I have to question the writers state of mind, adding this sort of thing last minute, instead of solving the family drama. Right now this drama is like junk food to me, and i can't seem to stop watching it this late in the game. Lets see what happens, hopefully everything will not be wrapped up in a single episode at least.sweatingbullets.gif

































    I hope someone with more command of the language will come and save us. I really want to know what is going on with Lee Hoon and his wife. Why is she trying to frame/blackmail him? Is it because he lacks back bone in the presences of his parents? I also want to know how the second daughter-in-law's husband got into debt. I'm just assuming he a is worthless cad. But why didn't his family know about it?
































































































    Yeah, I don't understand that older daughter-in-law either.  Talk about passive-aggressive!  I can understand her losing respect for her husband because he is such a wimp where his father is concerned.  And, the father is too much.  No matter if the guy is your son, he is still an adult, now.  He deserves to be treated with some courtesy, especially in front of other people.  Family included.  If the father wants to belittle the son, it should be done In private.  :crazy:
































































































    I wonder if the wife is deliberately doing all these things to push the husband into having an affair, so that she can sue for divorce and get alimony.  Yet, as soon as she discovered that he had met that 2nd daughter-in-law, by accident, she started being nice to him.  Even he was surprised that she was hanging up his clothes for him.  She's a kook, so far.  Perhaps, we see things differently when we get the back story on her.  :wacko:
































































































    And, I have absolutely no liking of that man-stealer, home-wrecker, home shopping emcee.  What a witch, vixen and gumiho!
































































































    I hope the male lead character will be steadfast in his love.  Just like the male lead characters in "Don't Hesitate" and "You Don't Know Women".   (I miss YDKW because it was so much fun and so sensible.)































































































































































































    I have been wondering the same thing about the wife. Why is she doing all that? I think she asked for a divorce before, but why go through all this trouble just because he won't give it to her? It smells fishy, and i hope somebody does saves us from speculating.sad.gif
































































































    In regards to his father's treatment. I actually think he may be adopted or something. I mean why is he treating him in such a manner, but not the youngest? Since the mother loves her sons equally, i'm thinking she probably decided on the adoption or something like that. Makes me doubly curious about the relationship between the father and the heroine's mother-in-law. First love?
































































































    Auntie, i'm hoping that you're right and the male lead is as sharp as the one from You don't Know Women. It was one aspect i liked the most about the drama, and didn't mind how long it aired.
































































































































    hi. sorry about not posting any spoilers recently. hehe ... been distracted by other better dramas so haven't really watched this since my last posting. but will try & write some spoilers/recaps later.
































































































    and yes, it's 1 year later. i kind of skip in between episodes just to have a quick look and it seems that HS confessed to a comatose SY  that it was negligence on her part what happened to SY during the surgery  ... unless that was a dream sequence of her visiting SY at the hospital when she woke up after a nightmare. the little boy asked MJ when is he going back to his own home since his dad (HJ) will be angry again if he sees him here. -_- SY's mom did the divorce preceeding on her behalf because they were under the assumption that SY will not live through this and because MJ has always been good to her & SY, she don't think they should tie him down to a comatose wife who will most likely not wake up. but then she didn't know either that the person he was going to get together with is the very person who put her daughter into coma. i presume HS's colleagues still do not know about her starting a new life with the husband of a patient she caused to be in comatose state due to her negligence otherwise they will be looking at her in disgust by now. -_-
































































































    honestly ... i don't really like any of the characters in this drama. the only person i actually sympathize with is probably SY since she's really the victim in all this but even then ... she's so doormat that i kind of feel she brought it on herself. i hope her character undergo a change for the better now that she has woken up and find out the betrayal. as for HS ... i don't know if the problem is with OHA's portrayal of her or her character is meant to be that way ... but she doesn't come off as a very likeable character even before the whole botched up surgery and stealing her first love from his comatose wife act. there's something very harsh and abrupt her personality which makes me dislike her and wonder what the 2 guys see in her. and now on top of that we have to see her constantly pathetic poor me and guilty as hell look.
































































































    as for HJ ... he's not totally blameless in all these mess since he did covet HS for himself and did underhand stuffs to get her for himself ... so in a way he created his own misery. still he was cuckolded by HS into rearing another man's child as his own and she finally kicked him to the curb so she can get back with her child's father. even if MJ & HS is portrayed as the lovebirds who got torn apart ... i'm totally not feeling anything for them other than disgust. <_<
































































































    not sure what happened to SA's baby though? :unsure: ... must be in the episodes i skipped. need to go back & watch in sequence. :lol: anyway, i do hope this is not going to have good ending for MJ & HS. because the only reason why i'm still going to skim this drama is to see them get their miserable end. :vicx: with SY losing the ability to have her own child ... at first i thought something will happen to SA and SY will bring up SA's child as her own.































































































































































































    Thanks exupery for the recap! 
































































































    This is the first drama where i have no idea who the main character and the bad guys are.laugh.gif The only one who i think is good is SY, but i still don't know if she's actually a main character by the way things are shaping up to episode 34. I like that she's gotten a backbone and it's not taking anything from anybody. In fact she doesn't even want revenge on them anymore, but to totally ignore them. The sister though is weaving such a messy web that it's going to drag her right back in.
































































































    I like how HJ has become even more ruthless than before, well except for with the little boy. I can tell that he really loves him and was deeply hurt about finding out the truth. If i'm not mistaken, he asked SA for help on getting revenge, but they both don't feel anything for each other right? At least that's what i understood from the body language. It's made me at first confused because i thought he would try to marry SY to get his revenge, but it looks like the writer is putting a new spin on the whole betrayed wife theme?huh.gif
































































































































    I love Honey Lee in ep. 15.  Instead of moping, crying, whining, roof jumping, walking into the Han River and the general temper tantrum throwing scenes, the woman (Honey Lee) took action.  It was great!.   :P
































































































    The acting by the actresses that comprise the family of daughters-in-law this drama is superb, especially in the crying scenes during and after the funeral.   But, the acting of the actor, who played the cheating husband, was terrible.  His playing the drunk scene was laughable.  But, that's okay because he's out of the drama, anyone.
































































































    I wish there were more people watching this drama and could give us recaps or tidbits.  :)
































































































    ~ waves to gerryg:  Hi!  Nice to see you again. 































































































































































































    Oh good, i'm not the only one who is watching this one! I loved that part too, they don't just mop around but know how to kick some.....
































































































    I get the feeling that the writer will be using the very cliche mistress going after the widow's love interest though. I'm probably going to be fast forwarding on those scenes. The only difference is that there is no kid in the scenario.sweatingbullets.gif Other than that is very entertaining to watch, like greasy chips!

















  18. :breaks out in sweat:sweatingbullets.gif I have been lurking for god knows how long. Thank you all for your informative posts!

    At the risk of sounding like a total dweeb, i actually want to ask you guys to not forget to vote for GD on the 20s Choice Awards. You may think because you are not in Korea it's impossible, but that's not the case! You can vote by going to Mnet's site: 20s Choice Awards

    All you have to do is click on the numbers listed; for example GD is listed on number 16. When you click on the box, it opens a list of nominees with their picture. Just click on the right side corner, where you will see a check-mark. Right now we're ahead, but why not make sure to keep it that way?blush.gif You can only vote once a day, but if you do it everyday it counts. I think we have until July to vote, so please do it!

    PS: Big bang is also nominated in #7, if you have the time please vote for the group as well, and spread the word. I'm having heart palpitations at how close a girl group is to catching up with the boys. Thank you!wub.gif
































































































































    For those waiting for the english subs, here is a review/small summary of episode 1-2 by Dramabeans: http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/06/i-need-romance-episodes-1-2/

































    I really hope SH and HJ get their revenge on their exes and that both MJ and HS fail in life miserably. Even though their love is soo powerful and that should be beautiful, I don't find it beautiful with all the things that's happened. I want to see their lives crumble... I know, I am evil...  :ph34r: They just make me so mad.
































































































    I hope for the same. She is a careless doctor and selfish person. He is just as selfish because he didn't seem to even try to love his wife. The only time he said "I love you" was out of guilt. Also look how easily he forgot about how the witch hurt him in the past, just because now he finds out about the secret. Not caring for his ailing wife, and going to the witch like that....crazy.gif
































































































































    I couldn't stop laughing while i was watching this episode and the ghost of the halmoni came out. It was just a few pages ago that one of the members here had hoped for such a thing to happen, but that halmoni would scold the PIG or request for him to give his permission for the marriage. I wonder if the writer is lurking and just picking up the craziest ideas we get!dry.giflaugh.gif
































































































































    Well episode 20 is not really full of surprises but a lot of decisions are made. I can't figure out how exactly HS convinced her husband to

    give her the divorce finally, but it looks like blackmail.
















































































    Did it read that a month had passed or a year? It seemed to be a year because SA's hair has grown a lot, and she even changed the color.laugh.gif
















































































    So exupery, if you have some time to do the summary of that episode, it would be much appreciated!wub.gifblush.gif
































































































































    Thank you  exupery for the great summaries! HS is getting worse, because i pity the way she was married to someone she didn't love and the treatment from her mother in law, not to mention a bastard for a father. Yet she has no compassion or respect for anyone. Right now she's weaving her web on MJ, and he seems to slowly buying into it. 















































































































































































    I'm really hoping that SA helps SY on her revenge. She's calculative enough to teach her how to get even.

































    I think you can buy online in Soribada. Soribada has Korean and English sites. You can visit http://kpop.soribada...D=AK025874&TID= there since some tracks that are unavailable in my country. Try if it's available in your place. Hopefully this will help you.
















































































    I also tried that site in my search, but they don't have it available for the US either. I was able to buy the two they had available though. :whimpers: But i can't find My Story available in the US. tears.gif 
















































































    Soribada and Mnet both have English sites for international fans. Since Miyachan already gave you the link to Soribada, I'll give you the link to Mnet America LINK
















































































    If it still confuses you, then you should try iTunes, even though it won't count towards any chart, but you supported them nonetheless































































































































































    I must be worst at navigating these sites then i thought, i went to the link and although i can play the videos and even go to the artist/group area, it doesn't show an area where i can actually buy the music. blush.gif I'll try itunes next and see how that goes. Thank you!

















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