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Posts posted by honeylime

  1. 44 minutes ago, EMM! said:

    RYU JUN YEOL FACTS (by Eyes on Ryu)

    The purpose of this facts page is to make fans understand Ryu Jun Yeol better, as he is a very very interesting person! We will update the list gradually! ^^

    It’s cheesy and they say that if one says a word so much, it might lose it’s meaning–
    but we believe the word “love” is better said as much as we can as to remind us what it means and to strengthen it, too.
    (also, don’t be shy to use this word regularly, even our Junyeol uses it very often!)
    Again, thank you for supporting Ryu Jun Yeol with Eyes on RYU!

    We love you all!
    Share to love!

    With love,and for love,
    Eyes On Ryu!


    I follow EoR on twitter and ig, thank you so much for compiling all those facts! I was once an admin for a fansite too and I know it's not easy so thanks again for always translating and sharing all things ryu! ^_^

    23 minutes ago, tituyphing said:

    fanaccount gist translation :

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    so miss heeya saw them on 30 Jan, she said she moved from her originally booked accommodation bec there is no kitchen, and she was supposed to have party that night but too tired and canceled it and then she saw them.  it was blackout at the whole Big Falls, the members were menboong and she just saw from far... she gathered courage to ask the writer eonni whether she can get sign but the eonni turn down the request. they look skinny and tired also she can't look at their face cleary. she heard PBG said "there is no electricity here... but if you pay they'll give it to you.." (taek version), she heard ryu junyeol said he wants to take proper showers since he just took shower with muddy water, gkp busy with hi handphone looking for another accommodation, and ajh just looks like menboong. Pbg being so angelic, to be the only one with mosquito repellent spray and spraying it to writer and cameraman, also halfly to himself since he was wearing longsleeves. she said she believed she made eye contact around 3times with pbg, and he looks confused she is thinking he must be wondering whether she is chinese or korean? though she doesn't know where they stay at the end, she hopes the guys get nice accommodation and rest comfortably. and when people said you must get tanned if you go to desert, that's not true, because their face still shinning. although they were just 5feets away but they look like from different star (omg this fans hahaha)

    and on another post she said, on 31 jan on her way up to rafting place she saw the team's box being brought down. and she heard the guys are going down on raft. then when she goes to bungee jump site the employee asks her "are you korean? so many korean today. I heard they are actors." and he told her that the two who jumped are weight 72kg and 74kg, and she said they were Ryu Jun Yeol and Park Bogum. the employee also showed them the registration list Ryu Jun Yeol wrote on number 20 and 21.. she thinks the team was visited Big Falls, did rafting and bungee jumping, because that's the main attraction there. although YOF always been a hits, she hopes the africa trip be even more successful~~


    OMG I can't wait!!! Super excited


    OMG they did bungee jumping too? For someone who loves traveling, I'm sure he was happy that he could try bungee jumping xD I can't wait until it airs, and for pictures/videos he took in Thailand and Africa, I miss his ig updates somehow hahahaha :wub: hopefully he'll post something soon.. thanks for translating! ^^

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  2. @aprodithe @luffypyon @iloveenglishsubs thanks! i see that i'm not the only one who thinks of Park Boyoung :D hopefully he'd get a project with her soon xD

    Those knetz comments on taxi, wow seriously anything related to RJY these days always get at least a thousand upvotes, and I notice that they keep commenting on how well he speaks :3 


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  3. Hi everyone, I'm new to this thread but been following from the MT of R88 and JH x DS thread... *waves* ^_^ I made a soompi acc ages ago and never bothered to use it, and now that I want to join here I made a new one since I forgot my old acc lol. 

    11 minutes ago, luffypyon said:


    It's okay as long as it's Ryu Jun Yeol related. And we all know Kim Jung Hwan is a part of Ryu Jun Yeol too. We only suggest there's no comment about other shipper related (ex: TaekxDeoksun) and husband analysis anymore in this thread to keep positive vibes for all of us.

    P.S: I ship him with Hyeri too :D, I'll probably ship him with any actress in the future and I also ship him with myself in my dream ( we make our own movie every night :D:D:D )


    Since you mentioned about shipping him w/ any actress in the future, I'm curious whether you guys have any names in mind? Actress(es) that you want to see work with him in the future.. I've been wondering about this :3 I'm okay with any actress but personally would love to see him with Park Boyoung or Kim Seulgi xD

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