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    To be honest I'm kinda tired of this whole "brainwash" western influence in the media to the point where it makes us asians feel bad about our own ethnic eyes. I mean, think of it this way...if the media portrayed only asian women or women with single eyelids on the billboards or in covers, wouldn't it have the exact same result on us in the end where it will make us think single eyelids are "prettier" than doubles? I'm pretty damn sure if the media had alot of those women as models and such, we would ALL want single eyelids...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So it goes both ways...it doesn't necessarily mean one is better or prettier than the other, it's just all a matter of preference and how you THINK.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What I find worse is asian parents pressuring their young daughters to go in for surgery just because their eyes are "chinky" or small...what kind of parent would be so shameful of their own ethnic features to pressure their own kid to get surgery? What my friend said: "Many Asians push these negative ideas on themselves and others, to change these unique features. Accepting someone else’s standard of beauty twists their ideals and they put others down, thus continuing the cycle. It’s self damaging, really."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I agree with 100%. Also, this is a piece of advice, but getting surgery won't make you 100% satisfied in the end because you will always eventually find other flaws about yourself. You may be happier, but the confidence comes from within...not the outer shell. That's what makes a person beautiful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well gee,i dont really have a small face so I'm automatically not that attractive in korea? *rolls eyes*
































































































































































































































































































































































































    my face isnt too big but it's not small either. It's...average. But the thing for me is that I have strong defined jawline compared to alot of girls, thats what annoys me the most (when i take pics at a certain angle from under , my jawline/chin looks strong and "squarish", but when someone looks at me straight i have a normal V line shape :/

































































    ' date='18 June 2010 - 06:26 PM' timestamp='1276903585' post='16075313']

    I think I'm the only one who doesn't like her new face after the surgery.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol actually you're not. My mom says she thinks it's scary and gross.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    She thinks her natural face was alot better and she doesn't understand why alot of girls strive to go for this kind of look. :/
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I personally think she was already cute to begin with.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thats freakin insane...I thought she was natural lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now I know the truth. This girl literally fixed her entire face o__o
































































































































































































































































































































































































    but yeah, she doesn't look asian anymore.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol is it true that most asian guys prefer doll looking asian girls over anything else and that they believe it is the prettiest? I've seen this trend going on forever and it seems like alot of asian guys are turned on by doll looking girls...i wanna know the reasons why. seriously lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    (besides looking cute)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw my boyfriend is asian and he tells me he actually dislikes the doll looking girls...cause they look too plasticy and fake to him haha.

































































    If he was actually forcing her up to the point where she felt as though she was obliged to do it and had no other option, then I think it's wrong. But if it was something like "hey, I'm going to go smoke up... you should come along one day and try", then I think it's okay - the girlfriend can just say no. And as synergyz said, if she tried it and didn't like it, she simply could have stopped.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol personally I still see that a bit wrong in my eyes, since he knows it might affect her health and he's still doing it just because he wants her to do it with him. Im not asking if the idea of her not being forced is wrong, but the point of the guy ALLOWING his own wife to smoke when he knows it's really not the best thing. Because before she didn't do anything at all until after she was "influenced"

    i think it depends whether he forced her into it or convinced her to try it, I mean if you try it once and you don't like it its no big deal, but you cant blame the guy if she liked it and keeps doing it. I was convinced to go to church a few times, but I didn't like it and I stopped going. No big deal.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    lmao that's a pretty bad example. With drugs, it does affect you and your health and is considered a bad influence, but going to church doesn't affect you in that same way lol.

    I believe that's wrong. It kind of follows along the line of the person being of a certain religion and trying to force their significant other to convert to their religion. Respect the way a person lives. Don't force another to do something they are not comfortable with.

    Personally, I don't mind cigarettes or weed, as long as they do not come near me while they smoke (or even after) or if they are in anyway high. Hard drugs are another story though. I do not tolerate that. Mostly because I do not want to be fearing the health of my significant other the whole time I am dating them.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well he never forced her, he was only a bad influence. Thats all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was always curious about other people's opinions about this, but what if someone's bf was doing weed or doing drugs to the point he also wanted his own gf do it, and then she actually enjoyed it? Do you believe that is right or wrong? Or do you believe the boyfriend should not let her do it if he really cares about her?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    everything :D cant ask for more
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ I automatically thought that Taeyeon and Yoona had a lovechild when I saw your pic! XD I'm jealous how you are able to transition from feminine to androgynous so smoothly. Darn you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ahhh I haven't responded in this thread for too long. T___T I feel so out of the loop! Probably this weekend I will update with my hairdos. I should probably make a collage since my hair went through several different styles heheh.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks :)

    WOW. I totally couldn't recognized at first either

    but surely you look super pretty in that girly look too
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I always adore of all your style.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Haha thanks :)

































































































































































































































































    My boyfriend wasn't a virgin when I started to date him and I don't mind at all, why? Because he's STD-free and it's not like he had 10+ partners. Our sex life is awesome.

    I feel bad for the ones who are going "ew I can't imagine having sex with someone who already had sex with someone else," Oh grow up.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lol to each their own. Everyone has different opinions, but just because yours differs from other people who are saying opposite of you doesn't mean you should tell them to grow up. Maybe some people are just more conservative by nature or they're probably more religious than others, but they have their own reasons for why they think that way just like you. People have their rights to express themselves just as how much you are here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    haha my boyfriend is a complete virgin and so am i :) I feel so special because its so hard to find guys these days who are virgins. Also, it would be kinda gross thinking about how your s/o already did it with someone else before you, and you would have to do it with him lol. I would prefer if the guy was a virgin even though he may have less experience...lol. Just makes things alot more special *nod*

















































































































































    Everyone look so nice with short hair, But I think face shape is so important. *If i cut my hair shrt I look like a alien*

    Yumix looks so nice with long hair, 2 total different looks!































    The face shape is def. important haha
















    Thanks :D

    yumix - Thank you! And your new hair is so different! It looks really good on you. You're lucky you can pull off long and short hairstyles. What made you 180 and choose such a drastically different hairstyle, if you don't mind me asking? Just curious ^^
















    Thanks : ) Actually I just wanted to dress more girlier haha. I was kinda getting tired of the tomboy look, but I do switch back and forth every now and then depending on my mood.

    @yumix: How did your hair grow that fast, tell me your secret :o. I think any haircut suits you. You remind of those SNSD girls now xD. Such a difference with the tomboy look, and your facial features are great for short hair. you should try modeling :lol:
















    LOL it's actually wig =_= I forgot to mention this. I wanted to see what I would look like with this type of hairstyle and it's what i always wanted to get in the first place. HAHA snsd and modeling? That's flattering.

    yumix you look totally different with long hair! very pretty, almost didn't recognized you. as much as i want PYH or ZaiZai's hair, i miss my long hair. i miss doing hairstyles other than straightening it. i'm determined to grow it out
















    Haha you should get PYH's hairstyle and post pics :) it would be interesting to see other people try her hairstyle aha. Your hair looks nice (on your avatar) you looks so girly now like me haha


    What a change. D: You can look like a pretty boy, AND a pretty girl. Wow.































    Your new hair is awesome! I liked the blonde but the red suits you too :D I wanted to go for red too but then I ended up dying my natural hair brown again (like always)
















    Yes, drastic change XD

































    yumix: Waiii are you so...hawt D= not many can pull off Park Yong Hee's i-can't-see-out-one-eye look.
















    LOL her hairstyle is annoying to be honest XD can't see that well through only one eye. I changed my hairstyle again and I got rid of the boy look HAHA and went from that to this -->
































    Do I look that different you guys? People tell me they can't recognize me haha.

    your hair really suits you!

    going for a haircut this sunday and i want to get something like that and like a mix of lightning from ffxiii? iuno how it'll turn out, i have an oval face. it might be a bit too dramatic..i've had long hair since kidnergarten o___O































    Haha I think oval faces are good for matching with guy hairstyles. Lightning's hair is so cool and unique :)
















    malice : Damn, your hair is always awesome :)
































































    not all euroasians are gorgeous or pretty as those high fashion models. With every race there's always better looking and not so good looking people, but I don't consider euroasians to be more supreme or something compared to other races. They do have nice features though, for the ones that are striking.
















    I think I would prefer being myself.

































    Lol np, yea I've seen you their too :D but I am mostly ignored on their T_T so maybe i'll just post my updates here from now on LOL.
















    Lol hahah :D

    I don't ignore you. ._.

    @ Yumix, nice hair as usual, really liking the brown on your hair. ;D































    Thank you. I prefer the brown as well for some odd reason :D layers show better with light hair, but not that i have alot of layers to begin with cause lack of hair haha

    man... I always love your style but so jealous. lol :P

    have you ever or think of dye your hair to silver blond or some other light color?































    I wanted to for awhile, but i think something really light would look weird on me HAHA.
















    I've had blonde hair before a long time ago, but it wasn't the right kind of blonde and it came out really bad (but i had really girly back hair back then so i dont know what it would look like with tomboy haircut) :/ I do want to try getting those types of blondes like G.dragon has, but looks so hard to pull off haha.

    Hotness. I love that style on you.
















    Thanks !








    yumix you are soo pretty, you pull this hair style off as well as Park Young Hee








    may i ask what circle lenses are you wearing?































    I'm wearing Geo Nudy Grays :) thanks for the compliment!

































    looking great as always yumix, wondering...do you go through the day with the hair over your right eye, or is that just posing for pics lol.

    kita, haven't talked in AGES, but still hot haha.
















    melbourne represent :P































    LOL its actually pretty annoying as hell. It keeps poking my eyeballs so I tend to always sway them from the side when im done taking photos. I've walked around with it before several times though... but its really really hard to see o_O and then it gets greasy at the end of the day HAHA.

































    ^ Give me your collar bones and no one gets hurt. ;D Kidding. You're looking sexy-fine as usual haha. Kind of miss that black you had.. o.o Other than that, still pretty. ;D
















    LOL what about my collarbones? :o Thank you.
















    The black was really dark on me though XD

    Wow I went through the whole thread almost lol, I am that bored :D but anyways you girls pull off the guy haircuts EXTREMELY well, and yumix wow amazing hair and your always looking like a model in your pictures so 40 extra cool points for you haha but anyways everyone in this thread pretty much owns my hair and I'm a guy lol :(
















    haha thanks for the compliment :) flattered.
















    I've seen you in the guys hairstyle thread before haha.
















































































    I dyed my hair back to brown cause I was getting sick of black hair haha.
















    It was actually supposed to be a golden light brown, but it turned out alot darker than the image on the advertisement image on my hair dye box (its korean brand)
















    Trimmed a bit as well. Ignore the text on the first image -_-
















    Straight angle shots.
































































    To me, personality matters more to me than looks when it comes to someone capturing my heart. I can't fall in love with someone extremely attractive if there is no chemistry or "bond" between us. They're just simply nice to look at, that's all.
















    Remember, infactuation and love are different things. You can always be infatuated with someone over their looks first, but love is something that is built over time slowly. Not immediately. And usually for things to work out well in the end for good relationships, the personality is def. the key than anything else because other things shouldn't matter in the end. Looks are just a bonus to that.

































    Wow, you look really pretty even with a guys' hairstyle. I can't imagine what you look like with long hair + ulzzang hairstyle, probably really gorgeous. ;b
















    rofl short hair looks better on me, trust me :D but thank you
















    I have a very oval face so long hair always gives me issues o_o so I always end up cutting it.
















    Damn my high cheekbones -_-

    Girls who look good in short hair are the hottest! (:

    I loooooooooove yumix and xstarx's hair! How long does it take y'all to grow it out? Or rather, how long would it take a guy to grow it out? The guy hairstyles that girls use always look the best, so I've been lurking around here.































    It takes awhile for me. But bangs grow the fastest for me...it grows so fast.
















    It depends, its different for everyone :)

    jedimindtricks- thanks, far from perfect though :\.. i wanna try going a lot shorter but i'm a bit scared

    TTgirliiee- ty!
















    got it layered a bit more















































    You're pretty :)

































    smoking hot.
































    Aw, thanks Shiwen : )
















    btw your short hair is nice haha (saw it on the guy's hairstyle thread)

    Thank you to eeeveryone who replied to my last post!! <333

    @Yumi -- Pretty as always!!
















    @diaodoot -- You look so cute! Your hair cut/style definitely suits you and your face shape.
















    So, I got bored and decided to show my girlier side. I'm always wearing t-shirts and boyish clothes in my picks so here's a dress/romper with minimalist styling of the hair. :D
















































    Definitely time for a trim already. :[































    Thanks Malice Kaiser!
















    Your hair is always hot looking :D I really liked the photos you posted pages back. Hot.
















    Btw I really like your white boots hahaha.

    hey, i'm new to soompi ^^

    i was wondering if you are able to tye up your hair?
















    cause i wanna cut my hair short but i have to be able to tye it for dance):
















    and sorry if it's tie cause ...yeah i wasn't sure if it was tye or tie
















    ...so if anyone could answer that question ^^















































    I have layers and whenever I tie my hair, it's hard to get all them in one place since they fall out.
















    Depends on what kind of length and style you're aiming for.

















  22. I find this topic kinda interesting haha.

    But here's an interesting question I always wondered about for the majority of the guys. And please answer honestly! :)

    For guys, are looks the first thing you look for, or the personality? Which one comes first, but which is more important to you in the end?

    In example, you can say a guy met an average girl who he didn't really have interest for based from just outer appearance and taste, but in the end she had an amazing personality overall. Can guys fall for these types of girls even if they don't have the looks or taste the guy prefers?

    For some reason, I know alot of girls who go for looks first in guys rather than the personality, but I'm not sure if it's the same for guys. Girls also end up staying with good looking jerks, and they can't leave them because they're good looking.
































































    I dont like showing my teeth when i smile most of the time so i try to smile with my mouth close, but I heard it's prettier when a person shows their teeth cause it looks more real? If i accidentally smile with my teeth, I cover my mouth with a hand.
































































    - USA
















    - Female
















    - 80 lbs
















    - 5' 4" I think.
















































































    I used to have blonde hair and it looked weird on me to where it turned orange after washing it several times o__O I have super pale skin too and I still don't think it looked as good as my dark hair.
















    it's very hard to take care of it.
















    The reason why we see asian models or celebrities pull it off more easier is because people are forgetting that they hire their own hair professionals to help with their hair. It's not easy to take care of it on a daily basis entirely on your own. But other than that, if you know what you're doing, kudos...but if not, I advice not to do it lol. Its just not worth it.

















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