Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by eclipse
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yeah,i also dissappointed for the ending.Poor Mr.Han indeed.... :(He`s in jail because he collaborate with the mob guy to smuggling the drug.And his dad doesn`t wanna help him.It`s sad that he still hope that Ha Na loves him back.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi,simplesim! Nice to see you too! Yes, Mr Han is the quirky guy that at first he`s kinda annoying with his perfectnism, but slowly he become this funny guy who adorable with that quirkiness of him..He kinda remind me of Park Gyu in a way..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hii!!! I can`t believe this drama is over soon..I have a feeling that Ha Na loves them both.I personally kinda like Mr Han more blush.gif Even after he knows the real identity of her, he still loves her. So sweett...
















































































































































































































































    Oh and spoiler the MW is MJ's mother whom SW will have an affair with.
















































    Wow...the spoiler....that`s kinda twisted! It would be interesting to see.
















































    And i still don`t get it, did BK is "the other woman" or not? If not, why did the Married Woman suspected her?









  5. What?? This afternoon??So he`s still in Jakarta??Woaahhh!!! Although i have no idea how to meet him,,,i`m happy to know he`s still here..(well not really...i`m crying deep inside.... :tears::( Kira2 kita bisa ketemu dia gak yaa?? ). Please do share the pics and vids here too...and tell your friend`s sibling, Thank You Sooo Very Muchh!!!! And thanks to you too!!!

    I knowww!!!! How could they missed this!!! Especially Indosiar!!

  6. hi...

    i just got a news from one of my friends...he said that he saw Bidam in Indonesia...(i am from Indonesia)

    He saw Bidam entered a korean restaurant and then he went to a saloon.I was shock when i knew it...i like Bidam but i don't even know if he will visit Jakarta...T_T...he is so lucky...

    Gatsu!! When and where is that exactly??! Damn, I`m in Jakarta! I smell the same air as he... :P Why there`s no news at all in the media here?! :(:wacko:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Il Woo headed to Japan!! It`s from Javabeans...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Yey!! Thanks for the eps 5 sub!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You know i now understand a lot of things thanks to the subs, it`s sure give a new perspective...as yskj wrote "all the fine details and layers" indeed...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ohhh...eps 16...i love how Il Woo portrayed his IJM angst-frustated and guilt of loosing the woman he loved all over again...in this IJM, his way of confronting that by getting angry with the world. Poor fellow...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi kitty99! Yeah me too! i also curious why his real name is Il Ji Mae, not an alias. As it`ve been said by many characters on the drama (Wol Hee&the girl whose father almost been framed by his collegue) that IJM`s name is unusual, so not many people have that name. But i guess on those days they don`t have ID card :lol: Also he don`t go around telling everyone his name, so i think it`s possible.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    About why the title Return of IJM, i guess because a part from the future scenes, the drama began with IJM return from Japan (and killing Bulgasari-the giant)..That`s my interpretation, anyone fill free to correct it...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hjkomo, thanks a lot!! it`s clear a lot of my questions...Wang Hweng Bo sure is a very funny man :lol: and flexible legs too!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When i read the recap eps 24 i was listening to OST score version, i`m feeling sad again reading BSD and CD...again too many dying scenes in this drama...and the songs are very goood!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If Prince SH is dead after he cameback so i guess IJM still has a lot of works to do. And it might be a little difficult now because he has a little son..it`s surely be interesting if they make sequel :P ( I wish!!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Jojo, i know it was mean to be...but nothing wrong with wishful thinking isn`t? ^_^ Because i don`t want to see dead people.. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Aww...finally i finish watched the ending....since i don`t understand korean i don`t quite follow what happen (hjkomo, my dear...please share us your recap here on eps.24 :P ).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i don`t quite get what IJM bargain with the emperor of China (Huang TaiShi??), i think they`re talking about the swords that IJM stole years ago,but in exchange with what?? in the end why IJM seems a bit sad and uncertain when the prince asked him to return with him to Joseon, and also at night after he met with Wol Hee? Is he still afraid the future might not seem as happy as it`ll seem?? And what happen to Kim Ja Jeom? Is he beheaded as that woman psychic preminiscent??






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also in eps.23 didn`t the trio Jin Sun Mi tip that chinese man (i think his some kind of Chinese palace guard/general??) about IJM who might be breaking into Chinese palace??The same trio who`ve been working with Joseon contact in China, i forgot his name...i`m confused??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The funny part is that IJM`s son name is Yong... :lol: That is IJM-Jun Ki`s name!! (is his son`s name truly Yong in mahwa/comic?Or it`s just the production team come up with it?).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Now, it`s time to wait patiently for Haru to finish subtitling, and i can watch it again with it, so i finally able to understand the whole story... :sweatingbullets: Uhww...i still can`t believe it`s over...IJM saranghae... :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh also, now i can see all the spoiler (especially the one that Jojo gave....). ^_^ Based on what you said, i`m glad that the writer rewrite it. Although i`m still sad why many people in this drama that we care (GJM,BM,SR,BSD,Dal Yi,her father,etc) is dead...And SR!! I always feared that she would do something to IJM if something happen to GJM. And turned out she did!!!! In that scene actually i was hoping that that priest and his soldiers came to them first so SR hopefully help IJM first and then he finally able to tell her what`s really happening.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    By the way, i`ve mean to ask anyone here, what is the meaning uri sallam that Hwang Heng Bo always said?? :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Uhw...i hope his mother is OK. I mean she`s such a strong person, and the "thing" that happen GJM won`t happen to her. I even haven`t watch eps.21&22...I think next week i won`t let myself to see any spoiler until i watch it. I just come here to collect torrent link. :P Please anyone who want to give spoiler to color the text in white not just yellow, so i won`t be lured to see it :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh no!! The "thing" with GJM is truly happening!! Uhhhwww... :tears:
































































































































































































































































































    i don`t know why but it seems the main characters in the comic are suicidal:mellow:
































































































































    Anyway i just gonna enjoy (a.k.a hopelessly accepted...) what`s gonna come. Bring it on,baby! :D
































































































































    Uhww...i hope someone put the torrent link soon...
































































































































    By the way,i saw one of eps. of Unstoppable High Kick today (eps.28 i think where his character`s angry because he`s being blame for everything), omo Il Woo is sooooo...different. I mean his voice particularly...He`s sure change his voice in ROI, it`s so ...deep now. it`s amazing to see the difference.
















































































































































































    wHATT??So in real history,Kim Ja Jeom was succeed??!! I guess history is suck :P But in Il Ji Mae-Jun Ki, he also didn`t succeed to overthrone the evil king,but at least he lives! Like yskj said...Let`s just pray IJM in ROI also....
















































































































































































    hjkomo, is Kim Ja Jeom a real person? If not, although the history is like that, maybe not in IJM era?? Hopefully...Then at least we can hope for a little happy ending :mellow:
































































































































    About the caucasian man...i thought his name is Valery, from Russia...mmh??

















  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..