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A Stain In My Eye?

Guest Kero Tialis

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Guest Kero Tialis

Does anybody know what it is and how to fix it?
Hi guys. I don't know how to explain it, but in my left eye there's a sort of reddish-brown stain or something. I'm not sure if it's some form of scar left from a bloodshot eye long ago or what, but it really bugs the hell out of me when I take pictures. I'm certain my eye isn't bloodshot, because the rest of my eye is fine and I've had this stain for a few years now.

Whatever it is, I'm hoping you guys can help me figure it out and how to fix it (if it's possible). Thanks.

Here's a picture so you can see what I'm talking about:


Zoomed in:


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Guest alicimoo

We're not doctors. Go see your optometrist.

But if it's been there for a few years already, I don't think you'll be able to get it out unless you get surgery or something.

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Guest Shiiine

That's really weird o.o

It looks kind of like colour is leaking out of your iris LOL

Maybe you should get it checked out by a doctor? =/

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Guest Kero Tialis

I would but my mom doesn't want to pay for a visit, she'd rather wait until my check-up in November (so insurance covers it). I'd rather figure it out now. Lol.

Color leaking out of the iris? Is that even possible? :o

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Guest CaramelSweetie

just went and checked out my eye, and I have one too! weird, didn't really pay much attention to it before.hah my eyes are so veiny. ==

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Guest Kero Tialis

Exposure to sunlight? Well in BoyScouts I do have to go out in the sun a lot. That might explain it.

And CaramelSweetie, it's good to know I'm not the only one. :] I thought I was a freak. D:

Is there any way to fix this (other than surgery)? Maybe stay out of the sun? Sleep more? :o

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Guest curtains

;) I think you better go to a doctor to check what it is it, before it may too late on your eye. I think there is really a problem. You better take good care of your eyes.

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Guest Yienny

I have the same thing as you. Don't worry, I asked my optometrist and he told me it was a "freckle" on the eye. He told me mine was harmless, however there are some that are dangerous. Go check to see if yours is dangerous or not.

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Guest TimothyHoang

Try a lot of Eye drops, different kinds.

If that don't work, PANIC.

It's not your fault you like to eat soy sauce and sometimes it gets into your eyes. :D

Jkay. >.^

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Guest misstiffany

I would but my mom doesn't want to pay for a visit, she'd rather wait until my check-up in November (so insurance covers it). I'd rather figure it out now. Lol.

Color leaking out of the iris? Is that even possible? :o

Only $90 at walmart! (:

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Guest ZoidbergMD

optometrist now! you only have one pair of eyes and weather the problem is big or small

you should get it checked out asap. For serious man, i'd rather pay how ever much it is to

get my eyes checked and have peace of mind then run the risk of damaging my eyes.

... edit ... 40 bucks is nothing, just do it

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Guest epikxlove

i have one it's a small red thing.. but you can only see it when i roll my eyes, so i don't roll my eyes :)

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Guest ypchan

man you better get that checked out

i know one guy who had some thing similar (it black instead reddish brown) but he was born with it

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Guest flowersneverbend

I have it too, and my doctor told me it was just pigment in my eye. No biggie. All the same, like everyone says, you should get yours checked out if it's bothering you so much.

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Guest Melanie

I actually had a pretty large freckle in my eye removed last year. I don't even remember when I got it (i just remember I didn't use to have it). It is harmless, but it bothered me way too much. I don't know anyone in America that does this procedure, but I went to an eye doctor in Korea and he removed it for under a 100 bucks. It was pretty much like getting a mole on your body removed to get it inspected for signs of skin cancer, but the removal is a lot more cautious. It's not even surgery, they just get a scalpel and remove it. Quick and easy, painless and simple. I would post pictures, but i'm afraid it's not for the weak hearted.

I'm definitely not sure about yours though. It is pretty much right next to your iris so you most likely can't do anything about it. Get it checked out, wear UV protection sunglasses when you go out and you'll be fine.

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It's possible that you unknowingly popped a blood vessel. My friend had that happen to her as well and had this thin, crooked red line along the white of her eye.

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