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B O A (보아) * Official Thread

Guest jnnfr

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i guess boa is depress because her latest album sales is not doing so well in japan.

bit i think she will try acting next year in musical maybe

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Poor BoA... yes she does deserve to be with her family and spend more times with them. I always feel soo bad whenever I think about the fact she had to part with her mom and dad as a teenager (a time you NEED your parents to take care of you).... She needs to spend more time with her family and rest.

She said after the Best of Soul album she began to feel aimless...

And this is only my opinion...

Didn't her sales kinda drop after that album? And it was during those times when I wondered if she even had a choice of what type of music she can sing because I think AVEX was concentrating more on the oricon charts than her songs, and using the name "BoA" to get people to buy her singles/albums. Trying to maintain her popularity is really hard, and these days, her singles have been doing just.. okay.

I'm thinking if she was doing really well right now, like how she started out in Japan, this will give her enough motivation to continue on, right? It's just, she's so tired from working and doesn't see a goal in her life, just more work ahead. Then one begins to wonder why he/she is doing what he/she is doing. (lol I have felt this before)

But anyways... if BoA wants to follow her dreams, I'm not going to stop her... I'll try to support her even more.


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Guest saranghae<3

After reading that article.. T__T (thank you for the translation atlantis-x) I feel really bad and sad at the same time. It is her first time saying that she's tired... I believe she truly deserves a break. She really does. I believe her ankle injury is still not healed. T__T BoA is the first asian artist that I have ever truly liked. She's the one that led me into K-pop and the world of Korean & Japanese entertainment. It's been 7 years since she first debuted and she has never had a moment to rest. Her schedule is packed with performances and recordings. I hate how SM and Avex are making her so busy. Because BoA puts in a lot of effort in every performance, she feels tired. Please... I wish she could go on a break... a vacation. Just imagine the loneliness she feels when she's in Japan. She has no family members to talk to or good friends she could rely on. I'm sure her dancers are her closest friends in Japan. As a fan, I will understand if she wants to get away from the entertainment bussiness for awhile. I will miss her a whole bunch but I will also be glad that she's finally taking a break.

BoA Hwaiting<3

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oh man poor BoA.. ya.. it seems like they are releasing singles for her just bcos it's like a thing they do 3 times a year...

it seems like she has to sing because she has to ..not because she wanted to..

maybe she can follow like what Stephanie sun did...go for a 1 year break but still appear once in a while on tv....

BoA fighting!!!!!!

economics...woo.. i remember reading an article saying that she loves maths and hates english...haha.. i wonder if my friend translate it incorrectly for me...

anyway i've just watch the anyband concert news on kbs world.. it does feel good to watch it with english subtitles..haha

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BoA THE LIVE Xmas concert setlist 12.10!

Part 1: Holy night with BoA



03. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer

04. Tashito christmas eve / Tamashita

05. kimi no tonari de

06. Winter Love

07. Sekai no Katasumi de

08. First snow

Part 2: Party night with BoA

09. Santa Baby / MADONNA


11. make a secret

12. flower

13. All I Want for Christmas Is You / Mariah Carey

14. Konoyono Shirushi

15. Diamond Heart

16. Jingle Bells



18. With U

19. merikuri

credits: bestiz

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Guest astarael

Thank you for translating, Sue Jin and atlantis-x. When I saw the original post about it, I was happy that she was taking things slow and that the American debut wouldn't be for a while, but I didn't realize that there was so much more to the article.

She's worked so hard over the years: dancing, making music, taking lessons to improve herself, spending long hours in the studio and dance rooms, traveling, living away from her family and friends; even when she was tired, she'd smile for the cameras, and even when she was hurting, she'd perform for her fans. Now she's lost her motivation, lost herself and her direction in life. All those years of endless performing have taken their toll. I sometimes felt like she was doing things for other people, in order to make them happy. When she probably wanted nothing more than to lay down and rest, she'd get up on stage so her fans wouldn't be disappointed; she kept churning out singles and albums year after year to cater to fans in Japan and Korea, fans who'd sometimes forget that she's human. I understand that as an artist, that's what BoA has to do, but it doesn't take much to step back and realize that she needs time for herself and that she is indeed doing her best; she's not perfect and she never will be, she'll make mistakes, put out music that people won't like, say things that people won't agree with. It kills me to know that she's going through something like this because she deserves to be happy and she deserves the chance to make her own decisions about what she wants to do in life. And as a fan, all I can say is "Thank you and I'm sorry". Thank you for all the things she's done for her fans, and for all the things I can't do for her, I'm sorry. It's really given me the opportunity to reflect on everything, how special of a person she is and how no one should take her for granted.

I know what it's like to not have a direction in life. All you can see is the work you have to do, and sometimes you don't know where you're headed; all of this hard work, what's it for and where will it take you? I can't say that BoA is being pressured by people, but I know what it's like having to do something in order to please others when you want more out of life. She wants more and it's not selfish at all. Let her learn ballet and English and economics, whatever it is she wants to learn. She's always worked for her dreams, I don't doubt that she'll give it her all.

I wish her the best of luck in all of her endeavors, I wish her success, even if it means I have to wait a long time for her to come back, and I hope she won't have to go through this alone; I feel like she's been alone for too long. I hope her fans will still support and love her. I saw a lot of the comments left by fans on bestiz and a couple of them have made little "tributes" to her; they had a lot to say, but they were all good things right?

BoA hwaiting! <333333

Great setlist, btw! Here's to hoping that she has fun at the concert with her fans, no matter what's going on.

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Guest strawberry-chan

Owh... It's true... well I kinda expect it in a way or in a another

We can clearly see that BoA is now very tired of all the things she's doing...

and well I guess from Best of soul era til now She released not as good Japanese single as before except for Lose your mind.. winter love... love letter etc...

And she deserved her rest she's been working non stop til her debuts now so I guess a break it's welcomed...

So I don't care if it takes lot of time for her to rest... All I know it's that when she'll be back her fans still be there !! haha... isn't it?

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Guest heygingersnap

everyone's pretty much voiced everything i wanted to say about that article. XD

i guess it's expected that she would feel this way sooner or later.

she's just been in the spotlight for such a long time... it makes me sad in a way.

when i remember that she's my age, now there are times idk what i'm doing.

it's natural that she'd feel the same way, even if she seems secure in her career.

i really hope that she takes a break, though, to rest and clear up w/e she needs to do.

as fans, she should know that we're always here to support her in what she decides.

if it happens to be in the usa and studying english or anything, even better!

i just hope she knows that she's not disappointing us in any way... we are here for her!

boa fighting<3!

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Guest anna_85

i think everyone could see that she was starting to ware down, but no one did anything because she never complained; she'd always give her best and did whatever it is that she was ask of. i think that this is an eye opener for both AVEX and SM. they have been working her for 7 years straight, no breaks, no vacation, nothing. I'm even more sorry that boa feels she is losing herself, i really hope she "finds" herself again and become the great person she wishes to be. i will always be behind her no matter what =)

boa fighting!!

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Guest lilcece

^ I agree. I think BoA just needs a rest. working all the time and flying back and forth between

Korea and Japan can be pretty tiring. she started so young and I think she wants to do things

other than just singing in these two countries. maybe take more pictures out of the country or

go to US to purse her dreams. I guess sometimes, people forget that celebrities are humans

too and they need breaks every now and then, otherwise they will breakdown... I'm glad BoA

finally told everyone how she feels. I know she loves to sing and dance, but both SM & AVEX

need to give her a BIG break. I'm sure her fans all want to see that moonshape, dimple smile

we all love so much. but no matter what decision she makes, us fans just have to support her

all the way =)

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I totally respect her decision and look up to the fact that she values an education and wants to pursure it. It's gonna suck when she goes on a hiatus, but as fans, we know it's for the better because she'll finally be able to fullfill one of her own dreams - to go to school in the US. I wish her the best of luck and will always support her no matter what.

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Guest -x.smile.31

thanks for the translation atlantis-x and suejinners

i'm really glad that BoA is going to take a break. she's been

working constantly through 7 years and she's only 21. and

even though she hasn't been releasing new Korean albums, she

still has been working really hard. so it's sad for me to hear

when ppl hate BoA for betraying Korea.

i'm also happy for her to know that she'll be able to finally

take a break and pursue her other dreams. i heard that BoA is

a really smart girl. i think i read before that BoA passed her

driving exam/test while only studying for two nights (apparently

their tests are extremely hard).

I also hope that within the next four years she can give it her

best so that when she takes off we won't miss her as much =P

i wish her the best of luck in the US =]

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Guest strawberry_hit

ah..take courage for boa onnie to say that...seing that her manager is by her side..anyhow..the article just show that boa is just like any normal girl..except a normal girl at her age would be studying...yet dreaming of becoming a star, while she a star her self just dream of studying...heheh...and maybe she never study to know that economic is boring..anyhow...i do hope she get to achieve it though...even if it come down to a single per years...

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atlantis-x and suejinners: thankyou for the translations. ^^

I'm honestly really sad about this though. T__T

But I definitely respect and support her choice- it's so understandable.. yet it still really shocked me at first.

She must be so exhausted. She works SOO hard.

GAHH I hope everything goes well for her. Good luck BoA<3333

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Guest heygingersnap

i uploaded one of the makings of her new toshiba cm:


she is soo cute, she kept bowing like a million times. XD <3

during the interview, she mentioned a couple things...

she said when she saw the monitor (like the screen thing),

she had a really good feeling. and she saw her face was pretty... (ROFL<3)

uhh, she says a bunch of stuff about the cellphone,

like she was surprised how thin it is and how she could see her face in it.

she said (about lose your mind) it's been a long time since she's had a cool dance song,

and she's always happy when she's singing and dancing...

and to end off, she says she hopes to bring even more wonderful songs next year,

and that she'll do her best.

... wow, idk but watching that made me really sad after reading those articles.

rofl, idk. ever since i read them, my whole day has felt kinda crappy. T__T

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Whoa. First time I've ever posted in the BoA thread, and I must say I am really touched by her confession.

Despite a lot of things and BoA's standings in the entertainment world and her status at SM, it takes LOADS of courage to actually say those things in public. It's one thing to whine and complain to your father on the telephone, it's another thing to really admit to those things in a real interview and let it remain "on the record." For that, I give her major props.

And I think it has really winded down for her. Honestly, ever since BoA's debut, I've always felt a bit of pity for her. She sacrificed her entire childhood to get to her place today. How can you not feel bad about that? She missed out on such a fun and enriching part of her life, spending most of it alone or surrounded by adults and people who's primary conern was getting you to your next venue on time and not necessarily on your personal growth. Plus, like other people have mentioned, she doesn't have the support of a group like the majority of the SMers have. She's all alone in Japan by herself or being shuttled back and forth between Korea and Japan.

I don't want to seem mean or cynical, but she sounds really jaded and exhausted in that article. And resentful almost. I completely sympathize though; I respect BoA completely for all her hard work and dedication and I think that is what has made her one of the most renowned artists across Asia today, but she does deserve a break. And honestly, studying abroad would be great for her. To refresh, recharge, and renew. Be in a place where she isn't BoA but is just Boa Kwon, the student (or the girl).

Hmm... interesting to see how this is going to play out within the next few years.

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Guest chrischris

awww BoA, i feel sad for her after reading taht, she shuld definitely have a chance to study here in the U.S.

and shes always so busy with her career in Japan and Korea, this shows everyone why us BoA fans love her so much cuz shes such a hard worker and sacrificing most of her teen years and delaying her dream of studying here.

BoA fighting~!!

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Guest kangeroo

Boa unnie..she is so wise and hardworking!!

reading the article...i only can empathize for her.

like many others stated...debuting at such a young age and traveling back and forth from korea and japan...i'm pretty sure that was a dramatic life change for her. I remember in one show she said she envied DBSK because they were a group. Lately i felt like she's been lonely...and ironically this pops up.

I just want boa to know that the fans will back her up no matter what decision she makes.

SHe's really brave to set aside her fame and popularity to come out honestly and say she needs a break.

Her hardwork evidently shows...she's asia's star!!

Lately..i don't know but maybe i would feel the same if i was working my butt off..and feel like i wasn't receiving much support anymore. Is all her hardwork in vain??

All i can say is that i adore her and her work!!

no matter what..i want her to be happy.

for once..i want the decision to be up to her..not anyone else..not even the fans.

This article truly brings to light that boa is human.

She may be at the top of the pentacle...but that doesn't necessarily means happiness.

BOA Hwaiting...and saranghae!!

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