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Guest dudeman

I almost forgot, kudos to both Rose and Bernard, they have the best attitude out of all the characters:

"Screw this."

Knowing you guys, you guys will live past the main characters.

I never thought I'd see the day when I would root for Rita's ex-husband. Go Jacob!

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Guest damachee

Man, this series annoys me sometimes, every episode they answer a few mysteries but then adds a whole lot more by the time it ends!

i just read another forum theory that the main plot has to do with ancient religious themes, like the two (white shirt jacob and black shirt friend) are gods. i sure hope it isn't and stays as a background plot. Someone mentioned that Alias has this too, never seen it. care to explain how so?

you kind of figured out Juliet was going to be the one who dies, when she was the one who convinced Sawyer to go back when there was no reason for her to and with that scene with Juliets parents qoute, and Bernard and Rose.

I still dont buy this changing the past event, and i have always thought of the same of what Miles said. That the bomb was the incident itself, and things go the way they are. However, then i'd have to contradict myself and it would mean that this would be an infinite time loop. the bomb caused the plane to crash, and it was the losties that caused the bomb, and this goes in a circle over and over, and just how is that possible? where is the start of a circle?? confused!! crapp, this is going to be stuck in my head till next season

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^ EXACTLY. its a loop over and over again, i love this series but ah waiting until september got damn...

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Guest nara jjang

Bear with me here. Here is what I got from the finale. We learn so much stuff here it's hard to know where to start. You've got the repeated visual imagery of Jacob in white, the other man in a dark shirt. They discuss a seemingly eternal struggle between right and wrong, each of them sure of their position, neither one of them able to prove it... yet. We also learn what we've always suspected: that some force on the island - now explained to be Jacob - has been bringing people to its shores for a very, very long time. And for just as long, the dark force opposing him has been 'dealing' with these people in his own way, countering every move Jacob makes. Turns out it IS a game. A game between these two players. A game that has played out over and over again, in almost exactly the same ways, only each time with different people of different eras.

The dark man is annoyed at Jacob's attempts to keep bringing new players, or pieces, onto their chessboard. "They come, they fight, they destroy, they corrupt"... these are the points he makes to indicate once again that Jacob will fail to prove him wrong. He seems to suggest that the darker sides of human nature won't allow the circle to be broken. No matter who's on the ship, or the next ship, (or the airplane...) "It always ends the same". Jacob's response: "It only ends once. Anything that happens before that? It's just progress".

It's obvious to me at least, that the guy in the dark shirt represents the smoke monster. This fits well with all the judging we've seen smokie do throughout the show. He abhors Jacob constantly bringing in all these tainted outsiders to violate the sanctity of his island. He killed Mr. Eko for refusing to repent. He destroyed the pilot before he could radio for help... to keep other slimy corrupt humans from finding the island. The smoke monster is the island's judge and jury, but he's also locked in a timeless power struggle with Jacob - one that goes by a very specific set of rules (the book of laws?) These dictate what they can and cannot do, and one thing they seemingly can't do is move the chesspieces around the board with their own hands. They can indirectly influence these moves by manipulating certain things, but the ultimate choices must eventually be made by the pieces themselves.

I think smokys physical form(the one we saw in the beginning) was imprisoned in the cabin. The ash surrounding the shack keeping him in. The disciples noticed the break in the ash and what it meant. Any time we saw a supposed dead person, Kemi, Alex, christian, it was Smoky. Its crazy that some of the best Characters in Tv history, Ben and Locke, were nothing more than weapons used by Evil to desroy good. I think in season 6 however, smoky will realize that darkness needs the light and vice versa. I keep thinking of Obi wans last words to darth vader, " If you strike me down, I shall become stronger than you can imagine" or something like that.

I havent figured out where Richard fits in. Black Rock member? or even before that.? And what about the Shadow group? They didnt act like it was their first time on the island. But they also didnt know Richard (only by his name but it was their first meeting). Yet he knew the clubs password. Hmmm?

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Guest graceyoon

ok did i watch with my eyes closed... who's this dark man ur speaking of..

humm remember ben was sorta able to conjure smokey out into the island by going down the orchid or something.. i thought the smoke monster was able to be controlled somewhat

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Guest damachee

i take back what i said abt not liking the ancient religious themes after reading this

Darkufo's recap.

it would explain how Jacob can be all over the world and speak fluent korean.

its a good read, not spoilers, but a recap of the episode and speculations on what might happen.

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Guest CK92842

So wait, almost everything nara jjang posted was lifted from Darkufo's site? lol.


By the way that preview they showed for the final season of LOST in 2010, did they start filming or is that another reused shot?

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Guest Myss Blewm

^ There was a preview? Because I watched the show online the next morning since I couldn't watch the show the night it aired.

It could be possible they did some key filming just in case they needed it and put some of it in the preview. Like if they needed Aaron to remain the same age, they filmed some stuff with him before he could grow up.

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i take back what i said abt not liking the ancient religious themes after reading this

Darkufo's recap.

it would explain how Jacob can be all over the world and speak fluent korean.

its a good read, not spoilers, but a recap of the episode and speculations on what might happen.

That was a great recap. Thanks for sharing that.

And Vozzek69 is right about Hurley.

Well he or she? was spot on about most of it.

And I don't think it's the last we'll see of Jacob either.

"God loves you as he did Jacob."

I love Lost. Can't believe there's only one more season left.

I've grown fond of all the characters.

Well specifically the survivors of the plane crash, as well as Juliet, Ben, and even Richard.

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Guest _dax_

Megavideo maximum minutes reached, please wait 30 minutes

Super... right in the middle of watching the finale.

Edit ------------


Since there is season 6 I'm assuming the flash is another time travel burst meaning Juliet survived and the rest narrowly escape the incident.

Lock appearing in the box seems to support the idea of how each time period has an individual living the same life, only attempting to correct their past.

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Guest teeny

great finale! Such a cliff hanger...but i got tto agree with what some ppl said...i feel like them blowing up the nuclear bomb is just part of the time cricle that brought the air plane down. I don't understand how it could "change" time at all :(

everytime i watch LOST, i was get a sense of saddness lol. Seriously, each character on the show has just gone through so much and endured so much pain and heartache~ I esp feel bad for Ben...when he asked jacob, "what about me?" and jacob responded, "what about you?" my heart just dropped.

Does anyone have any theories as to why there is two Lockes?? That Elaina girl seems to be working for Jacob, so i get the sense that jacob knew he was in danger from Locke, which is why she came on the island in the first place, bringing Locke's body....

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Guest SillyyJenn

nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! omg. this is gonna be a painful wait T____T

just watched the last 3 episodes <3

it was awesome! answered so many questions and also brought up so many new ones! damn! xD

omg. the part with juliet and sawyer was so emotional ):

doode. that's the best pairing in the whole season.

why the hell is there two lockes?

so the island didn't save him? so who the hell is it that's pretending to be locke?


why is jacob still there and is he really dead?

seriously? just like that? a man with so much knowledge died that way?

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Guest i KITTY x3 =)*

Man, I never really liked Juliet, her face always had this natural attitude to it (esp her eyebrow lol) but I felt really sorry for her in the season finale.. :[ partially cus i know how it feels like to love someone that loves someone else

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Guest NanaMun

Does anyone have any theories as to why there is two Lockes?? That Elaina girl seems to be working for Jacob, so i get the sense that jacob knew he was in danger from Locke, which is why she came on the island in the first place, bringing Locke's body....

From what has already been established, the man Jacob was with in the beginning said he would find a loop to kill him. Locke was it. So I don't think there are two Lockes. There is one, he is dead and the "alive" one is that same person that found the loop.

Something my mother pointed out as I rewatched the finale with her...when Jacob says "They are coming" right before he is kicked into the fire, he isn't talking about Ilana and the others...he is talking about the people he hand chose and went to in the flashbacks. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid and Jin.

But this is all theories. We shall see. LOST has a way of just proving everyone wrong.

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  • 3 weeks later...

^ i don't know latin but i was on the LOST message forums and someone said it meant "He who will protect us all."

anyway..the finale was absolutely wonderful and i really can't wait for the last season...i know i will be impatient but when season 5 comes out on dvd..whoo...special features. i'm pretty upset about what happened to juliet..i love juliet..i'm hoping that she isn't dead. i would be much happier if it was kate who got wrapped up in the chain instead. i hate her. her character is so annoying. =[

thank you for the translation!

haha omg i feel the same way as you! i dont like kate anymore.. and i really liked juliet i really do hope shes alive

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Guest AngelsWhisper

I stopped watching LOST since two years ago. is it getting good or bad? I'm too lazy to catch up haha there's too much for me to watfch

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Guest NanaMun

I stopped watching LOST since two years ago. is it getting good or bad? I'm too lazy to catch up haha there's too much for me to watfch

It actually has gotten really good. Did you stop watching during the third season? I recall being a bit irritated in the first few episodes of season three, but it quickly became my favorite season even after watching season 4. If you have any free time, I suggest catching up. It's good fun and ALOT more mind boggling awesomeness.

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