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Guest lenakeem

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[01/16]Andy, feeling lonely lately. I'll accept whoever she is.

aww poor andy. i hope he finds the right girl one day.

Unfortunately DW's drama is going against Jumong which has over 40% of Korea watching so it is expected that rating will not be good. I heard Jumong will end soon but there's another drama that's expected to be good so DW needs all the support he can get from Shinhwachangjo.

I, myself, don't care for this kind of drama...I like comedy/romance combo dramas but because it has Dongwan, I'll support him by watching the whole thing.

Does anyone know how many episodes it is suppose to be?

EDIT 1: HELP!!! How come my avatar and my signature banner doesn't work anymore? I noticed that it's been happening last few days. How do I fix it?

EDIT 2: I'm confused about JJ's music video. Did he actually sing it? It doesn't sound like him at all!

DONGWAN FIGTHING. i haven't got a chance to see his drama, but hopefully i will.

i don't think that was junjin singing in the music video. the artist name is "the Name" and it feats. junjin and lynda as the main actors.

it was really sad. i really thought junjin was alive at the end. :(

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Guest angelix

17/1 [news] 15/1 Andy "i am very lonely so any woman will do"


CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=456.0

Credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum


17/1 [news] 15/1 X-man "shinwha instead of Shinhwa" gain netizen attention

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=457.0

Credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum


17/1 [Diary] 15/1 Dongwan "everyone!!"

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=458.0

Credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum


17/1 [news] Date release of Winter story, JJ repackage, MW single + HS 2nd album

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=459.0

Credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum


17/1 [news] 2007 Shinhwa activites and plans *long*

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=461.0

Credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

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Guest angelix

[Caps] 070116 Dongwan - 'Person Who Loves' SBS Drama Episode 2

























Credits : Oceans six + angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=463.0

Re-upload all by angelix :)


17/1 [news] Winter story album details


CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=462.0

Credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum


17/1 [THE LEGEND mag#1] 14/1 Eric's Diary

CLICK to read ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=464.0

Credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

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Guest amane86

To read more lastest news/clips, please do visit http://z13.invisionfree.com/mySHINHWA




[01/17]Shinhwa, Winter Story 07 album pricing


Album Title: Shinhwa - Winter Story 2006-2007

Publisher: Good EMG / Vitamin

Release Date: January 24, 2007

man1ak1359od0.jpg 2CD + 1 DVD album cover

man1ak_1358.jpg 2CD album cover


2 CD version = 17000won (RM68)

2 CD + 1 DVD = 2300won (RM92)

[CD 1 - Single]

01 Girls Exclusive (Korea Lyric ver.)

02 Isnt it beautiful

03 The Days

04 The Days (Inst.)

[CD 2 - Inspiration #1]

01 Girls Exlusive

02 Throw My Fist -Japanese version-

03 Midnight Girl-Japanese version-

04 Paradise

05 Suns in our heart

06 Highway Star [Featuring Vocal Emyli]

07 Time Machine-Japanese version-

08 The Street

09 Sun Flower ~ Happy Birthday~

10 Weak~ Weak Man

11 You're My Everything

12 Once In A Lifetime-English version-

13 Shooting Star- Yukihiro Fukutomi Remix -

[DVD - shinhwa story 2006]







Inspiration #1 Making



YesAsia Link: http://global.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.aspx/.../pid-1004612241

Information gotten from


(thanks to michelle)


(thanks to wenny)

Credits to:

Source: man1ak

By: michelle, wenny & amane@mySHINHWA


To read more lastest news/clips, please do visit http://z13.invisionfree.com/mySHINHWA



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Guest poloblue

Just watched Dongwan's drama...he looks so HANDSOME!!!

It's just too bad it's not my type of drama or I would of enjoyed it more....but looking at Dongwan's handsome face is enough. It's kind of weird though seeing him in drama....I guess I'm not used to it since I didn't watch his other dramas.

what type of drama is it Mommie? is it all serious and drama-ish???

on happier thought... thanks for all the news and pics everyone! ^_^ and OH YEA!!!! i just thought i'd share my experience with you guys... so i was on my vacation the other day in LA, and my cousin took me to Korea town, and i went in this cd store, and guess what i saw?!?!?!? DONGWAN'S PICTURE WITH AN AUTOGRAPH!!!!! yep yep, that's right! i started to freak out! hahaha, and i asked the lady if i could take pics of it! lol, i know, i'm lame! i took like 5 different angles of the picture! haahha XDDD it was that one pic of him from the 4th album with an unbottoned shirt!! hahaha XDDDDD and that lady was all telling us that dongwan went in that store and so she got his autograph.. EKKK, i stepped foot in the same store dongwan had stepped foot in!! and i touched the same pic he touched!! wOW, it was an amazing thought! hahaha, and that lady said that when she lived in korea, she use to live NEXT DOOR to shinhwa!!!!!!!!! my jaws like dropped to the floor!!! XD and she met them and everything!! wowowo, she is so freaking lucky!!

ur so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that lady is lucky too!!!!!


if shinhwa were my neighbours, id always cook so i can find an excuse to come over. id come over and be like 'heres so cake i made' then quickly run off cos its burnt! or, id come over with my measuring cup to borrow a cup of sugar, hope i dont see n e thing strange *couch minwoo cough making out with some1*. (like on 'Desperate housewives' how terri hatcher went to borrow sugar off that blonde lady and the blonde girl was having sex LOL)


dv - yes, i admitted thousands of times that i'm crazy.. BUT! you're just as crazy as me, and you won't admit it.. shame on you *shakes head* and yes, i did not only date eric, but i also married him.. in nutzie's world that is =D and your bahasa is horrendous *shakes head again* it's terima kasih by the way, not teri makasi.. but that's okay.. i learnt spanish for a year, and not much better than you..

ah i'm finally done with replies *_* maybe i should go sleep now.. i'm getting old..

terima kasih for correcting my indonesian, i only learnt it for six months, and this was in 2002!!!!!

yes u are getting old!!!

anddddddd SHOUT OUTS to my girlies (and DV) !! <3

thanks christine LOL

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Guest amane86

To read more lastest news/clips, please do visit http://z13.invisionfree.com/mySHINHWA




[HQ]070104 YTN T concert love wont come




File Name:070104 YTN T concert love wont come[640X480][Oceans Six].avi

File Size : 122.3MB

Download Link:Clubbox

Credit : Ocean's Six + mySHINHWA


[MQ]070106 YTN Star Today MV making film- cn sub



File Name:070106 YTN Star Today MV making film(with Linda) - cn sub

File SIze: File Size: 55 MB

Download Link:Sendspace

Credit: BestShinhwa + mySHINHWA


To read more lastest news/clips, please do visit http://z13.invisionfree.com/mySHINHWA



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Guest himang34

wow so many news!!

okie rushing off the shinhwa sarang to read them! :)

thanks for sharing!! and i really hope dongwannie oppa drama will do well..

hmmm is time to have a change of taste..

korean keep watching those ancient time show.. like jewel in the palace.. hwang jing ying, jumong..

oppa hwaiting..!!

and isnt it very weird that winter album CD2 is their japanese album??

then those who bought their japanese album isnt like a repeatitive for them..


gosh and the pic of dongwannie oppa with the puffy cheeks are cute!!~~

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xtine - me too!!! oh my, we could have been seated in the restaurant at the same time, not knowing each other -_________- well, i was with my cousin and her friends.. besides, the restaurant was freaking full i couldn't even see anybody.. but i did walk on the same path as minwoo though ^o^ and maybe ate from his bowl and chopsticks and spoon too!!!

himang34 - hahahahahha.. good observation.. to me, he looks like he's pregnant or something.. i almost let out a chuckle =P

dv - don't worry about it.. i learnt spanish for a year [and this was last year] and all i got out of it is hola and como estas.. and by the way, if i'm getting old, you're not in a much better position than me either O_o"

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Guest mintoro

thanks for all the info for winter story album~~

i love the cover

but it's really weird that the CD2 is their japanese album

why are they doing this T-T

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Guest wakeywakey

i just watched the MV with Jun Jin and Linda in it.and it reminded me of the MV for Kiss-Because I'm Your Girl!..they're quite similar, i must say...anywho Dong Wan looks so handsome in the drama and those suits! i cant wait to watch it when subs come out!

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Guest x_sadendings

wow 830+ pages 8D

thank god i lurk around here at 3 in the morning to read the pages lol

[am i forgotten?]

anyways intros?

you guys are doing intros now?

can i do one?

okay :D

btw it's fun knowing where everyone's from :lol:

i'm linh currently residing in new jersey. im orginally from south cali.

i just turned 19 [whoo hoo] im attending princeton. working my booboos off with a bio major

im vietnamese, i know how to speak it, read it but when i write it i fail x]

my favorite is ERIC [ yes love him even ] then after that is andy :)

i got to know shinhwa from my sister and i've been obssesed since

i guess that's it! yes. i seem very boring compared to other people 8D

krizza- [the first person i introed myself too how kewl is that XD] your... long post syndrome is back. lol my head kinda hurts from reading such long things... but i saw something, somewhere, in some post that said RICSYUNG so i spazz! ;DDDDDDDDDDDD anyways hows college?

rozzy- lawl did you know there's a hong kong market in NJ? XD btw i swear the next time i come back to cali i'll def call you and lets go eat pho B)

Why I Admire Shinhwa Changjo

oh wow... maybe im sadictic maybe im weird but i totally laughed when i read that xD

but at the same time i think it's very nice of them to try to catch wannie when he fell ><;;

like xtine i would have just stood there and watched... or my attention might have been else where...

nice pictures eileen!^^

as promised...


Eric's Post


Eric's song during the concert


wow. that was loveable in every single way XD

thank you for trans and posting xinhui

sadjsadjlkd WOW school beens taking alot from me and all but

junjin has a new mv? :o *runs off to d/l*

i didn't get a chance to catch wans new drama yet, but the caps posted up there makes me wanna watch it x.x

i wish my cb could go faster!

anyways .... im on break right now but hi to everyone! aaaaaaaaaaaaaand


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Guest angelix

17/1 [news] Shinhwa 8th fanmeeting confirm

CLICK to read more ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=466.0

Credits : dreamhyesung @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum


[Pic] Shinhwa 8th Fan Meeting Daebak!! [Poster Parody]

CLICK & REPLY to see ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=469.0

Credits : angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum


[MQ] 070103 Junjin On TVN Mad Com TV Special [+YS]


CLICK to d/l ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=470.0

Credits : angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

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puhaha that picture of dongwan puffing his cheeks is so cute


i have a question..

you know the music video junjin is in with linda right?

is the artist "the name" ?

because it does not sound like junjin at all.

and also.. is the song named "It May Seem Like Love"?

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Guest s3xyminwoo

[01/16]Andy, feeling lonely lately. I'll accept whoever she is.

"Feeling lonely lately, i will accept whoever!"

Shinhwa member Andy was being asked about his ideal girl, his answers caught many people's care and attention.

On the 17th MBC golden fishery programme show, was being asked about his ideal girlfriend, "Because lately i feel so lonely, who ever it is it will be okay to me". Lee Ji Hoon, "I like purity girl."

Aww. Poor Andy. Why are you lonely when you have all your fans LOL

You have so many girlfriends, like over thousands of them (:

omg this clip really made me cry so badly i just luv shinhwa fans (cant explain in words) just watch this clip and you'll know why its an old clip i think you guys have seen it --->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbZV48XdKEU

thank you for the link

even though i watched this at least 10 times before,

it always makes me cry whenever i watch it

this clip helps remind us how much support Shinhwa Changjo is

available @


a1ro4.th.jpg a2ke4.th.jpg a3qi5.th.jpg a4st1.th.jpg

YSMM - 022805 - Park Kyung Lim, Kim Dong Wan (Shinhwa), Kim Ji Soo, Jang Geun Suk & Yoo Jung Hyun

OMG! I always looked for this but i was never able to find it

Thank you soo much

Does anyone by chance have this on megaupload, sendspace, or etc.?

Thank you in advance if you do

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Guest satisfaction!

LMFAOOO that pic of Minwoo in the shades B)

CUTEEEE<3 Goshhh thanks for all the clips, links, pics, and the goodies my Shinhwa fans XD


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OMG, I've been so behind with this thread. Caught a really bad cold and I've been so sick lately. Barely recovered and had to catch up with 38 pages!

Gosh, you guys are GOOD. So much information/pics/videos to filter through. I still need to go back and check out most of the goodies.

Anyway, I was hoping there are some kind souls out there who can help out a very lost Shinhwa fan. I've recently been addicted to Love Letter (mainly the first season with very obvious reasons). The megaupload and sendspace links provided in the LL thread kept dying out on me. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. My only other option is clubbox. Being Korean illiterate... well, that was a huge headache. I consider it a miracle that I was able to establish an id and managed to log on.

Problem is that the downloads I want with Shinhwa are stuck at 0%. I found out from the clubbox FAQ that the main reason is most likely because the files are very old. Is there anyway to get around this? :tears: . I just want to see Shinhwa in HQ. HELP? My undying gratitude for any assistance...

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