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Guest lenakeem

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Guest Jennie

Okay, now I' confused. So, Hyesung was caught drunk driving, but I guess, only guess, because he was maybe under the amount he consumed in his body, because I mean, one bottle of those Korean Soju is like 14%, so don't know what if he drank the whole thing, but anyways, he was let go and legally, he is fine. The only problem he have to face his the public, since news of this was made public. Anybody want to explain if I got the thing right? Oh, and after reading the comment from mommie alice and angel2nyt, for some reason the "girl" things same untrue. Or is it because I'm having a hard time admitting it?

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Guest angel2nyt

i dont know about the girl thing...its creating a lot of confusion because there are so many articles coming out

i actually really feel bad for hyesung..

i think the reason why even if he drank some liquor, like what Jennie, it could have been just a short drive...

Shin Hyesung, "Will spend time reflecting over my actions"


Group Shinhwa member Shin Hyesung was charged in the early hours of the 14th for driving under the influence of alcohol.

According to Seoul Gangnam Police, at around 2:40am on this day, Shin Hyesung was caught driving his BMW around the Seoul Gangnam Samsong area with alcohol levels of 0.097%.

The officer in charge of Gangnam Police Traffic Control Force announced, "We did not recognise him at first as he was wearing a hat, and recorded that his destination was Seonreung. He did not appear intoxicated outwardly and cooperated fully with the alcohol breath test. We do not know before police took over his vehicle but afterwards there did not seem to be a passenger in the vehicle with him."

Shin Hyesung's alcohol levels were over the limit at 0.097% which means his licence will be cancelled and fines will be issued.

Shin Hyesung's management announced, "Shin Hyesung is currently preparing for his 2nd solo album and after he had finished the day's recording, Shin Hyesung and the composers, producers and managers working with him went out for dinner and Shin Hyesung drank two glasses of soju in accompaniment. We apologise for creating worry and trouble for the Shinhwa fans and everyone else. We will be reflecting over our actions for the time being."

credits. ShinhwaChangjo.net + orenji728 (translation) + Joynews (source)

nb. please credit properly.


hmmm i really they should take half the blame

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Guest Jennie

To make this clear:

1. No girl was in the car, so the girl in the car is just a rumor. Hyesung was alone. (I don't know why I put this first, but I guess we are more concern with is, so heck first things first) But we have to thank the Gangnam Police Spokesman for very making this clear.

2. But Hyesung level was 0.097% and legal level is also 0.097%, why is he still going to have his license revoked? I mean, the fine is nothing new to those who are caught

Okay, after hearing the headline of angel2nyt lastest update, I wanted to cry simply after reading how he will spend sometime reflecting on his' action. Yeah, I mean a lot of people do that, but what he quoted, just makes me want to cry, okay, I'm crying now. But don't worry, Hyesung will always have us to support him.

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Guest nutzie

wait what?? the report said that there's nobody in the car, so where did the girl part come from?

and if he's released unconditionally, why's everyone making such a big deal over it? doesn't it mean that there's no criminal record whatsoever?

geez now i'm utterly confused..

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Guest prizzyy

but afterwards there did not seem to be a passenger in the vehicle with him."

Shin Hyesung's alcohol levels were over the limit at 0.097% which means his licence will be cancelled and fines will be issued.

why dint the management help to send him home? i wonder if the other people got caught too, just that it wasnt mentioned..

hyesung is too kind.. drinking two glasses of soju to entertain.. and not seem left out.. =/

but for some unknown reason, i was like PHEW when i read that nobody was in the car with him =X

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Guest angel2nyt

wait what?? the report said that there's nobody in the car, so where did the girl part come from?

and if he's released unconditionally, why's everyone making such a big deal over it? doesn't it mean that there's no criminal record whatsoever?

geez now i'm utterly confused..

because he's shin hye sung.. and whatever news there is about shinhwa members that are like this.. its big news

and also the release news wasnt really specified in the very first report..

as i have said in the other post.. so many articles popped up because of this issue(the one translated is just one of them).. and one of them said about a girl

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Guest missy2006

hmm...I think it's just badluck in Hyesung's part that he was caught. Even the police said that he does not look drunk outwardly. and maybe because he cooperated that's why he was given pardon. Police are humans too, they would be willing to be lenient if the offense is really light and there was nobody hurt because of it IF you cooperate with them and not give them trouble. It's less work for them really (less paper work to file), and usually if you have a clean record, cooperative and show a bit of humbleness and repentance, you could get away with only a warning and reminder not to do it again.

about his license being suspended, and fines issued I think that's standard procedure since his alcohol level is above legal level. (besides if they let him go without so much as a slap in the hands it will reflect badly on them because Hyesung is a celebrity) We should be glad he didn't have to serve time or do community service because that will surely be harmful to his career.

Right now I am just glad that he was alright and did not get himself or anybody else hurt. But I do hope this will teach him a lesson about drinking and driving.

But I do admire his fans (wait I am a fan too....so I am beating my own drums :D lol ) because we are handling this news "maturely". I'm sure he'll be able to get over this little setback and still give us a wonderful album.

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Guest qaxlod

He was on his way dropping off the managers who were heavily drunk.

How kind of him. He got caught after dropping them off and on his way home.


I mean, he's human. He can drink can't he?

And the fact that he only had 2-3 cups..

HYESUNGOPPA reflect on your actions but I STILL LOVE YOU!!

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Guest nutzie

well it's true that he's human, and humans can drink.. his fault is in the driving under influence part..

lesson learnt - next time, make sure somebody's below the legal limit, or make himself drink water, before driving home..

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Guest leeweng


I mean, he's human. He can drink can't he?

And the fact that he only had 2-3 cups..

well.. I just hope tht hyesung will be more careful now and the rest of shinhwa!! fight!!whatever happens!! :excl:

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Guest boaks

That's soo bad!!

Why should Hye Sung be the only one getting blamed!!

That's not fair...

Well, I just hope that he's fine. Shinhwa Fighting!!

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Guest nutzie

hahahha that's funny.. it means the web PD is either a girl, or he looks like one =P i guess that's the "drunk manager" mentioned earlier.. but was he caught when the PD was with him? because the police said there was noone in the car..

geez, he looks so ghastly and tired in the picture.. is that the press conference or something?

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Guest cutiepad


i'm glad that there's no accident involved here. a big relief for me.

being DUI for anyone, is kinda a no-no for me...

i'm satisfied that he is willing to spend time to reflect...

its a big thing for DUI to me, cuz i've had a close friend who is now managing by herself without her husband, with 3 kids.

edit:: girl? i'm not surprise if there really is a girl.. isn't it time for him to get a gf and look forward to settling down?

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Guest Jennie

Yeah, DUI is a very serious offense in the the U.S, because your license can actually be provoked for life or even worst, depending on your criminal or DUI history, because in the U.S you have like three strikes, and each strikes carries serious punishement, so yeah, cutiepad, I understand what you mean.

However, yeah, it is the age for Hyesung to get a gf, but he's too involved with his career right now, so I don't think he even have considered that.

nutzie: You're funny. Yeah, the PD can look like a girl also. LOL. Actually, the picture is old, it's was during almost the time he did the Melon interview with Lyn, so it's not from a press conference or something.

angel2nyt: Thank you very much for your constant up to date news on this terrible day for not only for Hyesung, but also his fans. But I'm sure we will get through it all together. Group Hug!!

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Guest kriza_09

He was on his way dropping off the managers who were heavily drunk.

How kind of him. He got caught after dropping them off and on his way home.


I mean, he's human. He can drink can't he?

And the fact that he only had 2-3 cups..

wait. i thought managers are the ones who are supposed to drive the celeb home?? lol..

generally i'm not supportive of the act of drunk-driving itself, but given his situation, i think he did the best out of what he could do at that time.. i mean, it is common courtesy in korea to drink at social gatherings like that.. and he, as the celeb, is supposed to be the one who's drunk and be driven home by the manager.. but he actually limited himself to not drink much while the others were heavily drunk, to the point that he's the most sober one to drive the others home..

so in this case, i don't see why he has to reflect on himself.. he couldn't have done any better than that.. except that he could've called a driver or something.. but again, he wasn't drunk at all.. his alcohol level was just slightly over the legal level, meaning it was just slightly over the level at which he's still legally allowed to drive.. and you can't tell your exact alcohol level without taking a test can you.. so we can roughly say he's still sober enough to be legally allowed to drive..

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Guest apricot

Mmmm..bad timing for this thing to happen when Hyesung's album is about to be released. Haiz, I hope he feels better by now. All his other hyungs must be busily comforting him, especially Jinnie. He had a drunk accident before right? Quite similar to Hyesung's case..

I'm relieved that that the girl rumor is not true too, it could be worse if it is true. Stupid media..><

But anyways, fighting Hyesung!!! I'm anticipating your new album very much! I'm sure it will be a sell-out! ^^

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Guest Somdary

Hyesung Oppa, you couldn't gotten yourself into a car accident!! ;(

You got me so scared there!

Please don't drive next time even if you had one cup! I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH!!

오빠 힘내세요! 화이팅!

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Guest lexine






THANKS ALL WHO SHARED! even though it's bad news... :(

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