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Guest lenakeem

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Guest PalmPanda

recently, i bought the shinhwa tropical summer concert DVD and i bought minwoo's first solo concert!!!

AH!!! I've been looking for that everywhere, the Tropical Summer DVD I mean. I checked annyoung.com and eclickkorea.com but they're all out of stock. Would you mind telling me where did you guy it? I only saw the box and it looks so good I wanna cry. :tears:

^ Palmpanda,Ginnie, : the original source are similar to this -->

there's also some similar articles ive found in various places..but that's the english v. of the news :]

Thanx a bunch Angelix. I was only curious but like everyone said, if there's no official word from Andy or Good yet, I'm gonna wait and see but I find it refreshing to hear sth nevertheless. :)


i'm officially calling you palmpalm from now own!~ PUAHHAHAH!~ well, i just want to tell you that you made me laugh really LOUD when i read this part in your post on page 958 "was that Andy came to Thailand and I got to talk to him and tell him I love him but then he just gave me this look... like... :huh: "So? Who doesn't?"" MUAHAHHAHAHHA!~ plus, i'm jealous cause you always dream of them. i've only had two dreams of shinhwa and the only ones there who i have seen clearly are jinnie and andy, the other four were NADA in both dreams. the ironic thing is that i love those 4 best, i mean, wan-minu-eric-sungie-andy-jinnie, BUT i love them all really much. as in totally.


wee! the first couple that i fell in love with is actually ricdy. i've always thought that the brotherly love between them is so strong. even though eric constantly bullies andy. but the fact that he bullies andy is a sign of their closeness because you can't really hit a guy up on the head like that if you two are just simply friends, therefore, ricdy is the special type of friends. this friendship is shared throughtout shinhwa, actually.

LOL, Krizza... do I get that right? :P I don't know why but I always dream and it's always about the last thing I see before I go to bed. So I ALWAYS make sure the last thing I see is Shinhwa! LOL I remember when I first became obsessed with them, I watched LL nonstop and I dreamt about them for a whole week! :D

I also agree about the RicDy love. You have to be EXTREMELY close to bully each other like that coz Andy never gets mad or annoyed with Eric, does he? He'd just laugh or get back at Eric. :blush: I absolutely love watching their chemistry and the way they look at each other. There's a clip on youtube where everyone teased Andy coz he said sth wrong so he just pouted and wouldn't say anything more. Eric was the one who told other members to stop teasing Andy and consoled him. I absolutely love that clip though I can't find it right now coz Youtube has been blocked in Thailand... I just found out this minute that some ***hole made a clip insulting our revered King which is infuriating me so much I feel like killing them! :fury: We have to wait until that clip is removed. GOD! Why do such people exist!!!

A little sth I just wanna share: since I work at a music television, I usually get free stuffs. Today my friends at work were acting secretive like they know sth I don't. Finally one of them was like... I have sth to give you but you gotta give me 3k baht. I was like :blink: Then he said sth of your beloved boys just arrived, the package is so cool but it's gotta worth at least 3,000 baht. My first thought was what??? Don't tell me Winter Story is available in Thailand! I just ordered it! Then I remember, Shinhwa hardly gets any promotion in Thailand, there's no way it's gonna be available but I was SO hoping it would be sth of Shinhwa.

Then after a little whimpering on my part, he gave it to me and it was... TVXQ desk calendar... :sweatingbullets:

Though I'm still a fan of TVXQ (but I have no idea what they're up to lately) but my priority has shifted considerably...

of course, few people at work know I'm devoted to Shinhwa coz TVXQ is heavily promoted here whereas Shinhwa hardly ever gets any airplay so I rarely get a chance to spazz over them... :( On top of that, I already bought the calendar and it has been on top of my computer for two months and no one even noticed... I was like "Thank you so much but don't you have sth of Shinhwa???" *puppy eye mode on* Then he gave me a :huh: look... "Where did you find stuffs to like about Shinhwa???" But finally he gave me Minwoo's second album so now I'm happy. :lol:

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Guest littleazncutie324

ahhh im soo pissed >.< i havne't been able to read shinhwa/look at thier pics. i been constanly worring about skool n other crap. haven't been online snice forever! damn damn >.< i miss shinhwa so much! even my spring break..i havne't been able to catch up...

soo andy is making a solo...n being coming a ceo? isn't eric a ceo too n minwoo...haha damn. our shinhwa guys are becoming better n better huh? im reil amazed at all the things they are doing. they are becoming one of the famous ppl. :D ... i'm reil happy/proud of the shinhwa guys..tehy have all these solo acts. but yet they still talk w/ each other. n stay together.~ <33 shinhwa fighting!~

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Guest xbabii_M

miss':bella Thank you for the pics of Eric in Que Sera Sera. He looks so HOT! The two girls are so lucky to be in the same drama as Eric. And its a romance drama too =/

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Guest stephypham

2003? *goes check*

ok.. my mistake.. sorry about that.. :lol:

i was really curious about Andy's first love.. as well as the others..

PalmPanda, i was so laughing hard when i've watched HaDy's 'girly' performance..

and you even capped them~!! hahah.. gonna watch it again..

those sagging breasts really freaked me out..

he's been holding it while dancing..

good thing it didn't completely fall off.. :lol:

flipside, yup, he is soooo freaking adorable and charming..

you'll never get enough of him.. :D

for the first time posters here.. AnnYeong~!!!

ND Entertainment.. i wonder who named it?

i'm looking forward for more Andy in the future..

CEO 'D'.. :)

angelix, my eyes widened in excitement upon reading your news..

especially about Andy~!!

*excited* *excited*

Lee Minwoo Looking to Work with Timbaland and Enter the US Market


It has been revealed that Shinhwa's Lee Minwoo has been in touch with internationally acclaimed producer Timbaland.

Lee Minwoo first met with Timbaland who he had always admired, backstage after a Justin Timberlake concert in Las Vegas, and is currently keeping in contact with the producer.

Timbaland is the maker of global hits such as Justin Timberlake's 'SexyBack', as well as producing hit songs for Nelly Furtado, Missy Elliot and many more, and is internationally recognised as one of the biggest hitmakers in pop and urban music.

Lee Minwoo was first introduced to Timbaland by another American producer by the name of Jimmy who used to work with The Beatles and now is renowned for being one of the key players behind the success of The Pussycat Dolls, Black Eyed Peas, U2 and many other successful artists. Lee Minwoo last year had even performed a private showcase of his works to Jimmy who acknowledged his musical talent.

Upon introduction, Timbaland then asked Lee Minwoo if he had any thoughts on working together and since then Lee Minwoo has sent a demo-tape of his works to Timbaland.

On the 31st at Lee Minwoo's first solo concert in Japan, Lee Minwoo revealed, "Nothing is in production at the moment, but just the offer to hear my music is meaningful to me. Soon I am planning to personally go to the U.S. and meet Timbaland myself. I would like to start a new challenge through working together with him."

It has also been revealed that Lee Minwoo held a meeting with one of the top U.S. entertainment management agencies, 'William Morris Agency(WMA)'.

With artists such as Bi trying to enter the American music market, the biggest hurdle for Korean artists has been finding a competitive partner. Thus it is of great interest to many that in this current situation, with the help of WMA, Lee Minwoo would boast the most power.

Lee Minwoo emphasised, "A decision will be made after much thought on how to create a harmony of east and west. In order for this to happen, the foremost direction will be to overcome the language barrier so I am working hard on my English at the moment."

In the meantime, Lee Minwoo who has established an independent company 'MRISING Entertainment' is slated to release his third solo album in coming June.

credits. ShinhwaChangjo.net + orenji728 (translation) + Newsen (source)

nb. crediting improperly is a crime.

0MG0SH. i`m so late on this =O such good news <3

i`d have a better chance to see all my favorites stars in US

now [: Bi, se7en, & minwoo. what a dream come true [:

midd':bella thanks for those que sera sera pictures. eric

looks hot in them ;D haha. i know this might seem crazy ..

but i havent started watching que sera sera yet. well i started

the first 30 minutes of episode 1 but i never had the chance to finish

the rest of the episode and the other episodes. ive been sooo bussy/

so for those who have watched the recent episodes, is que sera sera

goooddd ? (: or should i just wait until the DVD comes out? wait

nvm that was a crazy question. i don`t think i can last that long without

eric <3 haha. i cant wait until all of them release their solo albums [:

i would definitely support them all and buy all their albums ! (:

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Guest angelix

[Real Pics] Andy,Minwoo Temple Code Sneakers + Syoungblers + Traffic Cards

Do Not Post Elsewhere Without My Permission (unless posted by me)

After coming back from Japan last week of visiting a sick friend + M's japan tour concert, when i returned.. my room was such a mess (and i got jetlagged and sick T_T ><) so, yes, since some friends wanna come over to my place to pay a visit, i took the time and cleaned my room instead of staying in bed -_- (becoz i was bored staying in bed X_x) heee~

so yeah, would like to share some of my stuffs (becoz i realise my huge pile of shinhwa junkies that need to be organized anyways *_* =) (ARGH MY MESSY ROOM! T_T)

i have hyesung, and jin's sneakers as well, but since they are under the pile of other shinhwa stuffs in my messy cabinet, so just taking MinDy's sneakers ^^;;


^ nice M =D~~




^ closeup of andy's sneakers


^ hehe im biased so minsyundy's traffic cards in the pic ^^;;


^ box is sho cute =D


^ my dear friend syoungin personally gave me this when I, her, and a couple of the oceans six's family had starbucks last 2 wks (before i went off to japan for m's concert) lol xD so i was surprised abt the sweet card =D~ (not in pic tho ^^)

now my room is just 1/4 clean -_-;; someone help? X_X;;

Edit : forgot to put here :P



^ posters included in the shoebox ^___^

Credits : angelix @ http://shinhwa.biz + soompi + shinhwachangjo.net

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Guest vietgirl604

Well my brother isn't really into kpop and kdrama and stuff. But he does still listen to their new songs every now and then. And the last time I was listening to Throw My Fist and my brother seemed to like it cause he asked for the title and stuff.

Oh, I see. Glad that he still knows good music when he hears it. How old is he?

TO THE ERIC CLAN: (rizziesh, nat, ginnie, linh PLUS lynda and ME)

so nat is going to roll me down a cliff? is eric rolling down with me? if yes, i don't really mind. and can the cliff be turned into mount everest too? ;) but if not, then... WHY YOU NAAAATTTTT!!!!~~~~ :fury: at least lynda thinks i shouldn't be rolled down a cliff. *hugs lynda* and rizziesh too, i think. :unsure:

but i am glad that ginnie and rizziesh are letting me off the hook easily with my cuddling. yes, including the cuddling!!! *gives rizziesh and ginnie some alien candy*

and what initiation???? i must kidnap eric? why that's easy. i have tons of rice sacks on the ready! i'm bringing 2 dozens of it just in case eric is hard to catch. (plus i'm planning on sneaking in downgwan and minu too)

AND YAY! i get to be an honorary member!!!

to ginnie, i am an honorary member after they roll me down a cliff.... wait, they're still rolling me down a cliff???

to nat, you rolled me down a cliff, remember? <_<


i know i'm not the only one who felt that way about minu and kids. also, you already know about my feelings for minu, right? lol. i know i like wannie, as totally like and love him but minu... he makes it hard to be loyal. even though they don't know that i exist, it's just too weird. wa.

so xtine IS a minu lover too? but why the heck is she grabbing dongwannie from me back then? must ask her one day! lol.

now that you mention it, i'm gonna go and watch eric blink his eyes in that video. (im one of them who did, lol) but it doesn't really surprise me because even shin jung hwan said it, "all he does is cool" someone even said "even the dying chicken is cool" when he imitated a dying chicken in han ji hye's episode of love letter. wa... eric eric eric.. now even eric is making it hard to be loyal to wannie. grr.....

"hot hunk of a man", i'm gonna make a banner off of that statement lynda!~

can i borrow your friends? i don't have those albums too. >.<

i just read you message and it says "Kriza (with one Z), did you get my PM..?! LOL. i dunno, it made me laugh really hard.. so when you address me it's Krizza (with two z's) HAHA!~ ^0^

Yes, you should not be rolled down a cliff. Only xtine should LOL..she's the first person Nat rolled down a cliff I think. Yes, MinWoo and kids<3. HAHA yes, of course MinWoo is so irresistable that he makes it hard to be loyal. Hot hunk of a man LOL I say that about MinWoo and Eric all the time.. Make a banner? HEHE, With MinWoo in it?! LOL I would like it. OOH, you should make it one with each member and give them out LOL I want MinWoo's hahahas if you make it. LOL Borrow my friends? Even if I agree, they won't hahas. Yes, you're Krizza with two z's..but I think I'll start calling Kriza, Fenny, her real name. I can't wait to get my CD's!

OOH, thanks for posting up the pics. Eric looks HOT. The girls' aren't doing it for me. Now I really wished that YEH had done the drama with Eric. But wow, Eric's sooo hot.

[Real Pics] Andy,Minwoo Temple Code Sneakers + Syoungblers + Traffic Cards

Do Not Post Elsewhere Without My Permission (unless posted by me)


^ nice M =D~~

Credits : angelix @ http://shinhwa.biz + soompi + shinhwachangjo.net

OHMYGOSH! I love them! I love the M ones..Andy's one is kind of girly but it's still nice. I LOVE LOVE LOVE MinWoo's ones. Ahh, now I really want to go to Korea and get them!

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Hey everyone! To help Minwoo with his English I think we should all VOLUNTEER to help him. Remember practice makes perfect. Maybe we can all take turn and have in our home for week at a time? WAIT, that means I have to think of something to get rid of my husband for a week! Any ideas? LOL!

i hope dongwan deosnt get too stressed out from teh rumors. theyll distract him from makin an awesoem album for us. and minwoo in the US? thatd be awesome...hows his english? doesnt he have a heavy accent?
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Guest xbabii_M

[Real Pics] Andy,Minwoo Temple Code Sneakers + Syoungblers + Traffic Cards

OH MY! Those are all so beautiful! I especially like the M sneakers ^^ Wish I could buy all of these things. And even the shoe wrapper and box are so pretty! Will definietly buy these if I go to Korea this summer.

Oh, I see. Glad that he still knows good music when he hears it. How old is he?

LOL my brother has a lot of good taste, in my opinion, in clothes, music, food, etc. And my brother is now 19.

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Guest iman00

angelix: the box is really cute..

and i love andy's poster...its soo cute..

and the shoe's wrapper...gagaggaga..

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Guest angel2nyt

^^ thanks for the minwoo concert pics

these pics are from the tokyo concert

did you guys noticed tey were all taken from the same angle??

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Guest vietgirl604

OH MY GOSH! They come with posters too?! What the hell, this is the best thing ever! I swear if I go to Korea this summer, I'm going to buy all of the shoes! MinWoo's poster is soooo hot..and the shoes are nice, the box is nice..everything is nice!

Hey everyone! To help Minwoo with his English I think we should all VOLUNTEER to help him. Remember practice makes perfect. Maybe we can all take turn and have in our home for week at a time? WAIT, that means I have to think of something to get rid of my husband for a week! Any ideas? LOL!

LOL I wish I could teach MinWoo English! NO..you made me get my hopes up HAHA..but that would totally be cool. He should get his fans (me) LOL, to teach him. It's okay if you're teaching him while your sons and husband are in the other corner, glaring, LOL.

LOL my brother has a lot of good taste, in my opinion, in clothes, music, food, etc. And my brother is now 19.

I see, I see. Your brother is really intelligent then LOL. I wonder if he looked up to Shinhwa before, when he liked them and you didn't know themm haha.

OH MY GOSH! He's sooo hot in those pictures! How come for his Japan Tour Concerts, he looks extra good?! LOL..or is he just getting better looking by the second?!

I WANT MINWOO FOR MY BIRTHDAY!! ...but I can't have him, sniff sniff.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest angel2nyt

just read from an article that dongwan is going to make his comeback sometime first half of 2007

and he signed a 3-year contract with H2 Entertainment for his solo ventures and then on the second half of the year, he will be busy with a new shinhwa album and a new drama

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Guest angelix

just read from an article that dongwan is going to make his comeback sometime first half of 2007

and he signed a 3-year contract with H2 Entertainment for his solo ventures and then on the second half of the year, he will be busy with a new shinhwa album and a new drama

^ that's really good news :D of course will support dongwan all the way~~ GO DONGWAN!! :blush:

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Guest ADORE.you

wow is MinWoo really going to enter into the US market ? That is an interesting factor since many korean artists have been trying to get in, such as Bi, SE7EN etc. I'm glad to know that MinWoo will be amongst those who will be in collaboration with the US entertainment industry. To see him do well, is a really great thing to see. I wish him the very best with his career, he deserves it =) Thanks for sharing the information ^^

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