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Guest lenakeem

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wah. i said i'd be coming here more often... but i basically lied =\ cuz i havent.

this thread hs grown 5pages since i've last been here! which is quite a lot.






but i miss his old hair style =(

i swear he changes his hair way more than i change mine -__-

hes lookin damn smackin GORGEOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!


and a lot younger too IMO!


anyways... yeah, just wanted to express my love for hsi hair.


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Guest vietgirl604

lynda - in the case of singular nouns [i think], except for I, you always add s right? like, she likes, he likes, it likes.. in this case, we consider "we" as singular too, and therefore, it's "we loveS shinhwa".. okay i'm not an english teacher, i don't know how to explain this -__-"

aww your friends are gonna buy you shinhwa cds?? that's soo awesomeee!! i want that too >_< too bad they would think it's just stupid >_<" my brother says he knows that i want shinhwa dvds for my birthday though.. but he doesn't know where to get it >_<" i'm dreading the day my birthday comes..

Ooh, I get it now. LOL don't worry, I'm just slow. Yes, they're buying me it...YAY. Well my best friend is going to get it and make the rest of them chip in for it. She ays that it's better to get me something that I'll really like rather than get me something else expensive that I'll have to pretend to like LOL. I think the other three friends that have to chip in will say that it's lame and stupid..but my best friend understands..that's all that matters LOL.

vietgirl604 and robotic: To join in your Q & A, my favorite Shinhwa member is Hyesung. However, although Hyesung is my favorite member and no other member can take over his place, I still enjoy being fans of Junjin, Eric, Minwoo, Dongwan, and Andy. (No particular order of favorites, just writing their name on top of my head). I mean if Hyesung is my first choice, the rest of the members are like so close to each other, I'm afraid if you were to have a recount, I'm afraid it might be the case as in U.S Presidential Election in 2000, too close to call. :blush:

Ooh, okay...so your favorite is HyeSung. You can call me Lynda if you want! I know what you mean by the rest being all so close to each other but you have HyeSung (I almost said MinWoo cause he's my fav LOL) as your favorite.

Still no translations for JunJin's message..?

Kriza (with one Z), did you get my PM..?!

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest 2buckytosmoke

Haha I guess so..but I don't really get it. What does having the S on love have to do with us being one? Is it still not improper English? LOL. I'm lost..

Oohh, your two favorites are the same as mine..hmm LOL. WElcome to the thread.

Thanks for reminding everyone LOL. Kill aliens LOL yes, that's totally Eric's hobby HAHA. Eric's alien smile?! HAHA you're way too funny. I love his smile---alien or not.

lynda - in the case of singular nouns [i think], except for I, you always add s right? like, she likes, he likes, it likes.. in this case, we consider "we" as singular too, and therefore, it's "we loveS shinhwa".. okay i'm not an english teacher, i don't know how to explain this -__-"

aww your friends are gonna buy you shinhwa cds?? that's soo awesomeee!! i want that too >_< too bad they would think it's just stupid >_<" my brother says he knows that i want shinhwa dvds for my birthday though.. but he doesn't know where to get it >_<" i'm dreading the day my birthday comes..

SO strange today I was just thinking about that when I read We Loves Shinhwa then I kept thinking I was like is my english bad or the person who post this english is bad or they did it purposely? kept thinking LOVes LOVES we LOVES shinhwa? ? ? ?? so wierd and now i check out the thread and FINALLY see people talking about it when this threads been out for ages LOL


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Guest la vifzetta*

for all shinhwa sarang members,

most of you should know that shinhwa sarang has been hacked by someone on the net. we tried to rescue the board, but nothing could be done. ultimately, we have decided to quicken the transitioning of Shinhwa Sarang to a new board, Shinhwa.biz. Shinhwa.biz will still be called 신화사랑, and it will still be ran by the same group of people. Aly and I will continue to serve as Administrators, but saharial [aka Kay] will become the main administrator for the forum. this transition is to ensure that SS will continue on its name and history and continue to grow and foster. please join us in the new forum at:


we are all very excited to have you back on the forum.

there are some surprises waiting for all of you!




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for all shinhwa sarang members,

most of you should know that shinhwa sarang has been hacked by someone on the net. we tried to rescue the board, but nothing could be done. ultimately, we have decided to quicken the transitioning of Shinhwa Sarang to a new board, Shinhwa.biz. Shinhwa.biz will still be called 신화사랑, and it will still be ran by the same group of people. Aly and I will continue to serve as Administrators, but saharial [aka Kay] will become the main administrator for the forum. this transition is to ensure that SS will continue on its name and history and continue to grow and foster. please join us in the new forum at:


we are all very excited to have you back on the forum.

there are some surprises waiting for all of you!




Hi la vifzetta! I hope you don't mind, but some other members were asking about SS in Andy's thread, so I quoted your post over there to let them know about SS in case they hadn't been over to our main thread here. Please don't be mad! :unsure:

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Guest chantiga

for all shinhwa sarang members,

most of you should know that shinhwa sarang has been hacked by someone on the net. we tried to rescue the board, but nothing could be done. ultimately, we have decided to quicken the transitioning of Shinhwa Sarang to a new board, Shinhwa.biz. Shinhwa.biz will still be called 신화사랑, and it will still be ran by the same group of people. Aly and I will continue to serve as Administrators, but saharial [aka Kay] will become the main administrator for the forum. this transition is to ensure that SS will continue on its name and history and continue to grow and foster. please join us in the new forum at:


we are all very excited to have you back on the forum.

there are some surprises waiting for all of you!





I'm one of shinhwa sarang member and I really want to join your new forum.

Unfortunately, I can't register last night :tears: and I don't know why too.

I can't click to enter any of your icon but this problem may be due to my university server.

Anyway, I will try to register again caz I really miss all of you from shinhwa sarang :blush:


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Guest susymoon

Can someone tell me what junjin says on is Junjin's Special 9th Anniversary Message because i can´t see the clip :tears:

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Guest PalmPanda

Wow, I haven't been to this thread for a few days and there are so many Shinhwa hotness to catch up!

RE: Those pics of Andy... seriously, this guy needs mucho sleep!

I read in the Andy thread that Andy's skin is really fair so when he's not wearing make up, he looks really pale.

But it looks to me like he had a little make up on but maybe not enough to cover the dark circles under his eyes?

I don't mind those bags under his eyes though coz to me, that's what make him so adorable... :blush:

Without those bags, his eyes would look really small when he smiles or laughs.

I'm rambling here but anyway, Andy oppa, get yourself some sleep or an eye cream or a concealer!!!

Otherwise, you'd look your age instead of the 20 y-o face we all love and adore. ^^

palmie - hahaha i'm gonna call you this from now on =P your dream is soo weirdd!!...

the dream that i had about junjin was that he was performing solo at some cruise that i was on, and i was screaming away from the second balcony, with a gay guy friend of mine [which i don't even have one] "junjin we love youuu!!!" and then later on, we got to sit right opposite of him, and i just remember staring at him with dreamy eyes..

Nat, that's exactly what my friends at work call me. Or you can call me by my msn name - PalmDy... hehe. Nah, that's just too forced!

LOL, I love your dream too but usually when I dream about my idols, I can force myself to dream what I want so it's usually not just staring... just kidding! I wish though! *drifts off to dream some more...*

The best I ever dreamed of Shinhwa (besides JJ skating behind me) was that Andy came to Thailand and I got to talk to him and tell him I love him but then he just gave me this look... :huh: like... "So? Who doesn't?" but I was still ecstatic that I got to touch him! lol

Hahaha, I have weird, random Shinhwa dreams too. I remember in one dream, Dongwan suddenly popped up & waved hi to me, & then walked away... you know, in his Dongwan-way. I can't describe it, but the action is very Dongwan like. XD; <3

LOL, I can totally picture Dongwan doing that! For some reason, I think of Heroine 6 during the 3 y-o segment when he waved buhbye to his mama. :P

by the way, andy's performing with haha on xman this week.. something about being a drag hip hop queen or something? yumm.. i'm so looking forward to it.. he might turn me into a lesbian.. or not >_<

I laughed so hard at your lesbian comment! LOL Andy does make a nice looking girl though. He's got those big bright eyes and he can act freakishly girly! I'm so looking forward to laugh till my stomach hurts for this. :)

Actually, my gay friend said I look like Andy as a girl so I was like... should I be offended or flattered?

Then he added, "Coz you both look like a panda when you're not wearing make up!" so I bit his head off... <_<

Seriously, I love him acting as a girl though coz he's so adorable. The only thing I'm worried about is he might unknowingly get used to it and act girly in real life! :D

if everything can go back to zero what would u think of immediately?

Eric: Andy.

Andy?? why andy?

i dunno i just thought of him

when i have nothing to do i'll think of Andy.

creditS: bestshinhwa

Awwww... that sure puts a big smile on my face. I just LOVE RICDY! I have never even seen biological brothers as close as they are. When I have nothing to do, I think of Andy too. ^_^

I would love to see Andy makes a cameo in one of Eric's dramas though. That would be fun to watch! Their chemistry is gonna be hilarious!

Talking about how each member was the perfect man in the first season of Love Letter, correct me, was Hyesung the only one that got picked twice in the first season? ... Poor Dongwan, he was almost always rejected, not only in X-Man, but also in Love Letter, ironically guess who picked him as the perfect man? The girl who he co-star with in "The person I Love".

I felt the same way about Andy, lol. I cringed everytime a girl didn't pick Andy esp. in Kim Min Jun's ep when he was sent to the ShinChunDong team. I was like why are you being mean to Andy?! :angry:

I love Wannie's reaction when the girl kissed his cheeks. He looked like a little boy with the clapping and the sheepish smile.

I showed LL to my sister and she always laughed at Dongwan's random antics. Gotta love that "heart distributor" guy. ;)


I was just over to Rozzy's Shinhwa Couple thread and I don't know why, but I find this pic really funny!



In my own twisted imagination, it looks kinda like Minwoo is a beauty queen (look at those cheesy smile!)

while Andy and Eric are the runners up so they are scheming to pull a prank on Minwoo coz they're jealous!

I mean, look at the mischievous smirks on RicDy's faces!

LOL, yeah, I'm weird like that but that's what the pic speaks to me. :lol:

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Guest la vifzetta*


I'm one of shinhwa sarang member and I really want to join your new forum.

Unfortunately, I can't register last night :tears: and I don't know why too.

I can't click to enter any of your icon but this problem may be due to my university server.

Anyway, I will try to register again caz I really miss all of you from shinhwa sarang :blush:


When you are registering at shinhwa.biz, register via this link: http://shinhwa.biz/forums/. there's currently a problem with registering from the main page. so please do it through the forum. thanks :D

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Guest hahaheehee

Junjin's 9th anniversary video message!

A rough translation based on the Chinese subs.

"Hello everyone, this is Junjin from Shinhwa.

It's Shinhwa's 9th anniversary.

We successfully debuted on 1998 March 24th.

Time seems to have passed by too quickly, it's already our 9th anniversary.

Even for our 10th anniversary or 20th anniversary, we Shinhwa will always remain together, so please don't worry.

Everyone is working very hard on their individual activities, including me.

It doesn't matter if it is for album preparations or acting in dramas - for the sake of presenting a better image, we are now brainstorming. I hope everyone will look forward to it.

Hope everyone will sincerely shower best wishes for Shinhwa on our 9th anniversary. *does a little wooo~ and claps*

We will work hard."

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Guest kriza_09

to those who still feel upset that our posts aren't as many as dbsk n suju thread..

i counted all pages of shinhwa individual members' thread.. the individual threads have 1217 pages in total.. n shinhwa thread has 948.. add those 2 numbers and we have 2165 pages.. so we're not that far behind compared to other threads.. ^^

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Guest s3xyminwoo

thank you kassuma for the absolutely gorgeous pictures of Eric (:

GAHHHH! Such a hottie!

Look at that body O_______O

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Guest vietgirl604

as promised here are the pics of eric i took while he was in singapore at shangrila rasa sentosa resort...


My Fancams of Eric in Singapore in a Compiled Video


credits: me

OOOH, great pictures of Eric! His body is getting hot hot hot again..ahah. But NO, there's one pic of him holding a cig and one of him SMOKING it. I was soooo sad and disappointed. I don't want to see that...although I know it's a bad habit that's hard to quit...but seeing it makes me sad.


I was just over to Rozzy's Shinhwa Couple thread and I don't know why, but I find this pic really funny!



In my own twisted imagination, it looks kinda like Minwoo is a beauty queen (look at those cheesy smile!)

while Andy and Eric are the runners up so they are scheming to pull a prank on Minwoo coz they're jealous!

I mean, look at the mischievous smirks on RicDy's faces!

LOL, yeah, I'm weird like that but that's what the pic speaks to me. :lol:

OMFG. That's exactly what I see now too LOL. At first I saw MinWoo being the centre of attention or rather in between Eric and Andy who wants to be together LOL but then MinWoo was in the way so they look at each other but after reading what you saw, I see the exact same thing and can't even imagine what I saw anymore LOL.

Junjin's 9th anniversary video message!

A rough translation based on the Chinese subs.

"Hello everyone, this is Junjin from Shinhwa.

It's Shinhwa's 9th anniversary.

We successfully debuted on 1998 March 24th.

Time seems to have passed by too quickly, it's already our 9th anniversary.

Even for our 10th anniversary or 20th anniversary, we Shinhwa will always remain together, so please don't worry.

Everyone is working very hard on their individual activities, including me.

It doesn't matter if it is for album preparations or acting in dramas - for the sake of presenting a better image, we are now brainstorming. I hope everyone will look forward to it.

Hope everyone will sincerely shower best wishes for Shinhwa on our 9th anniversary. *does a little wooo~ and claps*

We will work hard."

YAY, JunJin's translations! See, I love how each of them say that they'll be together for years to come..I just love it!

to those who still feel upset that our posts aren't as many as dbsk n suju thread..

i counted all pages of shinhwa individual members' thread.. the individual threads have 1217 pages in total.. n shinhwa thread has 948.. add those 2 numbers and we have 2165 pages.. so we're not that far behind compared to other threads.. ^^

Haha I didn't really care if we're not up to as many pages as them but what you did with adding them, I like that idea HAHA. But yeah, even if Shinhwa had one page, they'll still be #1 to me.

Que Sera Sera OH MY GOD, I just watched the first episode and don't even want to watch it anymore! People who have watched it, I'm sure you know why.

The first thing I saw was him making out with that girl! and I saw tongue!!!

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest nutzie

kassuma - thanks for the pictures!! he looks soo yumm!! i was actually kinda waiting for him to jump into the pool [although according to xh, he didn't swim in there] but you know.. eric + water = scrumptious meal.. he will be one of my kind =P besides, that makes him closer to hyesung too.. you know, me being fish, hyesung being a crab.. hmm.. eric.. oyster?

palmie - whee i'm so good =P i actually call you what others call you O_o" well another dream that i had was that i was shopping with eric and park shi yeon [yeah, the 3 of us] and then we were gonna catch a bus [eric ran for it actually =P] and i asked her whether it's the last bus, and she said yes.. so i said i was gonna call my dad and see if he could pick us up and i ran to a public phone [what the hell happened to my cellphone?] and i remembered turning back shouting at them "i promise i won't tell anyone where you live" and then i think i woke up.. i have weird dreams..

lynda - i was shocked too.. and then i wished i was that girl.. she never came out anymore afterwards, so i was like, "whoa.. must be nice to appear on camera for 5 minutes just for that reason, and you get paid too.. i wanted to stab the girl a million times with a little pin..

ps. we had a surprise party for a friend of mine, and guess what?? i blew out a miniature orange balloon!! whee~~ *ahem* it actually looks like a papaya -__- ah another one.. because we gave her an mp3 player, i'll put in the songs for her [because she's technically challenged, so i guess that's part of the present] and we're gonna sneak in a couple of shinhwa songs for her =P

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Guest 2buckytosmoke

Junjin's 9th anniversary video message!

A rough translation based on the Chinese subs.

"Hello everyone, this is Junjin from Shinhwa.

It's Shinhwa's 9th anniversary.

We successfully debuted on 1998 March 24th.

Time seems to have passed by too quickly, it's already our 9th anniversary.

Even for our 10th anniversary or 20th anniversary, we Shinhwa will always remain together, so please don't worry.

Everyone is working very hard on their individual activities, including me.

It doesn't matter if it is for album preparations or acting in dramas - for the sake of presenting a better image, we are now brainstorming. I hope everyone will look forward to it.

Hope everyone will sincerely shower best wishes for Shinhwa on our 9th anniversary. *does a little wooo~ and claps*

We will work hard."

yay thanks for the msges ^^

NO WAy eric smokes??? dissapointed. . . . oh well no ones perfect just hope he quits asap

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Guest cpopbaby19


Super JunJiiiin >:] :


Beautiful Dongwan making sure he's beautiful (Haha<3) :


Andy & yummy strawberries (*drool* O__O) :


Muscle-boy Hyesung? :P :


Uhmm... monkey faced Minbongyyy <3 :




Gahh, & photobucket is being really slow, so I can't find my couples pictures. =__=;; That's all for now. LOL. sorry it's not much. x__x

:w00t: i love love the pics~ esp dw and eric~ <3 hotneesss! ;] those smiles are to kill for~

Hi everyone! "wave" to everyone.

Miss me? LOL! It really sucks that I can't be on the internet at work. I try to take a peak once ina while at work but you guys posts are so loooong, I don't have time to read them all. I need to backtrack and read all the posts one day because I'm totally lost as to what you guys are talking about.

Anyway, just watched short clip of mnet news on The Person I Love drama and Dongwan said, he'll see us again in fall with new drama. WOW, our boys are really keeping themselves busy. How is he going to promote 9th album and film drama too? Do they ever sleep? LOL! DW made me cry a bucketful in his drama...I hope in next one he will make me laugh....I don't think I can handle another stressful drama with our boys.

wow. i stopped watching tpil on episode 4. o_o i swear, im gonna finish it! xD hehehe. but i think he suits comedy-ish drama more. i think he can pull it off! [;

Junjin's Special 9th Anniversary Message


XMAN Photos

p><p> danggg... his silhouette

as promised here are the pics of eric i took while he was in singapore at shangrila rasa sentosa resort...


http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s119/kassuma/30.jpg' alt='a>'>






























My Fancams of Eric in Singapore in a Compiled Video


credits: me




thanks for posting the pics! *__* eric+no shirt = ALEXINE'S HAPPINESS! (im not cheating on dw) LOL


i see something that he puffs and huffs <_<

to those who still feel upset that our posts aren't as many as dbsk n suju thread..

i counted all pages of shinhwa individual members' thread.. the individual threads have 1217 pages in total.. n shinhwa thread has 948.. add those 2 numbers and we have 2165 pages.. so we're not that far behind compared to other threads.. ^^

err. who cares about the number of pages? [; seriously.. it's just a number.. it doesn't mean that they have more fans than shinhwa. ^^;

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Guest Jennie

angel2nyt: Thank you for sharing Minwoo's Osaka Concert Pics. He looks so hot and cute in those pictures, especially with those bunny ears. AHHHH! :rolleyes:

kassuma:Oh my gosh, those pictures that you post of Eric is really WOW!. He looks like he's having a good time. I have never been to Singapore before, but now, after I see the picture of Eric, I realized that maybe it is really hot of there. Maybe the weather the weather got even more hotter because of Eric.

la vifzetta: Thank you so much for informing us. You guys must have gone so much, again, to just rebuild the website all over again. Hopefully, nothing will happen again and have the website still function. Shinhwa.biz FIGHTING!!!!

kriza_09: You are so nice. Doing the little things to just make Shinhwa fans happy. You are like one of the Shinhwa Cheerleaders, when we feel down, like how DBSK having more threads than Shinhwa, you are kind enough to count the overall threads. When we are so excited about Shinhwa's 9 year celebration, you wrote something amazing to make us more happy and actually make us realize how we are so proud of the guys.

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