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Guest moo_cow

wow.. hey everyone..

didn't expect to get so many responses.. lol

hahahaha!!!! hey joanna.. heard of u too..=)

yeh i still go to chinese school.. lol.. i remember seeing u there...

yeh we all should meet during holidays sumtime :rolleyes:

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Guest moo_cow

lol mmee too..

yeh this week..

i got eng n music practical on tues..

the rest is the week after...

what subz u do??

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Guest TrainDriver

gah, starting to worry a bit now. wondering if i can get all my study done for thursday and friday's exam, shouldn't have wasted that time last week :P

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Guest kaotsun



i'm a perthian too!!!!

lol, it was funny reading about utop and stuff, i went there few times, everytime i go back home with no voice hahaha

i saw that noraebang in front of kfc too but never been there, is it good??? cuz my korean friend took me to the night one in north bridge

argh~~~ exams......

i do TEE too...but like, the easy ones hahaha

people i know in like....guilford and stuff are sooo smart they're doing like...physics...chem...app...calc...

mannnn, i don't like being their friends at all >.,<

are most you guys still in high school???

what uni do you wanna get in?? i'm thinking about curtin~~~

i have discrete and accounting this thursday,,,i havn't startd revising TT^TT and english on friday..

i'm s'posed to be doing esl haha, oh well~

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Guest moo_cow

hey... kao.. i'm moocow90 lol..!!

what school do u go to???

r u korean, japn, thai???

i'm in yr 12.. doin TEE too

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Guest TrainDriver

omg my hand is so sore, just finished all my accounting practical, took 2 nights to go through but i got this weird feeling i'm gonna forget it by friday, oh well thursday night i go through again briefly :D

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ayyyyy. i haven't been here in so long. got a new comp (and i'm panicking because i want my old stuff and my chem notes for my graphics calc for my examsssssss!!) after my monitor died on me last week. T_T

and new perthians here~ YAY! WELCOME EVERYONE! ^__^

gah i'm TRYING to study but it's hard when i'm feeling like crap at the moment, too. i dunno what it is, i just feel down and not up for anything.

i might attempt to stay up late tonight to finish off studying. i need to finish my econs notes. i'll do chem later tonight. ><" it's already 11pm~ gah.

good luck to everyone in the exams ^^ i won't be here for a while until next week~ gotta concentrate on studying. >__> i just need to pray my sis' boyf's bro back ups my chem notes on my old computer~ AHHH! i'm gonna dieeeeee if i don't have those notes. CHEMISTRY SUCKSS. the old exams were so hard, i dunno how i'm gonna do. T^T

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Guest lov-ii-n

hehehe i am in yr12 too.. lol in my exam periods now.. ahhaha my last exam will be nex friday. omgosh i probably shouldnt be on soompi for that long .. ahhaha but soompi is soo adictive =P

awww im sooo scared bou exams.. ehehe i wan to go UWA.. but like i dont mind goin to Curtin.. hehe see how my TER goes...

ohh ohhh any of you guys sitting the UMAT? i am =) hehehe ` just for fun i guess and a back up just in case if i wan to do medicine or maybe dentistry or something

i suck at applicable maths.. hahaha and exams is on wednesday.. omgosh i am goin to rely on my calculator so much for my notes hahahahaha.. i wonder where we will be without our calculator.. hahaha =P

take care guys!! nice to meet u all :)

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Welcome kaotsun!!

yeh im doing TEE too. i'm doing Eng 2b3a, Discrete, Applicable, Chem, Econs. i'm doing Chinese SL as a Private candidate for TEE but i forgot so much of my Chinese T__T i have to study it in the holidays.

i really want to get into Curtin ><><

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

^wow chinese as a private candidate! my friend wanted to do that...but then he changed his mind in case he messed up in the TEE

yeah i sat the UMAT lol...but it was purely cause my mother told me to give it a go..waste of money hehe i could've spent it on something better

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Guest TrainDriver

crap crap crap, freaking info sys is sooooo hard. pfft and the average scaling is 9% but at least i'm at the top end of the class so not punished so much but still, gah its the only exam i feel stress over. i hate how this week my exams are late, i hate waiting for them to come. wat day do u guys finish next week?

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Guest <3 Kim

I finish on Tuesday which is my Calculus exam. Thursday is the GAT but who cares about that xD haha.

I just had English and music exams. the music exam was wtf, it was the weirdest exam ever :/ We had a CD playing which we had to dictate the rhythm, and the rhythm was all this random crap O__O The whole class just burst out laughing when we heard it and the supervisor got pissed cos he thought we were laughing at him haha.

I have Chemistry exam today. I dont know why I'm on soompi xD I should be studying haha. But Chemistry is like the only exam im confident in xD

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Guest TrainDriver

i'm not going to the GAT, i'd rather study for my econs exam which is straight after the GAT.

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^ you're not going? i don't want to go but i have no excuse LOL. T_T

plus shrek 3 afterwards with friends <33

I FINISHED MY EXAMS TODAYY AHHHHHHHHHH~ stupid econs today. i think i did okay to crap. LOL. ><" so much writing! everyone's hands were dead afterwards.

but i'm gonna be so bored~ i'm gonna shop like crazy next week. personal + birthday presents. teehee. i've been in my uniform all week to the library. finally i can go to the library next week with normal clothes T_T i have a northshore econs test tomorrow.. lucky my econs exam was a day before it.. ;D

anyway, i've been away from soompi for days! time for me to post like crazy! :D

andandand good luck to everyone in their last exams! ^_^

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Guest kaotsun

i had dis and acc yester, and english today.....everything was so crap! ah~! >.,<

i cudn't do like 2 Qs in discrete, omg, and accounting i just sooo made things up

and english today, i wish i was doing esl again TT^TT

hi~!!! joanna and moo-cow~!!! haha, aussie ppl call me cow it's funny - -" (it's ka-oh gawd dammit)

i'm thai^^ hehe, nice to meet you!

this is wat i shud'v said last time, good luck for everyone who still have more exams~~~~

i have gat and geo next thursday....shoot,,,i wanna go to ballet but it's in the morning....- -"

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Guest TrainDriver

hmm i haven't got anything planned for straight after exams, but i'm going paintballing soon after :D then its school holidays. aww i want to see shrek 3 also, but dunno if any of my friends want to go, i didn't bother to see pirates 3 though, i doubt it was any good :P

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hey kaotsun! ^^

aww my friends have discrete next week~

my applic was ghay. ghay ghay ghay.

econs was ghay.

chem was ghay.

english was ghay.

gah! exams are so ghay!

aww yeah i'm trying to plan my next week, haha. it's mainly consisting of shopping.. dear god. LOL.

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Guest <3 Kim

hey kaotsun ^^ Your name is so cute xD hehe.

Ahh I have a calculus exam on Tuesday stupid calculus >< still dont get it >< I can't wait to go out after the exams =D

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