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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

Guest s u n d a e_

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Guest xdumbie

KYAA!!! ANOTHER AWESOME AWESOME CHAPTERR!!! I LOVE HOW YOU DIDN'T GIVE UP ON SANG HYUK!! He was so cutee >__< And I think if Yoo Jin did give up on Sang Hyuk, it wouldn't fit her personality =3 Good decision! I can't wait for the next chapterr!!! *covers face and does this super fast stepping thing with my legs where my legs take turns stomping the floor one at a time* >___<

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Guest s u n d a e_

Chapter 26 – Buy One, Get Two Free!

I switched off the TV and placed the remote control on the table. Appa immediately seized it.

“Finally!” He exclaimed, then switched the channel to boring documentaries.

Nothing exciting has happened since I got home from Seoul University and nothing exciting is happening now. I’m so bored!!! It’s a Sunday afternoon, I shouldn’t be…

I got off the sofa and proceeded towards the kitchen, stopping at the short cupboard lined up against the wall separating the kitchen and living room. I picked up the packet of tissues with a purple floral print on the packaging- no doubt bought by umma. I laughed and held it up to show appa.

“Appa, doesn’t this look like pads?”

Appa looked at it through his glasses then said, “No. Tampons.”

“What are tampons?”

I spun around and… yelled at the top of my lungs, "AAAAAAAHHHH! WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE?!" I pointed at the beautiful little midget.

She smiled evilly, “Yoo Jin unnie, you look different. You’re not so fat anymore.”

“Why you little-”

Umma rushed out of the kitchen. “Yoo Jin! I forgot to tell you, Won Won will be staying with us while your grandparents are on their holiday around the world.”

“Holiday around the world?!” I burst.

Umma nodded. “So you’ll have Won Won to play with now.”

Won Won is my ‘drive me merry mad’ cousin, though I do feel sorry for her because her parents are divorced. The father is an alcoholic and my aunty is a mother with no responsibility so in the end my grandparents took her in. Her real name is Ryeo Won but since she’s still a kid it’s easier for her to call herself Won Won, so the rest of us have to copy. Won Won is the most beautiful little 4 year old girl you’ll ever meet; snow white skin, cute cherry lips, small nose, big gorgeous eyes and long hair which someone usually ties up for her in a high ponytail. But don’t be fooled by her appearance, the little brat is also the most evil thing you’ll ever meet.

“But she’s evil umma!” I whinged.

Umma glared at me, “Just like you. You and your sisters have to help look after her.”

I glared challengingly at the grinning little devil.

One thing’s for sure, with Won Won in my life, I’ll never be bored- and I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing.


“You mean that little kid that said you stepped on her cockroach?” Hye Young questioned.

She just had to remind me. My eyes drooped in bitter remembrance of how I, entirely innocent, had been blamed for the death of a cockroach and sentenced to two days of confinement in my room. “Yes, that one.”

My friends began laughing. Bok Ja sprayed the lunch table with specks of food from her mouth. I scrunched my face up.

“Shut your as$!” I ordered them all.

They did their best to calm down. That kid is one of the few people who are capable of tying my hands together.

I propped my elbows onto the table and put my face between my fists. “I have a real BIG problem right now”, I complained, thinking of Won Won.

“You have a bigger problem than that”, Ha Na pointed out.

I folded my arms. “What problem?”

She pointed up to the cafeteria where Dong Wan was clearly visible, standing at the glass wall. The boys seemed to have given their matches a break today because Yoon Sung is nowhere near to be seen. Dong Wan caught me looking at him and waved with a small grin.

I turned to Ha Na, “What?”

“Are you sure Kim Dong Wan doesn’t like you?” She asked me with a smile, though her eyes read different. They look dull.

“I agree”, Hye Young nodded..

Bok Ja shrugged. “I thought it was quite obvious.”

I eyed each of them cluelessly then burst out laughing. “Ah pfft! Kim Dong Wan likes me? PIGS FLY!”

Honestly, these b1tches f*cken thought that the Happy Cub likes me? Someone, kill them.

Hye Young stared over my shoulder and she grinned. “That’s not quite the whole problem… the real BIG PROBLEM here is that Kang Yoon Sung likes ya too.”

I choked on my apple juice and glanced over my shoulder to see Yoon Sung walking down the archway. I stared plainly at Hye Young. “Pigs. Fly.”


“Hello, Kim Hee Sun models their clothes! I am so going!!!” Hye Young said matter-of-factly.

School’s over, shopping for my friends, work for me. Oh I’m so elated. “Yeah, just go without me.”

Hye Young grinned, “We will. Besides, you’re working.”

Ha Na placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, “Next time, my friend.”

They linked arms and skipped off.


Hye Young raised a hand and waved, her back facing me. richard simmons richard simmons richard simmons!!!

I spun around to head for work but bumped into Dong Wan. “richard simmons! What the hell are you doing there?”

He ignored my question. “That’s not a very nice thing to say.”

He meant the curse to my friends. “That’s not a very nice thing to do”, I pointed out.

Dong Wan nodded, “Right. Let’s go.”

“Go where?” I questioned, tugging onto my backpack.

He smiled cockily, “Somewhere you’ll love hunny.”

“Hunny your bum”, I said. “I have work.”

“Forget about that”, he commanded. Then he slipped his fingers between mine.

If my girl friends are having fun, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t. I’ve been a good girl- ditching work for once is alright, right? I let Dong Wan lead me away from the school and away from the place where sometimes, Yoon Sung would be waiting to give me a lift to work.


He ended up taking me to an amusement park, Seoul Land. One good thing about Dong Wan is that he’s not scared of rides, the faster the better, so I always get to go on the best rides with him.

First stop was Tomorrow Land, where we went on all the scariest rides there were.

Dong Wan pointed to the screen where the photos of our faces on the Shot X Drop were being displayed. “HAHA! Look at your face!”

Geez, any louder? Not like I didn’t know how bad I looked: poppin’ gold fish eyes + green face + distorted mouth = dying lizard.

“At least I don’t look like a cow giving birth”, I retorted.

“That’s not what I look like”, he stated.

I examined him in the photo. Damn, he was laughing. Nothing demented about that.

“Just wait, Kim Dong Wan”, I warned. “Just wait.”

He smiled and raised his brows. “How are you gonna get back at me?”

I smiled and pointed to Fantasy Land.

“Like this!” I smashed my car onto Dong Wan’s side.

Today is the day Kim Dong Wan will DIE! I slammed my car on the back of his.

He turned around, “richard simmons!”

I stuck my tongue out and did it again. But you know, being a gangster means you either wear black and pretend you got balls or you wear black and you some pretty good moves. Dong Wan has the pretty good moves. He twisted his car around in a split second and slammed against my car so hard it slid all the way to the other side and hit the railings. My head shook from the violent impact and I glared at him. He raised his head like a snob.

“That was not bloody fair”, I said through gritted teeth, once we got off the cars.

“How?” He tested, still with that grin.

“It was a one way course”, I stated. “You went the WRONG way.”

We exited the Bumper Cars section, that’s when I realised it was already night time.

Dong Wan stopped and turned to me, “OK baby, have it your way.” He checked his watch and looked up. “Let’s go Samchulli Land.”

I shrugged, “Fine.”

I looked at the deserted area we had arrived in. “Isn’t this the mini train ride for kids?” I asked, eying the isolated black train.

“Yeah”, came Dong Wan’s simple reply as he stood beside me.

“Why is it so empty?”

“Who cares? It’s better for us then, no annoying kids”, he said and walked through the short wooden white gates.

I followed him. “Maybe it’s not opened”, I suggested.

“Hop on, little girl, it sure is on”, answered a welcoming deep voice.

I squinted my eyes and through the dark saw a chubby man in the driver’s position wearing a hat. Dong Wan chose a seat in the middle. I put one foot on the steps and paused. “I’m not little”, I stated to the driver before hopping on next to Dong Wan.

The train started with its little choo choo noises and whistles.

“Isn’t this relaxing?” Dong Wan asked as his arm stretched across the seat and around my shoulders.

I grabbed onto his wrist and forced it off my shoulder. A breeze swept by and I closed my eyes, feeling the coolness of it. “Yeah.”

“Keep your eyes closed”, I heard Dong Wan demand.

“What for?”

Knowing that he couldn’t trust me, I felt his hand clap over my eyes. Damn it!

“Are you ready?” He asked.

“For what?”

He became slightly irritated. “You ask too many questions. Just say ‘yes’.”

Being more of a nosy richard simmons than a rebel, I decided to comply. “Yes.”

Slowly, I felt his fingers lift off my eyes. I opened them straight away- only to be blinded by the sudden lights that filled my vision. I quickly shut my eyes again. Argh, I’ve been in the dark for too long. I opened my eyes again and this time, was able to tolerate the brightness. I studied the strings of mini yellow lights that were cleverly arranged to form an illusion of fireworks and the little light bulb hearts seemed to be flying around in the air. Against the dark, the lights display looked magnificent.

I gasped. “So unreal…”

Dong Wan glanced at me. “Do you like it?”

I nodded. “Duh! It’s so pretty!” Then it suddenly occurred to me that Dong Wan had especially arranged this- he must have reserved the whole area and that’s why there’s no one hanging around here! I tore my eyes away from the display. “Yah! You did this?!”

He nodded.

“YOU ARE SO COOL!” I exclaimed and hugged him, “Thanks!” Then I thought again and let go of him, “Why are you doing this?”

Dong Wan smiled and set back in the seat. His eyes were gazing at the display so I concentrated back on it too.

“You know there are a lot of idiots out there”, he suddenly said.

I thought just by him saying that sentence made him one of them.

He continued. “This guy once said to a girl, ‘I love you’. Then the girl turned and said to him, ‘I love you too. You’re the best brother in the world.’”

I chuckled. “What a f*cken idiot! Can’t she tell the guy loves her in that way?!”

Dong Wan side grinned. I busied myself by staring at the shooting love hearts.

“So who’s the stupid chick?” I asked.

Dong Wan didn’t reply. I turned to him and slightly widened my eyes to indicate ‘well?’

Instead of replying straight away, he placed his hands on my shoulder and turned me to the lights again. “Look carefully”, he ordered.

I heard him click his fingers. An illusional firework shot out and a large heart was released. Then a marquee lit up and words were starting to form from the lights that hadn’t been turned on before.







Those last three words were the ones that my mind had conjured- not the marquee. I don’t want to turn around and neither do I want to face Dong Wan.

“That girl is you”, Dong Wan slowly whispered. I could feel his face near my shoulder and his breath near my ear.

Like I hadn’t figured that out by now- I’m that stupid chick. richard simmons, I don’t even remember when that was! Oh my f*cken God what am I supposed to do now? My heart was pounding irregularly and I felt claustrophobic even though we’re out in the open. I’m praying that it’s just a joke, just a joke. I stayed silent, waiting for him to burst out ‘YOU’RE AN IDIOT! FEBRUARY FOOLS DAY!’ But it didn’t come. I shut my eyes. richard simmons.

I quickly grabbed my backpack and started climbing onto the seat in the other row.

“No, Yoo Jin!”

Too late, I jumped out of the window while the train was still travelling around in circles and ran off into the dark.


How could he love me in that way? I’m his godsister, goddammit! He can’t love me!

All I could think about while walking home was what had just happened. I can’t believe it- yet I am. I should’ve picked it up from that moment he first kissed me on his birthday last year. The way he talked about how much he cared for me… that was so out of his character and yet I didn’t pick it up. And why did I even have to think of that? ‘Cause now I feel even worse than before because now I know I’m also a bad godsister. The tree looks like it’s welcoming my forehead right now.

I stopped in front of my apartment building and exhaled, closing my eyes. I need a minute to free myself from those thoughts. I opened my eyes and just as I took my first step…

“Yoo Jin.”

Automatically, I spun around and screamed. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”


I slowly realised that the person was only Kang Yoon Sung, but it still took a while to fully hit me that it was YOON SUNG. I finally stopped screaming and tilted my head, looking questioningly at him. “What?”

All through my screaming, Yoon Sung had kept his head bent and been saying something I couldn’t understand- or rather hear because his voice had been drowned out by mine. His face slightly distorted but quickly unwind back to the usual bland face but with an extra pinch of anger. Just like me, he was still in his school uniform but without the blazer and his tie was loose again. Boy, I like this loose tie with angry face look.

“Why are you still in your uniform?” I asked, forcing myself to stop staring at him. “Were you at the store with Madam?”

He slipped his hands into his pockets and instead of replying, asked me a question. “Yah, where were you all night?”

“None of your business”, I stated. “I rang Madam and got permission for the day off. Didn’t she tell you?”

Yoon Sung turned his face away from me. “I didn’t ask.”

He came all the way here to ask me where I’ve been? I studied his annoyed expression and the uniform again. Was he…? “Were you waiting for me?”

His hands slid out of his pockets and he faced me again. “What makes you think that?”

Judging from his tone, probably not. I shrugged and folded my arms. “Nothing. What are you doing here? If nothing, then richard simmons home.”

I’m pissed off now. Who does he think he is? First he scares the freak outta me, then he questions me like he’s my grandpa and now he’s giving me attitude.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him taking a step closer to me. “I’m here to do something.”

“What?” I snapped, still not looking at him.

“Yoo Jin”, he called, trying to get me to face him.

I turned my head away. That sure did annoy Yoon Sung. “KIM YOO JIN!”

And that annoyed me. I unfolded my arms and spun to face him. “WHAT?!”

Our faces were so close that with his head bent down, his lips were almost touching mine.

“I love you.”

My temper immediately converted into astonishment and I pulled back. His eyes lost all fierceness and they, too, became dazed like mine- as if he couldn’t believe himself. He stared at me silently as I gazed at him with my mouth hung open. I could sense his sincerity. This is no prank. I could feel my pounding even faster and stronger than before.

Yoon Sung slightly turned his face. “Yoo Jin?”

Not knowing where to look, I raised my head and looked at the starry night.

Hey! What’s that pig doing in the sky?!

I felt his fingertips touch mine, bringing me back to reality. I jerked my hand away then stared into his eyes which were now so gentle I felt like I was being lured into them. I staggered back, reeled around and ran into the building. Great timing! The doors to the lift opened and I dived in.

I leaned on the back wall of the lifts. Kim Dong Wan and now Kang Yoon Sung too… when all I ask for is Yoo Sang Hyuk!

I can hide now, but I won’t be able to hide much longer and especially now that Dong Wan is back too. Added to that, I still go to work. And added to that, Valentines a.k.a Dong Wan’s birthday is coming up…

(Girlfriends ft. Lee Jung – Blah Blah)

I stared into the reflection of the lift’s doors.

“richard simmons, now what?”



From the responses I was receiving I had the feeling that I was starting to lose it for this fic so I took a short break. I needed inspiration and got it after watching She's The Man.

Thanks for all comments and I don't mind receiving critical comments.

I've discovered some contextual errors in past chapters... oh well!
Any questions you guys have asked before but I haven't answered, please remind me!

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Guest joongie;love


The part where he said that whole sentence to YooJin as soon as she turned around was hilarious. Way too cute !

I lvoe this fic, i wonder what school's gonna be like .. Awkard ? o-o;;


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Guest asnanimegurl

WOWOWOWOWOOW! thats was a great chapter!!!!! hahahah i'm always excited to read ur fics (esp. when im in class ;) ) post soon!

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Guest wakeupluv

wow! they both confessed around the same time! damn..wait so all she wants is Yoo Sang right? oh man..this is getting good. hey...what about the moley nerd? i want to know what's his deal!

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Guest leebabe007

OMG! they both said 'i luvb you' to her on the same night. man i kinda have a feeling they both had a plan to see who could make her come to them first. dong wan is soooo KOOL! lols. but i think yoonsung is better for her. man screw sanghyuk. lols. nah im not being mean but he doesnt even like her rights? yeah so why would she bother having feelings for sumone who doesnt even wanna see you at all? cant wait for the next chp. post soon.

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Guest liltoazndevil

i love the way dongwan said i love you too cute

yoon sung was soo drama like out of the blue

great chapter

write soon

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Guest azn.gurl*

lol aww they both told her, they love her, haha aww, lol but she just runs out of there.

still wanting sang hyuk when theres two hotties right in front of her? haha i'd dropp sang hyuk!

hehe post more soon=)

OHH btw i like the song you have at the end =)

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Guest xdumbie



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Guest MizzNana

OMG! They both confess on the same day. =_=" That must be a total shock to her! Wonder what doing to happen since Valentine's Day is coming. Hmm...

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