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[Drama 2015] I Remember You 너를 기억해


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Guest dramacf

Okay, finally done watching it! First and foremost, that KISS!

Damn! She basically confessed her feelings to Hyun in a roundabout manner when she said, "The scarier thing...not being able to see you again."!!! Then when Hyun replied, "You saw that right?", he just basically sort of told her also in a roundabout manner that he's glad that she realized her feelings for him!!! You can totally see it in his expression and his reaction. That's why he took a step closer to her!


OMG!!! The feels in that scene!!!

KBS better provide us the BTS for that kiss scene!!!

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Woah! So many awesome posts since I last checked in! 

Hello, people of soompi!

Made an account to ask why on earth would you think that it's their first kiss? Both are attractive adults (early 30s?), not lacking social skills, not some shut-ins. Well, it seems that it's their first time getting so emotionally attached to someone else, giving their personalities, but it's a bit ridiculous to think that they've never been physically close with anyone before, imo ^^;;;. Just curious))

You're right... In a western drama, those two would have gone on to the next level immediately. While I'd like to think that they're "experienced", somehow Hyun's outburst in one previous episode--- That one where he confronted the murderer-father (the case with two teenage boys), he says that the boy (who he related with so well) was unable to even have normal/sincere sexual attractions/affections for the opposite sex because the boy was so afraid he's a murderer like his father... Then, given that Hyun related with the case so well, perhaps did he have the same fears? But it's far-fetching though. I mean teenagehood to being in your 30s is quite a long stretch... anything could have happened. 


I'm quite paranoid now of seeing any shade of violet in flowers! It's creepy that Min visited her in the hospital and brought her that shade/color of flowers...reminds me of the first case with the hyacinth-killing psycho...


Really, Min purple flowers?! Good thing your Hyung didn't see that or you'll be in big trouble! 


Coz purple flowers will always remind us of that psycho and it's like you're more or less advertising yourself, I'm a psycho, too! I wonder if he did that intentionally? Perhaps, hoping his Hyung will come visit Jian and see those flowers and ask who they were from?


at least he didn't bring her the same purple flowers :lol: but the flowers this time are pretty :)

from today's episode it's obvious that Min has no intention to hurt his hyung and if anything he will do all he can to protect him :) 


Great catch on the purple flowers! I totally missed that! I'm sure it means something or the IRY official instagram account would not have posted a photo of it. Plus Min mentioning the extra innings in baseball! Seriously! But it's just my POV. Min has shown a lot of hot&cold shifts in his persona. One minute he's charming, the other he's extremely scary (like what he did to the Ahjussi from the docks). He may want to protect Hyun. I loved the fight scene so much because of the meaningful choreography! Hyun's first intention was to get Jian out of the clutches of the murderer and after this, he made sure to check on Jian first. Doing this left him all vulnerable to the kidnapper but Min swooped in like a savior protecting his Hyun. It says a lot about how Hyun will think of Jian first and how Min will protect Hyun first. The really sad part is that Hyun is all engrossed in Jian in those moments that he is forgetting Min and it looks like Min is badly needing his attention. In all normal cases, it would have just been another team fight but for Min with severe abandoment issues, Hyun's acknowledgment is gold. So, if Hyun continues to get distracted by Jian (which I think he will be), there's no telling what Min might or might not do... Those purple flowers, if not yet intentional at this point, are definitely ominous. 


As @Mau_Cherry said the ones used here seem to be put together with a purpose. But if one reads the original German lines the first two mourn the fact that his children died before him while the last two lines actually mean that he felt like he could not prevent it from happing he did not have a say in this situation, leaving him feeling helpless.

And its a good description of the situation of both brothers after the death of their father as well. But taking into account the background of these poems I actually think JY may have one taboo and that is killing children. He may uses them for their psychological experiment but he is did not kill them although they are witnesses to his crimes and we learned he never left a trace behind before and most likely also afterwards.

And there is another reason why I do think killing children may be his taboo and that is JA. If her father is one of his victims could it nor be that he may had a picture of his daughter in his wallet and that JY found it. If JY and the pathologist really are the same person why is he so close to JA. Could it be that children are his only weakness ans he has the urge to look out after them like he seemed to have for JA (in case he is fully aware of her being the daughter of one of his victims and I think he is).


Man! I love your post!  Particularly about the german poem... I don't know why but I'm reading it as LJY's feelings. Sort of like he's saying: "I'm misunderstood. The bodies have gone but you see there's nothing I can do about it. I can't help my self." 

I didn't see it coming but your point about the children is highly possible. It could be that LJY had felt misunderstood as a child and is looking for company in children he thinks he can "save". This could explain why he looks at both Min and Hyun with fondness, if we're assuming that the pathologist is LJY.  In such a case, viewing the kids all grown up now, he must have some sort of weird satisfaction like any parent except he's a bit psycho. I wonder if the family in the pictures at his house is real to an extent, and I wonder if they're going to make an appearance towards the later part of the drama...

I love your post! Please come around again. Work is such a hindrance to dramalife! :D


 Ha ha ha. It's the Three Pyschoteers! I'm like :huh::blink::o:rolleyes::vicx::D:lol:....:wub:

Talking corpse and murders over meal.. looking at each others reaction! Wahaha


While trying to help Ji An..decided to do it together! wohoohoo!!!

The Profiler, The Psycho, The Mentor. Can't you just get all along!


pix cto:

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh chingu :lol: I loved your "Three Psychoteers" hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I really loved their bromance and teem work but unfortunatly that won't last :(

PSYCHOTEERS! I love that so much, I'll officially call them that. HAHA 


Do you guys think it's on purpose how the brothers both had their hands on their pants pockets while the ME had his on the pocket of his jacket? I mean normal people don't walk with both hands on their pants or jackets pockets right? It's not like it's really cold that you put your hands on the pockets of your pants or jacket. I find it eerie how they stand that way and walk like in sync/order for some reason...It's like their mannerisms are almost the same...notice how the way they walk after they interrogated the guy...it's a bit creepy to me...


Totally on purpose! They're a family of their own!


I watched ep 10 totally raw, but my Korean in pretty good so I understood enough. (I've studied korean in school for a year)

What I found the most fascinating about this episode is when LH and JA basically come down to the conclusion that the woman isn't a "murderer" per say, but rather was led by her partner and just didn't know how to think for herself. That ultimately its a condition, but unless a person is ever actually put in that type of situation, it wouldn't be a problem. So if she hadn't met that huge guy wearing orange and became involved with him, she would have lived a perfectly normal life. Thats when creepy gut decided that "well that means she had the possibility of becoming that anyway though, its part of her/already in her" (not exact translation, but basically what he was trying to get across) and thats when we realize Mr.Attorney/Min at the door. Makes you wonder about Min's situation and how he would have been had he not been kidnapped.

Oh man, that's totally a microcosm of the relationship of our main characters. This drama has a habit of using the cases to shed light on the plot of the main characters. This is totally consistent with the theme and style of the drama. GREAT find!


mod edit: please do not quote long posts! If a quote is too long (more than 10 lines), only quote a subsection of the text.

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Okay, finally done watching it! First and foremost, that KISS!

Damn! She basically confessed her feelings to Hyun in a roundabout manner when she said, "The scarier thing...not being able to see you again."!!! Then when Hyun replied, "You saw that right?", he just basically sort of told her also in a roundabout manner that he's glad that she realized her feelings for him!!! You can totally see it in his expression and his reaction. That's why he took a step closer to her!


OMG!!! The feels in that scene!!!

KBS better provide us the BTS for that kiss scene!!!

Oh my goodness.... from your post, my bet that he will kiss back has gone up 25%!

The ratings! Do a happy dance!

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Guest dramacf

Okay, finally done watching it! First and foremost, that KISS!

Damn! She basically confessed her feelings to Hyun in a roundabout manner when she said, "The scarier thing...not being able to see you again."!!! Then when Hyun replied, "You saw that right?", he just basically sort of told her also in a roundabout manner that he's glad that she realized her feelings for him!!! You can totally see it in his expression and his reaction. That's why he took a step closer to her!


OMG!!! The feels in that scene!!!

KBS better provide us the BTS for that kiss scene!!!

Oh my goodness.... from your post, my bet that he will kiss back has gone up 25%!

OMG! I really hope so that he returns that kiss!!! He's basically like, finally, I was waiting for you to finally realize it!!! Coz he obviously likes her!!! Why would he even let her stay with him? It's not coz of his benevolent heart, that's for sure! Then he never gave that answer to her, when she asked what if they never catch the guy that assaulted her? IMO, HE WAS WAITING FOR HER ALL ALONG TO REALIZE HER FEELINGS FOR HIM. He let her catch up to him! We know how fast Hyun arrives at an answer while it takes Jian a bit more time and finally she gets it...the answer to what she feels towards Hyun!

KBS posted the clip of the kiss! Can they just take it a notc and post the BTS! Coz we already memorized that scene! I'm pretty sure everyone wants to know how they shot that scene!



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5.0 ratings from yesterday's episode.

Waaaaaa it's because of that kissing scene man :P

But none of us expected this kiss scene.  I guess everyone is curious on how Lee Hyun will go about saving Ji-An.  I hope ep 11 rating will go up even more, coz everyone will be waiting to see how Lee Hyun reacts to Ji-An's surprise confession & kiss.

Kudos to PD & Writer!  This kiss scene is so well written.

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Okay, finally done watching it! First and foremost, that KISS!

Damn! She basically confessed her feelings to Hyun in a roundabout manner when she said, "The scarier thing...not being able to see you again."!!! Then when Hyun replied, "You saw that right?", he just basically sort of told her also in a roundabout manner that he's glad that she realized her feelings for him!!! You can totally see it in his expression and his reaction. That's why he took a step closer to her!


OMG!!! The feels in that scene!!!

KBS better provide us the BTS for that kiss scene!!!

Oh my goodness.... from your post, my bet that he will kiss back has gone up 25%!

OMG! I really hope so that he returns that kiss!!! He's basically like, finally, I was waiting for you to finally realize it!!! Coz he obviously likes her!!! Why would he even let her stay with him? It's not coz of his benevolent heart, that's for sure! Then he never gave that answer to her, when she asked what if they never catch the guy that assaulted her? IMO, HE WAS WAITING FOR HER ALL ALONG TO REALIZE HER FEELINGS FOR HIM. He let her catch up to him! We know how fast Hyun arrives at an answer while it takes Jian a bit more time and finally she gets it...the answer to what she feels towards Hyun!

This ties up with the scene at the docks too! When he said, come to me when you're ready to be honest. AND! It also ties up the hand holding scene! He confidently assumes that touching her hand would make it all go away... Did he do that because he has known how Jian feels?????  Is our genius able to identify human feelings too?!

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I'm not sure when is the deadline for submission of interest for "I Remember You" DVD pre-order.  This DVD will include the show, actor/actress interview and NG scenes.  Not sure what else since i can't really read korean. :(

Based on google translate, i think the target pre-order quantity for DVD is 1500.  So if this quantity is not hit, then this DVD will not be produced.

But here's the link for those who have not done so.  You will need Daum login in order to indicate your interest.  I'm not sure why the instruction for overseas fan is taking so long to be published.


For those who don't have Daum account, i can help you to indicate interest.  Please pm me with your email address and quantity required.

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5.0 ratings from yesterday's episode.

Waaaaaa it's because of that kissing scene man :P

But none of us expected this kiss scene.  I guess everyone is curious on how Lee Hyun will go about saving Ji-An.  I hope ep 11 rating will go up even more, coz everyone will be waiting to see how Lee Hyun reacts to Ji-An's surprise confession & kiss.

Kudos to PD & Writer!  This kiss scene is so well written.

Yes! but because of those skinships i think viewers are expecting the kiss will happened  in episode 10 hihihi. 

But i did not expect that JA will do the first move. Aigooo this girl :sweatingbullets:.

Here's my worry,what if that kiss was just an imagination of JA.?! So,LH kissing back is impossible. . aigooo pd nim  please no no no!!I've been waiting for them to kiss since casting news LOL. 

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I kind pissed at the ratings. Hello Monster tells the better story than the other dramas aired on the other big 3. It is consistent in its storytelling with the cases, our character's past, LJY and so on.

Let me just sweep that aside and OMG OMG OMG OMG that kiss. (Hyun, you better kiss her back next week!) I love that the romance in this drama defies all exceptions. It feels well developed and feels like they are indeed naturally falling for each other (Unlike a majority of other dramas where there is a strong dislike for OTP that turns to love. The whole main guy being an richard simmons, but as audience, we let it slide coz we know he's a big softy inside). With our OTP in this drama, you can understand who these characters are and how they came to be as human beings. Hyun has gone through so much trauma, repressed the memories. He does not remember the feelings of warmth and  love from his mother, so he does not show his emotions so easily as he distances himself from them. His mother's death happened at a critical time. LJY said that it takes one point in your life, for person to become a monster. At a sensitive age. Well Hyun and Min were young when their mother died and probably both/or one witnessed it. LJY being hinted as the killer. Min having no idea why he uses purple flowers nor that LJY killed their mother. So far all the cases we've seen are reflected back to story that connects LJY, Min and Hyun's Family. Only time we see Hyun with emotions is when he taking care of Min and Dad and the kid from the case and of course Ji An! All the more, he's a genius, which makes him less patient around others and on a different wave lengths. I love how Ji An is meeting him on the same wave lengths the more we see the couple developing. She is understanding Hyun and what he may be thinking. Ji An  is a beautiful character. She stands her ground. She is respectful of others' pain. She has hope (e.g. that he father is alive or that Min is alive). She is just an awesome character.

Our OTP are truly fleshed out characters. They make one of the cutest couple everrr!

This cast is so talented!

Other side thoughts:

> purple flowers he gave Ji An:ominous

> Min: first love hyung. awww, my heart breaks for him when we see his expressions and his actions done with brotherly love... and  dr. euhmm LJY is noticing it. He seemed a bit surprised that Min would show affection for Hyun, despite feeding him the whole your brother abandoned. or did he?

> We have 6 more eps to go! (I'm gonna miss this show) And another misdirect of the other detective being Min. Funny how these past eps we saw less of the actor, but how there is a mystery surrounding him. i wonder what it is...And man, that gave me the creeps when Team Leader's dad was trying to make himself cry to look the part.

> I find that's the scary thing about LJY, he has blended so well in society. I'm surprised the Planning lady and Team Leader's Dad did not sense anything around him all this time.

> Another great thing about this drama is that it depicts many characters as possible monsters, even in the cases. Love how they tackle it, are psychopaths born with the gene or made from their environment and this drama gives the wolves story, as in do you feed that monster? So the closer Hyun gets to finding his brother and LJY, he gonna face that huge mountain: is he gonna feed that a monster inside?


I see more tears in the future from both sides of the screen. Gotta prepare my tissues/hankie for next week!


Hello everyone,


am I allowed to join this thread? Cause although I should not be hanging around here as I have to finish a work related report with an urgent deadline this drama is taking my breath away since the first episode. So while I was able to cancel watching all the other dramas currently airing I could not let this one go. Right now it's my small guilty pleasure to watch the weakly episodes.

I do like the athmosphere in this drama and the OTP is really outstanding as I find their relationship progressing naturally compared to what other dramas try to sell through the suddenly strucked by lighning love approach. I can relate to the traumata both had as children and how this is influencing them till today. And I do love the fact that our heroine is no damsel in mistress but kick-richard simmons instead. Unfortunately that's not helping if you have to fight such a huge guy as we had this episode.

I may be in a minority here but actually I do not think of the shown mash-up of the "Kindertotenlieder" Poem as a threat by JY as this is actually not the intention these poems have. Actually the background of these poems is one of mourning. They where written in the first half of the 19th century by a famous German author who is mourning the loss of his beloved children due to scarlet fever. It is estimated that he wrote more than 400 of them as he could not get over their death, but just 5 of them were transfomed into a music arrangement.

As @Mau_Cherry said the ones used here seem to be put together with a purpose. But if one reads the original German lines the first two mourn the fact that his children died before him while the last two lines actually mean that he felt like he could not prevent it from happing he did not have a say in this situation, leaving him feeling helpless.

And its a good description of the situation of both brothers after the death of their father as well. But taking into account the background of these poems I actually think JY may have one taboo and that is killing children. He may uses them for their psychological experiment but he is did not kill them although they are witnesses to his crimes and we learned he never left a trace behind before and most likely also afterwards.

And there is another reason why I do think killing children may be his taboo and that is JA. If her father is one of his victims could it nor be that he may had a picture of his daughter in his wallet and that JY found it. If JY and the pathologist really are the same person why is he so close to JA. Could it be that children are his only weakness ans he has the urge to look out after them like he seemed to have for JA (in case he is fully aware of her being the daughter of one of his victims and I think he is).

Anyway it's just a theory. And I'm sorry for such a long post.


Intriguing analysis! I wonder if it matters now that hyun, min and ji an are all grown up. Will LJY spare them when they get closer to catching him?

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@ squstar9 Yeah, I think I like this OTP the most for the subtle but no-nonsense unfolding of their romance. It's just simple. I have a crush on you, I'm sticking around. I like you. I'll kiss you. After all the complex plots everywhere else in the drama, the romance is just straight to the point and refreshing. 

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@ squstar9 Yeah, I think I like this OTP the most for the subtle but no-nonsense unfolding of their romance. It's just simple. I have a crush on you, I'm sticking around. I like you. I'll kiss you. After all the complex plots everywhere else in the drama, the romance is just straight to the point and refreshing. 


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I'm not sure when is the deadline for submission of interest for "I Remember You" DVD pre-order.  This DVD will include the show, actor/actress interview and NG scenes.  Not sure what else since i can't really read korean. :(

Based on google translate, i think the target pre-order quantity for DVD is 1500.  So if this quantity is not hit, then this DVD will not be produced.

But here's the link for those who have not done so.  You will need Daum login in order to indicate your interest.  I'm not sure why the instruction for overseas fan is taking so long to be published.


For those who don't have Daum account, i can help you to indicate interest.  Please pm me with your email address and quantity required.


I saw this message from the link you provided.

Please write as follow sample message; 
Lee Hyun@rememberu.com/ preorder 1.
Don't forget to set as a secret locked message to save your private information.

it means I just only need to type my email address and no. of order on the message box and lock it?

photo 22-07-2015 10-05-27_zpseisro4dg.jpg

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I'm not sure when is the deadline for submission of interest for "I Remember You" DVD pre-order.  This DVD will include the show, actor/actress interview and NG scenes.  Not sure what else since i can't really read korean:(

Based on google translate, i think the target pre-order quantity for DVD is 1500.  So if this quantity is not hit, then this DVD will not be produced.

But here's the link for those who have not done so.  You will need Daum login in order to indicate your interest.  I'm not sure why the instruction for overseas fan is taking so long to be published.


For those who don't have Daum account, i can help you to indicate interest.  Please pm me with your email address and quantity required.


I saw this message from the link you provided.

Please write as follow sample message; 
Lee Hyun@rememberu.com/ preorder 1.
Don't forget to set as a secret locked message to save your private information.

it means I just only need to type my email address and no. of order on the message box and lock it?


Don't quote pictures, gifs, videos

Yes, follow the example given. "email address/preorder 1"


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He looked like a football player who's about to kick a ball.

Geuree.. he might be confused with the round-shaped ball man in front of him.

HAHAH, i almost burst out laughing loudly at your comment of the photo in office! :vicx:

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