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[Official] JYJ Park Yoo Chun - 박유천 (Singer, Songwriter, and Actor) Thread

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class="date-header"Saturday, April 4, 2015


I really like that I see many review about TGWSS n most of it are a good review n like I said before on my previous article that it might be the last article I make for TGWSS so I was trying so hard for not making this but I can't resist it. XD. So as usual coz I'm not a blogger (this blog only for save everything I make about ChunNi) or Kdrama reviewers, I only make comments for things that interesting for me and have fun with it, not for the "technical aspect" of this drama. This article is made  from the eyes of a fans (Chunsa). Oh yeah, I make this without looking for whatever happen on Eps.2.
So, this is my thoughts....
I chose this one as Chunface of the Day (1) hhehe.....

The 1st time see ChunNi’s character popped in is important. XD....Kyaaa....Mu Gak is so cute. There were 2 times before that he had wet hair but this time is the 1st time coz of his job. XD....Sexy Wet Hair. Unfortunatelly we didn’t get full close up of his body wore that diving suit. LOL

Choi Mu Gak  
Same like RTP, we also got a cry scene from ChunNi on 1st eps. But this time I think it’s more tragic.

We didn’t know yet how close their relationship but from Mu Gak’s convo with his boss that he might faint if he see even a tiny gash oh his sister’s face. We knew that it must be a very close relationship. So, it’s a very drastic change of emotion. From the cute Eun Seol aahh....then shock n crying. I like his crying scene....Can U feel his emotion?

ChunNi’s drama without eating scene is a NO NO. XD 

N this time is more than usual coz he’s Mugak the Glutton. So, we will get his eating scene on each episode? LOL

After eating, we also need drinking scene right? XD...Just a common way of drinking but the reaction from others that really interesting, hehehe....

N this one is epic. LOL

Is there any police character in Kdrama that felt sleep while want to arrest a criminal? LOL.....OMG...this scene is so funny.   When we’re ready to see a police arrest a criminal and even if he get interruption, we never think this will happen. Suddenly we see his eyes become like that n he felt a sleep and really sleeping coz he’s snoring. Wkwkwkwk.....A bonus from ChunNi. XD

I love Mu Gak’s awkwardness. Hehe n...gosh ChunNi.....u’re really look so young. XD

MuRim couple

LOLing when saw this.


Is the head of costume department  a Chunsa? LOL....This time the Mickey is really big, different with the others Mickey on previous drama that U could miss it. This time Mickey is AWESOME. Cool.

N on their 1st met, we got the cliche scene but it became NOT cliche. LOL....They gave us a romantic music  & moment but then...DANG...he threw her. LOL...... 

Oohh....I like scenes when the woman drag the man. LOL....

Did U think Mu Gak think other things when Cho Rim ask to get undressed? LOL.....Look at his eyebrow, it’s  like said “What do you mean?” XD

A very interesting sauna scene. LOL....n with that pinky shirt. XD


MuRim switch their job. LOL...A cutie Mu Gak, Mu Gak the Ballerina. LOL....yeah, ChunNi...ur cute thumb. Hahaha...n why ur feet make a point like that? hahaha....n they’re good to cover ChunNi’s tattoo on his leg. Hahhaa.....Can see it a little in RTP (laundry scene). N the ending. WKWKWKWK....Poor Cho Rim’s eyes. LOL...

Ooohhh....I like that Mu Gak follow every thing Cho Rim ask...LOL...

Just wave your hand, he will come to U. Hahaha....n he follow her order...XD

Kyaaaaa....just love this.

ChunNi’s teary eyes is something. I hope every episode ended on MuRim. Hehe....


The CGI is so good & pretty. It have different shapes.

Cho Rim’s blue eyes is pretty. Btw, why BLUE? Coz ChunNi’s colour? LOL....I hope Cho Rim give Mu Gak a chance to see it n she won’t be sad that Mu Gak will scare to see it.

OMG...these scene are LOL...

I didn’t expect Cho Rim dance like that. hahaha...coz she looks calm sitting n answering interview. LOL....The dress is pretty. It’s not because it’s Purple. LOL...n the thing that never ever think will happen, Running Man as a cameo. Hahaha.....I knew about SSK will be RM’s guest but never think that SBS put it on this drama. Hahaha....ChunNi couldn’t be in variety show, so bring it into his drama. 

The Mystery

Did Cho Rim see the murderer’s face? Coz it’s dark n even if she look at his face. Will she remember it? At the moment like that I think her mind isn’t there. Became dumfounded. N when he walk to her, her eyes’s position was on his chest, she didn’t look at him. N our 1st suspect is Jae Hee coz of his body gesture. N gosh.....why he touch her hair n face. It’s so creepy.

I think Cho Rim was on witness protection. There were 2 police guard her outside her room. But I don’t know that I’m still thinking it’s not a common hospital room. I know she’s in coma, but I think even for people in coma, their room will be like a common room, like the room Cho Rim stay after she woke up from her coma. Her room is kinda like a room when U make an experiment. LOL...Especially with the observation room. N what’s with these number 1 , 3 , 9......Cho Rim woke up after 193 days. Then the locker number is 139. Writernim, U l ike those number? XD..

N the bathroom scene, it supposed to be she open all her clothes (webtoon) but I think a scene with she wipe the haze n just looking her face is good. Looking forward for scene when Mu Gak became in coma condition n he wake up n  lost his feel.

I think  Det. Oh know something that made him can make deduction that Cho Rim is the witness.  What’s with the name  Choi Eun Seol? Is there a crazy man who want to kill ALL girl whose name is Choi Eun Seol? XD...

Coz he wants to protect her so he adopt her without telling her the truth. I wonder what he said to Cho Rim. Especially with no other pics. Maybe he told her that her mother die coz their house burnt so no more pics left?

N the surprise thing from SBS....Didn’t see him before at 1st reading but I don’t know if SBS already put his name on the actor list or not coz I’m bad about K Artist name. XD
WOW...I thought we wont get the face of the BACK on 1st eps. OMG, who is he? He didn’t recognize Mu Gak but he recognize Cho Rim. 

A good Pilot IMO, got many things. From the suspense, the sadness, the cuteness, funny...got a lot that so interesting to follow what next.
To be continued......
I hope I can make this till the last episode.

Link here: JYJ CAFFEINE: CHUNFACE OF THE DAY - TGWSS EPS.01 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/04/chunface-of-day-tgwss-eps01.html?spref=tw
Thanks @Roweina78

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class="date-header"Sunday, April 5, 2015


We got more cute scenes n funny scenes from eps.2 n then I realize my pics became double from the previous eps n it means that many interesting scene that I should give comments. Btw, I’m sure that Writer Lee is a ChunNi’s  fanboy, hahaha....He knows a lot about ChunNi like his dorky side, his satory accent, his wish to get a daughter even his gag from old days. Mu Gak is so ChunNi, hehehe....Until now I can’t decide which side that I love more about him. His Serious side or his Dorky side. I think it’s 50:50, hehe....like I love to see Mu Gak’s emotionless and his cute/dorky expression.
I chose this pic as ChunFace of the Day (2).....

This is what we call Emotionless. It’s a very good acting by him.  I was wondering before how he will put that emotionless into his acting. So, as always....he’s doing great. Proud of U ChunNi.

Choi Mu Gak

So Hyun ahh....U should be happy that U’re the 1st actress that ur oppa did that underwater love sign. Hehe....

How many of U who imagine Mu Gak call U like that? hahha....From the way he calls her, U can imagine how close they are.

ChunNi.....finally U have a daughter, hehehe....Yeah, I was right that there’s only both of them, no parents. How their parents die? Maybe it’s not that important to give Us their family background or maybe we will get later. N because he act not just as her brother but also as her parents, no wonder now his purpose of life is only find the murderer. Those ChunFace on this scene is so Awesome,hehehe...and So Hyun, after only got a little smile on IMU, now she get not just smile but also hugs....hehe

Mu Gak’s home looks cozy....The aquarium is a thing to remind him about his fav.thing. I hope Writernim write a scene that make Cho Rim comes in to his home and see Eun Seol’s pic. 

Eps.2, the food increase...from 2 became 4 food. XD

How many times we can see ChunNi’s tongue on his drama? LOL....(It’s not on pervy mind, okie....hahhaha).... Mu Gak is so funny that he even doesn’t want to trust Cho Rim till like that. hahha...n Pepermint candy  remind us about Lee Gak’s fav....hehe...

ChunFace moment , hahaha.....he still can’t believe it.

N OMG...... This scene.......wkwkwkwk......I love the writer can make the funny thing from simple thing like that.

I felt sorry for Mu Gak when see they leave him. So I was thinking...Mu Gakkie...U should just get in to the car. It’s OK if the guys dont like it and he really did it. XD....The 1st time I watched this scene, I didn’t notice when Mu Gak get in to the car. It just suddenly he popped in n gave me Shock n LOL....Then the 2nd time I watched, finally I notice when he got in. A good camera angle..Mu Gak got in when the camera shoot to the older Detective n close the door while they switch their seat. N then he shift n made the guys know he’s there. Gosh....his expression (no expression) is priceless.

N this is so Right.

Your acting is so AWESOME ChunNi.

It’s a weird thing. Not much I can comment about the pic, but when saw it I felt this...”Oh My, ChunNi will leave us soon n I’m going to miss him”.
ChunFace we got from the ending of next eps preview from 1st week of TGWSS


MuRim Couple

LOL.....she forgot to write the important thing. But off course if she remember it, we won’t get that Choi Eun Seol moment.


I like that at the same time they did the similar thing. LOL....

11.jpg   OMG....that scene is so funny....when he try to comes in a cool way but then LOL...... 


I like that Cho Rim still can scold him although she really need his help. I think later we will find out why Gag is precious and serious for her. The reason why she chose that as her job n Mu Gak will understand it. Will she still as gag woman till the last eps? Coz her ability is really useful. 

Hahaha.....I didn’t expect that we get that scene but wrong recipient scene always funny. 

LOLing to the background song when Mu Gak thinking about what Cho Rim’s said n LOL.....why U must thinking, Mu Gakkie....coz it’s true. Hahaha.....

Kyaaa....love these awkward moments....n it’s in a row. LOL

The Foot and the Hand.

Why the way Mu Gak show his hand was cute n funny? XD.... . I really like to see if we get scene that tell Us how Cho Rim learn to use her ability by doing concentrate on 1 thing.


This test is so funny especially with the path that Mu Gak made n Cho Rim precisely following his path.

 LOL....many kind of way to close her nose.

LOL at MuGak’s expression when Cho Rim looking at his face. 

Korean with their language level. I like that Mu Gak who initiate to start it.


I like that Mu Gak give attention for a little thing. So maybe it’s like what happened on her 1st day get that ability, saw all smell. The good and the terrible thing. So sunglasses is important thing for Cho Rim.

LOL....his face....Annoyed face. N Cho Rim still love draging him. XD

I can’t write alot of comment about this scene. Just their expression is priceless. XD

LOL....Mu Gak can threaten.....n the way Cho Rim wear her sunglasses is funny. XD

N We got Mu Rim at the ending.

N one more time, Cho Rim is really helpfull for Mu Gak. Let’s see how helpfull Mu Gak for Cho Rim in next eps.


A little thing that I like from them. Using their left hand for eating. Hehe..

Writernim really like Butterfly or it just a coincidence?

This is a place that I never think will popped in. WOW....The support from JJ. Maybe later we will get OST from JS?



Another  number 1, 3 & 9 scene.
Look at the percentage of Mu Gak’s phone. From the 1st time he got message from Cho Rim, till the last message. The battery  phone percentage was 39% n if U see the time. It’s 1.30 n if U add number 1, it become 2.41. It’s exactly like the time Mu Gak received the 1st & 2nd msg. Maybe it has no meaning but coz I’m like ChunNi who loves number. XD...It became important for me. Hahhaa....

N yeah...Writernim should not forget my fav number. XD

7th Day and 1 Week aka 7 Days. XD

Maybe coz the release date of Samsung 6 is on April 10th, so they  cover the brand name on Mu Gak’s phone? When the 1st time I saw Samsung 6, I had thought that I think I won’t wait till Samsung 7 released to change my phone. Coz 6 is ChunNi. LOL....n I saw it has BLUE colour (hope they release the blue colour in Indonesia). Then I wonder will the new phone became a sponsor for ChunNi’s new drama. N off course the asnwer is YES.....n Mu Gak use the BLUE phone.....Love it.


OOOuuccchhh...this creepy doctor....


He’s the missing lady doctor n a weird man who doesn’t use a mobile phone in this age n his name is Dr. CHUN.....aigooo....XD

A very good question from Mu Gak......I was wondering before, what’s that BARCODE murder mean. The murderer put barcode to the person he kill so, is it only for his symbol (trademark) or have another meaning?   I’m looking forward for Mu Gak’s cooperation with her. A cool lady. 

N I ’m also wondering about this scene.

He was in US for 7 days so why Cho Rim still can see his girlfriend’s scene in him? Her smell still left trace even though he already wash his hair, hand (body)from the last time he met her?

Got 2 interesting episodes this week. Hope next week will get more. I like that the writer can combine the serious thing n the cute things in balance.
Btw, additional pic coz got this from SSK’s in Running Man.

It’s BLUE jacket. XD....n maybe the 1st kiss we get will be from Cho Rim. A kiss in Mu Gak’s Mandu cheeks. XD
Coz I already write about ChunNi’s acting, I think it’s nice if I also write about SSK. IMO, so far she’s doing a good job as Cho Rim. Not over acting n I can enjoy watching her scene. I think she’s on her element (RomCom)
N about MuRim’s couple, I love them. They didn’t falling in love at the 1st sight, no quarrel (no hate to love relationship), they complete each other. 
I love the funny moment come didn’t on the “forced” way but it’s natural.

Fun Read: JYJ CAFFEINE: CHUNFACE OF THE DAY - TGWSS EPS.02 BY ROWEINA http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/04/chunface-of-day-tgwss-eps02-by-roweina.html?spref=tw
Thanks @roweina78

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Girl Who Sees Smells: Episode 1 by LollyPip | April 4, 2015 | 105 Comments


Well, this is gonna be just plain FUN. For a show that’s about two people whose lives were irrevocably changed by a serial murderer, Girl Who Sees Smells offers enough smart and (hilariously timed) unexpected humor to give it a nice balance. So far it manages to change tone from serious to funny and back again in a way that surprises the viewer, and enhances the two very different “feels” without making either seem out of place. I’m amused by the lead characters, and at the same time drawn in by their dramatic stories, and I can’t wait to see more.


Four Years Ago.

GWSS1-00011.jpg GWSS1-00022.jpg

On a foggy night, a teenage girl texts her mother that she’ll be home soon and to heat up some water for ramyun. This is our heroine, whose school uniform’s name tag tells us is CHOI EUN-SEOL (Shin Se-kyung).

Her mother’s phone lights up in her hand, but it quickly becomes obvious that her mother is no longer alive. A gloved hand takes the phone from her limp hand and opens it to read the text. The man is entirely dressed in black leather and his face is obscured by a hat and hoodie, and he goes to another room to drag a man’s body out next. ~shivers~

Unaware of what she’s walking into, Eun-seol bounces in the front door and announces that she’s home, but freezes in horror when she sees her mother lying dead on the floor. The murderer silently puts a finger to his lips to shush her, then steps very close to gently put a hand around Eun-seol’s throat, as she struggles to process what’s happening.

Complete recap here: http://www.dramabeans.com/2015/04/girl-who-sees-smells-episode-1/

class="entry-title"JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 3/30-4/5/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/03/jyj-news-week-of-330-452015.html?spref=tw

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‘The Girl Who Sees Smell’ Park Yoo-Chun, fantastic ad-lib ‘Burst of laughter’

  2015/04/06(Mon) 20:59 13948_1.jpgThe behind story of ‘The Girl Who Sees Smell’ was opened.
At the making video opened at the official homepage of SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘The Girl Who Sees Smell’ on 6th, there was a scene of Park Yoo-Chun and Shin Se-Gyung couple.
At the second episode of ‘The Girl Who Sees Smell’, Choi Moo-Gak(Park Yoo-Chun) became a partner with Oh Cho-Rim (Shin Se-Gyung) to be helped for investigation. At this scene Park Yoo-Chun showed exaggerated facial expression, body language, and talk, and it made viewer laugh.
This scene was made by ad-lib, without any direction from the director. The staff noticed, “The changing face of Park Yoo-Chun made staffs laughed, and we knew that it would be hot issue.”
Meanwhile ‘The Girl Who Sees Smell’ is keeping its upturn by the chemistry between Park Yoo-Chun and Shin Se-Gyung. 

[Photo=’The Girl Who Sees Smell’ making video]

Park Yoo-Chun, warm smiles in the shooting studio ‘Happy’

  2015/04/05(Sun) 23:13 13938_1.jpg
The behind cut of Park Yoo-Chun was opened. C-Jes Entertainment opened the behind cut of SBS ‘Girl Who Sees Smell’ on 5th. Park Yoo-Chun led the shooting studio by warm and playful smiles. Park Yoo-Chun scented the smell of mint as the role of CHoi Moo-Gak, and he showed playful smiles while he shot the process to catch criminal. He also showed bright smiles when he became a partner with Oh Cho-Rim(Shin Se-Gyung). Beside, Park Yoo-Chun was favorably commented by the performance of serious and hypocritical character at the second episode of ‘Girl Who Sees Smell’.

#TGWSS couple bts pics
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Yuchun in #TGWSS BTS pics...

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More Pictures here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 4/6-4/12/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/04/jyj-news-week-of-46-4122015.html?spref=tw

Park Yuchun Weibo Update



PYC is asking fans to look forward to tomorrow...next episodes of #TGWSS

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JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 4/6-4/12/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/04/jyj-news-week-of-46-4122015.html?spref=tw

Yuchun in #TGWSS or Sensory Couple

JYJ Official added 4 new photos.
SBS <냄새를 보는 소녀> 박유천의 대본삼매경,
마치 패션화보를 방불케 하는데요!

오늘밤에 방송되는 3회도 꼭 본방사수!!
See Translation



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itemprop="name" Park Yoochun lightens the set of Sensory Couple with his adorable antics by CoCo Kdrama on Tue, Apr 07, 2015

The first two addicting episodes of Sensory Couple are out, and personally I can't get enough of this quirky, lighthearted romcom! Part of what makes this drama so great is the playful interaction between leads Yoochun and Shin Se Kyung. While Yoochun plays a serious and determined character in the show, an SBS representative revealed that he is actually the one on set who keeps all the staff smiling. 
In regards to this photo of Park Yoo Chun riding a bicycle around the set, they commented, “Park Yoo Chun is always doing that kind of fan service for the staff while we’re filming. His positive outlook plays a big part in that.”


How could you possibly have a hard day at work when you see this adorable face grinning back at you?

Have you been watching Sensory Couple? What do you think so far?
If not, then I highly recommend watching it because it is really fun and adorable! 
DramaFever @dramafever
#Yoochun makes the #SensoryCouple crew smile with his funny antics http://dfvr.co/1yT0CGX 

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'The Girl Who Sees Smells' Park Yoo-chun reveals his past to Sin Se-kyeong, "I'm a monster too"
Park Yoo-chun revealed his past to Sin Se-kyeong.
On the third episode of SBB' Wednesday & Thursday drama, 'The Girl Who Sees Smells', Choi Moo-gak (Park Yoo-chun) found out Oh Cho-rim (Sin Se-kyeong)'s odd-eyed and then he shared his painful history with her as well.
Choi Moo-gak could discover Joo Ma-ri's dead body thanks to Oh Cho-rim and could join Yeom-mi's investigation team. Later Choi Moo-gak gave Oh Cho-rim's sunglasses he had broke to her and said, "I'm sorry for the broken sunglasses. It was almost impossible for me at my current rank to get into the homicide unit"
While Oh Cho-rim was playing with the sunglasses, her contact lenses popped out of her eyes.
As Oh Cho-rim's odd eye was revealed, a child in the restaurant started calling her a monster and Oh Cho-rim ran away. Choi Moo-gak ran out after her and grabbed Oh Cho-rim. He said, "No need to run away. I'm a monster too, I'm an alien".
Choi Moo-gak said, "I had a younger sister. But now I don't have one. She died three years ago. Her throat was slit in a hospital. I felt suffocating and I couldn't sleep much. So I fainted. When I went to work at aquarium on that day, I fainted right after I got into the water. When I was taken to a hospital, they concluded I was dead medically. But I woke up in ten days. But I lost all of senses. Even when my forehead was torn, it didn't hurt. I cannot smell and I can't taste even. Most of my senses are gone".
Oh Cho-rim said, "I believe you. My case is similar. I had a car accident and almost died. I woke up in 193 days. And the color in one of my eyes turned like a monster. I can see smells with this eye".
'The Girl Who Sees Smells' is a drama depicting a story about a man who cannot feel any senses after losing his younger sister in the "Barcode murder case" three years ago, and a girl who has a supersense and survived the same incident, but lost all of her memories before the event.


class="entry-title" itemprop="name" Park Yoo Chun and Shin Se Kyung begin their romance with unexpected hugs on ‘The Girl Who Sees Smells’ Apr 8, 2015

Park Yoo Chun, Shin Se Kyung Park Yoo Chun, Shin Se Kyung Park Yoo Chun, Shin Se Kyung Park Yoo Chun, Shin Se Kyung Shin Se Kyung, Park Yoo Chun The production team for SBS TV Wed-Thu drama ‘The Girl Who Sees Smells,’ has today released a set of photos featuring JYJ’s Park Yoo Chun and Shin Se Kyung hugging each other.
In the photos, Choi Moo Gak (Park Yoo Chun) and Oh Cho Rim (Shin Se Kyung) is seen laughing off their accidental hug following an incident, but little do they know that it’s just the beginning of an unexpected romance between them.
Just like the first time when they met, where Moo Gak saves Cho Rim from being hit by a passing motorcycle, the former once again instinctively catches Cho Rim and shields her from danger.
The production team said, “Park Yoo Chun is able to capture the hearts of female viewers with his every move. To find out what will happen next to him and Shin Se Kyung’s characters, you will have to catch ‘The Girl Who Sees Smells.’”
‘The Girl Who Sees Smells’ airs every Wednesday and Thursday through SBS TV.
By: Alvin

More Updates here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 4/6-4/12/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/04/jyj-news-week-of-46-4122015.html?spref=tw
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Yuchun will appear in the upcoming movie "Lucid Dream" in a cameo role...

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[NEWS] Park Yoochun joins 'Lucid Dream', returns to silver screen just one year after 'Haemoo' http://media.daum.net/entertain/culture/newsview?newsid=20150409135706332 …
 [NEWS] Park Yoochun returns to silver screen with 'Lucid Dream', first day of filming today http://star.mt.co.kr/view/stview.php?no=2015040914072066505&outlink=2&SVEC … confirmed by CJES

NEWS from January, cast of 'Lucid Dream' includes Seol Kyung Gu, Go Soo and Kang Hyejung http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=109&aid=0002964297&lfrom=twitter … STELLAR cast

Premise of Lucid Dream

A thriller in which a father whose child was kidnapped finds clues regarding the crime with the help of an assistant

[iNFO] Yoochun starts filming for 'Lucid Dream' today. He will play Go Soo's assistant

[NEWS] Park Yoochun to cameo in 'Lucid Dream'. Movie's rep says 'not enough to say it's a silver screen return' http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=688339 …
'Lucid Dream' rep: The film centres around Seol Kyunggu and Go Soo. Park Yoochun will appear as a cameo. It's not enough to say that this is a silver screen turn for him. He plans on enlisting in the army after his drama, so it will be tough for a silver screen return right now.

Translations via ohmyjunsu 

Note: Sol KyungGu and Kang HyeYung are with CJeS as well...

Park Yuchun at "Lucid Dream" filming...



More here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 4/6-4/12/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/04/jyj-news-week-of-46-4122015.html?spref=tw

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class="entry-title" itemprop="name" Piggyback ride in ‘The Girl Who Sees Smells’ sparks rise in ratings Apr 9, 2015

SBS TV Wed-Thu ‘The Girl Who Sees Smells‘ is fast gaining popularity among viewers, and the most recent episode on April 8th saw it setting a new ratings high thanks to the start of the romance between Choi Moo Gak and Oh Cho Rin.
In episode 3, Choi Moo Gak (Park Yoo Chun) was able to finally join the homicide investigation team, after getting help from Oh Cho Rin (Shin Se Kyung), regarding the disappearance of model Joo Mari (Park Han Byul).
Choi Moo Gak was unable to join Oh Cho Rim for the audition because of work, and this causes the latter to be booted out of the gag company. Choi Moo Gak then gives Oh Cho Rim a piggyback ride back home, after the latter drowns her sorrow in alcohol. This particular scene recorded a high rating of 10.22 percent. Episode 3 also obtained an overall rating of 7.9 percent, and sees the drama moving upwards in terms of ratings.
The production team said, “In episode 3, Choi Moo Gak gives Oh Cho Rim a piggyback ride back home, and a romantic vibe between the two has started to form. Their relationship and the mystery deaths will see further developments in the upcoming episode on April 9th.”
‘The Girl Who Sees Smells’ is an adaptation of a popular manhwa of the same name, and tells the story of a woman who has the ability to see smells following an incident, and a man who is unable to feel anything. The drama airs every Wednesday and Thursday at 10PM (KST).
By: Alvin


Sensory Couple or #TGWSS
Press Conf...English subs

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JYJ's Kim Junsu's Twitter Update...

MKeNziQc_normal.jpg 김준수 @1215thexiahtic 한국에 와 밀린 냄보소를 봤다.이런 모습에 사람들은 유천이한테 이런 모습이 있었냐고 하던데 난 항상 봐왔던 너의 이런 매력이 비춰져서 너무 좋다.드라마 보는 내내 우리가 함께있는것같아.그나저나 왜이렇게 재밌냐

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JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 4/6-4/12/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/04/jyj-news-week-of-46-4122015.html?spref=tww

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class="date-header" Saturday, April 11, 2015


This is my 3rd time making recap for ChunNi's drama but this is the 1st time that I knew about the concept that I want before I even decided to make it. LOL....Usually just flow with whatever his drama give it to me n it's none other than ChunFace. I knew that I want to chose 1 ChunFace on each episode, hehe....especially when I knew that his character is emotionless. But it's kinda hard to choose coz there are soooo many ChunFace. hahaha... So this is my ChunFace of the day (3)... 01.jpg  
OMG...Could U believe that just a blink of eyes, he can do that? hahaha...The moment when I was kinda “WOW....ChunNi kinda looks different" then BAM....the ChunFace. hahahahha......Speechless....XD
Choi Mu Gak It’s NOT being PERVERT, LOL.....it just he gave Us something to see, XD...Kinda hard to make this screencap so I’m glad I can make it. LOL.......................... 02.jpg MuRim I really like this scene. 03.jpg Wahh, their destiny. So, after 2 months coma, Det.Oh took decision to move CR into another hospital in Seoul. Coz we saw on 1st eps that MR's room still under guard. So, I think we can take conclusion, that time he still a Detective. I know that they put CR under witness protection program. But why Det. Oh is no longer as Police now? I think if someone under that program, the police whose responsible about the case, still working as a police. Not make a new identity. Does he has hidden agenda for adopt CR and saying that she died, beside wanna protect her ?  If he hasn't, he's really an angel. 04.jpg
Complete Link here: JYJ CAFFEINE: CHUNFACE OF THE DAY - TGWSS EPS.03 BY ROWEINA http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/04/chunface-of-day-tgwss-eps03-by-roweina.html?spref=tw
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Will Park Yoo-Cheon save SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama?

   2015/04/10(Fri) 23:24
13999_1.jpgPark Yoo-Cheon is saving SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama.
SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Girl Who Sees Smell’ with Park Yoo-Cheon rated 7.8% of national viewer’s rating and took back 2nd on Wednesday-Thursday drama with 4 episodes.
In the center of the success of ‘Girl Who Sees Smell’, there’s Park Yoo-Cheon. Park Yoo-Cheon’s one-man show that he works with comic, action, melo and all is the key engine of ‘Girl Who Sees Smell’.
Park Yoo-Cheon came back to dramas in a long time, and he is drawing viewers’ eyes with matured acting. From action acting to eating acting with drinking hot coffee and ramen, emotional acting with the loss of sister, and fresh romance, he enchanted viewers with various spectrum.
With the comeback of Park Yoo-Cheon, SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama has spring as well. Its previously drama ‘Hyde Jekyll, and Me’ rated the lowest viewers rating. However, ‘Girl Who Sees Smell’ is taking care of the dark history of SBS Wednesday-Thursday dramas. 
[Photo=SBS capture from ‘Girl Who Sees Smell’] Innolife 


  With English subs via  Hyeri Haylee
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Girl Who Sees Smells: Episode 3 by LollyPip | April 11, 2015


Our duo grows closer as they work on Mu-gak’s case and Cho-rim’s audition, and they both finally come clean about how their past traumas have affected them. Rather than be put off by each other’s oddities, their confessions create a unique sort of kinship, even as they both start to realize their growing attraction. But there’s still a killer on the loose, and the search for the truth unearths more questions than answers as danger looms closer and closer.



Standing at the site of the accident, Cho-rim stares as she watched the missing girl Ma-ri’s signature scent ride from the ground behind Mu-gak, wafting off the road and toward the river below. She follows the scent and gets too lose to the drop-off, losing her footing, and Mu-gak quickly swings her away from the edge and into his arms. For the second time he holds her close a bit longer than necessary, and they both seem intensely aware of the other before they pull apart.

As Mu-gak steps backwards nervously, he trods on Cho-rim’s sunglasses where she dropped them breaking them clean in half. Her loud reaction irritates him and he reminds her that he just saved her life. He takes the pieces of the glasses, and redirects her attention back to Ma-ri’s scent trail. Cho-rim looks again, and points to the river. Oh no.

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Out in the mountains, the chief (whose name is Detective Kang) directs his men as they search by using a bullhorn to project his voice, hilariously aiming it right at his detectives’ ears. He’s enjoying that too much for it to be entirely accidental, hee. Mu-gak calls to say he’s found the missing girl, so they all head to the riverbank where her car is being pulled from the water.

As Cho-rim watches from a distance, the detectives open the car door to find Ma-ri’s body in the car, as they feared. They call Lieutenant Yeom to the scene, and she curses as she confirms that Ma-ri has a barcode etched into her wrist — it’s definitely the Barcode Killer again. She asks Mu-gak how he knew the girl was in the river, but he just silently looks over towards Cho-rim (which the sharp-eyed Yeom catches).

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The Chief of Police comes to inspect the scene, and orders a special investigation team to be created for this case. Detective Kang motions over his three lackeys, but when the police chief orders Lieutenant Yeom to head the team, the three hilariously sidle over to stand next to her instead. Yeom asks permission to include one more person on her team, and handpicks Mu-gak, to everyone’s surprise (including Mu-gak).

When Cho-rim gets home, her (adopted) father is on his way out, but he takes time to remind Cho-rim that she only has seven months left to give acting a try, then she promised to quit. But there’s no bite in his bark, and Cho-rim seems to know it by the way she aegyos him. She brings him his favorite steamed buns, but that only sparks more interrogation about why she was in that part of town, and she blames the Frog Troupe. Aw, these two are so cute.

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Detective Oh runs into Lieutenant Yeom at the station, but neither of them seem happy to see each other. They know each other from previous Barcode Killer investigations, and Yeom tells Oh about the murderer’s latest victim, but he reminds her that he’s no longer a cop — he just works security now.

Yeom pleads for him to tell her where the only surviving witness is… ah, so she doesn’t know that he’s taken her in as his daughter. Oh reminds her that there was no evidence the daughter witnessed anything, and that anyway, she died when she was hit by the car that night. Yeom is smart and figures she was only reported dead and is actually under witness protection, but Oh holds tight to his story.

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Creepy doctor Chun Baek-kyung reads an old article from when Cho-rim’s parents were found dead, and we see that he’s bought a ticket to the Frog Troupe’s show. He takes a call from someone named Kwon (I’m assuming Chef Jae-hee), who tells him about the news from the police station, and Baek-kyung says he’ll meet him in a few minutes.

Mu-gak goes to the restaurant to talk to Jae-hee, who admits to being extremely distracted and looks like he’s been crying. Mu-gak offers to let Jae-hee see Ma-ri once before the autopsy, and Jae-hee tells him that she never mentioned having any family so he’ll be handling the funeral.

Mu-gak asks if Jae-hee knows Baek-kyung, and probes for information about him since he’s on the suspect list. But just then he hears, “Are you saying I’m a suspect in Ma-ri’s murder?” from Baek-kyung, who’s standing right behind him, listening. Damn, could you be any more creepy? He seems a bit amused to be considered a suspect, and offers to answer Mu-gak’s questions himself.

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Mu-gak asks about the frequent calls to Baek-kyung from Ma-ri’s phone, which he explains away as her being his patient. Jae-hee elaborates that he introduced them, since Ma-ri was having trouble with pain after spine surgery. Mu-gak asks why his office was closed for the last four days, and Baek-kyung testily answers that he was in Jeju. He clams up after that, and Mu-gak leaves after saying he’ll be in touch later.

On the street, he finds the shattered pieces of Cho-rim’s sunglasses, and goes into a store to replace them. When the salesperson tells him they’re fakes, he grumbles that she made such a fuss over them and buys her a real pair. That is so cute.

Baek-kyung shows up at the Frog Troupe show that night, but spends more time watching Cho-rim than the show itself. Cho-rim takes a break for a drink, and he follows her to the hall. He approaches her slowly from behind, and reaches into his jacket for something, but ohthankgoodness, Mu-gak arrives in time to stop him from doing whatever-it-was he had planned. Mu-gak doesn’t get a good look at him as he runs off too fast, but Cho-rim recognizes the scent of the hospital in his wake.


Mu-gak takes off after Baek-kyung, leaving Cho-rim talking to herself, so she’s surprised when she sees the troupe director behind her instead of Mu-gak. He asks why he hasn’t seen her practicing with her new partner, guessing that she only brought him once to trick the director, but Cho-rim swears he’s her real partner.

After the show, she follows Mu-gak’s scent trail (which looks like sparkling, icy blue crystals) and vents about her director’s accusations. She yells at him for not practicing with her and keeping his end of their bargain, but he just says talking too much will make her hungry. HA, his deadpan expression is awesome. He invites her to follow him to dinner if she wants to yell some more.

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Mu-gak steals every bite of meat at dinner, and Cho-rim asks if he’s always this selfish. He never comes to rehearse with her, and now he’s taking all the food. Mu-gak does look a bit chastened and orders more meat, and when Cho-rim isn’t looking he sneaks a sunglasses case in front of her.

HAHAwhoops, it’s the broken glasses. Mu-gak snatches them back and gives her the new ones, thanking her for helping him get a place on the investigation team. Cho-rim politely says she should probably give them back since they’re real and hers were fake, but her adorable smile gives away that she loves them and Mu-gak practically blushes.


The waiter brings their meat, knocking over Cho-rim’s water and splashing some in her left eye. It dislodges her colored contact, and Mu-gak sees her blue eye for the first time. He says nothing, but a little boy at a nearby table calls Cho-rim a monster, so she hides her eye and leaves quickly.

Mu-gak finds her contact and follows her out, and when Cho-rim tries to duck into a cab he grabs her wrist and tells her not to run from him… “I’m just like you.” He says he’s also a monster compared to other people, and they find a place to talk, where he tells her of his sister’s murder three years ago.

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He’d torn apart the police station like a madman, throwing chairs, breaking things, and demanding they find his sister’s killer. He’d screamed that he was going to kill the murderer himself, and it had taken several cops to (barely) keep him from destroying the place.

After two months of no leads, Mu-gak had started to feel a constant pain inside and hadn’t been able to sleep, until he finally fainted while in the aquarium at work. He’d been taken to the hospital, and we see that as he’d been wheeled in, he was wheeled right past an unconscious Cho-rim as she was taken out. Mu-gak says he was clinically dead, but he’d miraculously revived ten days later.

He reveals that after he woke up, he’d lost all his senses. He can’t feel pain, and he can’t smell or taste anything. Cho-rim says it’s almost the same as her story, and tells him about being in a coma for months and waking up with a blue eye and the ability to see scents.

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She asks about Mu-gaks gluttony, and he says he can’t taste the food but it feels like he’s trying to fill an emptiness inside. Cho-rim suggests the emptiness is in his heart, then cutely asks if she can hit him, since he can’t feel anything. And Mu-gak almost, not quite but almost, smiles.

They head to a coffee shop (where Cho-rim’s friend, whose name is Ae-ri, also seems to work) to work on their skit for the troupe audition. Cho-rim pulls some props from her bag, handing a silly wig to Mu-gak and donning one herself. He tries to be too dignified to wear the wig but she nags him into it — but not before much eye-rolling and long-suffering sighing.

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As soon as Mu-gak starts his lines, he becomes incredibly animated again, making the oddest faces and noises, and OMG I can’t breathe. Even Cho-rim stops to laugh at him, and he yanks the wig off and looks embarrassed. She sobers up and tells him this is her last chance since her father wants her to quit the troupe, and Mu-gak promises to try his hardest to help her like she helped him. Awww.

The next day, Mu-gak takes Jae-hee to see Ma-ri’s body, and Jae-hee dissolves into tears as the reality hits him that she’s really dead. Mu-gak leads him out of the room, and Lieutenant Yeom watches them go with a strange look on her face.

The new investigation team inspects the site of the car crash for clues, and Detective Ki brings the couple that accidentally hit Ma-ri’s car into the river that night. Everyone watches their car’s black box video, and the couple apologize for not reporting the accident sooner. Detective Yeh asks Mu-gak how he knew where to find Ma-ri’s car, but he just claims he got lucky. Lieutenant Yeom’s way of looking at him intensely shows she doesn’t believe this for a second.

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At the station, Yeom sighs at the men as they play games to determine who buys lunch, while she tries to concentrate on the clues they’ve found so far. She retreats in disgust to a vacant room, and finds herself looking through a one-way mirror at Mu-gak, who’s gone to an interrogation room to think.

He has his most serious face on, and he stares intensely into his side of the mirror… then pulls a face and makes the weirdest noise ever. HAHAHA, he’s practicing Cho-rim’s skit, and he’s so serious about it which makes it even funnier. He even dons the wig again and tries out different expressions and noises. Yeom watches him with a growing look of confusion, then busts out laughing at his antics.

Later, Detective Yeh briefs the team on Ma-ri’s autopsy results. She didn’t drown, and there were no rope marks on her neck, leading them to conclude that her airway was most likely blocked while she slept. Her time of death was roughly three days before her body was found, which is right in line with the pattern that the Barcode Killer follows.

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He shows them something strange — there was a necklace with a key charm found in Ma-ri’s stomach. It’s unclear whether it belonged to her, or whether she was forced to ingest it before she died. Detective Kang wonders if it’s some kind of dying message from the victim.

The friendly detective (we learn his name is Detective Tak) comes in with more interesting information — there are only two roads that lead to the place where Ma-ri’s car was hit, and those roads are monitored by video cameras. But there’s no recording of Ma-ri’s car passing either of those points, from the time she disappeared to the time when her car was found in the river. Strange.

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Lieutenant Yeom orders Mu-gak to get Ma-ri’s medical records from her doctor, though Baek-kyung makes it clear he’s only complying because Mu-gak has a warrant. Mu-gak asks about his alibi of being in Jeju at the time Ma-ri was killed, thinking it’s just a little too perfect. Baek-kyung shuts down again, refusing to answer, and Mu-gak leaves for now.

Detectives Ki and Yeh visit Ma-ri’s roommates again, and they identify the key charm as belonging to the box where Ma-ri hides her diaries. They open the box to find it empty, but her roommate swears the last time she saw it, there were at least ten books in there. She says that Ma-ri’s boyfriend, chef Jae-hee, was in the apartment recently.

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It’s the day of Cho-rim’s audition but Mu-gak hasn’t shown up yet, and Cho-rim nervously calls him. He promises he’s on his way, but Lieutenant Yeom calls him and sends him to Jae-hee’s home to ask why he was at Ma-ri’s apartment. He finds Jae-hee burning some clothing and yanks them out of the fire, but Jae-hee says they’re Ma-ri’s, and he’s only burning them because they remind him of their frequent fighting.

Jae-hee claims to know of her diaries but says he never read them, though she wrote in them every day. He says the clothes are all that he took from her apartment, and Mu-gak apologizes and leaved quickly.

The director starts the audition, but by the time it’s Cho-rim’s turn, Mu-gak still hasn’t shown up. She valiantly tries to do the skit by herself, but the director angrily stops her and yells at her to get off his stage — she lacks the right mindset for being a true comedian.

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The troupe goes out after the audition, and it’s sweet but sad how Cho-rim congratulates her sunbaes’ success and pours drinks for them. The director suggests they all move to another bar, but when Cho-rim tries to join, he tells her she’s no longer part of their troupe. He even warns the rest of the actors not to associate with her anymore. Oh, ouch.

Mu-gak finally makes it to the theater, and tracks down the troupe as they walk between bars. Bitchy Woo-ya tells him drunkenly that he missed the audition, and that Cho-rim is still in the last restaurant all by herself. He finds her there, gulping down shot after shot and so drunk she can barely open her eyes.


But she can still see his sparkling blue aura, and knows he’s there before she ever sees him. Mu-gak apologizes, and Cho-rim yanks him down to sit with her, then passes out in his lap. Awww. He takes her to a park and brings her some medicine, and against his better judgment he agrees to spin her on the carousel. As she spins she laughs, then cries, then laughs again, as Mu-gak watches guiltily.

He eventually leads her to a taxi but she shoves him away when he tries to get in with her. He asks the driver to take her home safely, but when the taxi pulls away, Cho-rim must have slipped out the other door because she’s sitting in the street. Mu-gak groans, and is forced to piggyback her home instead.


So cute — she leads him by pulling on his ears. But a too-hard yank brings his face veeery close, and he can’t help but be aware of her pretty face so near his. By the time they’re in front of her house he’s exhausted, but she’s too drunk to say she’s home, so he whines that they’re just going back and forth, back and forth… The words seem to spark something, and he heads for the police station.

Lieutenant Yeom is at the station reviewing the Barcode Killer’s previous victims, Cho-rim’s parents among them. Mu-gak comes to tell her that he’s thought about Baek-kyung’s alibi of being in Jeju, but what if he was traveling back and forth? He could have come back from Jeju, killed Ma-ri and left her body in the car, then gone back to Jeju.

He offers to find the evidence, but just then Cho-rim comes wobbling around the corner. Mu-gak starts to apologize to Yeom, but she stops him — something about Cho-rim looks familiar, and she quickly pulls up a photo of the victims’ daughter. She looks closely at Cho-rim, recognizing her as the witness who supposedly died three years ago.



I’m going to start sounding like a broken record, but it bears repeating — this show just keeps getting better and better. Only three episodes in and we already have a new murder case, a suspect or two, a cute side-plot involving a theater troupe, and a lead couple who are fast becoming friends and well on their way to becoming interested in more. And yet, I don’t feel like the story is being rushed at all, and every detail is placed just perfectly so that there’s no confusion about where all the pieces fit.

I like that things are moving along quickly, because it hints at a lot of storytelling yet to come and a lot of secrets still to be revealed. Especially involving our doctor and our chef… I’m just intrigued by how they both will fit into the murder plot, and the greater story itself. How did they get to be friends? Did one, or both, of them kill Ma-ri? How are they linked to Cho-rim and Mu-gak’s tragic pasts? I’m dying to know, and I have a feeling the answer won’t be so simple as anything we’re thinking at this point. I’m beginning to see that this show doesn’t do anything simply, and will be stingy with doling out the clues while giving us just enough to keep us on tenterhooks waiting impatiently for more. As if we aren’t already!


My favorite part of this episode was the growing closeness between Mu-gak and Cho-rim, as Mu-gak finally opened up about his sister and his own strange reaction to her death. It was sweet that he told her about himself to make her feel better about her own strange ability, and I love that he didn’t shy away from her odd appearance without her colored contact. There wasn’t even one second where Mu-gak looked disgusted or frightened, and I fell in love with him a little bit, on Cho-rim’s behalf, for that. And it was touching that he immediately wanted her to know that she’s not alone, and that he also feels like a freak, but that doesn’t mean that either of them actually is a monster. They’re just people who were touched by tragedy in a way that left them physically, as well as emotionally, scarred.

And Cho-rim’s response to Mu-gak’s reveal was just as awesome, because she didn’t seem fazed at all. Not only that, but she knew right away that his ability to eat massive quantities of food was his way of trying to fill the hole in his heart. You could almost see Mu-gak relax when she expressed an instant understanding of how he feels, and that almost-smile was just adorable. Finding someone who gets you isn’t easy, much less someone who understands the strange aftereffects of a traumatic past. These two are going to be too cute for words when they stop hanging out together because they need the other’s help, and actually begin to like each other.

But it looks like they’re going to have a lot to go through here very soon, especially if Lieutenant Yeom is about to blow Cho-rim’s life to bits by revealing her true identity. I have no doubt that Cho-rim will react with the same poise and humor that she approaches everything, but that first realization that her whole life is a lie, and that her parents were brutally murdered and the murderer is still out there and probably looking for her, is going to be a tough one to get through. I just hope that Mu-gak is strong enough to be her friend through it, since the discovery of her true name will no doubt lead him to realize that his sister was almost certainly killed in Cho-rim’s place. They’re going to need this friendship if they’re both to survive.



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Girl Who Sees Smells: Episode 4
by LollyPip | April 12, 2015


There’s a brand-new murder to solve, which raises doubts about the Barcode Killer’s pattern and whether or not he’s become a loose cannon. Cho-rim makes herself even more valuable to Mu-gak as a partner, as she’s able to see clues that nobody else can see. But there are personal feelings starting to get mixed up in their partnership, which threaten to ruin everything.

Lieutenant Yeom stares at Cho-rim, seeming to recognize her as the missing daughter of the Barcode Killer’s victims. But before she can say anything, Mu-gak introduces her with the name he knows her by, Oh Cho-rim. He says she’s his friend, apologizing for her drunk state, and Yeom seems to accept that Cho-rim isn’t who she thought. She instructs Mu-gak to try to break Baek-kyung’s alibi, and heads home.
Mu-gak brings Cho-rim a coffee, but she ignores him and shuffles a lap around the room, then sits back on the sofa and collapses with her head in his lap. Aww, his befuddled expression is so adorable. He awkwardly scoots out from under her and watches her sleep with an interesting, searching expression on his face. 

In a dark room somewhere, a man wearing rubber gloves opens a surgical kit and selects a scalpel. His face is concealed behind a cap and hoodie. We see a body next to him, and he begins to carefully and precisely carve a pattern of lines into the person’s left wrist.
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Cho-rim wakes up in the morning to find herself being observed by four curious faces, and jumps up in alarm. She’s still at the station, and the detectives are all regarding her with expressions varying from amusement to annoyance. They assume she’s some drunk who wandered in to sleep, but Mu-gak quickly corrects them, saying that Cho-rim is his friend.
She runs out in embarrassment, and Mu-gak follows, but by the time he catches up Cho-rim has remembered how he let her down the night before. She yells that she was kicked out of Frog Troupe because he never showed up for her audition, and she wells up with tears and tells him that her life is over now.
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Mu-gak makes a snippy remark which earns him a slap, then a full-on fist to the jaw, but his non-reaction only reminds Cho-rim that he can’t feel pain. It’s not fair that she’s hurting so much, but she’s the only one that can feel it. She says that she assumes they won’t meet again, and leaves. He goes to the roof to think, where he’s joined by Detective Tak, who tells him he’s going to talk to Baek-kyung but that Mu-gak doesn’t need to come along.

Instead Mu-gak goes to the Frog Troupe theater to talk to the director, and explains that it’s his fault that Cho-rim’s audition was a disaster. He asks for another chance, so the director asks how he intends to be responsible. He orders Mu-gak to make him laugh. Right now. Eep?

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The rest of the troupe leave the room to give them privacy, and Woo-ya sneers that he’ll bomb and they’ll be free of Cho-rim forever. But suddenly the director and Mu-gak come out of the room, the director laughing so hard be can hardly breathe. Mu-gak’s usual bland expression makes him laugh even harder, while the troupe can only gape at the men.

The director calls Cho-rim to come talk with him, and he tells her she really doesn’t do anything right. But she did pick a great partner in Mu-gak, and for that she gets another chance at performing her skit. There’s one catch though — she has to do the skit with Mu-gak. Cho-rim groans, remembering how she punched him and said she never wanted to see him again.

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She shows up at the station, but Mu-gak is sulking and refuses to acknowledge her presence. She brings energy drinks to the other detectives in apology for that morning, and they all seem to like her except for Detective Ki, who remains grumpy. Ha, she skips right past Detective Yeh and hurts his feelings, and comments that Detective Tak must be tired from watching his baby, though he insists he’s not married.

Mu-gak tries not to care as Cho-rim charms the detectives, but he can’t keep his eyes from skittering over to see what she’s doing. So freaking cute. He keeps ignoring her even when she brings a drink for him, but she gets an idea and whispers something into Detective Kang’s ear which makes him laugh. Mu-gak nearly breaks from his jealousy, but rolls his eyes when Kang announces that Cho-rim wants to do a skit about the police.

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He takes her to the roof to ask what she’s doing here, and she says she’s apologizing to the detectives for sleeping at the station, and thanking them. Mu-gak insists he was the one who let her sleep there, reminding her that it was only a few hours ago that she said she never wanted to see him again. Awww, he’s actually pretty hurt.

Cho-rim says with regret that she said it without thinking, and apologizes. Mu-gak softens and accepts her apology, and there’s that almost-smile again. As he leaves, he says he can’t practice their skit tomorrow, and Cho-rim does a little happy dance that he still plans to help her.

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They go have sushi at a place that offers unlimited refills, and of course the manager shoots Mu-gak dirty looks as he takes in his huge stack of plates. Cho-rim marvels that Mu-gak really can’t taste the spicy food, and when he steps away to take a call, she hides a giant heap of wasabi under his next bite to test him.

Hilariously, Mu-gak saw her in a mirror, so when he sits back down he turns the plate to switch their bites. She watches him eat with narrowed eyes but he shows no reaction whatsoever, so she eats the other piece, the one with the extra wasabi. She cringes from the taste, and Mu-gak just blandly hands her a glass of water. Pfft.

A man is found dead in the park, and Detective Tak is on the scene first. He’s quickly joined by Lieutenant Yeom, then Mu-gak with Cho-rim in tow. She hangs back to observe while he joins the others to investigate the body. Yeom groans in frustration to see the pattern of lines carved into the man’s wrist, as they realize they may have another barcode murder on their hands.

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The rest of the team show up, and Yeh remarks that it’s only been a month since Ma-ri’s murder, which would mean the Barcode Killer is changing his pattern of one or two murders per year (there was a young man murdered at the same time as Ma-ri). Yeom claims there’s no hard evidence this is another barcode murder, but Tak points out that the lines carved into the victim’s arms were the only concrete evidence in the other murders, too.

They decide to identify the man first, then worry about whether this is another barcode murder. As Cho-rim watches from behind the police tape, a looming figure in a hat and hoodie stands behind her, observing everything.

The dead man is identified as a personal trainer who works at a nearby gym, and his body shows signs of being strangled along with the trademark barcode cuts. Detective Kang orders the team to check into Baek-kyung’s alibi for the night before, when they assume the man was murdered. But Detective Yeom stops them and says it may not be a barcode murder, telling them to determine where the man was before his death.

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Kang asks if she’ll be responsible if this does turn out to be a barcode murder, reminding her that she dismissed Ma-ri’s disappearance as a possible barcode murder, too. He sends the team out to follow his instructions, but Mu-gak hangs back to say he’ll check out Yeom’s hunch.

He takes a photo of the victim to Cho-rim, who informs him that this morning, she noticed that the scent on the victim’s pants was completely different than the one on his jacket. Usually a person’s clothes carry the same scent, such as Detective Kang’s cigarette odor and Detective Tak smelling like an infant. But the victim’s pants smells of beer and soju, while his top reeked of barbeque. The strength of the barbeque scent means he was exposed to it no more than two days ago.

Mu-gak takes the photo to a barbeque near the gym where the employees often eat, and the ajumma swears he ate there just a couple of days ago — though she only sees the clothes, because Mu-gak carefully keeps his thumb over the man’s face. He shows her a different photo of the victim when he was alive, asking as if it’s a different person, and now the ajumma doesn’t think he looks familiar. Interesting.

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Mu-gak finds Cho-rim grilling up some meat inside, and she says she can’t think when she’s hungry. Ha, when he reaches for the meat, she begs to have at least five pieces before he starts chowing down, so he counts out exactly five pieces for her. He asks how she knew this was the place the victim ate, and she tells him she also saw the scents of the particular charcoal this place uses.

Mu-gak interviews the gym employees next, and the manager confirms that he took them all out for barbeque as a treat. Mu-gak asks if the victim went to eat with them, but it turns out he quit about a month ago. Apparently he was a troublemaker, always borrowing money from his coworkers, and wasn’t well-liked.


HAHA, Cho-rim gets stuck on one of the machines and has to be rescued by the most vocal employee, a man who goes by the name Andy. Mu-gak glowers with jealousy as Andy touches her to free her, and gets even grumpier when Cho-rim is all excited that the handsome trainer gave her three free guest passes.

Cho-rim joins her friend Ae-ri at yet another job, and even she whines that her friend has had too many jobs, haha. She gripes about Mu-gak tricking her into eating the wasabi booby-trap, and Ae-ri asks if Cho-rim likes him. Cho-rim denies it, but Ae-ri points out that she talks about him constantly these days.

Suddenly she cries out that he’s just walked into the restaurant, and Cho-rim’s expression of excitement totally gives her away. Annoyed, Cho-rim leaves, and she sees a cute little dog running all by itself on the street. She’s sideswiped as a man runs past, knocking her over, and Cho-rim fangirls when she sees it’s the famous chef Jae-hee.

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He says he’s trying to catch his dog, and she tells him to go after it, but he’s worried she was hurt when she fell. He takes her to see his friend Baek-kyung, who examines Cho-rim’s sore wrist. Jae-hee goes to find his dog, leaving them alone, which scares me to death. Baek-kyung examines Cho-rim’s other arm and sees a large surgery scar, and she also mentions some pain in her hip.

Baek-kyung takes some x-rays and comments on the metal plates and pins in Cho-rim’s arm and hip. She’s fine except for a sprained wrist, and she tells him about her accident three years ago. He can’t find his pen and borrows Cho-rim’s to take notes in her chart, and Cho-rim notices the doggy scent on the leash that Jae-hee left behind.

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Lieutenant Yeom studies the evidence at lunch, while the other detectives sit at the next table and sarcastically conjecture on who could have carved the lines on the dead man’s wrist if it wasn’t a Barcode murder. It couldn’t be a copycat, because the detail about the barcodes was never leaked to the public. They joke that maybe it was a cop who murdered the man, and Yeom shoots them dirty looks.

Mu-gak joins her with his (overly-filled) lunch tray, and it’s satisfying to see the detective who previously snubbed him look offended that he doesn’t sit at their little Mean Girls table. He whispers to Yeom that they should consider the victim’s former coworkers as suspects, offering to explain in private.

Meanwhile Baek-kyung studies Cho-rim’s x-rays after she leaves his office, focusing on the plates in her bones. He pulls out an old file labeled “Choi Eun-seol,” and removes the x-rays, which just happen to match Cho-rim’s films perfectly. Well crap, he knows who she really is.

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Mu-gak tells the gym manager that a homeless man claims to have witnessed a man in a training suit being carried into the park at night. A key fell from the man’s pocket, and the homeless man had thrown it into the bushes. Mu-gak thinks the key may have been a locker key from the gym, asking if he can bring the key for confirmation once they find it. Andy seems particularly interested in their conversation, and listens closely.

Yeom organizes an undercover operation, where the detectives stake out the park in case the murderer comes back for the lost key. Detective Ki dresses as a bum, Yeh and a female cop pose as a couple canoodling on a parkbench, and Mu-gak and Detective Tak watch over from the car. Mu-gak notices that Tak’s phone has a baby’s picture for an avatar when he gets calls from home, and Mu-gak hilariously says his nephew is a handsome kid but oops, it’s a girl.


Jae-hee’s dog prances through the streets alone, but having seen his scent on the leash, Cho-rim quickly finds the pup hiding in some boxes. Jae-hee makes dinner for her as a thank-you, inviting his doctor friend Baek-kyung to eat with them. Why do I feel like Cho-rim is an innocent bunny in a den of wolves right now?

His dog, whose name is Moong-chi, keeps barking and scratching at a certain door, so Cho-rim offers to feed him. Baek-kyung tells her that Moong-chi was a gift from Ma-ri, and Jae-hee thanks her again for finding his pet. While Cho-rim is in the restroom, Baek-kyung tells Jae-hee that he knows her and has been wanting to see her again for a while.

Moong-chi won’t stop barking at the door, and Cho-rim asks what’s in the room that the dog wants so badly. Jae-hee says it leads to his underground storage, where he keeps wine and food. He goes to quiet the dog, and Cho-rim gasps at his delicious cooking.

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Nothing is happening at the park, and Mu-gak tries to make up for his “handsome nephew” comment by complimenting Tak’s niece Jia’s name. Poor Tak, his little feelings are too hurt to let Mu-gak off the hook. The detectives all regroup in the morning, but nobody saw a thing all night.

Detective Kang accuses Yeom of making up all the so-called evidence, but suddenly Detective Tak calls out that he’s found an expensive-looking pen in the bushes. They identify the pen as belonging to Baek-kyung, and detain him for questioning.

The Chief of Police observes the questioning, asking if they’re confident they can arrest him as the Barcode Killer soon. When Detective Kang says they can, the chief orders Lieutenant Yeom off the case and back to her own department. He gives Kang back control of this case, and Kang can’t help but throw a little “neener neener” gesture to Yeom as he leaves.

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Detective Ki questions Baek-kyung, who claims he lost his pen at the hospital. In the hall, Mu-gak apologizes to Lieutenant Yeom for her getting caught in the crossfires of his theory that one of the trainers killed the man. Yeom agrees that this isn’t a Barcode murder, and that the lines carved into the victim’s wrist are only a copycat.

Therefore, the man must have been killed by someone who knew of the Barcode Killer’s MO — and that leaves the cops. She wonders if there could still be some association with one of the trainers who work at the gym.

Cho-rim calls Mu-gak after going to the gym to use her free pass, and having seen something about the trainer, Andy, that made her sit up and take notice. She says that she saw familiar scents on him — the same scents that she’s seen on Detective Tak. There’s a scent of medicine mixed with the baby scent that makes it unique, but both men are carrying it.

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Mu-gak rushes to the gym to arrest Andy, who turns out to be Detective Tak’s brother. Mu-gak pieces together the random clues, which now form a very clear picture of the victim’s death. He describes a fight between Andy and the victim, where Andy had cut, then choked his former coworker to death. He’d called his brother for help, and Detective Tak had taken off the man’s bloodied jacket and replaced it with Andy’s clean one.

Detective Tak had also been the man in the hoodie who’d carved the barcode into the victim’s arm, though we now see that he’d been horrified at his own actions. He’d carried the body to the park, and later planted the pen that he’d stolen when he’d gone to Baek-kyung’s office to question him.

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Mu-gak takes Andy to the station, and when Detective Tak sees him he realizes the truth is out. He wails at Andy for not following the plan — Andy was supposed to blame his brother if he were caught, so as not to leave his wife and daughter alone, and both brothers are wracked with sobs as the whole team watches.

That night Mu-gak goes to Ae-ri’s latest restaurant, and she texts Cho-rim that her cop friend is there. Cho-rim is with Woo-ya, who’d asked her out to eat for some reason, but she says she can’t go after all because her great-aunt died and runs off.

Mu-gak isn’t there alone though, and he’s soon joined by Lieutenant Yeom. She’s buying him dinner for catching the real killer and getting her assigned back to the special investigation team. She also brings him a card giving him access to the police database of special cases, and Mu-gak’s face lights up.

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This is the thing Mu-gak has been doing all this for, the one reason he joined the police force after his sister was killed. Now he can access her file and find her killer. He’s so happy that he gifts Yeom with his first genuine smile, and he’s positively glowing. His expression is so open and excited, Yeom can’t help but grin shyly back at him, and it’s obvious that she finds him attractive.

Cho-rim enters the restaurant, a bit nervous but looking forward to seeing Mu-gak. But instead of finding him alone, she sees him at a table with a pretty woman, both of them looking at each other like they’re the only two people in the world. Seeing Mu-gak smiling for the first time, and that beautiful smile directed at another woman, Cho-rim’s own excited smile dissolves.



I’ll admit that, though I like the quick pacing of the show, I wouldn’t have minded if the romance part of our story had taken a bit longer to kick in. I’m not really complaining because I do love me some romance, and I have a feeling that Mu-gak and Cho-rim’s love will be epic. But Cho-rim’s little mindless flirtations and Mu-gak’s resulting confusion are so cute, I could have done with another episode or two of them dancing around their growing attraction. But since I do like romance, I’m also happy to see Cho-rim starting to respond to Mu-gak as more than just a partner, and realizing that she might actually like him as more than a friend. Though, oof, that has to be tough to see the guy you just maybe possibly realized you like, smiling for the very first time — at another woman. Poor Cho-rim, this is probably her first love (that she knows of) and she barely gets a chance to register her feelings before they get stomped. But if I know this show, and Cho-rim, she’ll say something pretty soon and this misunderstanding will be cleared up quickly.

I’m enjoying how Cho-rim is able to help Mu-gak solve his cases, because her ability to see scents makes her a unique resource that only Mu-gak can utilize. I love how he trusts her judgment when she says she knows this is the restaurant where someone ate, or this person must be related to this other person. It would be so easy for him to brush off her deductions based on her young age and lack of life experience, but he always fully believes her once she explains how she knows something. It doesn’t hurt that Cho-rim is one smart little cookie, and she never makes a statement about the scents she sees unless she knows for sure she’s right about them.


But Mu-gak is smart too, in the way he uses her clues. I was expecting a lot of awkward situations where he makes claims to the other detectives that he can’t back up without revealing his source and being laughed off the police force. But instead, he carefully does his own investigating until he can convert Cho-rim’s scent clues into real ones, making sure he can back up her findings with verifiable fact before presenting those findings to the other detectives. He’s actually a much better detective than he originally seemed — that or maybe it’s Cho-rim’s influence that’s making him better than he was alone.

I’m starting to have some doubts about doctor Baek-kyung’s likelihood of being the Barcode Killer, because as some readers have pointed out, it does seem like the show is pushing him hard as the main suspect. It’s all just so obvious. Not that no drama has ever revealed it’s main baddie early-on before, but I feel like this show is giving us way too many reasons to be suspicious of chef Jae-hee also (though if Baek-kyung starts constantly asking after everyone’s health, I’ll retract this statement). I also don’t necessarily think they’re working together anymore, though that’s just based on the fact that Jae-hee seemed surprised that Baek-kyung already knows Cho-rim, and I could very well be wrong about that, too.

Basically, more kudos to Girl Who Sees Smells for keeping us on our toes, and laying out the clues and suspects with enough transparency to allow us to have fun making wild guesses at the truth, but holding enough cards close to it’s vest to keep us doubting even our own theories. All I can say is, keep up the good work, Show!


Full Article here:  http://www.dramabeans.com/2015/04/girl-who-sees-smells-episode-4/

JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 4/6-4/12/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/04/jyj-news-week-of-46-4122015.html?spref=tw

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