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Crochet is the new knit


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this season is all about crochet
i'm so excited about this crafty-craft forum. it's about time!

i'm traditionally a knitter, but this season, i picked up crochet, and it's a lot of fun, and so much faster :P

here are some of my favorites:


let's see your wares!


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soomp, your house is wall-to-wall 귀여워. =p

I can only make blankets/afghans from granny squares...so far. It's much easier to learn when you can watch someone else do it (okay--never helped with knitting, because I still can't do it right >< ). Want to see if my dad can help me figure out how to make the roses--when my mother made us hats, he made the roses for them.

the dresses are beautiful, too.

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Wow you are so pro at crochet-ing. I remember joining Crochet Club in grade 4 or something LOL and I stopped because I sucked and I didn't have the patience. But seeing what you've done here - man I think I should give it another try and crochet some cute stuff to keep me warm ^^

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Guest isseoyo

These look great! So cute and colorful. and I especially like the hats!

How long does it usually take you?

 My boyfriend knits me stuff all the time and I'm jealous at how perfectly and evenly makes the stitches. ;__;

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Wow - boyfriend who knits and dad who makes crochet flowers - awesome!

I can knit a baby hat in a couple hours - crochet takes a little longer. The part that takes me FOREVER is when I have to sew parts on - that owl hat is absolute torture, especially trying to make the eyes look right. I have 2 Christmas gifts all crocheted but in a million pieces still waiting to be finished - oops!

Thanks for enjoying my wares!

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Wow you have a massive forum and you knit and crotchet? You must have some kind of superpower, where do you get the time?! Hahaha but that aside, I love your wares! All so colourful (and by the looks of it, mistake-free!) and creative. Do you usually follow tutorials, books or work on them yourself?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Flavorlovee

Agreed with Crochet is the new Knit! I took a class in High school that teach me how to knit and I loved it! Until I learned Crochet. I never picked up another knitting tools. It just feels like forever when your knitting!! I'll update with the Hat I made if I ever find it, its similar to your bear hat<3 hmm!!

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Guest ilovemesomekorean

I started with crochet. I love it. I love to make amigurumi. and i borrowed my cousins knitting needles but i havent even picked them up. lol. They just seem so confusing. But I really wish i had the time and patience to learn to knit. gah. but oh well. Crochet is so fun!

I love all those pics btw!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest avescent

those rilakuma ones are adoraaaaaaaaaable. i started a circle scarf not long ago ._. and i knept messing that half knot already >.> i think that's what it called lol

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Guest Magda1430292466

soomp said: this season is all about crocheti'm so excited about this crafty-craft forum. it's about time!

i'm traditionally a knitter, but this season, i picked up crochet, and it's a lot of fun, and so much faster :P

here are some of my favorites:

let's see your wares!


It's amazing!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest pennylife

wow~ so amazing~ that's fabulous~ you should open a thread to teach knit and show your works~

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest sierasita

nice to see another knitter and crocheter :) i love your creations the stuff that you made are just too cute and lovely ,,,, i used to crochet first than i learned how to knit and since than i prefer knitting but i also still crocheting,,,,isn't working with yarn makes you relax,,, i beleive it's the new Yoga lol
can't wait to see more of your works!

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