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Teen Top **틴탑** [Official Thread]

Guest yoon_ji99

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오늘 과거여행 한번 하시죠-캡
Travelling to the past once more today -C.A.P
2012년 틴탑의 마지막 무대!! 정말 파워풀하게 준비한 무대 기대 뿅뿅! -리키
Teen Top’s last stage for 2012!! We prepared a really powerful performance so look forward ppyong ppyong! -Ricky

2013년 새해가 밝았습니다~~~!! 2012년 저희 틴탑 많이 사랑해 주셔서 감사드립니다! 2013년에도 잘 부탁드려요(_ _) 저희 틴탑 더욱 멋진 모습으로 금방 찾아뵙겠습니다!!
2013, a new year has begun~~~!! Thank you very much for the love you gave to Teen Top in 2012! Please do the same in 2013 (_ _) We are Teen Top who will be back soon with an even cooler image!!
2013년은 티오피브라더스의 한 해가 되길!!! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!!
Hoping 2013 will be TOP Brothers’ year!!! Happy New Year!!
우리엔젤들 새해 복 많이많이 받구! 모든일들이 잘됬으면 좋겠어요ㅎㅎ 2013년에두 홧팅!♥_엘조
Our Angels, Happy New Year! I hope everything turns out well for youㅎㅎ Hwaiting for 2013!♥ _L.Joe
촉촉하게 잘생겨보이나요…? -캡
Do I look handsome sweaty….? -C.A.P
95라인 녹음중 … 밖에 날씨가 엄청나네요.. 따습게입으세요^^
95 line is in the middle of recording … It’s terribly cold outside.. Dress warmly^^
trans.cr; fyteensontop

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TOP Media are obviously trying to ensure that they make a decent profit out of it, so that's why the tickets are kinda high by the average standards. I'd say go if you have the money and if not don't be too upset because chances are they'll be back for either a kpop festival or holding another tour in another year or two. 

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오늘 하루 수고했어요~ 저는 녹음하고 왓어요! 노래 진짜 좋아요! 좀만 참고 기다려주세요! -천지
Worked hard all day today~ I came from song recording! The song is really good! Please hang in there and just wait a little more! -Chunji

[130105]  Changjo
점점 날씨가 풀리고 있네요. 그래도 감기 걸이지 않게 따뜻하게 입고 다니세요. 제 사랑 때문에 춥진 않겠죠? 하하하하하하 ♥ -창조
The weather is getting warmer. But still, wear warm clothes so you dont catch a cold. You aren’t feeling cold because of my love right? Hahahahaha♥ -C

불후의명곡 잘보셨나요오~? 부족했지만 이쁘게봐줘요오 ㅋㅋㅋ 아그리구 떳브는 상황극일뿐이에요… 진심 안그래요ㅜ 보면서 제 자신이초라했어요… 암튼 밤맛있게 먹구 엔젤 굿밤^^-천지
Did you watch Immortal Song well~? It was lacking but please see it as prettyㅋㅋㅋ Ah and on Rising Brothers, it was just a play…It wasn’t seriousㅜ While watching, I felt miserable… Anyway, enjoy your dinner and good night Angels^^ -Chunji
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Guest Kirari

So is there anyone from Soompi who is going to one of Teen Top's Europe concerts? I wonder if they did well with the tickets sales. I doubt that they sold out any venue which is too bad coz I really want Teen Top to do well in Europe and write some history. :( 

I've never really been to concerts before so I don't know what is a reasonable price for a ticket but I ended up paying €70 for just a normal ticket in Dortmund. Thank god I have an income to pay for the travel expenses as well, but the price had me thinking twice about going.

If there are any of you thinking about whether you should go or not I'd say take your chance now. I'm sure they'd the big in 2 years with some big Kpop act in France or the UK. But UK prices will be steep and France is really out of the way.

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Guest richrobert972

they are so young. only until they came to Vietnam that i like them cuz they r so cute and have good live performance

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[TV Report] BTS 
가요대전’ 준비 중에 한 컷! 미용핀을 꽂고 있어도 멋진 우리! 우하하하
Getting ready for “Gayo Daejun” cut! We look cool with the beauty clips! Uhahaha
가요대제전’ 무대 오르기 전 기념 촬영. 훔~ 역시 살아있네! ㅋㅋㅋ
“Gayo Daejun” stage commemorative photo. Hm~ as expected I’m alive! ㅋㅋㅋ
떴다’ 마지막 촬영 끝내고. 아쉬움에 브이(V)셀카로 마무리~
“Rising Brothers” last day of filming. Sorrowful V selca to finish~
멤버들 없이 단독 셀카타임! 우수에 찬 눈빛 발사~
Selca Time without the members! Excellent cold eyes launch~
앗! 내 손가락은 절대 코 속에 들어가지 않았어! 오해하기 있기 없기? ㅎㅎㅎ;;;
Oh! My finger absolutely did not enter my nose! No misunderstandings? ㅎㅎㅎ;;;
여긴 어디? ‘떴다’ 촬영장! 수줍은 리키와 청순한 니엘. 우리의 설정! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Where are we? “Rising Brothers” filming! Shy Ricky with innocent Niel. Our set! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
꺅~ 베트남에 세 명의 악마출현! 사실 우린 귀요미예요. 흐흐흐
Kkyak~ The appearance of three demons in Vietnam! Actually, we are cuties. Heuheuheu (laughs)
trans.cr; fyteensontop

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[130106] Fancafe Update Changjo: “It’s been a while?ㅋ”

Yup ~ Hi, this is Changjo^^
It’s been a while since I last wrote~~~
I have much to say~~ Thinking thinking of what to write ^^.
We’ve been practicing !
Everyone is in the process of u p g r a d i n g ~~~~
You’ll be surprised!?
We say this everyday but~~
When we practice or when it gets tough, when it gets tiresome~ thinking of Angels always gives us strength so now I’m writing♥
Please continue to support and love us~ And we will work even harder~~
Ah ! And because its cold ~ ! Wear warm clothes outside!
If you catch a cold, you’ll get scolded~

[130107] Changjo: “I’m here again”
I found out a lot of you caught a cold ~
Take your medicine right away ~ Go to the hospital as well~
You’ll get better quickly if you get shots~ Until here..
trans.cr; fyteensontop


Fri 11 Jan
[On Air] 18:00 MBC Music - Teen Top and 100% Rising Brothers EP 12

Sat 12 Jan
[On Air] 18:20 SBS Starking

Wed 16 Jan
[Event] 19:30 The 27th Golden Disk Awards (Malaysia)

Thu 31 Jan
[Event] 19:00 The 22nd Seoul Music Awards
source: @NielFacts

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[iNFO] TEEN TOP will Perform To You, Crazy and Be Ma Girl for 27th Golden Disk Award 2012
[TRENDING] We will start the trending session on 14th, 15th, 16th January 2013 from 10PM-11PM (KST)[TRENDING] As for the hastag(s) for the trending session are 14th January - #goodluckTEENTOP 15th January - #TEENTOPgda[TRENDING] And IF Teen Top wins an award we will be trending#CongratsTEENTOP on the 16th of January ^^

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121218 Rising Brothers Recording


[130109] Me2Day Update - Changjo
저는 곧.. 안무연습을 하러 갑니다! 무슨 안무냐고요? 그건…쉿 비밀ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ-창조
I am.. going for dance practice soon! What dance? That is…. a secret sshhh ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -Changjo
trans.cr; fyteensontop
[130109] Fancafe Update - C.A.P: “Everyone”

Dont only stay at home for the holidays.
I think it would be nice if you go out and exercise a little. Everyone, you cant just say its cold so you’re staying at home.
From now on comments saying (Minsoo oppa is the best) are the only comments I will accept.
I am expecting everyone’s great attention.
Have a fun vacation~^^
*민수 오빠가 짱이에요. 
trans.cr; fyteensontop

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[130110] me2day Update - Niel
아 불타는 가슴이여~ 활활 타는 구나! 저기 저 장작처럼.. 그럼 장작은 누가 패나? 이게 무슨 소리죠? 연습하다가 더위를 먹었나봐요. 정신이 없네요~ @.@ -니엘
Ah my burning heart~ it is in flames! Like the fire woods there.. So who’s chopping the woods? What am I saying? I guess the heat from practice got to me. I’m losing my mind~ @.@ -Niel
다들 수고 많았습니다! 이제 진짜로 Good bye~!!!!!!
Great job everyone! Now it is really Good bye~!!!!!!
[130111] Twitter Update - Chunji, Niel
어쩌다 벌써 아니.. 언제 이렇게 12주가 흘렀는지.. 아쉽습니다!! 떴브는 끝났지만 저희 열심히 연습해서 정말 멋진 남자로 멋진 무대로 곧 찾아뵐게요- 니엘, 천지
It can’t already be.. how did 12 weeks fly by so fast.. How sad!! Rising Brothers ended but we will work hard in order to return as really cool guys and bring you cool performances soon -Niel, Chunji
떴다브라더스가 끝났네요~ 마지막회까지 시청해주신 팬분들을 위한 감사의 손글씨인사!? 나갑니다! 이제 또 다른 프로그램에서 만나고 싶네요 우리 참 보기좋았죠?? 하하 감사합니다♥ -창조
Rising Brothers ended~ Hand written thank you message for the fans who watched until the last episode!? Here it is! We want to meet you through another program, its great watching us right?? Haha thank you♥ -Changjo
To. Angel

Thank you (in Japanese) Tank Yu -C.A.P
Thank you!!! -Chunji
Thank you~ We’ll miss you♥ -L.Joe
Happy New Year Everyone~! Thank you so much~♥ -Niel
Thank you very much!!! -Ricky
Thank you!!!! -Changjo

엔젤 내 눈을바라봐 넌 날사랑하게되고 오늘 나 떠난다! ㅠㅠ보고싶을꺼야 꼼짝말고기다려! -창조
Angels, look into my eyes and you will fall in love with me. I’m leaving today! ㅠㅠ I’ll miss you, stay put and wait for me! -Changjo
trans.cr; fyteensontop

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6시간 비행전 폭풍흡입 중!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before our 6 hour flight, we’re quickly inhaling our food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

쉬는시간에는 운동! 한손으로도 가능하긴하구나!!! 음하 ㅋ
Rest time work out! It’s also possible with one hand!!! eumhaㅋ
참! 설정티나네 ㅋㅋ 난 진짜 책도보구 운동도하구 연습도하는데 ! ㅋㅋ - 창조
Obviously! This is a set upㅋㅋ I read a book, work out and practice too ! ㅋㅋ -Changjo
L.Joe’s reply:
좋은뜻으로 책을사서.. 열심히 읽구있는데 설정이라니!! 어허!!! 창조야 혼난다 떽!!! 엘조
We bought good books.. We’re reading it eagerly and you say its a set up!! Uh huh!! Changjo you’re in trouble ddek!!! L.Joe
운동 후 남자가 되어 돌아왔어요!!!!♥
I’ve returned as a man after working out!!!!♥
 let’s go to the stage~ yeah !!!! 리키리키
trans.cr; fyteensontop

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