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MTV's The Hills


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Guest vc1188

I'm surprised no one has posted anything about tonight's episode. dude Justinbobby is just .. blegh!

and Spencer has appalled me once more -__-

Other than that, this episode was really uneventful and nothing really happened. oh well

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Guest jennnayx81

i'm glad heidi was taking a stand about the wall ... spencer will always richard simmons me off.

justin-bobby is a no-no ... as we shall see from next week's episode ... and lauren and brody still talk?

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boooring episode. but of course life cant be fun everyday, even for them. indeed the highlight was heidi painting over the wall. but spencer looked so pissed i was afraid he was gonna hit her or something. idk.. im crazy. justin bobby is uhh interesting.

the aftershow was fun though. and next week looks a lot better so im excited for that.

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Guest CloudyDays

wow justin is a total jerkoff!!! :crazy: he would look really cute with his hair cut off though.

when spencer gets mad, he looks like a crazy psycho and looked like he was ready to kill heidi and beat her. how scary. :ph34r:

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Guest lavitadolce

justin bobby! lol that's what i noticed too!

he has potential good features, it's just his hair & clothes that are real ugly

i feel bad for spencer's 'artwork'

heidi should have at least warned him that she was going to demolish his work lol

when's jason comming back?

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Last night's episode was slightly boring.

The only amusing thing for me was when Spender came home to find Heidi painting over his "art" on the wall.

"YO YO Y-..." WHAT a good laugh!! :P

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Guest vc1188

i feel bad for spencer's 'artwork'

heidi should have at least warned him that she was going to demolish his work lol

Whatever, he didn't give Heidi the slightest warning before painting that hideous thing on their apartment wall! He's so incredibly icky

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

dang i didnt watch it last nite

but i guess i didnt miss much??

edit-- watching it online.

can't believe whitney says justin is a "good looking guy"


he looks like a homeless person with his hair

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Guest lovefool

justin/bobby seems weird. I mean at first he seems ok but then when he burped in front of lauren...it was just kind of rude since they don't know each other very well. and he looks kind of like he's high

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

^the song is kinda catchy but forgetable at the same time.

anyone know what i mean??

and spencer should NOT rap.

anyone see the commercial for the next episode?

how spencer seems to flip out and tell heidi's parents that he "wants her to be with him always" or whatever he said with his eyes bulging out.

i cant seem to tell if it was just a joke or not.

who would flip out when your meeting your gf's parents?? :blink:

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It's intresting to see what you guys think about this show. Some of the people are portrayed so differently then what they are in real life.

Lauren - really nice - can be whinny


Jason isn't so bad - he's a bit of a ego jerk though.

Only people from this season that I actually have met/spent time with. I don't know the new people only the original Laguna people.

BTW - I do agree Heidi is a dumb blonde. - not from personal experiance though.

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hahah now it actually sounds alright =x

whitney - she broke up with her boy right? he didn't liek the camera actually so he wasn't filmed in season 1 / 2 ..

LOL heidi and her 'suprise!' i was like YESSSSSSS! good for her! (though i don't like her as much now.. stupid spencer...)

"yo y--"

"yo yo"

& o0o the two guys that lauren hugged, old l.b. buddies? probably =p

and heidi looks a lot like her mom..lol

ok my post is so mumble jumbled, but whatever lol.

i hope Jason gets back into the scene! I sort of like him now, lol, compared to Spencer.

I read in a magazine that he and Brody aren't friends anymore. & he's the "prince of malibu"?? wtheck. Lol.

oh yeah did anyone see the aftershow LOL. their take on "THE WALL" LOL!!!<3


hey Marie Digby's cover of Umbrella[/1] was on the soundtrack of this episode

Marie is half japanese and you can see her stuff all over youtube


oh you're awesomE! i heard it and it was soo nice to listen to.. my sister was like.. there's anothe version?!?!?!

<3<3 & i agree with dollygirl, justin bobby WOULD look nice with shorter hair.. it looks sooo dirty now!

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Lo is sooo adorable!!! i hope she sticks around. Justin Bobby & Audrina make a nice couple, its too bad he's a jerk!!! cut ur hair its grosssss! I absolutely hate Spencer!! Why the hell is a gorgeous girl like HEIDI with an ugly guy like SPENCER? ewww. i cant wait till S meets the parents of Heidi.

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Guest Steph*

omg justinbobby was such an bubble gum. btw, i love seeing lo.. she's so cute and funny

i LOVED spencer's face when he saw heidi painting over his mural. which was pretty freaking ugly btw.

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Guest alainachen_604

^ haha yeah, i believe he said 'i want heidi to myself!!'. errr.... well at least it looks interesting. i cant wait til monday to watch.

HAHA LMAOO i laughed so hard like seriously SO HARD when he said that

oh jeez :D:P:lol:

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