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Do you ever get your ETHNICITY mistaken...?

Guest eminemjamesuk

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Guest mrs_dbsk

not to be mean or anything. but everyone mistakens me as japanese; or chinese, why can't they ask if im korean ? its always chinese or japanese. especially at han ah reum ... -_-

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Guest embrace

YES! Like alot! Especially if they dont know my last name. They either mistake me as Filipino, Indian, or Mexican. But Im 100% Chinese.

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ppl ask me if i m from malaysia, indonesia, bhutan, middle east O.o, etc etc. all the time...

well i m from nepal...and noone gets that right

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Guest .ChocoCat.

first thing people msitake me for is korean, then it's japanese, and then chinese. i even got part white once. i'm actually vietnamese.

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Guest nozomi.no.uta

people can tell i'm japanese, but they can't figure out why my last name isn't japanese. i'm actually japanese filipino, but people can't guess i'm filipino because i don't look filipino at all. my last name doesn't even sound filipino--it sounds more latino. :)

some people have even guessed i'm part korean or part chinese, but i'm not.

it's kinda fun, hearing what people think i am.

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Guest x3lenaj

I'm filipino and well most of the filipinos I've met can tell that I am filipino.. well besides my friend who is half filipino-half white and she thought I was chinese..

but other ethnicities can't tell sometimes. When I was younger, sometimes people thought I was mexican (probably because my last name) and they would start talking spanish to me.. and I would just be like.. uhmm?

And then some people started thinking I was chinese.. and I think that's maybe because I have light skin compared to others..? Like this one black guy pointed to a chinese guy in our text book and was like "Hey! It's your brother!!" -_- Comments like that annoy me but it's interesting hearing what people think you are though. xD

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Guest supErnova1114

I'm TAIWANESE and everyone thinks I'm Chinese at first.

it's like my pet peeve when ppl call me Chinese. -__-"

I always make sure to tell them loud and clear that I am Taiwanese!

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its really interesting...sometimes people think im all white, sometimes people think im all asian. i guess thats what comes from being a half. im half Japanese half white, but i often got mistaken for Filipino. but that was when i was younger. now people just ask "....are you asian?" hahaha

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Guest maryx33

I'm chinese and people think I'm mixed or italian. I really don't know why.

like when I get my nails/hair done they always ask me and I think I look chinese =\

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Guest rachilde

I get mistaken for all kinds of nationalities--not all of which are even Asian nationalities. I was once mistaken for a Mexican while walking down the street <_< Chinese people in China tend to mistaken me for one of the more tropical nationalities, while Chinese people in America tend to mistaken me for Japanese apparently 'because of my high cheekbones.' I do acquire a British accent when I get drunk (I don't know why, but it's a reliable way to tell how drunk I am), so sometimes I get mistaken as some kind of refugee from Hong Kong...

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Guest JambaJuice

There's a lot of Mexicans and Vietnamese people in my community.

The Vietnamese think I'm either Vietnamese or Filipino.

The Mexicans always think I'm Chinese which I am.

I'm a bit tan so I understand why people mistaken me as Filipino.


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Guest dhtnrud92


people mistake me for japanese all the time.

then the random listing of asian countries begins.

and then a really random, "Wait are you american?"


oh, btw im korean. (>//<)

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Guest se7olution


well no one knows where or what the heck Laos is sooo yeah

>.> but they're half right when they ask if im Chinese..

i think my eyes are too big to be japanese or korean or any other asian ethnicity..

being that my friend made comment about how big my eyes are >.>...

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I get Vietnamese all the time, which pisses me off because all vietnamese girls are fricken beautiful, an i don't think so about myself (soemtimes).

Then when i get 'Korean" and i'm like, NO. My stupid cousins always call me Korean Japanese girl, and i hate it. I'm Hmong and they don't seem to want to acknowledge it.

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Guest &._Euphoria

Namewise, I'm always mistaken for Korean by online peeps or foreigners.

Facewise, I get mistaken as a mix between Indian-Chinese by Malays and as Malay by most Chinese.

I still remember how the other Chinese talk bad about me when I went to camp. <.<

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