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Do you ever get your ETHNICITY mistaken...?

Guest eminemjamesuk

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Guest Sorara

@SREY_MAO; Well Filipinos are asian, or am I wrong ? There's a lot of dark-skinned asian so yea ._.'' Or maybe i'm just misunderstanding you, but anyways.By the way, The Caps are making my eyes bleed ...


For Me, well I often get mistaken for { By Order of "popularity" };




I'm actually of Moroccan-Berber origin. I look like any other Moroccan {{ Well I think }} but for others it's kinda hard to tell.

Tho I was born in Canada, So I'm "canadian". Err I hate it when people ask "Where are you from?" , I don't know how I'm suppose to answer~ But anyways

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Guest popninglock

People sometimes mistake me for being Mexican cause of my dark skin I guess . . . I'm a lot of things, but more of Italian and Indonesian show up in my skin. I'm German, Irish, Italian, Indonesian~

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Guest MissDoeEyes

All the time lol

In order of Popularity:

1. Vietnamese :blink:

2. Korean (I ono why since I don't look the least bit Korean)

3. Filipino (???)

4. Hawaiian (I guess there's a decent amount of Asians in Hawaii....)

I'm actually Han Chinese and Japanese although I don't really look like either.

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Guest meilove

i'm viet.

i get mistaken for korean / chinese a lot. like full blood.

once philipino.

and most of the time ppl can tell i'm viet

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Guest `rh0na

Well, most of time, yes XD.

Malays here think i look a lot like a Bruneian.

Even the Filipinos here think im Bruneian.

Unless i start to speak in Tagalog, that's what shocks them.

They even ask, "Are you pure Filipino?" XD.

Well, once, when i told this girl that im Filipino, she said i look more than like a Filipino.

I dont know what she really meant by that. xD.

Some think i look like a Chinese though. (maybe it's because of my eyes, mainly) :D.

There was also once when a Korean said i look like a Korean. LOL.

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Guest goodnessgracious

All the time :crazy: . People regularly assume that I am half-Asian, which is not really the case. My father is 100% Caucasian Russian, my mom is supposed to be one as well (her older brother is blue-eyed blond), but due to some random genetical "mistake" she looks mixed, and so apparently am I. I don't really see it in myself though. My skin is very pale, my eyes are double lidded and my hair are wavy.

My brother is often mistaken for Spanish/Italian. Well he is pretty dark and hairy :D

Also, when in UK most of the people assume that I am British. That is because I don't have Russian accent when I speak English. I wonder why?

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Guest all_or_nothing

yeah all the time!

ppl would run up to me and say, 'r u chinese?'

and im like 'no'

and they will keep asking, but i never tell them, LOL

so annoying when most of western ppl this that everyone in asia is chinese lol

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Guest babiloveyoo

when i was freshman, a teacher asked me if i was japanese. or has a japanese bloodline.

i said no.


omg me too back when I was a freshman in High School except I was dozing off and the teacher goes "what am I teaching it wrong?" And it was when we were learning about Japanese stuff and I go "huh?" I told her that I'm Korean and she goes "oh I can never tell asians apart" and I go "yeah obviously...".

Another time my asian friend goes you don't look Korean so I asked what do I look like then? She goes I don't know -.-... And even her mom said that if I was in Japan I would fit in and people would think I'm Japanese O.O And I DON'T look anything like a Japanese person at all O.O lols

And other people just wait until I tell them what I am and they go " OH" lols >.<

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Guest krndiane94

most armenians at my school call me chinese -__-

and they always say "ching chong chang" -_____-

it really pisses me off cause im koreann >______<

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Guest oneandonlysarang

japanese, african american O.O(wtf),viet >.<

but im korean,chinese,filipino :]

i mostly get mistaken for japanese

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Guest akirashockk_XD


some people say i'm mexican.

some say cuban. i was like, WHAT? =-=;;

others say vietnamese.

yes, it is very irking.

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In Boracay...i was talking to my korean student and this guy walked up to me and said...'Annyong! Mam would you like a ma-ssa-ji?'

I was like...WTH?!

And then he said 'I give you discount...'

and i said, 'aniyo...'

many people mistake me for being Korean when I don't even look like one...why is that?

maybe because I hang around with koreans too much...hahahaha

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Guest water.mizu

Ahh finally I found a thread to vent my mistaken identity lol [ETHNICITY]!

I get mistaken all the time:





I got mistaken once for being Laotian.

And my own people usually questions if I am one.

This usually all happens at work, where customers

for some reason like to guess what I am. lol

Fun at times but gets irritating.

I'm Cambodian and I believe I look one too.

I don't understand the misconception.

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Guest MinJi13

I'm filipono

But people ask if i'm Vietnamese, Chinese OR American (because of my slight accent) <_<

No one gets it right the first time unless they're filo..

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Guest san-ni-ichi

I'm Filipino and i'm mistaken as being:





sometimes Spanish or Latin if they just judge it on my last name and haven't seen me in person


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Guest lvff_

i get mistaken for chinese but thats pretty standard in n. america right? :D

ive also gotten "foreign exchange student from cuba" despite the fact that im korean and speak english .-.

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