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Your Minimum Requirements...

Guest plumeria216

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Guest TheMissCareless

-Must be taller than me :x I'm 161cm. Preferably much more taller,cause I wanna wear heels too sometimes.

-Can't be younger than me. I really cant see myself dating a guy that is younger than me . Maybe if he has a mature mindset but still..its kinda weird to me.I do date guys that are older though , about 3 to 5 years older. 

-Cannot be flirty type.[towards other girls] LOL I'm the jealous type 8D (not till insane jealous point) 

-Loves me for who I am

-I must be able to rely on him at times.

-Someone who can keep the conversation going.

And it would be a super + if he can cook . hahaha I like food 8D And I haven't really dated non-asian guys so I'm not sure about going to date them in the future.I just find asian guys more attractive to me.[no offence to anyone out there]

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Guest 'Noche.

My minimum requirement is a guy who can stand on his own two feet... meaning he's independent enough that he can support himself. Not to say he can't be filial, but as an adult, rather than depending on his parents for everything, he should be able to contribute to the household (financially/helping out with chores/etc.) if he's still living with his parents.

Of course, that's in addition to mutual attraction.

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Taller than me. I'm only 5'1 so.. I'm pretty sure the majority of the guys can meet that requirement no problem.

Intelligent & Funny.


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Guest Naked-Fanatic

Her height must be between 5'6" and 6'0". I'm ok with a woman who is taller than 6'0" if she is really attractive.

Her BMI must be between 18–24.9.

I'm tolerable with personalities except for psychopaths.

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tbqh, I've never really thought about it before seeing the title of this thread, haha! I guess my minimum requirements would be:

- taller than me. (I'm barely approaching five feet, so... herp derp. it's not much of a requirement, haha.)

- good hygiene. (I'd like to think this is self-explanatory.)

- filial. (unless his parents are abusive or something, I don't think I'd be able to tolerate disrespect.)

- eloquent. (there's a bit of leeway on this one; I'm just really attracted to people who can communicate well, since I'm so terrible at it myself.)

- around my age or older than me. (I have a younger brother, so if I dated a younger person... I don't think I'd be able to see them as a man...?)

although, in the end, you end up liking who you like. so. yeah.

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Guest blackdevil113

he has to be street smart with a stable job. taller than 5'2" cuz thats how tall i am. has to love music cuz i play bass and flute. when we're together we have to feel comfortable even if we're not talking. like we're just sitting there watching tv or staring at the stars.

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Guest followyourdreams.

I'm probably asking for too much...

-- good sense of humour

-- gamer

-- good hygiene

-- good fashion sense

-- gentleman

-- family orientated

-- in education

-- taller than me

-- dark hair (ehe..)

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for my girl:

1) intelligent, independent, and different from me

2) adventurist, energetic, and enjoys being creative

3) supplement my weaknesses  

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Guest andishouted

For me, it would be someone who can keep me smiling for hours, and someone who doesn't develop feelings for every girl they talk to.

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Guest LittleByul

So long as they aren't closed minded and have a kind heart and a beautiful personality. I aren't fussed with height as I find short guys adorable and sexy, i usually tend going for shorter guys. 

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