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[drama 2008] War Of Flowers / Tazza 타짜

Guest huangsy

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Guest Jill4675

Can somebody tell me where can I watch Tazza??complete..^^

thanks a lot!!...On crunchyroll the uploaded video is only up episode 3! so tendency, I will wait for the upcoming videos that they will upload..help me..

thanks a lot..^^

All episodes to date (1–15) are available for download on omo-omo [MyAigoo] (no Eng. subs available except ~ I think ~ thru Ep. 3). The great team there uploads Tazza after it airs Mondays and Tuesdays. You can also get the episodes from the Korean clubboxes, et cetera. There will be 21 episodes all together. You can also check ViiKii.


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Guest acemaverick

after i watched epi 15, i was dumbfound.

other than stupid, plain stupidity. i can't find any other words to discribe NS's brother.

what a dumbfish he is. yah, no wonder he got played out on the tables years back. he deserves it for being so damn dumb.

who the fish would go face the "triads" alone with Such An Important piece of info???

pure stupidity. that's what i can say. i hope he did something smarter than just make 1 copy of the tape and gave someone the info on where to find it. (and for once, i thot, how clever he was to bug the place... my gosh)

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after i watched epi 15, i was dumbfound.

other than stupid, plain stupidity. i can't find any other words to discribe NS's brother.

what a dumbfish he is. yah, no wonder he got played out on the tables years back. he deserves it for being so damn dumb.

who the fish would go face the "triads" alone with Such An Important piece of info???

pure stupidity. that's what i can say. i hope he did something smarter than just make 1 copy of the tape and gave someone the info on where to find it. (and for once, i thot, how clever he was to bug the place... my gosh)

I can' agree with you more. Actually I also have the same hope that he did make a duplicate copy...well, let's see how it would turn out. NS's brother is a typical 'hogu' which this drama tries to make a comparison with the concept of tazza. Hogus think they know something although they had no idea of the entire picture of how a game is processing and what are the working rules of the game. NS's brother is terribly dumb, but very instrumental to illustrating the characteristics of hogus. However, I wished the writers gave more indept and delicacy to the character of NS's brother. No room for sympathy. Huh?

BTW, you have the most prefect id for this drama!

While I am downloading ep 16, I checked out some responses to ep 16. It looks like ep 16 is a chapter for YM. I am exicited to see how his character develops. B)

Thanks cute girl for sharing the cb link. You are so fast!!

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Guest Jill4675

wils, I hope to watch Ep. 16 today... see you here after that! (hjkomo, too!)

Sadly, it appears that o-cha has left us...:huh:sSa_bye.gif hope she still visits, even if she doesn't post...

My dl has just finished... thumbsup.gif

PS, I think you are absolutely right about NS's brother...his character is important for that reason, and I think we agree that they made him pretty one-dimensional. Since he's NS's brother, we'd expect him to be a little more astute and less gullible...but...it's more important that they focus on heartbeat.gif Goni and YM!!! heartbeat.gif That's my preference!!! muahaha.gif


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Guest Jill4675

Just finished watching Episode 16! ;)432.gif Things are definitely moving forward...I won't say much about the plot developments just now. Only a few observations!! :lol:

  • Hey, that scarf is ubiquitous! It's everywhere! LOL laughing.gif
  • Wow, when did Goni have time to shop for all those (4? 5?) mini trenches??!! Seriously, two leathers, at least three others unless I miscounted!!! :rolleyes:
  • Then he switches to the Chinese jackets ~ first silk, then velvet... (looks good in them, BTW :sweatingbullets: )
  • Oh...:( YM declares himself to NS...shot down again! Poor YM...he just can't get the message... sFun_doh2.gif
  • Prisoner 2133 looks great even in an orange jumpsuit! thunk.gif
  • Just for the record, if MJ had been unavailable, I would have volunteered to pick up Prisoner 2133 when he was released. heartbeat.gif
  • I've said it before: I could never play poker with KMJ... starry-eyed.gif Wouldn't be able to concentrate... doa.gif
  • YM is no longer spinning his ring (still missing); now he flips a poker chip...and makes it look easy... :blush:

th_TazzaE16KOR081110HDTVd.jpg < Look at this cute face... :wub:

th_TazzaE16KOR081110HDTVc.jpgth_TazzaE16KOR081110HDTVb.jpg < Check the Robbers wardrobe closet ~ missing hats??

th_TazzaE16KOR081110HDTVa.jpg < love-smiley-007.gif

wils, hjkomo, anyone else ~ let's hear from you when you've seen Ep. 16!! ;)


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Just finished watching Episode 16! ;)432.gif Things are definitely moving forward...I won't say much about the plot developments just now. Only a few observations!! :lol:

  • Hey, that scarf is ubiquitous! It's everywhere! LOL laughing.gif
  • Wow, when did Goni have time to shop for all those (4? 5?) mini trenches??!! Seriously, two leathers, at least three others unless I miscounted!!! :rolleyes:
  • Then he switches to the Chinese jackets ~ first silk, then velvet... (looks good in them, BTW :sweatingbullets: )
  • Oh...:( YM declares himself to NS...shot down again! Poor YM...he just can't get the message... sFun_doh2.gif
  • Prisoner 2133 looks great even in an orange jumpsuit! thunk.gif
  • Just for the record, if MJ had been unavailable, I would have volunteered to pick up Prisoner 2133 when he was released. heartbeat.gif
  • I've said it before: I could never play poker with KMJ... starry-eyed.gif Wouldn't be able to concentrate... doa.gif
  • YM is no longer spinning his ring (still missing); now he flips a poker chip...and makes it look easy... :blush:

Hey, I am here! I am just back home. As I said before, I always enjoy reading your amusing observations. ;)

Yeah....it looks as if wardrobe people didn't have time to prepare for his wardrobe and so attacked his personal closet! Most of his apparel looks familiar. I can't say that's quite a nice idea. :ph34r: yeah.. he looks refreshing in the chinese jackets.

Haha...to give you a chance, I hope he can go to prison again! (oh...well? very likely indeed. :phew: )

I wonder which prisoners were blue and which prisoners wear orange. :phew::phew:

Goni in hat = Ohjoon

I will be back with my observations later, but this time I may be a bit harsh.... :tears:

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Guest Jill4675

Oh Joon's hats? :blink:

Orange jumpsuit??? :o:crazy::tears: AN DWAE!!!! :fury:

I guess I'll have to dl & watch the ental version. :unsure:

LOL, YES WAY! 27941.gif

hjkomo, you have to make some sacrifices in life!!! Content_4.gif Go for the ental!!! :lol:

DL quickly and come back for some discourse here when you've had the opportunity to watch!!! I need the company of a fellow KMJ aficianada.... I've got the soju ready... 428.gif

~ and we always need your comments to liven things up here...since so few visitors post... :huh:

wils, harsh comments or not, I hope you can report here soon! (naturally, I also hope you will maintain your saint status saint.jpg by providing a summary at some point... love0052.gif)

huangsy, thanks for the great caps! :P


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Guest acemaverick

I can' agree with you more. Actually I also have the same hope that he did make a duplicate copy...well, let's see how it would turn out. NS's brother is a typical 'hogu' which this drama tries to make a comparison with the concept of tazza. Hogus think they know something although they had no idea of the entire picture of how a game is processing and what are the working rules of the game. NS's brother is terribly dumb, but very instrumental to illustrating the characteristics of hogus. However, I wished the writers gave more indept and delicacy to the character of NS's brother. No room for sympathy. Huh?

BTW, you have the most prefect id for this drama!

While I am downloading ep 16, I checked out some responses to ep 16. It looks like ep 16 is a chapter for YM. I am exicited to see how his character develops. B)

Thanks cute girl for sharing the cb link. You are so fast!!

Oh? i didn;t think of Hogu. thanks fore reminding me hehe.

oh my id?

well, it was a combination from Ace Ventura and the show Top Gun (where Tom Cruise code name was Maverick). incidentally, i also found it there is a show called Maverick done by Mel Gibson on gambling/cards? hehe. the Ace part was, well, coincidence. ;)

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Guest fivemagic

Thanks WILS, JILL for sharing your observations and or thoughts, as well as cap scenes for the drama... please keep up the very good work!

Thanks HUANGSY for posting the captures as well!

Hi MIDORI - Glad and good to see you on this thread.


Waving to all my chingus!

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Guest Bradamante

From Kim Min Joon's thread.

The words are unknown, but the images speak very clearly.

As the light glare eyes of Young Min.

His conscience will change the direction of life?

Source: minjun-love.blog.so-net

『타짜 (タッチャ)』 Vol.16 [タッチャ]


【TV REPORT】 【Newsen】 で ヨンミンの記事が出ていま~す [ぴかぴか(新しい)]

【innolife】さんで 視聴率も出てました! 16% ですが 1位との差が だいぶ縮まってきましたぁ~

ナンスクに告白するシーンも切なかったですが 私は 留置場に入れられた姿の方が

なんだか ズキュンと きちゃいました ・・・ [たらーっ(汗)]


「1回ぐらいは お前を愛している と言ってみたかった。

 これから 永遠に口に出して言えないだろうが・・・」

振り向いてもらえない愛と分かっているのに 切ない告白をしたヨンミンが哀れでした [もうやだ~(悲しい顔)]


「もし ゴニが現れなかったら 俺たちは うまくいくことができたのだろうか?」 との問いにも


「たぶん そんなことにはならなかったわ」 と ナンスクは 冷たく背を向けて いっちゃいました ・・・

そう言われても仕方ないんですけど ヨンミンにはナンスクへの愛しかなかったので 不憫です ・・・

ゴニも試練の連続だけど どんな辛い状況にあっても 絶えず仲間がいるし ナンスクやお母さんだって

いるからいいですけど ヨンミンは 友達も家族もなく ずっと 孤独のままで ホント 胸が痛みます。[もうやだ~(悲しい顔)]

純粋さが残っているヨンミンの最後の告白も無残に終わってしまい いよいよ 冷酷なキラーに ・・・

取り上げた盗聴テープを引き抜いているヨンミン 怖かったです~~~ [がく~(落胆した顔)]


1回だけじゃなく チョンマダムとは もう こういう関係になってしまったのね~~~ [あせあせ(飛び散る汗)]

すぐ後ろにベッドがあったなんて 気がつかなかったわぁ~~~[あせあせ(飛び散る汗)](笑)

ヨンミンのシャツ 私も着てみたいんですけど ~~~ [揺れるハート]


鉄格子も似合うけど 囚人服姿も ステキ~~~ [揺れるハート] 裸足の指が かわいい~~~[かわいい]


アグィ の代わりに刑務所に入ることを決めたヨンミン ・・・ こわ~い お顔だけど カッコイイ~~~[ぴかぴか(新しい)]


そして 出所したヨンミンを出迎えたのは ・・・


やっぱり チョンマダムでしたぁ~~~ 髪型 変わってるし~~~ [あせあせ(飛び散る汗)]


この時の ちょっと寂しそうなお顔に またまた ズキュン!


自分の帰るところは ここしかないと 思ったのかな~ [バッド(下向き矢印)][バッド(下向き矢印)][バッド(下向き矢印)]


下積み生活から ここまで上がってこれたのは アグィ のおかげだと思ってるヨンミンは

これからも アグィ の元で生きていくようです。

そうそう この回で知ったのですが いつの間にやら ヨンミンは 22歳じゃなく 25歳になってました [ひらめき]

そういえば ポケベルから 大きな携帯電話に変わり もう スリムな携帯に変わってましたね~ [あせあせ(飛び散る汗)]

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Guest Jill4675

From Kim Min Joon's thread.

The words are unknown, but the images speak very clearly.

As the light glare eyes of Young Min.

His conscience will change the direction of life?

wavesmile.gif Hi, Bradamante ~ thanks for visiting the Tazza thread with these pics! It's good to see another KMJ fan here!! ;)

I see you reposted a lot of this thread's content on the KMJ thread...it's a pity that thread is not particularly active... :huh: No matter, because we give him plenty of attention here!! 2396.gif

Everyone: I have Episode 17 ready to go and I hope to watch tonight... 292.gif

Meantime, I'm interested in Ep. 16 comments... :rolleyes:


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Guest fivemagic

Daily TV Rating - [Tuesday 2008-11-11]



Nationwide Rank / Show / Network / Nationwide Rating / Seoul Rating + Rank {if different from Nationwide}

Tazza <타짜> (SBS) - 17.5%, 16.4%


Nationwide Rank / Show / Network / Nationwide Rating / Seoul Rating + Rank {if different from Nationwide

Tazza <타짜> (SBS) - 16.6%, 16.8%

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