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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

Guest Soy

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Guest mayteoh



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Guest dannyshin

I want to marry a Korean Woman. I'm 38 and single from Russian. Is there any woman who is sincere and caring and be suitable for my age? It doesnt matter if she is a single mother

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Guest dannyshin

Bcos HS I think is Mommas boy and dare not to avoid her wish. But I think i=he is cought up in crossfire whether io divorce SB or not. It is better that SB leave HS and find another man like NKW Aha


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Guest my kuromi

OMG, ahoxan, congrats to you!! Two beautiful presents on Christmas Eve! How wonderful!

And thank you for the links and translations! Merry Christmas to you!

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Guest ValleeDamour

Bcos HS I think is Mommas boy and dare not to avoid her wish. But I think i=he is cought up in crossfire whether io divorce SB or not. It is better that SB leave HS and find another man like NKW Aha


For your information, he is the most handsome and a kindest man from MARS, who is tirelessly providing YAMD link to this threat daily for us, eventhough the YAMD writers made the plots so horrible that driving him to a misery state of mind lately. Finally, he is my long distance uncle ..... :D:D:D

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YAMD 167 [Ental rip. skyeler's source]

YouTube: ------

VEOH HQ: -----

YAMD 168 Preview [full-screen viewable]

YouTube: ------

VEOH: ----------


NOTE: First available YAMD full-screen previews are usually on
l00bia's YouTube Channel


Original text:

168회 :: 2008년 12월 26일 금...

민정은자신이 백혈병이라는 사실에 큰 충격을 받는다. 연실은 복동의 마음을 서서히 열어가고 미옥이 로하스에 대한 압박의 끈을 놓지 않는 가운데, 영숙은 미옥과 새벽이 화해할 수 있도록 둘만의 자리를 마련해준다. 하지만 미옥의 건강은 점점 악화되어 가는데......

Translation: Korean (automatically detected) » English

168 times: Friday, December 26, 2008 ...

The fact that his leukemia in people is a big shock. Slowly to open the hearts of the yeonsil bokdong miok does not touch the middle of the pressure on aware LOHAS, youngsuk miok and the dawn of the place of reconciliation between the two helps to. But are you going to be getting worse in the health of miok ......

YAMD streaming for all episodes,

including E-Subbed episodes 001-114 from SoShi-Subs for viewing and HQ download,

including Chinese-Subbed episodes 001-current from TuDou.

SoShified 001-114: ---
[Official SoShi-Subs Streaming Site]

VEOH 001-114: -------
[E-Subbed SoShi-Subs version]

VEOH 115-130: -------
[E-Subbed KBS-World version]

VEOH 115-167: --------

YouTube 075-166: ----
[RAW with English translation transcripts]


MySoju 001-128: -----
[E-Subbed SoShi-Subs & KBS-World versions]


TuDou 001-164: ------

YouKu 001-167: ------

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Thanks for the videos, ahoxan.

Um, I just want to make a correction of the translation.


MJ was shocked that she had leukemia. Yeonsil is opening BokDong's heart little by little. And right in the middle of Miok's attack on Lohas, a way to reconcile relationship between Saebyuk and Miok opens. However, Miok's health is deteriorating...


I translated it to the best I could. :0


I just watched the preview and OMG. YS got SB and Miok together! But at the end, Miok kinda looks like she collapsed on SB's shoulder... I really hope SB realizes Miok (her real mom) is sick and opens her heart up for her. As for Yeonsil opening up Bokdong's heart, haha. The little boy is sooo cute! Good luck to her x3 MJ is in denial of her illness :0 And SB's sister-in-law (yoori) is blaming the illness on SB? What the heck =.=

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Guest redzone85

i caught up to episode 21, and the drama isnt that exciting to watch, but i am only watching because of ban yoonhee and SB. I fell asleep twice already, and felt tired numerous times...

does this drama get more interesting any sooner???

btw, that character Ban Yoonhee looks kinda dorky, but she is kinda cute. Weird!

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Guest jesslam77

Sensasian.com now offer $5 discount coupon for any puchases $50 or more. Coupon code: 5OFF50. Now you can get original copy 1 - 39 You're My Destiny with discount

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Guest sweetheart0085


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 154

MJ: How can any DIL treat her MIL like this? I waited over an hour for her and she's sleeping at her own home. There is absolutely no way for me to like or understand her. (MJ's home) SB, SB! You are not back yet. In your eyes, this MIL doesn't exist, fine, if this is the way you like to play, I'll fulfill your wish, I'm going to go and cut our MIL/DIL ties.

SB: How could I fall asleep? What time is it now? What am I going to do, it's 7 already, mom, why didn't you wake me up?][YSK: You were sound asleep, I don't have the heart to wake you, I was going to let you sleep for another five minutes.][sB: Where is CMO madam? Is she back yet?] YSK: No, not yet. Didn't call either, may be something did happened. SB, how could you call your bio-mom madam?][sB: It hasn't been confirmed yet]. YSK: Earlier, your MIL called, you didn't tell her you come here.][sB: Mom called?] DJ: You're here, how could you sleep in this early hour? SB: I just took a small nap. Dad, I'm going now, I didn't intent to come home, my inlaws probably worry][YSK: If I knew, I should have waken you up. I'm cooking some of your in-law’s favorite food, you probably don't have enough time to take with you.][sB: No, mom, it's too late. GM I'm leaving] MJ: SB, SB, anyone home] [GM: Isn't that your MIL's voice?]

SB: Mom][GM: Inlaw] [ Outside [HS: Isn't this mom's car? What is she doing here?] DJ: How come inlaw mom came at this hour?][sB: Mom, I'm just leaving for home] MJ: No, you don't have to. You stay in your own home.][sB: What?][YSK: Inlaw mom] MJ: This is late, and it is rude of me I know, but there is no way that I can live with your daughter, I'm here to return her to you. I come to say this; you don't have to come back. You like your family so much and take no regard of your husband's family, live and stay here for the rest of your life. [sB: Mom][GM: What? What are you saying? Inlaw, don't talk outside, go into the house, tell me slowly what's going on, I'm an old lady, can't understand what you’re saying.] SB: Mom, what's causing you to get mad at me?][MJ: What caused me so mad? Are you making any sense?][YSK: In law][MJ: How did you teach your daughter? She’d never learnt to respect elders. Everything from one to ten, all she does is self-serving. Do you know where I come from? She's my DIL, nevertheless, I would like to get along and cope well with her. I invited her for dinner; she'd made me wait for over an hour. Doesn’t tell me whether she's coming or not coming, yet, go back to her parent's home and sleep.][DJ: SB, what MIL said is true? You didn't go to dinner and come home to sleep?][sB: No, no, dad.][MJ: No? Are you saying I come here to lie? Am I the wicked MIL, never invited you, show up and make this lie in front of everybody? Did you have a dinner engagement with me tonight?][sB: Yes, we have. But, mom, I've surely cancelled the dinner engagement.] [MJ: Cancelled the dinner? Boy, you lie without blinking your eyes. Goodness, I don't need a DIL like you. Before the marriage, you promised to listen and obey to what I say, after marriage, you've switched to a different face. Not one thing you're willing to follow my instruction, everything you do is self-serving.] (HS enters) [HS: Mom, please calm down.][sB: Mom, I did cancel the engagement with you. I remember I had a previous appointment, so I called you.][MJ: Are you still lying?][sB: It's true. I've called home and told SIL that I need to cancel the dinner engagement, didn’t SIL tell you?] MJ: You're blaming your SIL? YR is not here, are you using her as a shield. Forget it, since you hate me so much; hate your SIL and our family, why don't you stay here yourself. HS go home. What? Aren’t you going?][HS: Mom, please don't act this way. SB said she called YR.][MJ: What?] HS: Every time when you're dissatisfied with her, you reiterate that you can't live with her. As for me, I can't be apart from SB, there is just one solution; we’ll move out and have our own family.][MJ: What? what are you saying?][HS: SB and I will move out.][MJ: fine, up to you, whether you live on your own or move out, stay together or break up.]

TP: What happened? Why is she so mad?][DJ: HS, how can you treat your mom this way? Go and apologize to her, tell her you're wrong, hurry, go. SB, you too.][GM: SB, yes, run to catch up with her and apologize.] (HS and SB leave.) TP: What is going on here? (MJ to self) MJ: What? Want to move out? Also, say that in front of your inlaws to embarrass me.

(HS and SB comes in.) SB: Mom, I'm sorry, please don't get mad. [YR: What? Fight again? YOU, YOU hurt my mom again?] HS: KYR, didn't I tell you to change the way you address SB? How can you call your SIL 'YOU"? Address her properly as SIL.][YR: Oppa][HS: Today did your SIL call and ask you to tell mom to cancel the dinner engagement?][YR: OMG, I've forgotten, I didn't tell mom. I'm sorry, what am I going to do? Mom.][MJ: YR, you!][HS: Tell the truth, did you purposely set this up to make SB miserable? So you didn't tell mom?][YR: Oppa!][sB: HS, what are you doing?][HS: I've observed how you've been treating her; it's very possible you could to that. I'm warning you, if you dare to treat your SIL impolitely or to make a mockery out of her, I will disregard our brother and sister relationship.][YR: Mom, how come Oppa is acting this way toward me?][[MJ: You are totally possessed by your wife, is this the way to treat your family? YR is your only sister on earth, because of this woman, you disregard your sister?][sB: Sorry, mom][MJ: Shut up! Who started all this? That is the reason why family harmony is important whether it is a sister in law or a son in law, a stranger coming into the family. Before HS married you, he had never fought with YR.][HS: Mom.][MJ: My god, earlier, you told me you would like to move out in order to back up your wife in front of your inlaws so as to embarrass your mother. You guys make me sick, go upstairs, don't want to see your face][sB: Mom.][HS: let's go.] (In their room) SB: HS, what's with you? Why did you pour oil to burning fire? Why did you say to move out under that kind of circumstances? Ohh, miserable, goodness sake! I was too anxious to do DNA testing, this is a mess. (sigh)

GM: What sin do we have? Before the marriage we worried, after she left, we worry more. You know if SB is pregnant, the situation would change, look at YS, DG is so attentive and caring now.][YSK: Mom, SB is still a child... how can a child carry a child.][GM: You don't know, baby is the best cure, the old saying, even 50 is not old to have a child, look at YS, she has a shinning look on her, have you heard them saying divorce again?][YSK: That's right, DG changes so much, even his speech to YS is different.][GM: Yes, you know she needs to be careful at her age.][TP: Mom, I'm hungry.][GM: What is this? Why is this here? Put it in the refrigerator. This is for your Oppa. Where are TY and SY?][TP: Oppa this and Oppa that. GM you have more than one grandson.(TP looks at the box of supplements) YS, Grandma, this belongs to aunt YS.][GM: What? Oh, you mean she has your Oppa's supplements. OMG! What am I going to do?] (Driving to YS's house) GM: How come no one answers the phone? Did something happen?] (YS can't stand the sound DG makes practicing his saxophone nor can she stand the smell of GM's medicine drink. GM comes just in time to stop her from drinking it). (TY's married man-tonic medicine drink)

SB: Mom, can I get you another bowl of clam soup? The clams are very fresh today. [CB: SB, did you mention anything about Aqua construction to MO?][sB: What?][CB: I would like to supply our products to Aqua and they want to combine MO's artwork designs into our appliances, can you help and play the role as a mediator, say something positive to encourage Ms. MO?][sB: Ohh, I can't get hold of her, but when I get thru her, I'll do that.][MJ: Then, as Lohas madam, let me invite Aqua over for dinner again. Last time after talking to her, she shows interest in our charity club, maybe using this opportunity to join our club as members to establish some connection.][CB: Get to know her better, yes, let's do it. Also, we need to add SB's name into family pedigree. HS, you notify the elders, have you registered for a license yet?][HS: No, not yet.][CB: Not yet? You mean after the honeymoon holidays you didn't do anything?][YR: Dad, lately there are alot of couples attempt to live "trial-marriage" life and delay the registration for their licenses. You know, for those marriages that don't work out, it will eliminate alot of troubles when filing for divorce.][CB: Shut up, you talk rubbish, you mean there is a possibility your Oppa's marriage could end up with a divorce. Anyway, you two get off early today to register.][HS & SB: Yes!] [MJ: Boy, need to invite quite a few people, what should I do?]

SB: Mom, when are you inviting Aqua's lady? [MJ: I'm planning for tomorrow.] SB: Then, tomorrow I'll get out early from work to help you.][MJ: You?][sB: Yes, I would like to make up for the last unpleasant mishap.][MJ: Not too busy at work?][sB: Yes, we are busy, but I will come back early to help.][MJ: Forget it, I'll get a temporary help.][sB: Mom, last time Aqua's lady said she likes steam fish, may I ask my mom to cook that?][MJ: Your mom?][sB: Yes, I'll ask her.] (HS comes down) [MJ: What about your marriage license application?][HS: We're too busy at work in the day time, either we get off work earlier or go to work later in order to find time.][MJ: Give me the paper work, I'll go for you when I have time, otherwise how will you find time to the county registry.][sB: Oh, then, thank you very much, here are HS and my information. We are leaving now.] (After HS and SB leave) [MJ: KSB, I've never acknowledged you as my DIL. I'll take my time to see how you perform.]

SB: HS we shouldn't move out, this is not doing your parents any good.][HS: yes, I said that because I was mad, after saying it I don't feel comfortable either.][sB: Yes, I need to call my mom (make a call) mom, it's me.][YSK: SB, how come take so long to call me, after last night, is everything ok?][sB: Yes, no problem.][YS: Really?][sB: Yes, mom, tomorrow night the company is inviting some guests to our house for dinner, can you help me to make the same steam-fish?][YSK: Yes, of course I'll help you, it's no big deal. What a relief, I'm so worried if something bad happened. I'll have the fish deliver to your house.(hang up the phone and walk to the kitchen) Some important quests coming, how can one dish be enough, let me make the 9-BBQ meats combination too.][GM: What are you doing?][YSK: Lohas are having guests for dinner. SB asks me to cook something, I'm going to make the 9-BBQ meats combination.][GM: Yes, that is also HR's favorite dish, make a little bit more, we'll give her some, ok?]YSK: ok.][GM: You know SY probably feels uneasy, after all YS is now pregnant, I'm sure she feels anxious, after we make this we'll deliver it to their house.][YSK: let's do it then.]

The whole team is concerned about Aqua contract with Lohas and ask SB if she knows. She says she doesn't know and tries to call MO but she doesn't answer. SB starts to wonder if something happened to MO for not answering the phone and not showing up for DNA testing.

SK tells HR and YH that he wants to start a new life with SY and YH. SY is furious and HR tells SK, TP is a professor, her only son in law and SK is a bum, no comparison to TY. SK tells HR not to believe everything she sees and is about to expose TY, then HR receives a call from YSK saying she and GM are outside at the door delivering some food to their apartment. Everyone panics and hides SK in the YR's bedroom. In the room SK says he needs to go to the bathroom.....While SY is enjoying the food they bring over, YH comes out and tells HR,SK wants to use the bathroom, and HR moves everyone to the kitchen to have teas. GM returns to the living area for her purse and discovers SK tip tossing and recognizes he's the nephew of HR.) GM: Even cousins would dress properly when you have a whole house of women.][sK: Yes, but SY and I are close childhood buddies.(put his arms around her)] After everyone goes to the kitchen again [sY: If you touch me again, I'll kill you.]

TY: Where did you guys go?][GM: To the inlaws and delivered some food][YSK: SY, is your cousin staying in your mom's apartment for good?][sY: No, mom, he'll leave soon.][GM: It's not decent you know, even cousin shouldn't wear underclothes around the house with only women around and putting his arms on your shoulders.][TY: GM, she and her cousin are close.][sY: GM, sorry. I'll pay more attention next time, it's cold, go in the house.]

TY: When is he leaving the apartment? [sY: I would like for him to leave now, but what can I do he refuses?] TY: Does it mean, he refuses and let me stay forever? It looks like you and YH want SK to stay for good.][sY: TY.][TY: YH'd always wanted a father, I could understand, but you, how come you go to the in-law’s apartment so often lately? [sY: What are you trying to say now? what's with you lately, you get mad for no reason, speak fewer words and now accuse me? I'm very disappointed with you.][TY: What? Disappointed? Who is disappointed with whom? Alright, forget it, it's all my fault.][sY: TY.]

GM: Where is the person from U.S? She disappears. Haven't heard from her for a few days. Do you think she's gone back to the Sates. [sY: No, GM. Her luggage’s are still in the room]. DJ: Should we find out from other people about her? [YSK: Wait for another day. She's the type likes to go wherever she pleases, maybe staying with a friend or in the hotel.] TY: But, why she didn't go for the DNA test? [TP: Oppa, needless to say, this is obvious she's not the bio-mom of SB. She's hiding in some place, plotting for an excuse.] DJ: Don't speculate! Wait, the truth will come out when the time comes. [GM: DIL, are we going to work late today?] YSK: Yes, I'll cook the fish and deliver to Lohas first before going to work. Mom, you go first.

MJ: You're here. [YSK: These are my specialties. Hope your guests like them.] MJ: You're being modest, who doesn't know your cooking skills. Thank you so very much. Also, here's for your work (hand a envelope with money to YSK) [YSK: No, it's ok. We have some unpleasant experience in our home, this is just a small token I'd like to do for you. Your intentions are accepted and please take your money back.] MJ to self: This little food here you think can wipe off that day's unpleasant humiliation? To YSK: That day, I made a mistake and was impolite, hope inlaw mom graciously understand the situation... (Phone rings)Yes, what are you saying, but, we're starting the gathering immediately, how can you say you can't come? I don't care if you've taken double work order, it's your mistake. I need someone right now. What's the use after a few hours? I don't care what you say; send someone over in 10 minutes. Oh, goodness, what am I going to do? In front of the Aqua lady, this is making a big joke on me. (Door bell rings) Oh, Aqua's lady and the club members are here. [YSK: Looks like you're desperate, do you want me to help you until the temporary help arrives.] MJ: Oh, yes, are you willing to do this for me? (YSK goes to the kitchen) Hello, you're here. (MJ and her friends greet each other and one of her club friend Ms. Lee recognizes YSK.) [Ms. Lee: Aren't you the lady used to work here before, I thought they changed to a different maid, you're still working here. We remember your cooking skill, we like you alot.][YSK: Yes.] MJ: No, it's not like that, today is the only special day she helps out. (MJ to self: (sigh) How can someone remembers and recognizes her, oh it hurts).

(In the kitchen) MJ: Inlaw, sorry. [YSK: No, you don't have to say this. Are these the food here?] MJ: Yes, I'll leave them to you, sorry, inlaw. [YSK: That's right, I'd come to reconcile, be gracious. She didn't do it on purpose, hurry finish and go back. (phone rings) Yes, SB][sB: Mom, did you deliver the steam-fish? Are you at the food shop now?][YSK: No, I'm still your in-law’s house. I'll hang up first; we'll talk later, ok.] (SB to self) SB: All she needs to do is delivered the fish, why is she staying there? I need to go home to pick up a document, HS; do you have anything for me to pick up? [HS: No, I'm not absent minded like you SB.] SB: Geez, you have an absent minded wife, are you happy now?

MJ to self: I should have refused when she suggests helping. Argh, feels so uncomfortable. [Ms. Lee: Ms, May I have some more sugar please?][YSK: Yes.] Aqua Mrs. Park: Do you have any espresso coffee? I like to have my coffee strong. [MJ: Yes, Ms. Can you get her a cup of espresso, please. (SB walks in) YSK: Espresso is coming, SB!


Merry Christmas To You All^^

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Guest pilseung1


I just watched the preview and OMG. YS got SB and Miok together! But at the end, Miok kinda looks like she collapsed on SB's shoulder... I really hope SB realizes Miok (her real mom) is sick and opens her heart up for her. As for Yeonsil opening up Bokdong's heart, haha. The little boy is sooo cute! Good luck to her x3 MJ is in denial of her illness :0 And SB's sister-in-law (yoori) is blaming the illness on SB? What the heck =.=

This YR,she's useless.I don't know whether this has been commented on before but,in the early episodes ,she used to push BJ aside each time she walked by BJ.She did this because she's a bully and she looked down upon BJ as the house help.This despite,BJ helping YR out of so many tough situations!!

YR is a spoilt brat who hasn't ever been obedient towards her parents.She's really into blaming SB for everything instead of realizing that she,herself,may have contributed her own Mom's poor health.Ughhh...what a witch!! :tongue2: :tongue2:

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Guest sweetheart0085

TRANSLATIONS FOR EPISODE 167 (Newest episode = Christmas Present To Everyone)

Translations [Credit to every2toy] EP 167

MJ: How did you get here?

MO: Did you not know? I own Lohas now

MJ: What did you say? (to CB): What is she talking about?

CB: I really don't know

MO: When I saw Lohas's business plans, I thought that it was stupid. Why are you trying to expand at a time like this?

CB: We were just trying to help

MO: You were trying deal with Aqua Corporations with this plan? Don't you know this is only hurting Lohas?

MJ: Excuse me but was it not you who introduced Aqua to us?

CB: Keep it within the topic

MO: Yes but shouldn’t a big company like Lohas check out Aqua instead of only relying on 1 source. I suggest you create a plan rather than shout

MJ: Fine

(CEOs talking amongst themselves)

MO: If you don't stop messing up, I will personally deal with it. I believe you don't have the right to represent Lohas forever

(At SB's house)

YSK: Go home, I'm fine

YR: Well, anyways, don't take what my mother said so seriously

YSK: Is what she said true? Did HS ask for a divorce

YR: Umm, I don't really...

TP: Mom, are you ok? Why are you two together? YR, what are you doing here? Did you cause trouble again


TP: What the heck did you do?!

YSK: Stop, she didn’t do anything

YR: I can't believe you, you didn’t even listen, how can you do this to me when all I did was help your mother back? Jerk! Next time you see me, don't talk to me.

YSK: What is wrong with you?

TP: Anyways, what went wrong?

YSK: There is a huge problem with SB and HS, HS asked for a divorce

TP: WHAT? Mom! What are you talking about?

YSK: Wait a second!

(On the phone with SB)

YSK: SB, are you okay?

SB: Yea

YSK: I thought you were going to HS's house, where are you?

SB: I'm in my room, why?

YSK: MJ told me that you two are getting divorced, what happened?

SB: NO, we're not getting divorced HS is here with me now. You believe me right?

YSK: Oh ok. That's a relief

TP: What happened?

YSK: nothing happened

TP: I knew she was lying, MJ is always like that

(SB+HS's house)

SB: It seems as though mother has heard of the divorce. She was just worried

HS: I'm sorry

SB: Well, I guess we just have to show people that we can live better.

We shouldn’t be lounging around, let's go grocery shopping for MJ


SB: I want her to get better soon, I’ll go to the doctors to check if we have the same blood type

(CB’s office)

MJ: How? How did we let her get in power?

CB: It seems as though she bought the stocks.

MJ: God, what is going on? We got tricked

MO: Sorry, I should have told you I bought every stock that came out. I'm also sorry that I shocked you.

MJ: You have nothing to be sorry about. All you did was invest money in our good company

MO: Oh yea, and I forgot to tell you that I bought any leftover stock and some extra as well. And, before I go, the files sent for divorce was good

but I rather decide this divorce myself

MJ: I can't believe her, what kind of person is she?

CB: What? What divorce papers, honey? Anyways calm down. Mr. Kim

Mr. Kim: Let's go ma'am

MJ: No, it's alright, this all happened when I was sick, I'm not just going to sit here and watch; I’ll show everyone that I, SMJ is not just a pushover.

(SY's house)

SY: TY, what happens if this doesn’t work?

TY: Well we still have to try, and why did you have to come in when I was sick?

SY: Who would have thought that this would happen? And! who threw it in the toilet?

I think it's dry, turn it on.

SY+TY: GOD, Please help us, YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ......

SY: Darn, wait, the professor's number was…. I can’t remember

TY: Please remember

(HS+SB's house)

SB: Please make sure you cook it properly and no raw foods, Umm... what is that basket? Is it a present?

W1: Nope, that is something that MJ took out and brought back

(Flashback to when she brought it)

SB: She really came? Geez and I didn't even know. Mother-in-law, I’ll be good from now

MR. Kim: Will you be ok?

MJ: Don't worry, I’ll be fine.

HS: SB, I'm going to go to the hospital.

W1: But, MJ is here

SB: whose here?


HS: Mother

MJ: Why are you so frightened?

HS: You can't be here; you should be at the hospital.

MJ: its fine, I have no time anyways; I'm not going to lose to you MO, you better watch out.

HS: No, you have to go back!

MJ: Hospital, hospital, stop whining! It's not like I have a deadly disease!

HS: Mother

MJ: I’ll go tomorrow. Besides that, SB's real mother, MO actually bought every stock we sold! She even came to our meeting and tried to threaten us

HS: Really?

MJ: That doesn't matter anymore; just finish it between you and SB

(HS's room)

HS: Mother is in the living room right now.

SB: Then what happens to me?

HS: She says she will leave tomorrow to the hospital, so stay here for now

(TP's House)

YSK: SB, I guess if you really open your heart, you can accept a person like MJ


YSK: Uh, MO, what is all this stuff?

MO: I just wanted to share this time with the family

DJ: What is this

REST OF FAM: OMG, what is this?

MO: Merry Christmas everyone~ I want us all to be healthy and happy~ All of these presents are from Santa Claus, who was just too busy this year.

TP: Wow, when is the last time we had one of these?

ROF: Wow these gifts~~!!

MO: It seems as though you like your gifts!

GM: We're all thankful but it's kind of odd just receiving gifts and never giving.

YSK: Thank you but I can't accept these gifts or the other jewels you gave me; I put them in your room, so you can pack them

MO: YSK, please, it's Christmas and it's only a sign of thanks for me and SB. Just accept them please~ so let's have a party, I bought cake!

YSK: MO! I'm not really in the mood. After all the SB is going through...

MO: Are you talking about the divorce?

TY: Divorce??

YSK: You knew about it? Since when?

MO: If it's about that, I already took care of it, I will let SB go to a better home. And, for all of those days that SB cried, I will break Lohas and destroy it

DJ: Destroy is a bit harsh ain't it? Is it really true about the divorce?

MO: Don't worry; I have HS's family in my hands, I’ll let SB be at the top in the end.

(YS and DG's house)

YS: (singing popular melody to get babies to sleep) You have to sleep BD, or Santa won't come! He called me a couple minutes ago and asked if you were sleeping

BD: (silently asking if it was real)

YS: of course! Good BD

(Lullaby) (Dream of couple hours ago when YS told him of the scary witch under his sheets)

YS: KDG, K-SUB, all of these Kim’s are never around; I'm always the only one trying to take care of BD. Ow my shoulders hurt.

YS: OM... Who are...

DG: shhhh, it’s me. I was just trying to show BD Santa

YS: Okay~, where is my present?

SUB: DAD??????

DG: BD, Here is Santa!

YS: Wait, Did I turn the tap on? BD! What are you doing (Slip) OWWWWWW, BD! What are you doing? You only cause trouble!


DG: BD, why are you crying? Don’t cry. What were you doing? You're all wet. Hand me a towel YS

SUB: Mom, what happened?

YS: Oh I don't know~~

SUB: I see, you wet the sheets so you were trying to wash?

BD: Mommy said that a witch was coming to eat me

DG and SUB: Geez YS what is wrong with you

SUB: You only scared him

YS: Don't you start with me SUB

(MJ's House)

MJ: I should not have sold the stock, now I’ll just have to somehow retrieve them. I can't let a woman like MO get her hands on them

CB: MO bought all of the stock and barged into Lohas, I really didn’t expect this. Anyhow, what's this talk about divorce?

HS: Mother sent papers but we have no thoughts on getting divorced. Actually, SB is kinda up in my room right now. She was here to make food for mother. In the process, Mother barged in, so she had to hide.

CB: I can't believe this is happening under one roof. This won't work; we will send your mother to the hospital tomorrow morning.

(TP's house)

GM: So, is MO not eating breakfast again?

YSK: Yes, apparently, she's sleeping. Artists I guess stay up late.

DJ: She rarely eats, is she sick or something?

GM: YSK, you should take care of her well.

YSK: Okay. TY, why are you eating like that? Are you sick?

TY: No, I'm eating fine why?

DJ: Oh yea, why isn’t SY eating?

TY: She said she will eat later.

GM: Maybe she's starting to show picky eating (Apparently when you get pregnant, you hate some foods)

YSK: Yea, that might be it. That might be hard to adjust to.

GM: If the baby is a good baby, he'll be a good eater

DJ: I saw something on TV that said that the picky eating sometimes happens to the man

GM: Hahaha, I feel sorry for that fellow. What kind of man does that

TP: GM, nowadays, if couples are close, that can happen.

ROF: Hmm, hehehe I never saw that kinda thing happening

YSK: Men should feel some part of having a baby.

TY: (GAG) don’t worry, nothing’s happening, I just have a stomachache.

(SY on the phone with random people)

SY: Excuse me, but are you a professor? Darn, what are the last two digits of the phone number. Let's not give up, it's only 100 numbers, let’s do this. (Calls and the man shouts) Geez, why did he have to scream. (Calls the right guy) Excuse me but are you the man who called TY? You are??? umm, hello, hi I am TY's wife. TY! Get on the phone!

TY: Hello!!! A meeting to see if I can become a Professor? Is that all I bring? Thank you so much! SY, he wants me to teach!

SY+TY: AHHHHHH~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TY: He wants to see me to schedule a lesson!

SY: YAY!!!!

TY: But, how did you find that number

SY: Piece of Cake, Who am I? Superwoman BSY; All I did was call every number!

TY: You actually called all of these?

SY: Of course, now let's find you a nice suit.

(MJ's House)

CB: Did SB really do all of this in the morning?

YR: I guess she really wants mom to heal.

MJ: I don't want to eat.

HS: Please eat it; It's good for you

YR: Mom, why do you look even more sick? Dad, is Dr. Kim a retard? His treatments don't help!

CB: HS, I'm busy so can you take your mother to the hospital? Honey, I will see you later at the hospital.

MJ: Wow, W1, did you really do this all by yourself?

W1: ... yes...

MJ: Wow, that's impressive, (eats the soup) mmmmmm (that’s good)

(SB+HS's room)

SB: OMG, HS! Don't barge in, I'm scared that Mother-in-law will come in.

HS: Don't worry, I will take her to the hospital soon, you can come out then. Mother even said that your cooking was good

SB: Thank God, but that was only the beginning. I will be the one to help her recover.

HS: Thank you for being here with me. If it wasn’t for you, I would have died. I'm very lacking compared to you.

SB: We will fill each other's weaknesses as a couple.

(MJ's Room)

MJ: Say what?! MO keeps contacting other Lohas owners? Ok. Just watch out and keep me in touch. What does this woman want? What is she going to do? (Calls MO)

MO: What an honor; for you to call me.

MJ: I suggest you meet me now at the cafe.

(MO to self) MO: I bet she's just scared of my new power. (Suffers pain because of her disease which I think is cancer.) Come on MO, Don't do this now. I can't break before I protect SB

HS: Mother~! What... Mother~!


MJ: What exactly do you want? For what reasons are you meeting the other owners?

MO: Hehehe, It seems as though you are scared because of my shares. Ok then, I’ll give you one last chance, If you talk to SB even once about another divorce; I will not leave you alone. When you accept SB as your daughter-in-law and let HS and SB live separately, I will give all of my shares to SB. I guess by accepting SB, you gain more shares.

MJ: Excuse me? What if I don't want to?

MO: Then too bad, I will just sell my shares to someone then he will gain control of Lohas. I will strip power from both you and him

MJ: What did you say?

MO: I'm just doing what is best for Lohas. So, I will leave the choice to you. Will you apologize to my daughter and keep Lohas or Lose it completely?


MJ: This cannot happen, oh my head (Faints)

SB: I'm going home now, I will see you there (sees MJ in the car unconscious) Mother, mother, mother, mother etc


HS: I'm going to tell mother today and start therapy.

(SB calls)

SB: HS, Mother-In-law fainted.


SB: Mother, Mother, are you ok?

MJ: Put those filthy hands away

SB: Mother

MJ: Why? You're still pretending to care?

HS: Mother, What happened?

MJ: HS, You promised to get divorced right? Get SB out now. Wait, are you two still... So you were planning to trick me again were you?

HS: Mother

MJ: Screw this. If you don't leave, I will.

HS: Mother! You have to stay and get treated!

MJ: What treatment! I don't need stupid treatment!

HS: NO!!!! YOU NEED IT!!!!

MJ: Why? Why? Do I have like a deadly disease?

HS: ...Yes so stay here and get treated. You no longer have the right to leave this hospital, Mother, Mother, (sob sob) You have Blood Cancer.....

MJ: What... What did you say???


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TRANSLATIONS FOR EPISODE 167 (Newest episode = Christmas Present To Everyone)

Translations [Credit to every2toy] EP 167


HS: I'm going to tell mother today and start therapy.

(SB calls)

SB: HS, Mother-In-law fainted.


SB: Mother, Mother, are you ok?

MJ: Put those filthy hands away

SB: Mother

MJ: Why? You're still pretending to care?

HS: Mother, What happened?

MJ: HS, You promised to get divorced right? Get SB out now. Wait, are you two still... So you were planning to trick me again were you?

HS: Mother

MJ: Screw this. If you don't leave, I will.

HS: Mother! You have to stay and get treated!

MJ: What treatment! I don't need stupid treatment!

HS: NO!!!! YOU NEED IT!!!!

MJ: Why? Why? Do I have like a minor disease?

HS: ...Yes so stay here and get treated. You no longer have the right to leave this hospital, Mother, Mother, (sob sob) You have Blood Cancer.....

MJ: What... What did you say???


Did they have to give her blood cancer? No wonder she keeps passing out. As much as I don't like her, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Ahoxan Wow what a great Christmas present, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND THE HAPPY PARENTS!!!!!!!

Sweetheart0085 Thanks for the Christmas present :excl: So many wonderful Christmas gifts between you and Ahoxan

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