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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest AiMango

no.. way too lazy and i usually wake up late, so theres no time xD

I only do it when guests are over or when Im gonna be away from my house for a long time. I'd want to come back to a non messy bed x)

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Guest Kayuu

I don't make my bed after I wake up.

What's the point if you're going to sleep in it again?

My mom always tells me to but I never do. xD

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i don't. and I always get into a small argument with my dad about it

Dad: Make your bed you lazy butt

Me: Whyyy? Imma mess it up again

Dad: Cause it's just like that. 'sides why do you eat, why do you use the bathroom huh?! huh?!

Me: Fiiine...

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Guest najoong

I make my bed in the morning almost everyday, but when I'm running late, I just leave it...and then later my mom nags about it... -_- so annoying. HAHAHAH

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Guest Ratez

I have never made my bed unless I felt like it or someone is coming over. My mum gradually stopped nagging me about it. So now I wake up in the morning and then till night, it'll be the same.

Also, messy beds kill bedbugs ^^

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Guest ohemffgee


yes coz my mum forces me to

i see no point in it. your gonna go sleep in it again later. whats the point of fixing it. ITS a waste of time

then my mother debates saying what happen if a visitor comes.

i'll just run upstairs quickly do it and done PRESTO

its annoying especially when i sleep rther funny coz the blankets alwayys end up really really weird

besides it shows you personality


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Guest l♥velyLily

I sometimes make my bed..

It makes my room look organized and it makes me happy for some reason.

But my mom doesn't force me to make my bed..


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Guest It4cH1


:] lol only when people come over T__T. but when im home... somone makes it for me most of the times. im lazyy

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Guest kurumi

I don't even bother making up my bed, haha. Because it will get all messy when I go to sleep at night.

I only make my bed when someone's visiting me or if it already gets too out of hand, hehe.

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Only if there are guests over.

I sit on my bed reading or studying a lot anyways during the day, so it's kind of useless for me to make my bed since it'll get messed up again either a few hours later or that night.

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Guest bankeidashin
i don't make my bed

since i'll mess it up at night again

so what's the point xD

my parents nag about my bedroom all the time


same here :sweatingbullets:

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