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When 12 Year Olds, 13 Year Olds Wear Abercrombie, Lv, Perfume, Thongs And Dress 5 Years Older.

Guest chimneytoplove

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Guest jennix2011

ive posted here before.. like twice. but i thought of another thing to say =D

shame on those sucker parents who actually allow their kids to have all these things! i would never spend money on designer bags for my child who's only a preteen! or even a teenager.. i'd tell 'em to get a job and buy it themselves, if thats how they want to spend their money, as long as they don't waste mine.

and also if your chest is as flat as a board, don't wear revealing tops. cuz theres nothing there to reveal sweetheart... =_= *shakes fist* kids these days XD

oh btw im 15 but i never wear revealing tops, dont wear abercrombie/hco, and own no designer stuff. because i feel that its a waste of my money and not important. i care about how i dress but i dont need to look like a richard simmons to look nice.

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Guest Vidalia


I think its just ridiculous how society has effect girls this young >.> In the future when I have kids I wouldn't want my daughter dressing up like this.

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Guest yoohyex

yea i see that all the time.

i think abercrombie is okay for them because its their age group but abercrombie and fitch! now thats a different thing.

that shirt with the working in progress is like D:>

ive seen 13 year olds wearing those shirts that say 'im a virgin' and in small fonts 'this is an old shirt'

whats the msg that they are trying to send out?

that they are 13 and sexually active?

a total no no

and thongs? im 16 and i dont even wear that.

i saw makeup tutorials on youtube done by 6th graders. 6TH GRADERS~~ i was a 6th grader and the closest i ever got to makeup was lip smackers lip gloss >___<

am i being outdated?

cuz my sisters dress so much different than from me T___T

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Guest flyxxaway

Lmao. Prostitots

It's sad now, whenever I go to the mall I see 12 year olds wearing short skirts and tight shirts and even in Victoria Secrets looking through thongs O.O

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Guest anjuu62

^^ btw I think I know who you're talking about.. the 6th grade youtuber. She only knows how to do makeup because of her gymnastics competitions. You have to wake up early and do a full face of makeup by yourself. :rolleyes:

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Guest mymydinh

When I was 12, I didn't even know what a bra was.

I know right. Let alone know what make-up, LV, thongs, ectect were. Can't really blame tha kids tho right? Their parents should've had some responsiblity in their kids.

I remember when I was walkn' near my middle school where I use to go to ( I'm in 11th grade now. ) and all these little preteens are talkn' bout sex, sex, sex, sex, babys, sex, boys.. and abortion. It's ridiculous, ridiculous. 'Specially when I hear 'bout little BABIES talkn' bout gettn' an abortion. T__T

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can i here:


i mean seriously...

i'm thirteen, and well i see this, everywhere..

how can their parents just let them slip away with this?

i don't even where makeup and Abercombie...

it's just disgusting...and girls in thongs?


they should really show this topic on Dr. Phil..

or something, i guess xD

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I'm not sure I can say I approve of preteens wearing perfume, thongs and dressing 5 years older than they are. It's not appropriate and sometimes mildly disturbing. As for Abercrombie and other brand names, I don't mind. The clothes aren't revealing; I don't get why there's such a big fuss about brand names. I mean, if they have the money-- i.e. if their parents have the money - whatever, let them be.

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Guest missxsmiles

I do think it's wrong for kids to dress in revealing clothing, I don't have a problem with kids dressed nicely in high designer brands. Some of you guys need to stop being so ignorant and blurting out things like "When I was that age I didn't even know what Louis Vuitton was!". Just because you didn't know what it was you think girls that do know are wrong? Just because all you did when you were a kid was play tag in the grass the girls who have different interests are wrong? If their parents are willing to buy them nice designer clothes because they're filthy rich, then why not? It's one thing to be against young girls that are dressed trashy and another thing to be against girls who are dressed appropriately in designer clothing.

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yea, i've seen kids arnd like 12-14? and they wear like.. i don't know. i see thick make ups that is all wrongly applied, and that perfume, i wonder where they bought it.. i was 19 when i saw this. gosh.

when i was 12-14, i was still a normal kid who wore spects, goes to school, goes to shopping mall with school-u, goes home to eat and sleep. and when i think back now.. maybe i don't have a life back then.

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Guest CitrusFlower

Ugh... you should meet my godsister. She wears mini skirts, thongs, tube tops, and ONLY buys brand name clothes. And she just turned 12! Plus she stole money and possessions from me, my friends, and HER MOTHER! she's now even claiming herself bisexual -_-

When I was 12, I HATED Hollister and wearing makeup. I'm 15 now and I'm still too embarrassed to wear skirts. Now I see a bunch of 6th graders turning into hookers.



i don't care if she doesn't know these pictures are here. she's already trashed her life.

Stop hating and move on with your life. If she's trashing her life it's her problem not yours. Your posting her picture without her permission, your not even allow to do that

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I do think it's wrong for kids to dress in revealing clothing, I don't have a problem with kids dressed nicely in high designer brands. Some of you guys need to stop being so ignorant and blurting out things like "When I was that age I didn't even know what Louis Vuitton was!". Just because you didn't know what it was you think girls that do know are wrong? Just because all you did when you were a kid was play tag in the grass the girls who have different interests are wrong? If their parents are willing to buy them nice designer clothes because they're filthy rich, then why not? It's one thing to be against young girls that are dressed trashy and another thing to be against girls who are dressed appropriately in designer clothing.

I agree with the bold statements. While it is silly to see young teens with a face of makeup caked on and wearing 3-inch heels with booty shorts, what the heck is wrong with them wearing name brands? It's obviously their parents money. I'd rather have my 13 year old girl in A&F or LV than wearing a no-name brand tube top with her boobs spilling out.


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Guest supasheep

well....whatever people say...i think its just quite innapropriate for little girls to be wearing makeup and 'revealing' clothes...its not like im jealous or anything (im a dude lOL) but they just look weird and its just plain silly rreally...theres nothing wrong with wearing normal clothes... and u dont need to put on makeup as well..=.= the same applies to girls around 16 to 18 year olds trying to be like 20+ year olds...

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Guest rnb.edge_

I reckon girls who wear revealing clothes and put on makeup are really o.O But you can't really blame them, theres so much pressure, and the media is so full of it. It's always pressure to look nice, to look like this, blah blah. I don't mind people who dress older; as in dressing nicely and well (making them look older).

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I think the same exact thing. On sneaker forums, there are so many little kids or even on the streets you see all these kids with nice nike sbs. When I was a kid, I was rolling around in snow. I think they should enjoy their childhood and not care about how they look. Second thing is that they don't even know how to make money and they have all this brand name stuff like LV. I have a job now but I still can't afford it!

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I agree with the bold statements. While it is silly to see young teens with a face of makeup caked on and wearing 3-inch heels with booty shorts, what the heck is wrong with them wearing name brands? It's obviously their parents money. I'd rather have my 13 year old girl in A&F or LV than wearing a no-name brand tube top with her boobs spilling out.


^ I agree with this. To me it's the "lesser of two evils" kind of thing...-_-

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i dunt mind wearing a certain brand or wateva

its due to peer pressure , & dis is due to the person's character to decide whether dey want to or not

but dressing slutty and baring chest without anything

& wearin heels, do dey wanna lyk kill deir height??

it stunts it,

& makeup srsly enjoy while yuu can

i mean im 16 & i still dunt wear makeup,,


do yuu really need too??? honestly unless its sum kind of special occassion

perfume >_> suffocates me how can dey stand it

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Guest oscrawr

I agree, it's usually due to peer pressure, which is totally wrong,

But unlike those bandwagoning people, some people might

wear it for the quality, but not like high heels or anything THAT extreme. LMAO

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