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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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Guest Ellegirl

When I get a morning call (when I am not due to wake up until hours later), I get extremely annoyed because it's interrupting my sleeping time. Usually, I either ignore it because my phone will stop ringing (and I might not have heard it ringing because of deep sleep) or I take the call calmly, telling the person I am sleeping and I'll call them later. Luckily, people don't call me in the morning, but they do text me.

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Guest YumiJam

I always keep my phone on. Never know when something's gonna happen.

I don't mind morning calls. As long as they're emergencies I mean. Don't call me a freakin 5am saying "whatcha doin?" or "I'm bored". Otherwise I'm crackin skulls.

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Guest sixth.

this has happened WAY too many times <_<

i usually pick up and just mumble a 'hello' and the person on the other line just keeps talking until they realise i'm not saying anything. then i hang up.

or, i start blabbering about gibberish.

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Guest AhYee

I don't care who it is, I don't check caller ID, I just get grumpy. I don't like being woken up in the morning when I don't have to be awake. I like my sleep, and the worst part is waking up. Waking up to a phone call, not a good idea. My boss called me once and I just said, "Who the frick is calling this early." And he just laughed at me.

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Guest chdairkld

perhaps i've already answered to this thread???

I assume it's an important call if it's at odd hours of the day/night. So I always try to sound like I'm awake when truly I am not really functioning. I get mad if it's not important but instead of putting energy into venting it, I much prefer to just doze back asleep.

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Guest SHINEjaejoong

If it's an important call then I pick up and talk calmy. If it is one of my friends, I kind of ask/whisper annoyed: " What?!" If my friends call me that early, then it must be something important cus they dont exactly wake up at 8. ^^

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i usually put the red button, if its ringing in the morning, because i always think that its my alarm xD

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Guest babigurl87

i would be pissed and cuss at them like crazy because they should know who it is they're calling and how much sleep she gets a night

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Guest may-moon

Lie there and hope it stops ringing, if it rings again, pick it up and sleep with phone near ear ;3

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Guest Sherelle

Look at who called and decide to pick up or not ;D

If it's my brother, I won't bother, cause he's one room away, just trying to disturb. D:

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Guest luven-you

i usually answer all my calls, because i don't have caller id so i'd have no way of knowing who called if i ignore it. but in any case, i usually tell the person calmly that i was still sleeping and that i'd call them back once i was fully awake. the only times i handle morning calls badly is when it comes from this guy i really dislike. he'd call and i'd yell, "what the hell do you want? i'm sleeping. don't call back."

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Guest HearMeGoRAWR

I'm usually a heavy sleeper so I don't really notice but I don't answer it if I DO hear it.

If it was really important, they would leave a message.

One time my friend called me at 4:30 in the morning just to complain she just broke her nail in the shower. <_<

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Guest kuavang<3youngbae

it's either:

-pick up in a sleepy voice

-yell a them for calling so early when im sleeping

-wake up immediately and talk like im not sleeping if it's important

-or just don't pick up at all.

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Guest GDYBlove<3

I would scream "WHAT?"

And if they ask a question, I'd be like "I DON'T KNOW."

And if they state something, I'd say "OKAY WHATEVER BYE." And hang up.

^_^ I'm not a morning person.. <_<

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