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[drama 2008] Who Are You? 누구세요

Guest yeohweping

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Guest polaris

Now, we just have to wait till SH confesses his.

.......which I have a feeling will be the best part... :rolleyes:

Too bad we have to wait another WHOLE week for some more...

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News Heading : 한국의 짐캐리’ Korea Jim Carrey

The article said the viewers fell in love with KyeSang, he performed entirely two different characters in in the drama. KyeSang appears as the Korea Jim Carrey.

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Hello WAY threaders... I'm new here... I'm usually a silent threader except in cases where im totally drawn by the drama that I even dream of what might happen next every night... and as for this series its been constantly in my head with only after two days of catching up with the drama (w/c means downloading the raws and subs [thanks WITHS2!!!], reading javabeans summaries [which was actually what first instigated my interest] and reading up this thread!!!)

It has been months since I've been this involved in a kdrama (since like the 6th episode of robbers since school work piled up that i cant manage to catch up with it...) But now that i have all the time in the world - now having my summer off school!!! - I can dwell in this thread for as long as i want to!!! yeah!!!

I'm so into this drama that i got to watch last night's episode via live stream!!! hahahaha even though I do not understand korean, i just cnt help and restrain myself wahahahaha!!! my sister was like "hello, as if you'd understand what you're watching!!! just let me borrow you laptop!!!" but I stood firm with my decision to watch it live... And last night's episode was great!!! Although most of the time i was inferring what is happening, most of those presumptions actually turned out quite accurate as ive come to realize with the help of javabeans' and yeohweping's recaps and by other threaders here!!!

and i believe words of thanks are in order... so here it goes...

Can't hear anything much today as there's a chinese funeral nearby with lots of gongings :sweatingbullets:

Young In to Seung Hyo before leaving with Jae Ha..

Young In: Are you confessing to me, right now?

Seung Hyo: Who is confessing to you? I'm just telling you that I'm hungry.

Jae Ha : You are confessing to her, right?

Young In: You are not leaving, then take care.. No, I'm leaving first.

Seung Hyo : Don't leave..

At the police station

Cop pointing out Lawyer Yoon to Jae Ha : He had asked for a re-investigation of Son Il Gun's case.

Young In finds out from Lawyer Yoon what Seung Hyo had done and went home to find him.

Seung Hyo after quarreling with Il Gun who strongly disapprove of Seung Hyo falling for Young In : I'm not see her again!!

Seung Hyo swallowed his words the moment he saw Young In who asked him if he is still hungry and they decided on eating French. For the first time, Seung Hyo opened the door for Young In to get into the car. Seung Hyo became rebellious and held on to Young In's hand when Il Gun who followed them in the car told him to turn back. Young In tripped while Seung Hyo was telling the waitress what he wanted for the meal and he just stood there looking at Young In instead of helping her up which Il Gun to disapprove of him even more.

Young In : You must have been embarrassed, right?

Seung Hyo : Yes, I'm. Eat up quickly.

Young In: Delicious..

Il Gun: Where did your pride go to?

Unable to withstand Il Gun's nagging, Seung Hyo pulled Young In who is still chewing on her food closer as if to kiss her to taut Il Gun but stopped when he saw that Young In really wanted him to kiss her.

Seung Jong was playing around in Jae Ha's car and saw the box of Kimbap left behind by Young In. Jae Ha grabbed at Kimbap when Seung Jong was about to eat it as Young In had told him that she had made it for him alone and told him not to let anyone else eat it.

After agreeing to meet again tomorrow, Young In left the car saying to herself that her heart was beating really fast. She turned back again when Seung Hyo asked her to go for a walk. At the end of the walk, Seung Hyo said that he was grateful to have met her and was thankful. Young In took it as Seung Hyo's love confession. Meanwhile at the office, secretary Yeo told Laywer Yoon that she's getting worried over being unable to reach Seung Hyo.

Jae Ha's mom gave out false information that U-gallery is going to organize a Son Il Gun exhibition which lands Jae Ha in hotter soup as he hasn't got his hands on the paintings yet. Ha Young who found out that the underhand dealings of Jae Ha's mom reported them to Jae Ha as she thought that he was in the dark. But Jae Ha asked for a break-up instead and told her that he knew everything along.

Being restless after he saw his dad, Seung Hyo asked and argued with Il Gun about the relations between parents and children. Young Ae called Seung Hyo to ask him out and Il Gun suggested that they go to the orphanage. Thinking that Seung Hyo had asked her for a date alone, Young In was hurt and shocked that Young Ae had came along as well. She started to shout jealously that she likes Seung Hyo and her heart aches whenever she sees him with Young Ae. Surprised and touched over Young In's love confession, Seung Hyo wiped Young In's tears away.

Thank you very much for that summary!!! I look forward to continue reading those wonderful recaps...


Brought to you by WITH S2




Main Translator: Alethia

Spot Translator: ai*

Timer: jann

Editor/QC: canyayasis

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

Thank you WITHS2... I got to watch it this morning and it was great!!! Thanks for the subs!!! Your hardwork are truly appreciated!!!

After watching ep 11 theres one particular shot that stuck with me the most.

Near the end when Young In confessed her feelings and then Song Hyo moves in to wipe her tears they do a birds eye view with the four of them.

Usually in dramas they keep those scenes with just the main characters alone but wow to do that

in front of close friends/family

it must take a lot of guts. Plus it seemed like between the two of them the whole world doesn't seem to matter anymore. They're in their on little world. Also (sorry for my rambling) an excellent choice of music as per usual. I was soooo touched!! Music always sets the mood :wub: lol id never confess my feelings for a guy

in front of my dad (although she doesn't know) or my other family and friends.

it'd be waaaaay to weird :sweatingbullets:

*runs around to collect the k4Ice's beans before Song Hyo hyperventilates from the mess* Oh wait nevermind hes gettting over is OCD *tosses the beans back on the floor*

Ohhh I also thought that scene was just wonderful... the acting, the camera work and everything about it was executed flawlessly!!!

just as javabeans explained... at first i was also really confused if SH was really SH or IG but when the camera zoomed out to show all four of them awwwww haiz...

took my breath away... hahahaha

I love the side comment in the end really really witty!!!

Wow...Thank you WITHS2 for the subtitles...:wub:

Thank you everyone for all your contributions to the thread...I love reading all your posts.

There are so many great scenes in episode 11...

SH is getting so creative...it's so funny...I was laughing one scene after another...:wub:

I love the part when

dad is sitting in the back and distracted SH with his constant nagging...& annoyed looks...haha...

SH couldn't talk back to him because YI was in the car...wow...that scene is so good...SH pulled out his phone...and talk to dad through the cellphone...

Dad was like...what the heck...haha...then dad used his hand as a "phone" to talk back to SH...that whole scene is just so amusing...I loved it.


Here are the pictures from episode 11...

Thanks for the caps... Me too i loved the SH vs Dad showdown in the entire episode!!! i almost died out from laughter!!!

Personal thoughts...

There were just too many things that I loved from this episode... I'm afraid I'm going to miss some anyway these are the scenes which i totally loved!!!


SH opening the door of his car for YI

--> Now we get to really get the sense that SH's cold exterior is really crumbling down and he is starting to sincerely warm up to YI in a romantic sense...

The gesture was awkwardly yet sincerely moving and endearing that it made me squeal with so much glee... A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E i tell you!!!


SH pretending to be talking on the phone while reprimanding IG to leave them alone hah!

--> actually the entire car scene was just a laugh out real loud moment... my sister actually thought im going nuts...

and when he held YI's hand


my god!!! I love the hypothetical question SH threw at YI... spirit or person? hahahaha I luv it... it's like parents asking their 3 year old daughter "who do

you love more... mommy or daddy?" the ultimate battle - veryvery cute scene!!!


SH picking up YI and attempted to kiss her just to taunt her dad but did not continue

--> although this scene totally ended up totally embarassing for YI, i thought it was truly romantic!!! How SH started the act to richard simmons the dad off but ended

up totally drawn by YI... that made him retreat and realize that he cant do this... not just for the heck of taunting and winning over IG... He does not want

to plant it carelessly to this woman with such a pure soul... i thought it was a "see my feelings are sincere towards you daughter" realization... i loved



SH and YI walking together under the cherryblossoms

--> need I say more... and have you read the spot translation of the conversation by javabeans... it was touching... it was insightful... it was


especially that part about the turtles...

i loved how they chose this very scene and those words to open the character of SH not only to YI's

but also to the audience's understanding... I loved how this scene shed some light on SH character... I feel for him... I start to sympathize with him...


YI confessing her feelings to SH at the last scene

--> the scene was just beautifully executed... wonderful craftsmanship of the director of the actors, the writer was truly marked by this very scene...

Best episode so far.............. :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

Tell me how will I survive a week's wait for the next episode!!! Im gonna die!!! surely!!!

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it's so interesting now that SH and IG can communicate their encounters bring out the juvenile in SH. these are the type of outbursts that i don't mind watching since it's so out of character but amusing to watch. but i still enjoy his stoic side more. i have to say the writers cranked out some pretty romantic lines and it's especially poignant coming from SH's mouth.

i've always liked turtles and now i have a reason why :P

i hope to god (no pun intended) that KyeSang does not follow in jim carey's footstep coz he made horrible career choices and he's not really that great an actor to begin with.

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Guest berkeleygal

Hey guys,

I made a timeline with dates for a countdown to April 15th :rolleyes:

Correct me if the dates are wrong. I started with Ep. 1 where we find out that Duk was released from military service on March 12, 2008. Since then, i have followed up on days things have occured. Let's see how the rest of the episodes lead up to April 15, if it does that is.

March 12: Duk comes back from military service. Fire dealing with Young Ae

and Il Gun's 'party'.

March 13: Il Gun and Young In drive on motorbike. Brief contact

between Young In and Seung Hyo. Seung Hyo gets in the car accident.

Il Gun dies (?intentionally?).

March 14: Seung Hyo wakes up as Il Gun, but given sedative so useless

body take-over day.

March 15: SH(IG) goes to YI's graduation. SH and YI meet at the party

at night.

March 16: YI goes to see SH for compensation of phone (Failure)

March 17: SH and IG kiss (lol). SH(IG) and YI go shopping. YI faces the


March 18: SH(IG) visits YA at dancing. YI faints.

March 19: YI released from hospital and starts living with JH. SH(IG)

visits orphanage.

March 20: SH and YI meet up at the site of IG's accident. SH and YI get


March 21: Accident kiss. SH warns YI about JH. SH smiles due to YI.

March 22: SH can see IG. SH(IG), YA, and YI misunderstanding. YI moves

out from JH's place. SH and YI share another moment together.

March 23: SH's dad comes visit him. SH thinks of YI during his troubled

time. SH asks YI to feed him (to stop her from going to beach with JH).

SH and YI go for lunch and walk under the cherry blossoms.

March 24: YI confesses her feelings to SH.

It doesn't include all the details. Just brief notes. Let me know what you guys think.

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Why are the ratings so low? :unsure:

This drama is so underrated! I'm really picky about dramas but I absolutely love this one...

Anyways, episode 11 was so sweet! I loved how they

didn't drag on YI and SH feelings on for so long. Right when they felt that they were falling for each other they told each other. Well, YI really likes SH now!!!!


I cannot wait till next week!!!!

Yah know.... we could all move to korea and buy separate tvs and tune into MBC all at the same time for all the episodes of Who are You and then move back to where we were before LOL hehe just a crazy thought to boost the ratings up =P Thanks for all the newcomer's thoughts in this thread WE ALL WELCOME YOU!!! We all enjoy different perspectives and thoughts to this wonderful drama =) feel free to ask anything or just even to toss beans around like K4Ice xD Also remember to get all your friends addicted to this drama too cause we all know there are never EVER enough crazed addicted Who are You fans out there :D

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u think the writers knew there's only 1 ep this wk that's why they made it so juicy and then left us hanging by our teeth over a whole weekend till we see the resolution of that

love confession

next week? how are we supposed to survive so long? well, at least i get to work on the translations to tie me over.....

i guess Seung Hyo's love confession will be when he stops calling her 'Son Young In'!

is that the natural color of Go Ara's eyes or is she wearing colored contacts?

that string instrumental at the end really stirs my heartstrings.....*long sigh*

are the c-subs out yet so i can start working?

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I love this drama, altough I wasn't ever a big drama fan.

Actually I haven't seen a drama in like 2 years! Hahaha!

Hmm I didn't like GoARa that much, but this drama changed it!

Hahaha I don't want to wait a week for the next episode!

I watched all 11 episodes in 2 days! -_-

(WooHoo for SpringBreak when you're boyfriends in HK)

Hmm this drama doesn't seem so cliche unlike alot of Korean dramas! (:

The reality of the drama isn't there where we can compare.

But it's kind of something we all hope would happen if you have lost someone.

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Guest polaris

KyeSang appears as the Korea James Carrey.

James Carrey... hehe sounds so formal. =)

KyeSang as the Korean Jim Carrey... haha~ I don't know why that sounds so funny to me.

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Guest sabchy

omg ep 11 was the best

I liked the little baby steps (like someone said b4) SH took. the part when he heard YI confessing and then when he touched her face to wipe away the tears. that was pricless

this show is getting better and better

too bad we have to wait whole week to see what happens next

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Guest polaris

ONe part I really liked in ep 11 was when SH went to kiss YI at the restaurant..

and SH was determined to kiss her...but then.........

at the moment when YI closed her eyes

The look on SH's face! omg :blush: He expected her to resist, but her complete surrender caught him off gaurd.

Then he didn't go for the kiss because she was so vulnerable and he didn't want to take advantage of her.

Such subtle good acting by YKS.

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my mind is on a mental rewind loop of ep11 and will be so over the entire weekend!

that cherry-blossom walk talk, it's something SH gave considerable thot to, certainly not spontaneous.

so when did he start having such ideas? it must have taken him time cuz

he was quite thorough in his analysis of himself and how he will relate to YI & vice versa - what a sweet guy!

i wonder if it started when YI taught him to walk barefoot in the house?

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Guest m3LL0

Wow, this drama is just as good as Coffee Prince, with it's own element of entertainment that is. Applauds to Yoon Kye Sang who can pull off this almost "double personality" that observers have witnessed. I think it's also noteworthy to mention the supporting actress, Young Ae sshi, who I find is beautifully portraying the 'widowed' girlfriend. Her actions seem all so real and not forceful to portray her character.

Thanks to dramabeans and all the other translators before for summarizing the main events of episode 11! Poor SH, he's holding back his feelings most likely because as Mr. Yoon had originally mentioned to YI, SH was left alone since he was 4 years old. He probably never experienced being cared for, let alone loved, so this is all probably a new experience to him and he can't fully comprehend it, which explains his awkwardness to these moments. However, I suppose that as a result of YI's innocence and her sincere words and feelings, SH was moved at the last scene to even overcome his ridiculous OCD-ness and wipe her tears! I especially enjoyed the bird's eye view of all 4 characters. You could almost imagine that IG and YA were really 'absent', while SH and YI were at the center of that entire scene. Surprisingly, IG seems to have finally given in to SH that he so strongly disproved of at the beginning of the episode.

I suppose everyone's starting to realize that beneath the harsh, cold and rude personality of SH, there is an insightful man with a beating warm heart .

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it's so interesting now that SH and IG can communicate their encounters bring out the juvenile in SH. these are the type of outbursts that i don't mind watching since it's so out of character but amusing to watch. but i still enjoy his stoic side more. i have to say the writers cranked out some pretty romantic lines and it's especially poignant coming from SH's mouth.
ahha those encounters DO bring out the juvenile side of SH...IG just keeps teasing him and SH just keeps taking the bait :lol: I love it!!

and yeah..those romantic lines are just...:wub: plus the fact that SH is a bit awkward about it (seeing as he doesn't have any experience in this department at all) just makes those lines even more endearing to me..

Yah know.... we could all move to korea and buy separate tvs and tune into MBC all at the same time for all the episodes of Who are You and then move back to where we were before LOL hehe just a crazy thought to boost the ratings up =P Thanks for all the newcomer's thoughts in this thread WE ALL WELCOME YOU!!! We all enjoy different perspectives and thoughts to this wonderful drama =) feel free to ask anything or just even to toss beans around like K4Ice xD Also remember to get all your friends addicted to this drama too cause we all know there are never EVER enough crazed addicted Who are You fans out there :D
aha I've pretty much given up on trying to understand the ratings...I just wish they were better for the cast/crew's sake..if only they knew how many netizens LOVE this drama!!

*tosses around more red beans* WELCOME TO THE NEWBIES!!!

I suppose everyone's starting to realize that beneath the harsh, cold and rude personality of SH, there is an insightful man with a beating warm heart .

Well said m3LL0!! Its like watching a butterfly break out of its cocoon ^^v

some more BTS and stills from episode 11..again, PLEASE DON'T HOTLINK!!!


*sits on bed in psychiatric ward* and the wait for next week's written and video preview starts...

*goes back to decorating the tweezer fort* hmm...got my fort made...have wet tissue origami for decorating it...:w00t: I KNOW!! I can build a little path up to the front door with red beans :lol:

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K4ice thanks for the BTS pics... even off cam the cast seems to have a pretty cool chemistry with each other... gahhh that's cute the pic where YKS's hand is in GA's face... hahahaha

This is torture its like less than 24 hrs since my last dose of WAY and I'm having some serious withdrawal syndrome... I need help... I'm seriously addicted... I'm gonna die from the long wait!!! someone transport me to next week pls!!!

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Guest kyelin

though i couldn't watch but reading all ur summaries, thoughts, analysis and caps really make me feel i watch it too

aw! sooooooo love it!!! can't wait for the dvd to come!!!!!

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