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Posts posted by jiyoos

  1. Earlier when I was backtracking the last couple of pages of this thread, I saw someone comment about TK no longer having to take sleeping pills because he'll be able to sleep comfortably by DS's side (or something like that). Well, as a Psych major, I couldn't help but think about a particular a research that was done on love and how it can affect the brain. According to researchers at Stanford, "Intense, passionate feelings of love can provide amazingly effective pain relief, similar to painkillers.."

    So going back to the notion of TK no longer needing sleeping pills when he sleeps with DS by his side, TK will also no longer need painkillers all that much. I'm not saying DS will end the headaches or that TK will never have to take painkillers again, but at the very least, TK won't use/need them as much. Not only will DS make sure he goes easy on those pills, but DS, the girl of his dreams (haha literally... and figuratively??.. because that kiss was not a dream lbr), living by his side for the rest of his life can only do him good. She makes him happy and feel better. ♡


    "It turns out that the areas of the brain activated by intense love are the same areas that drugs use to reduce pain."




    (Lmao TK wasn't joking when he said that without DS he feels like dying)



    • Like 24
  2. 23 minutes ago, trashoppaya said:

    I have read it but Taek was the biggest reason why he hesitated in continuing to show his feelings toward her. 


    I like that you are looking at this in different angles. Ngl, at first when I read this, I thought "true" because it does seem that way towards the second half of the season. But this is true to some extent. I think we should remember that JH had feelings for DS even before he found out that TK liked her. He had many opportunities to cross the line of friendship then. You can see that in the mini compilation of JH->DS moments towards the end of ep 18. He hesitated then (i.e. not giving the xmas present to DS in person or not taking the chance to compliment her when she was practicing for the Olympics ceremony, etc.). I think this shows that he has hesitated all along. It is true, he continued hesitating when he found out that one of his best friends also liked the same girl as him. But that makes me think that if he hadn't known about TK's feelings (had he been the one to take the courage to express his feelings to DS and to his friends instead of TK), he would have been in a relationship with DS and TK would have been in his position, hiding his feelings and keeping his love a secret. IMO, things could have been completely different if only he didn't hesitate so much in the beginning. 

    • Like 19
  3. i think the kiss scene is real too. lol

    i guess the biggest reasons why i think the kiss was real are:

    1. the theme/title of the episode deals with irony and dreams
    in this case the dreams/wishes of the characters are, in a way, ironic, such as

    a.) jh who wished for taek to be a bad boy. this is dramatic irony because he doesn't know that what he wishes for is in a way already true. we have seen that jh's opinion about smokers isn't necessarily a positive one, so his wish about taek is a case of dramatic irony because taek already is a "bad boy". we have known this for some time now. it's just that jh didn't.

    and a possibilty...

    b.) taek who believes his kiss with ds is a dream. what if the writer is making a case of situational irony? the writer is making us believe that something didn't happen when it actually did. if the writer is trying to use situational irony here, then taek believing that his kiss was a dream would be ironic because his "dream" is actually real and not a product of his imagination. with a episode titled "life is ironic..." this prediction doesn't seem so far-fetched.

    2. writer/PD's are trolls. kinda going off on what i just finish saying, what if they want to make us believe it is a dream only to find out in future episodes that is wasn't???

    anyways, i love seeing what people think that happened in the kiss scene. like taek holding ds's hand in his sleep and not letting her go, thus the reason why he woke up to her.
    if i were to guess, i'd say that tk woke up because he felt that someone was touching his hand. so maybe it was ds who initiated everything. she probably laid down to look at him as he slept, all-in-all admiring the person in front of her. it's possible that she may have felt her heart swell a little and maybe those feelings caused a sudden urge to hold his hand. so she did. however, i think the hand-holding woke him up, which she probably didn't expect/want because she probably didn't want to disturb his sleep. and so upon seeing taek starting to wake up, she pretended to be asleep so she wouldn't get caught looking at him. i think she was fake sleeping and then woke up *cough cough* to see what tk was doing. "did i wake him up?" "is he staring?" *slowly opens eyes*
    haha just a thought

    that kiss scene though [beyonce_god_is_real.gif]
    taek couldn't take is eyes off of ds. the teary eyes and the intensity in his stare just before he kisses her. i really felt his love for her. the passion is there. he definitely loves her. how can anyone think he sees her as anything other than a lover (e.g. "mom") after this. mom??? how could have people even thought so to begin with. you don't bite your lip at your mother. that's just weird and wrong.

    ahhh i love this couple. they'll go down as one of my favorites of all time.


    (also sorry if the format of this post is weird. i'm on mobile so idk how it will come out OTL)

    • Like 21
  4. I'm really starting to believe that Taek is the husband. Help ME!! It's not that I never thought he had a chance, but since the beginning I allowed myself to think it could be JH because I didn't want to sink so tragically if JH indeed was the husband. However, JH in my eyes is starting to become more and more of second lead. His character pretty much revolves around DS, which I hate because it's a waste of a character. He is more than just this loveline. If the writers ever do a reversal and start to expand on JH as a character, then I will be back into thinking that each TK and JH have a 50% chance of being the husband. But as of right now I feel like the odds are more in favor of Taek (not saying he is definitely the husband.. there is still a chance that JH is the husband), but Taek becoming the husband is more plausible now than before.

    As for TK-DS, I am so glad that DR told DS that what matters the most is what she feels. Who she likes is what's important. I think this pretty much allows for her to really channel her feelings. Maybe she'll discover something she didn't know was there or maybe she will decide she is not ready for love, who knows. I am just glad they are paying attention to her feelings now. Hopefully we can see more of that part of DS. I do hope that with this new outlook on love she will realize who she loves on her own without being influenced by any other person's feelings. That means I hope she realizes what her feelings for Taek are before he confesses. I guess that is why I am pretty happy with Taek not confessing to her yet. As much as I want DS to feel loved (and omg I wish she could see how much Taek treasures her), I want her to really figure her feelings out first. I think that is necessary character development for our leading lady. And if Taek beats her to it, then I hope she doesn't act on it until she knows for sure what her true feelings are (sorry Taekie T-T </3).

    There are so many things I want to say. That preview for ep15 really is something haha. That look on DS's face when Taek is leaning on her. I wonder what she is feeling. And was she waiting for Taek? She was crying. I hope she's okay ;; *whispers* will we get a kiss this time?? (lol a girl can wish) Also, it would be really cute if at that moment between TK-DS they showed us a flashback of some sort seen through DS's POV, you know, a memory of her and Taek. Just wishful thinking haha.

    Oh yeah, Taek and Sunwoo gushing over the Sung sisters is friggin cute. These boys are so over the moon for them T-T I am also now even more concerned for Taek if he gets his heartbroken. He's happy whenever he is with DS. Please don't take her out of his life. If she isn't his lover, please let her be his friend forever T-T

    And that picture!! Recently someone told me that JH was the husband because there was no date on the China pic Tk-Ds took, but I told her that the writers/pds can always manipulate that in favor of Taek to troll us even more. I didn't know if it would happen or not, but based on the recaps I read, looks like it did. LOL. As expected.

    And kinda off topic, but I love Sunwoo in this ep. Poor child. Letting go is so hard. I know I'm going to cry during his scenes once I watch the ep.

    Lastly, this shipping thing is getting out of hand. People really need to chill. They are taking it to heart. What will happen to them if their ship sinks? I know there will be disappointed viewers if Taek isn't the husband, but most of the viewers who are rooting for Taek seem to acknowledge the fact that the other contender may be the husband and would continue watching the drama even if their pairing isn't endgame.  Sadly, that is not something I can say about the majority of JH-DS shippers.

    Anyways, I talked too much, but I'm going to be gone for two weeks so I needed to get a couple things off my chest. I won't be able to read what everyone has to say about these past two episodes or about the next two episodes </3 But hopefully I can come back to read pages worth of great thoughts and awesome analysis done by you lovely people ♡

    • Like 18
  5. I love this thread! I was so happy when I saw that it was finally created after spending so much time lurking the main thread. I wish I created this account a long time ago because there are plenty of things I've been dying to say, but I was busy with school. I'm here now though. Finally. Lol.

    Anyways, I think the thing I'm looking forward to the most is the present Taek has for Deoksun. It might be something grand like getting her a private tutor to help her get into college or something simple like buying her a new pair of shoes so she can have more than one pair (the latter pulls at my heartstrings the most ;;). These are just random thoughts. Whatever the gift is, I'm sure it will be sweet/heartfelt. If it's not, then maybe this gift will serve as a funny moment between our comedic duo :)

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