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Posts posted by dalinhafans

  1. Good morning to all chingu here , I ve watched multiple times with Chinese n also English sub for epi 14 and I still cannot take the part that captain YSJ had multiple shots on his body but why no operations to remove bullets or bandages over his body for the wounds !?!?!? Only the hand is cast up which I know is a real injury in life ! Even if I can accept that he can just sit up n walk after his heart beats is back why like pain on his gun wounds etc :blink:

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  2. otoke I have such a heavy heart now that I cannot go to sleep !!! My hubby said that during the HK press con SKJ said that he don't know how to act out his emotion during the last part of the drama !! Is it because maybe he just wake up from coma and lost his memory and don't know how to face KMY !!!! Odoke I seriously don't want this to happen !!!!! 



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  3. Hi all Dots troopers , really appreciate all your analyzes n coments here , it helped me cleared up the mystery on when YSJ and DY went for the date , yes it should be after the ist breakup and before their 8 mths deployment to Urk since the other 3 soliders said they are present too when YSJ and DJ are dressed up so nicely !! 

    But why do the girls have their present Urk s address ? As MY said DY must have been still in contact with them in order for them to have their present address ?? And is this why YSJ pushed DJ a bit while both are running like mad towards MY to get the tekpek aka parcel ??

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  4. Being a newbie here , I m new to Kdrama , ist kdrama I watched is My Love from the Star and follow by Pinnochio , I m totally new to being a shipper (wonder what is that at ist ;p) and ist time that I love a kdrama couple that much - Inha and Dalpo , ist time in a shipper forums here and ist time to know about K culture that the there are haters when K stars r linked together romantically !! I m actually quite shock with this cos this is actually None of their business rite !!! Anyway I just want to say I m very happy to know that Inha and Dalpo are still good "friends" and not affected by all the negative remarks n haters etc !! I thought I won't see them together anymore (remember the last time they are together on stage receiving awards they are like strangers where ther are not even looking at each other when they are giving their thank you speeches !!)  but for this recent pic the ist impression I got is why did ShinHye sit forward and covered her face with her camera where she knows that someone is taking a pic of them ! Is it to avoid all the negative remarks from the haters again ?? Anyway I just want to say I love them and respect whatever decision they make and hope as the rest of the shippers here that one day we can all travel to Korea and celebrate with them when they announced their wedding news !! Ok this is my delulu mind ;> ;p 

    Have a good day ahead all friends here :) 


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  5. Hi everyone , I am new here , just saw the v-clips on Stars from Korea and at the end part the MC is asking LJS does he prefer tall or short gal for gf and LJS replied tall !!! A bit worried here as is PSH considered tall ?? Been worrying for this lovely couple after seeing them on the Art and Culture Awards of their expressions ! I ve never seen them react so coldly to each other !! 

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