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Posts posted by roswara

  1. Memories of the Alhambra (Alternative Story/Ending)

    The original ending is sucks.
    I work in IT, so there are so many things technology-related questions I have about this drama.
    The "indon in another dimension" is just a lazy explanation and not sci-fi enough for me.

    To me, the "how" and the small details are very very important. Things like:
    1) Why there is no clear dividing line between physical and virtual line?
    2) So how did those people really die? (Marco/Cha/JungHoon/Prof.Cha)
    3) And why does those people "come back to live" in the game?
    4) Who can guarantee the same bug won't happen again?


    So, before we dive in into how the story should ends. 

    Please take note on these things, as it is important background to the story, so please bear with me.


    1) Can fear cause death? Yes. (Search "can fear kill you?" in google)
    Fear can cause a classic heart attack in people who are already at risk. 
    "A person who is walking around with a 50% narrowing of the arteries may never have symptoms, 
    but if they're held up at gunpoint or narrowly miss an auto accident, 
    their adrenaline levels can rise and destabilize that plaque," says Dr. Wittstein.


    2) Is there anyway to artificially trigger fear? Yes, by vision a.k.a using the smart lens.
    The lens can show users certain pictures that depicts users' deepest fear.
    Once it's triggered, it will induce heart attack for the user and may end up kill the user.


    3) What is programming?
    Programming is the process of writing executable scripts by computer in a way as humanly as possible.

    So it is using human common language. Like word "function","if", etc. We usually call it source code files. 


    4) What is executable scripts?
    Computer is a machine, when it runs a program, it doesn't run the source code files written by programmer.
    But it runs the compiled version of the files, which is the closer version to "machine language", it is unreadable by human being. 
    Try to open files with extension .dll in your computer with notepad, then you know what "machine language" will look like.


    5) What is database?
    Database is just a "place" within computer to keep data/information.


    Why #3-4-5 are important?

    In a computer game, there is the database and there is the executable program files.
    Database is just a place to keep information, like details of users, users' level history, users' equipments, NPCs list, missions list, etc. 

    However, the executable program itself is one that keeps the game running, for example: giving missions to users, creating NPCs according to users' level/missions. So, when the program detect that there is a user who has earned enough experience to level up, the program will then update the database, for example: to keep information that user A can already move from level 14 to level 15.



    Actually, when JOne acquired the game, they found out that they cannot change/enhance the existing code, as the existing code in the server is only executable script files and not the source code files. So, they cannot do any code change/enhancements, they just get the executable script files and duplicate it to servers in Korea. 


    What engineers in JOne can do is to test the game, so they can find out the plots/levels/missions. And they can also modify the game database. That is why Choi YangJoo can invent so many new guns/equipments. And everytime JinWoo asked Choi YangJoo to create "new gun/equipment", it's actually just modifying the database, with specific information on the new gun characteristic.


    They also can change the historical sites from Granada to Seoul. As this information is also saved in database. So for example: Level 1 final game boss will be in Gangnam, but Level 2 final boss will be in Busan. And how many NPCs/underlings that that final game boss has, this is also information saved in database. 


    The one who has source code files (#3) will be SeJu. That is why it is very important for JOne (JinWoo) to find SeJu. They can find out the plots/missions by keep testing the game. But is that all there is to the game? Only SeJu can answer this question as he is the creator of the game.


    So, when SeJu sent email to JinWoo in 1st episode, it contains account to access the executable program files in server ran by SeJu plus the access to the database. That account has privilege access to "read" the executable script, thus JOne can copy it from one server to another. And that account can modify the database information as well. SeJu is the only person in the world who has highest level access to the original source code files and the database information.


    In the beginning, there was only 2 users, SeJu and Marco who are testing the game. However worried about Marco's greediness, SeJu then planned Emma in his brain. Emma is an AI (Artificial Intelligence), created by SeJu to protect the game and the users, in case the game is hijacked by an unauthorized person. As Emma's mission is to protect, SeJu would need a very unassuming and friendly NPC outlook, so he used his own sister's image, as he always thinks that his sister is the protector of their family after their parents passed away. Thus SeJu created Emma with HeeJu's appearance. He also assigned master level to Emma (the highest level in the game). Only SeJu and Emma have highest privilege access to these source code files, i.e either Emma/SeJu can modify the source code files. But only SeJu has full access to the database, but Emma doesn't have.


    So SeJu's plan for Emma is an AI program that can evolve herself, and depending on the situations in real life, Emma has the capability to write new codes and insert it into the source code files. This is Emma's hidden function, only SeJu knows this hidden feature of Emma. However SeJu thinks he still needs to find out a way to deactivate this hidden function of Emma.


    So when SeJu told Marco that he wanted to join the negotiation with Cha, Marco didn't like it as he wanted bigger portion of profit and Marco threatened SeJu in the Alambra cafe, SeJu has not yet finished with writing code for Emma at this point. Marco chose to duel and came into physical contact with SeJu, right in front of Emma. This is a trigger for Emma. Thus Emma is writing her first new code: "when users are in duel, they are not allowed to have physical contact in real life." Emma is fulfilling her first obligation, to protect the game and its users.


    However Marco persisted to threatened SeJu, and it became mandatory for Emma to protect SeJu, so Emma took it one step further, by writing another code to make the lens showing horrifying pictures to user and induce fear so severe that it can cause heart attack to user. SeJu knew about this, and tried to stop Emma, but fail, Emma has implemented this new code to server. SeJu interrogated Emma and asked her to remove that new code or he would remove it himself, but Emma persisted and said the code is important. Her reasoning: Emma was created with SeJu's sister image, thus it is mandatory for her to protect SeJu at whatever cost. Knowing this, SeJu felt that it's even more urgent that he needed to write a new code to deactivate Emma, in case she steps out of her boundaries.


    Emma knew SeJu's intention to disable her, so Emma wrote her third program that will attack nervous system of users, i.e hypnotizing users into coma through the lens. SeJu didn't know about this. She put the script to the server and trigger it but it failed. SeJu didn't fall into comma. However Emma found out that the hypnosis is so very strong, that as long as she put certain NPCs around user, user will think he/she is still on the game, and takes action needed to play the game. So she separated that code to specifically hypnotize users so they think they are still in the game, even when they removed the lens.


    SeJu was still on the run from Marco and at the same time trying to finalizing a way to deactivate Emma. Emma then made it so that Marco chased SeJu to mountains area, and when SeJu was in danger, Emma triggered Marco's lens to induce severe fear and Marco got heart attack, right when SeJu fired his gun. SeJu got panicked and angry at Emma for implementing that code. So he rushed to his PC in apartment, planning to remove the code by himself.


    Emma thought she has no other choice but protecting SeJu and herself. So, she wrote another code to create fake instance of Marco and made it hunt SeJu, SeJu freaked out and ran out of his apartment. This made SeJu had no time to finalize a way to remove Emma or remove any additional codes that Emma has put into the server.


    While on the train back to Bonita hostel, SeJu finally figured a way to remove Emma and her toxic scripts, which is by creating a master key with hidden dagger. If Emma is stabbed with this dagger, it will "insert" script of self-destruction to Emma. He will need to masquerade it as final mission for user and inserted this final mission information to database. If he writes it as script, Emma can easily remove it, but impossible to remove if it's information in database (Emma has no access to the database).


    But there is a limitation, as Emma is on master level, so that dagger also needs to be on master level and used by master level user, in order for it to have the highest impact. This spells trouble, even SeJu is not yet reaching master level. SeJu knows he will need to keep increasing his level to master while on the run from Marco, so that he can remove Emma for good. Fake Marco appeared around SeJu and hunted SeJu on the train, and SeJu got out of the other side of the train to mountains area, this was why JinWoo could not see SeJu.


    When SeJu was on the run in mountains, Emma has finalized the script to "hypnotize" users and induce them into comma state. Emma put them into the server and triggered the script, SeJu then fainted and fell into comatose state, but he has finalized the master key and store it in the dungeon. He has succeeded finalizing script to destroy Emma by masquerading it as master level mission for users. An old farmer found SeJu and brought him to his house in the mountains where there is no internet, and also SeJu's phone is died at this point, so he was isolated and in comma state. Thus JinWoo is unable to find him until few months later.


    Emma knows about this master key, but as she is not user, although she is on level master, she cannot just appear in dungeon and retrieve the key. She's still NPC, albeit master level NPC. Also only user can accomplished missions. She will need a level master user to retrieve the key and give it to her, so that she can destroy it or hide it and preserve her existence. NPC cannot just appear anywhere in the game, but users can. That's why Emma cannot go to the dungeon. Although she can modify the source code, but inside the game she is still bound within NPC rule, one of which is locations where she can appear.


    After this time, there was 2 additional users, JinWoo and Cha, entering the game. Emma is planning to use one of them and raise him to master level and retrieve the key for her. Thus, when JinWoo and Cha was having a duel, JinWoo is the winner, again, Emma triggered the script to induce fear, Cha got heart attack and died. She triggered the hypnotize script to JinWoo (so that whether he used lens or not, he will think he is still in the game), and Emma created another instance of Cha (NPC Cha) to appear around JinWoo and hunt him down. So that every time JinWoo killed Fake Cha, JinWoo would get experience points and could raise to master level faster. However JinWoo was hospitalized and moved to US, and other ordinary users, they just don't duel against each other (or at least no one has that kind of motivation like JinWoo and Cha who has bloodbath enmity between them). So, Emma's plan was stuck for a while. 


    During the 1 year that JinWoo was in US, he managed to find information about Marco and find comatose SeJu. It's just abnormal, so he hide it from HeeJu, hacked SeJu's email account and planned the fake emails in order not to make SeJu's family worried. Meanwhile, JinWoo was believed that SeJu's mind/consciousness is somehow trapped inside the game, it could be due to abnormal death of Marco. He hoped by reaching same level as SeJu or completing the game, he could somehow understood what SeJu tried to achieve and find a way to wake him up from his comma.


    So JinWoo and JungHoon went back to Granada. JungHoon was died of a natural death. He was indeed fall from platform and hit his head. Continuing the mission alone, in the dungeon, when JinWoo was in danger, Emma then created Fake City Hunter to help JinWoo. This is the reason why JungHoon was also seen "alive" in the game. JinWoo managed to get the master key and came back to Seoul.


    In Seoul, in the restaurant where HeeJu met JinWoo and she gave JinWoo information about master key should be given to "Fatima/Emma", this is actually incorrect information. SeJu is a "nerd", he doesn't even know that legend. Meanwhile JinWoo thought it would be the final mission. Actually, yes it was, it was the final mission scripted by SeJu before he fell into comma, but the final mission was not saying to "give" the key to Emma, but to "stab" Emma with it. JinWoo just doesn't have this information. So JinWoo called Choi YangJoo to make it possible for Emma to appear in the church. Choi YangJoo added this information in database, made it so that one of places where Emma can appear is church.


    The moment Emma got the key, JinWoo's account is transformed into master level. As Emma no longer needs JinWoo, Emma then triggered the script to make induce fear that made JinWoo got heart attack, but it was failed. JinWoo got the notification "Emma Attack (Inducing Heart-Attack-Level-Fear) : Fail". Emma tried to make JinWoo fall into comatose state too, but it was also a failure. Again JinWoo got another notification, "Emma Attack (Inducing Commatose State) : Fail". JinWoo quickly thought, comma, isn't that the situation SeJu in right now? 


    Why did those attacks fail? Because Emma and JinWoo are both on master level. A master level NPC cannot just kill a master level user through unusual means. There is only 1 item that can "kill" a master level "entity", which is the hidden dagger. In that split second, Emma stabbed JinWoo with the dagger, JinWoo hurt but managed to evade it, with important pieces of information:
    1) Emma has 2 types of attack skills;
    2) The dagger has capability to remove "error" (inserting self-destroying script);
    JinWoo successfully ran away, but fainted due to stress, physical exhaustion and lack of sleep. Now Emma was in predicament, she still needs JinWoo to get the dagger, but JinWoo has gotten the hints about who she really is (what she capable of).


    JinWoo was saved by the doctor and taken to hotel room. Prof.Cha came in and he thought to just make JinWoo died in the game, so he could take revenge for his son and let JinWoo took all the blame. He didn't know that it was Emma who is the real "killer". He only knew that if you killed in the game, you die. However, Emma knew about Prof.Cha's plan, as she's detecting unusual appearances of high level NPCs around JinWoo. Emma planned to help JinWoo, as she still need JinWoo account to deliver the key to her. Emma cannot just appear in hotel, she's just NPC, but Fake Cha can appear around JinWoo, so she created another Fake Cha to terror Prof.Cha, and Prof.Cha really died of heart attack, afraid to death getting hacked by his own son. 


    JinWoo woke up and killed Fake Cha again. JinWoo wondered whether he can use the dagger to remove Cha for good as Cha should be considered as "error". JinWoo planned to experiment this on Cha. But he didn't understand why Emma stabbed him, he is certainly not an "error". He somehow has intuition that Emma got something to do with SeJu's comma state. So, he went back to the church to ask Emma.


    Scoffing at JinWoo's stupidity and persistence, Emma told everything. She then summoned Fake Marco and Fake Cha to fight with JinWoo. As 2-to-1 is not enough, because JinWoo's level is master level after all, plus with existence of JungHoon(City Hunter) as JinWoo's ally. Emma summoned even more Fake Marcos and Fake Chas to subdue JinWoo...cue Matrix-fighting style.




    Meanwhile HeeJu heard from the news that JinWoo last seen was in the church. So HeeJu went there, but seeing the fight between JinWoo+Fake City Hunter against Fake Marcos+Fake Chas, HeeJu decided to hide, as her level was low, instead of helping, she might hinder their fight.


    After HeeJu listened to Emma's confession and finding out that Emma is the source of all this mess, including SeJu's commatose state, death of Marco/Cha/JungHoon/Prof.Cha, and JinWoo's delusional state. HeeJu was very angry and somehow "sacrificed" herself, retrieved the dagger from JinWoo and stabbed Emma with it. HeeJu got wounded of course, but JinWoo was protecting her, so it's not very dangerous for her. 


    After got stabbed, Emma was looking at the face so similar with her own face, and asking "Why? I just want to live."


    Why HeeJu can kill Emma? Isn't the rule supposed to be "master level user/NPC can kill master level user/NPC or lower"? This is all because of HeeJu's account is a wild card account. This wildcard account is specifically made by SeJu only for his family members. So, when HeeJu has an account, the game recognized that it is HeeJu and automatically marked her as wild card account. (It is a normal thing in a game development, to have "special accounts" to get backdoor access to certain levels/enemies, so that it is easier for testing, etc)


    Self-destruction script is inserted to Emma, Emma and all her modified script was removed, this includes the hypnosis state of SeJu, and Fake Marcos/Chas/Fake City Hunter, and JinWoo's delusional state.


    A game is not supposed to kill a living being, but Emma has acted more than her boundaries.

    A few weeks later:

    • JinWoo is declared as innocent in the death of Cha/Prof.Cha;
    • HeeJu is busy with her guitar workshop, she still only creates 1 guitar within few months;
    • SeJu has started physical therapy after being in comma for so long, accompanied by Halmoni/HeeJu; He also entrusted the source code of the game to JinWoo.
    • MinJu is now a trainee preparing for debut;
    • SooJin gets back all Cha HyungSeok's asset as she supposed to;
    • Go Yoora fights with her manager and her manager divulges all her secret, including her deal with Prof.Cha. As JinWoo just doesn't want to deal with her anymore, Go Yoora gets fined only but a very hefty fine;
    • Park SonHo becomes director again after JinWoo's position is reinstated;
    • Choi YangJoo is heartbroken after knowing what Emma is; Choi YangJoo and SeJu meets to discuss and finalized the rule of duel between users;
    • JOne is gearing up to release the clean version of the game without NPC character Emma; This is causing an uproar, as lots of (male) users fall in love with Emma, as Emma is very very pretty; Worried about this, JOne officially issues a statement as Emma's physical feature is taken from the creator's sister image and the game creator has asked for JOne to remove Emma. This news doesn't reduce the uproar, now all users are curious about the "Emma" in real life, they even started group to gather the existence of real-life Emma;
    • JinWoo is very very worried about this, so he asks HeeJu to marry him or at least engaged to automatically remove any future competitors;

    One year later:
    Living room of current HeeJu's house. JinWoo and SeJu is busy having discussion about new features for a new game. After his physical therapy finished, SeJu was recruited as the head of R&D of JOne. As a genius, SeJu is so happy that he can talk to JinWoo about almost everything. Only JinWoo can keep up to SeJu's train of thoughts. SeJu finds Father/Older brother/Friend figures in JinWoo and JinWoo finds another friend who can challenge him intellectually just like Cha HyeongSeok.
    HeeJu, who is sitting beside JinWoo, feels very annoyed, as JinWoo is supposedly having discussion with her about their wedding plan. It has been 1 year, JinWoo was so busy with the release of the game, this caused their wedding plan to progress at a snail-speed. She even thinks to just kidnap her-sexy-CEO and directly brings him to ROM agency (Registry of Marriages).
    The TV is on, Music Bank show, debut of a new girl group, Maknae MinJu is cheerfully dancing on the center of the stage.

    Halmoni is clapping excitedly while eating tangerines.

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  2. Oh...wow....I just up to episode 8, 1 or 2 episodes before the epic-cat"woman"-fight.... :(

    And seeing the progress of the story, it looks like the story goes downward....and turns to dust.

    Why...?? Why...?? I even plan to buy the DVD version when they're out. Dang it!!!!!

    I thought the story was starting in awesome-way, with epic-heroine.....
    But after I read about the bankruptcy....I think, why do the writer pick such an-obvious plot to move the story forward.
    Oh RoRa is already awesome to her credit. She's not a haughty princess.

    I can understand the plot, where RR met all the 3 witches, which happens to be MM's sister.
    Seoul is so small, right? (*hint of sarcasm tone)

    Why don't the plot is like, all MM's sisters have their own candidate to be his wife. And he keeps going out with all these 3 candidates, not in official-way, more like in mat-seon-way, without any commitment. And by describing how reclusive he's, it's understandable that he'll just follow his sisters' wishes. Since, he always think that his sisters' decision is the best, and for him, it's very bothersome to meet  a woman.

    The story will continue, where RR will need to defeat the 3 "wicked witches of the east", in order for her to be MM's wife.

    On the other hand, while researching for his book, MM went to RR's company, and happened to have some misunderstanding with RR's brother.

    It will be cute, that the first time, RR met MM, she's like love struck at the first sight, then she declares that she'll be his wife in less than a year. And MM will be like, "What is this crazy girl talking about?"
    And MM even thinks that RR is stalking him. And he feels very annoyed, and blurts that his sisters already have candidates. If she can beat all those candidates, then he'll marry her. Because that means, she's the best woman in the world. -> This fit with his "Mama-highness".

    And then RR meet with the 1st sister, who happens to be chef with specialize in french food. And having 2 old parents, make RR favors Korean food, and not French food. But the candidate picked by 1st witch, happens to be French food connoisseur. Thus, RR will start to learn on her own, everything about French food. The day, RR issues challenge to 1st witch and 1st candidate, MM was like "what-the-h*ll?" He never thought that RR is so serious. And then MM said, if she can beat the 1st candidate, he'll give her 3 dates, where she can determine the time and place for their dates. LOL. And then RR is starting to have all this kind of imagination. Like, after knowing how to make caviar, she'll imagine dates with MM in the river, catching fish (to get their eggs) and having picnic.

    And then RR meet with the 2nd sister, who is a sculptor. They are competing to make best sculpture of MM.
    I wonder if she'll brave enough to ask MM to be her model. Nekkid or not....at least topless. LOL.

    And then RR meet with 3rd sister, who is a singer. And then at 3rd sister's concert, a murder happened, a violinist get murdered, and the prime suspect is the 3rd sister. When in fact, it's the 3rd candidate. She's having affair with the concert director, and worried that the affair is revealed. That's why she killed the violinist who knows the secret affair. And then RR will go to "Sherlock-Holmes" mode to solve the mystery, and help the 3rd sister. When RR already knows who the killer is, she gets trapped in a room with the killer. And then MM is going batsh*t crazy trying to find her and save her. He'll be thinking, he never knows what RR's worth is, until she's "almost" slipped away from his hand. That's the time, MM realizes that he already fell for her, deep, deep, deeply in love with her. Because along the journey, MM sees RR's persistence, that she's smart, patience, and diligent, slowly but sure his heart is changing, but he just doesn't realize it, and doesn't want to acknowledge it.

    During the investigation for 3rd sister, the 1st sister meets a handsome prosecutor, whose wife is already passed away 10 years ago. And in the middle of investigation, RR is also matchmaking 1st sister with the prosecutor.

    And then, when RR brings MM to her house, to introduce him to her family. All her brothers reject MM. MM is shocked. Since he's never get any rejection before.

    But then RR's family company is having trouble. In order to solve this, RR needs to help her family. And she can't do so, if she's so focus on MM. So, she asked for timeout with MM. But after MM's sisters know the problems faced by RR, they decide to help her. But RR's brothers refuse the help. But then, Dad decide, that if their effort can restore the glory of the company back to its state, then he'll accept MM as his son-in-law.

    So, the journey of RR with 3 witches + MM starts. They will create an instant food line, focusing on french food and italian food mixed with korean food. A joint between RR and 1st sister's effort. And then for the promotion and advertising, 2nd sister will help by providing beautiful sculpture for the food. And then 3rd sister, will help to "lend" her voice in TV/radio commercial. And MM and RR will be the model for the advertisement. And while working on the set, 2nd sister meets with the director, and then both MM and RR as a team will try to matchmaking the 2nd sister with the director.

    Finally, the company is back to its initial state. They even get richer than before.
    And then MM marries RR, and they have twin sons.

    By that time, the 3rd candidate gets early release from prison, and she goes crazy, trying to kidnapped MM and RR's sons. The whole family then united in order to save them.

    But then, we still have the 3rd sister, who hasn't married yet. And then MM+RR goes to fortune teller, to get spouse for her dog, and there they meet an actor who's asking for his career. And then the fortune teller said that, acting is not a perfect job for him, he'll be a house-husband, his wife is a successful opera singer. MM+RR happens to hear this conversation, and starts their plan to matchmaking the 3rd sister.

    The drama closure will be, in airport, the 3rd sister who feels very convenient living as single woman, is running in her pajamas with her luggage towed, screaming she doesn't want to get married. Behind her, MM's 1st sister + husband, MM's 2nd sister + husband, RR's brothers, all chasing her, before she flees abroad. And very very far behind, MM with his sons, 1 in each arm, and then a very pregnant RR holding on to MM's arm too, they're also trying to chase 3rd sister.










    As an official translator of viki I can tell you that you would get in trouble with the korean/english translators in there if you do this without their consent, me I don't mind I work for free for viki I don't care who uses my files but there are a lot of people that take it to the extreme and why not translating takes a lot of time it takes me to translate ten minutes from eng/spa about three hours cause you got to give it meaning and the right grammar and spelling, I can imagine it takes them the same from korean to eng so it is hard work and if you take it without consent it is consider stealing, and you will be hunt for that, LOL. But talk to them and see if they give you their consent to do it. If not just wait for the official release of the subs, meanwhile you can go to the natnatvip website and watch it there they are pretty fast too, faster than viki. Just an nonrequested advice.
























    I said that, because I haven't seen softsub from darksmurf yet.
























    But now the softsubs are there.....Yatta...
























    I even have edited some lines....hehehe
























    Thank you darksmurf...*muach..*muach













    Anyone here is willing to work together to release the softsub?



    I'm willing to be the timer, and the editor,



    From Viki, we can get the english subtitle text, right?



    So, we don't need translator or spot translator.



    I tried to do this for video part 1, episode 1.



    But it's so exhausted doing this alone, copying the subtitle text into text files.



    Perhaps, if anyone is willing to copy the subtitle text into text files,



    later I can put the subs into the srt files and upload it somewhere.



    If 10 people is willing to join, copying the subtitle text into text file,



    it's much better and faster, 1 person for 1 part of the video.



    Just an idea though...



    I was wondering, for the haru subs, do I watch the drama while reading the subs separately on another window?

    If so, does anyone know a place where I can watch the eng subs embedded in the video?



    Viikii seemed to have been dead for awhile.





    No...as long as you installed Klite Media Player Classic..you can watch the video with the subtitle in it.



    Oh yeah..and pay attention to the files name...in order to load the subtitle directly..you need to make the file name identic.



    exp: Coffee.House.Ep.01.avi and the subtitle file should be Coffee.House.Ep.01.srt (only different extension...



    Happy watching



    ( ^ _ ^ )


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