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Posts posted by PiggyKid

  1. 2 minutes ago, azuwaza163 said:

    She just went straight to bed. Not a word. Nada. She left her laptop opened, and walked away. With complete indifference expression on life. It's like happiness is sucked out of her. 

    To the power who holds Moon story, this one is on you. Please make it right. If possible, by tomorrow.

    - The Husband -

    (Btw, that final scene was frigging genius!)

    This is actually so cute :blush: You made me smile after that ending :bawling:

    • Like 22
  2. Guys even though I love our OTP to death, I actually kinda like Ha Yeon's character...

    I mean the girl does nothing wrong, she just happen to fall in love with a prince (tbh who wouldn't). And might I add this feeling is genuine. She liked him even before knowing his status. Also she's rather adorable.

    I'm just glad she doesn't seem to be the typical hateful-cocky-detestable 2nd female lead. We already have that kind of role, and it's the queen.

    • Like 10
  3. It's been forever since I last posted here on this forum. But the kiss got me so hyped I can't help but writing this :bawling: This show will be the death of me :bawling:

    And Guys I don't think we should dwell on this episode's ratings too much. As you all know SK just experienced a 5.8 richter earthquake so everyone got out of their house for safety measure. Which is why I think the rating will probably drop. So don't feel sad if that happens. Although I'm still praying that I'm wrong somehow :grin:

    • Like 11
  4. 11 hours ago, Grace1003 said:

    @yyyoung0316 If you look at actor (Park) Bogum’s twitter, I’ve found that you always spell everything correctly. For example, most people don’t know to spell ‘ba-rae’ as ‘ba-ra’, how do you study?

    Every since I was little, I really liked Korean language, literature, and writing classes. I wanted to become a Korean language teacher. And I do kind of hate it when people spell things wrong. If I’m not sure/don’t know (how to spell something) I search online (look it up) right away.


    So Bogummy is a grammar nazi? haha :rolleyes:

    • Like 5

    I google-translated it and it might be Kim Yoo Jung who is confirmed for the main role. :flushed: 

    박보검·김유정, '구르미 그린 달빛' 남녀주인공 확정스타뉴스|문완식 기자
    입력 16.04.15. 07:33 (수정 16.04.15. 07:33)
    글씨크기 작게글씨크기 크게
    [스타뉴스 문완식 기자]
    배우 박보검과 김유정 /사진=스타뉴스 배우 박보검과 김유정 /사진=스타뉴스
    배우 박보검과 김유정 /사진=스타뉴스

    배우 박보검과 김유정이 오는 8월 방송 예정인 KBS 2TV 새 월화드라마 '구르미 그린 달빛' 주인공으로 확정됐다.

    '구르미 그린 달빛' 측은 15일 스타뉴스에 "박보검과 김유정이 남녀주인공으로 최종 확정됐다"고 밝혔다.

    박보검은 극중 총명하고 미모를 갖춘 효명세자 역을, 김유정은 홍라온 역을 맡아 연기한다.

    '구르미 그린 달빛'은 조선후기 예악을 사랑한 천재군주, 효명세자를 모티브로 한 궁중 로맨스다.

    문완식 기자 munwansik@mt.co.kr<저작권자 ⓒ ‘리얼타임 연예스포츠 속보,스타의 모든 것’ 스타뉴스, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

    Source: http://m.media.daum.net/m/entertain/newsview/20160415073311505

    I really hope it's true since I LOVE that girl her beauty is surreal :wub:

    EDIT: It's confirmed:blush::heart::blush:
    EDIT 2: Wait I just realized that she's still underage though :dizzy: Does this mean there won't be any steamy hot kiss scene for us? :fearful: Noooooooooo:bawling:

    • Like 5
  6. @wasabichic @Duong Pham @Grace1003 Bless you guys for all the updates :heart: And he looks so good in that black coat :wub: I'm expecting tomorrow articles be like: "Popular K-actor fumbles with earphones." lol

    @rhienz And for your question, China is reallyy big and important market if you want to guarantee your success, so I think he will eventually have projects there, but not now since it's too soon. Maybe this award just so that China fans can be more familiar with him I guess? :)

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