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Posts posted by Sarangah

  1. OMG! People still nagging about CSH treats his wife badly. What's the point really? You are not married with CSH, it's Shiho. She is the only one who has the right to nag about his behaviour but that's CSH. He is that blunt guy, no matter he is married to Shiho or to someone else he is that CSH. He is like that his whole life how can he change suddenly just for the show? I think he is like his father, has not much to say but an honest heart.

    If Shiho is really unhappy she would leave him but obviously she loves him very much. She wants to give him everything. She wants to give him a son like the asian tradition, prepared surprise present for his birth day, always wants to hug and kiss him. If she loves him so much, he can't be that bad!

    CSH's love for his daughter is a completely other kind of love that you only understand if you are a parent, and I'm happy for him that he is capable to adore his daughter to the fullest. Not every father can do that. Even Ryan Renolds once joked in a show, before his daughter was born he always said to his wife, he would take a bullet for her. But when his daughter was born, he now would take his wife as human shield for his daughter.

    • Like 4
  2. Just want to add my 2 cent in regards to CSH. I would agree with some before in appearance wise that CSH does come off arrogant and stubborn. But one thing to learn is "never judge a book by its cover"

    Every dad has different character and personality. CSH appearance wise may come off as arrogant and sometime illmanner but I don't think that's truly the case. The way he wishes to portray on camera does make people judge and misunderstood his character. But seeing his interaction with the kids, you can see him being considerate to others dad, lending a helping hand when needed and cook without complaint or so. I know that there were times that it does show badly on how he treat his wife but I do remember an article where the PD did admit that off camera, he's not like that. In fact he's affectionate to his wife. Sometime I get irritated seeing how he disregard his wife wish for a second child but it may not be because he just doesn't want a second child. It may be his consideration towards his wife especially with their age and health. More complication on health and pregnancy with late age given they're 40ish now.

    I know that he was bragging about his fashion sense but I think that's just him joking in his serious poker face. Men when get together will brag this and that...with his manner that sometime may look like disrespectful to the hyungs, I cannot judge as I do not see them interact behind the scene and at the same time I do want to look at it in a way that he is culturally stuck in what can and can't do because he between Korea/Japan. He wouldn't want to do something that is deem appropriate in Korea but not in Japan that can result in negative on the other side and vice versa. I don't know much about the 2 culture but so read about their amosity so it's just my opinion. I could be fully wrong. 

    All in all, I believe the good in these dad and that behind the scene CSH may not be what he appear on camera. He probably feel that because he's a fighter that he has to uphold a certain image. I'm sure if given that profession as a fighter, you don't want to go on camera and be shown as a super soft guy. He is probably friendly to the Superman family given seeing how he and his family do spend time and hang out with other family including Ji-on family. PLUS, he's good friend with Chajumma and that's enough reason for me to believe he's not as arrogant or rude as people misunderstood him to br.

    Right! I think CSH is very close to SIK and that why he teased him like he is very close to Kim Jong Kook in Running Man and he always teased Jong Kook. If you get to know CSH you will see he is a funny man and the Korean love his humor. He is very funny in the other shows. I love SIK's family fashion but I have to admit sometimes I wonder where he got the clothes for the boys from? For example the safari theme. They dressed up like british colony people and I don't think he got those from a fashion shop. He must got those from a costume shop for theatre or something. But I love those clothes.

    About he doesn't want to have a second child because Shiho had a very hard time when she was pregnant with Sarang. She had to sit on a wheelchair when they were on vacation and Sung Hoon had to drive the wheelchair around. If you pay a little attention to SH's interview. He always wish his family to be healthy. He is happy now and wish no more then health for his family. Every family has their own way of life so let them be. If you think you can do it better so be lucky and be happy for all the other people too.

    • Like 5
  3. LOL Sarang held Minkuki's hand. Next time it will be Daehan's turn hihihi...
    They are just kids. Don't take it too seriously. Manse is natural close to everybody. At the ballet studio he was the only one who got really close to the noona, while Minkuk and Daehan were reserved. The most important thing is they are friends forever, because their moms and dads are very good friends.

    • Like 1
  4. hmmmgood
    Just ignore those negative comments. Sarang is my bias and there are many other Sarang lovers. Thank God they are mature enough to not come down to the level of those comments. I mean I skipped some of the other children too but I won't talk bad about them because it's my fault if I don't want to know more about them.
    I just enjoy the fact that my favorite girl is doing so fine and has a happy life. She can express her feeling so well. Just seeing her emotions on her face make me happy. Especially when SIG read stories. She showed her interest through her face expression was so cute and smart. I think that's why she's got so many CF's. Her face expressions are perfect for CF's.
    She already earns a lots of her own money that sometimes I'm afraid she works too hard for a 3 years old girl. But then I saw she had so much fun in BTS of these CF's that her works seemed like a playground to her and I'm sure she is fine.

    New CF of Korea Samsonite

  5. I guest SIG's wife is still not used to a celebrity life. The best way is to ignore all the rumors. Just live your life happily. You can't please everyone. Even God can't get everyone on his side. But there are many people who love Song family.
    It's a culture thing that SIG apologize public. They always apologize to everything. They even apologize when they don't know what did they do wrong.

  6. Sarang and the tripples are the cutiest thing this Christmas.
    I can see Sarang's difference btw the tripples and Yuto. She is like the noona and caring to the trippes while she is like the best friend also relies to Yuto. Sometimes she asked Yuto for help.

    Good luck and much love for Haru. But don't you think the new little girl looks like Haru? We have a little Haru next ep :-)

  7. GreenPeaAnne said: if there will be arguments if it matters and if does not matters and this escalate into more arguments do you think it will have some benefits.  It might lead to SIG and his wife pulling out of this show if this is the case.  
    In the end Daehan, Mingook & Manse enjoyed their lunch and  afternoon after the incident and their nap with so much laughter and giggles with their Appa SIG and Uncle Lee Hwijae and the twins.
    Too much ado about nothing.

  8. Why did people always compare the children and make some of them look bad?
    They are all different and I understand that we all have our fav. But it shouldn't make the other children look bad.
    The tripple are super adorable and most of all they love each other and also the twins, they may have more fights but they are brothers. If it would come to a choice between you and their brothers, they will allways take the side of their brothers and not you. No matter how much you praise that child and bash the other.
    I wish I could raise my children as good as these parents later.

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