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Posts posted by TeeTop

  1. Alright I'm watching the show now and it's still airing so I'm not too late for the discussion this time! lol

    I'm on ep 6 at the moment watching the preview for ep 7 and the line "I don't know how much distance is enough" just hit me hard with the feels. Sad Kong just gets me so easily, man! :cold_sweat: I lowkey love it.


    Also, yay some movement with Day's storyline. I've been feeling like the scenes have been a bit too repetitive up to the previous episode.


    *Read the latest posts.

    I've totally been seeing the "copy/paste" elements as well.


    On ep 9 now. I'll watch it later if the link I see is legit.



  2. On 3/13/2017 at 6:30 AM, originalnickname said:

    I swear to god : if I see anyone mentioning again that in U-PRINCE, Singto is a bottom... This is so ridiculous... All I see about the show is memes about that srsly, this is annoying, this is why I don't wanna be associated with the term "fujoshi" (I also try to use the word "BL" as least as possible from now on), I don't wanna be a part of the "Who is seme ? who is uke ??" richard simmons, it's funny at the start but gets stupid very quickly, I hope I'm not the only one thinking that way....

    *It made me wanna change the name of my Tumblr, thing I wanted to do for a long time, now it's real-heaven.tumblr.com 

    This has been annoying me for quite a while tbh. lol

    • Like 3
  3. On 3/5/2017 at 7:04 AM, OTAKU-KUN said:


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    GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST WATCHED PH 2 TRAILER AND APPARENTLY KRIST IS PLAYING AN IMPORTANT ROLE (based onmy observations)......i dunno why but when i saw krist i really hoped that it could be puppy honey x sotus crossover( THAT WOULD BE AWSUM if it really happened tho!!!) i was lowkey expecting kong to pop out from somewhere BUT to my dismay....it didnt happen xP I was practically shouting "artihit, artihit" at my computer when i realized how much sotus has affected me!!xDD


    If u havent seen the trailer already then check it out!



    Awww. It looks like the main guy from the first series goes away somewhere and Krist takes his place.

    2:30 Ahh!! XD Dude! You've been replaced!! :astonished:

    The first series was okay. This looks like it could be better.


    On 3/4/2017 at 8:32 AM, originalnickname said:

    I'm also very curious about Newie's new serie water boyy... Apparently he plays he gay (bi?) character, it's awesome ^_^

    So....the main character?

    • Like 4
  4. So it's been a month now (or 29 days according to mydramalist) since I finished the series, and I had planned to watch it again a couple weekends later... But the thing is... I wanted to wait until I had forgotten a lot of what happened - which I haven't done yet and probably won't do for a while - so I haven't started rewatching yet. It's such a memorable story. I almost wanna say "screw it" and get back into it anyways.

  5. Hi everyone! I just finished watching episode 15. I knew about this drama's existence months ago, but I wasn't planning on watching it until I saw a post on another forum a couple days ago about how good it was. I watched the first 3 episodes that night and got sucked into it! I can't believe I missed out on this for so long (I could've been along for the ride as part of this thread too)! I can say this is definitely my favorite BL series and my favorite Thai series along with Hormones. Great quality! So many feels!!!

    I feel like I need to watch it all again sometime. orz

    • Like 4
  6. 9 hours ago, alvinboi said:

    The show is surely beautiful and painstaking. I like the meaning of timeless love portrayed in Grey Rainbow. But it is quite confusing to find a cohesive explanation that applies to the whole show.

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    1. On the timeline of story-telling...

    I think Porsche is recounting the events that have already happened and the lecture that occurs at the start of Episode 1 happens after Nuer died. I believe he was asked to be a guest speaker to the class. He can't be a long-term lecturer there since he has promised Nuer at the end of the show that he will stay at the elephant camp.

    2. On whether Nuer died because of an underlying illness...

    I think he does not have one. Nuer wasn't seen going for medical check-ups, taking medicine on a regular basis, reminded by his parents or Porsche to take extra care for himself or showing symptoms of any discomfort prior to his death. However, since Nuer's dad has said before that Nuer's mum was not in pink health, this piece of information can be used to speculate that Nuer might have some form of illness, passed on by his mum.

    3. On whether Porsche knew Nuer was going to die...

    Porsche had a bad omen with those dreams. I think the crossroad in the courtyard must have prompted Porsche, when Porsche was at the elephant camp with the same crossroad, to think that someone is going to die.

    However, there are suspicious words from Porsche at the start of Episode 1. When Porsche chased Nuer's motorbike and they had chat there, Nuer urged Porsche to live on his own instead of his family. Porsche retorted by asking Nuer how long he thinks he can still stay with his family. This prompted a weird look from Nuer. Indeed, this question seems to imply that Porsche knew that Nuer is going to die young. Maybe Porsche knew Nuer has a timebomb-illness (assuming that Nuer does have one) or that Porsche has already had some dreams.

    The other thing is the habit of Porsche giving Nuer watches as gifts. In Episode 1, when they were in the dormitory, Nuer even said that he gave a watch so that Nuer has more time to spend. Again, is Nuer running out of time? If so, does Porsche know something that we don't?

    It is quite a bold and scary thing to assume that Porsche knew Nuer was going to die from the start. For if this is the case, then Nuer is loving someone whom he knew is going to presumably pass away earlier than he would.



    omg :o I'm going to have to look at some of this again. :bawling:

  7. 17 minutes ago, San2537 said:

    They drove crazy lol .

    This is the best BL-Themed movie ever , well i was a bit don't understand with porche vision in ep2 and his dream in ep3 . and in ep4 did Neur really died ? Or what , i don't really get the ending . yeah because i don't understand the language lol . so i beg you PAPER PLANE  please translate ep4 for us . So i can understand the ending of this drama and die peacefully lol.  And thank you for your hard work for translating ep1-3 for . Khop kun mak na Paper plane

    I just finished watching ep 4 subbed and the ending took me by surprise (not in a good way). I'm like 100% confused! :bawling: I need a review of everything that explains/clarifies the ending because I am effed up right now! lol

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